Test Drive Peugeot 307 5 Doors 2005 - 2008 Hatchback

Classmates of different schools

Looking at them, you understand how a multi-cable consumer
Cars of the so-called golf class are one of the most popular in the European market. It is clear that they, on the one hand, must be popular, that is, available for different sections of society, on the other - to answer the most stringent standards. We also need individual features to stand out from the crowd, which largely determines the choice of the consumer.
Fashion lawmakers in this class of cars have long been pragmatic Germans, from here and rooted name. As a rule, they have every folk vehicle with many advanced solutions and technologies, subsequently becoming the standard among fellow competitors. And yet, introducing new items, any manufacturer seeks to look into the future, anticipating the promising developments of rivals. So the unusual stylistic finds appear, the sizes will grow up, the characters change. We take a look at these innovations more closely, tracing the family features of each of the participants of our test.
So, golf class ...

Volkswagen Golf
Alpha Romeo 147

VW-Golf in German
I remember, several years ago argued about Volkswagen-Golf Fourth Generation. Say, the new has become too respectable, painted by the nationality. Five years have passed - and a bright yellow car facing us no longer looks like a dandy. No - he, of course, attracts attention, but involuntarily caught himself thinking that in the appearance of this, by no means the cheapest car much more modesty than the competitors. Rational-familiar shapes, steel wheels with high-profile, adapted to our reality with tires of dimension 175 / 80R14, modest signboard 1.6 on the rear door ... What could be people? The strict and functional interior also won't call the original: his monotonous dark shades cause a feeling of emptiness, the explicability of the surrounding space, which is also like squeezes, it is worth being inside the car.
But if you do not give the will to emotions, it's not for what. Everything is thought out and convenient, whether it is adjusting in German hard seats, controls, trivia in the form of togglers and switches. As soon as the wheel, quickly mastering and seemed to merge with this pragmaticity.
The convenience of passengers - the factor is also important. But if everything is still in front without complaints, then you can prevent the roof at the front of the roof and some constraint in the legs, especially at the entrance. Two adults people here will slip normally - provided that the front sedaws are not basketball proportions. Apparently, the designers proceeded from the fact that for the rational use of the inner space, the main focus in the golf should be done on the driver and the front passenger. For frequent family travel, the car is desirable class higher.
When driving you feel: Volkswagen is comfortable and thought out. Of course, annoy the noise of the engine, the vibrations from which are transmitted to the steering wheel and the box lever, the lack of torque on low revs, the early slippage of the gravy tires. But if you again distract from emotions and not demand a maximum of the car in a modest configuration - everything will fall into place. You will penetrate the trust in the smooth nature of the engine, the clear operation of the gearbox, easily coping with all the pendants with all the codbins. You will probably like the ability of the car feedback to the action with a steering wheel, and reliable and informative feedback will allow you to quickly gain a sense of car. And the golf will become simple and understandable, and its flaws will not seem significant.

PEUGEOT 307 in French
Birthday man - the car of the year Peugeot 307 is hassowed at the fellow. He surpasses them in size and therefore looks much more, weighing. As befits a real continuer of tradition, he has absorbed the best features of the founder of the current golf class, developing forms and proportions in accordance with the requirements of the day. There is no doubt, the car succeeded. Dynamic appearance - a certain collective image, not devoid, however, individuality, powerful - sixteen-day (!) - Wheels with tires 205 / 55R16. Find a golf class with a similar car with a 1.6 liter engine. The French clearly looked into the near future.
Some kind of relationship with the German is felt when comparing interiors: similar textures of fabrics and plastics, the location of some togglers. And yet the 307th is some kind of special. More cheerful color solutions, some excess of free space gave the surrounding machine and softness of perception. Unlike the fellow, he does not force to shrink into the elastic lumps to merge with the car in a single whole. Rather, on the contrary: being here, you will renduse the surrounding world, a peaceful attention to a good existence. It would seem: just a few extra centimeters from above, a different location of the front rack - but how many more spacious things around. Throwing central console, edging of the instrument scales and gear lever, high, as in mini-ven, landing on the front seats - no, inside Peugeot is glued completely from another test. In this case, it is extremely functional, as well as golf: similar to the texture of dense seats, a comfortable steering wheel, pedals.
But behind the space is smaller. Apparently, the French came to the same conclusions as practical Germans, and did not become too bored by the freedom of passengers. In the legs, this is almost a golf with all the mines on the output part. Over your head is freer, there are even some stock here than Volkswagen can not boast. True, judging by external data, we expect more expanses from Peugeot - alas ...
On the go, the French car is more convenient - without any tensiones. The engine vibrates less, it is easier to touch, more fun to accelerate. Of course, small problem problems are available, but they are connected with an accelerator electronic pedal. Sometimes, when moving at low speed, the car hangs as it hangs with a sharp press on the accelerator, as if weighing everything in and against. On the one hand, the driver wants to sharply accelerate, and on the other hand, the purity of the air should be obstacle. The rest of the engine is perfectly coping with duties, ensuring enviable for such a modest working volume.
So you don't have to drive in Peugeot. The long-time convolution of the company is canceled and in this car. Good feedback, fast and correct reactions are complemented by excellent coupling capabilities of powerful tires.
True, pendants work peculiar. According to tradition, they are adapted to our conditions, which did not slow down to affect the smoothness of the course. All small irregularities began to be transmitted in detail on the body, informing even their sizes. Peugeot 307 works well with deep waves and pits, but on the seams and joints shakes pretty. Volkswagen with its adaptation package seemed much more comfortable.

Alfa-Romeo 147 in Italian
Looking at Alpha Romeo-147, it is impossible to remain indifferent. The sizes of the Italian designer school can like others, others annoy, but with the fact that the car is stylish and outstanding, everything will agree. Alpha is not just a suit for every day, it is something other - for confessing the spectacular image and lifestyle.
Bright, a little predatory appearance, rapid lines - I want not just ride, but always be the first. As if felt by our mood, the dealer provided a car with a two-liter motor and a five-door body in a rich configuration. There was no other. Doubts in the correctness of the comparison immediately crashed on the inviolability of ideas - this should be alpha-romeo - bright red, rapid and powerful.
Interior decoration to become external data. Beautiful anatomical seats, saturated central console, oval scales inscribed in individual appliances. Here from any item blows azart: I immediately want to press something, adjust, switch - the car pushes to specific actions. However, and find fault with what. The embossed back of the seat turned out to be overhaul, and the pillow is amorphous, a very slightly fixing body. The gearbox lever will sound in fuzzy movements, and bright appliances scales seem overloaded additional information. Remember the German-French rationalism - and Alpha begins to lose points. It would seem that the perfect steering wheel - but the steering switches are so awesome and so tightly condensed that the inclusion of janitors and subharbones turns into a whole event. Yes, to this car you get used to and get used!
He has the closest. The roof is closely hangs, and the shoulder near the sitting is not at all seem to be distant. In the back seat, you do not walk (especially not enough heights), and very narrow-alone glasses of side doors cause claustrophobic. But the legs here are even easier than on the golf, it helps a flatter body floor.
On the move of the emotion again trying to prevail over a sober calculation. Low engine roar here is not perceived as something interfering, rather this is the necessary component of the control process. The potential of the engine, of course, exceeds the rest, although up to 2000 rpm Motor is letharg. As a result, Peugeot easily competes with Alpha, until its engine is promoting to the beloved 3500-4000 rpm.
In the control of the Italian peculiar. At low speeds, it does not seem rapid and sharp - rather, on the contrary, its reactions are slow. But it is worth reaching 90-100 km / h, and 147th becomes a solid and rapid continuation of your desires. Now you do not adhere to the nature of the machine, a gambling turn around the turn.
The work of the suspension is specific. Unexpectedly comfortable on smooth wave-like irregularities, they rigidly react to all sorts of trifle. They are weak and energy potential: devoid of any adaptations, these suspensions do not like deep holes and Koldybin.
As you can see, the delights have dressed. Throwing appearance, interesting internal content was not so weedly supported.

Class one - different characters
Each of the three wards turned out to be interesting in its own way.
We will install that cars become similar to each other, distinguishing only by nameplates and some nuances. Perhaps very soon just and you have to choose not so much brand as ... the nationality of the car. After all, most likely, it will determine those or other features of a particular model. I think it will not be the best and worst, and everyone will be good, but each in its own way. In this vein, I would like to summarize the impressions of the chosen Trinity.
Volkswagen Golf IV. With regard to inexpensive configuration - practicality itself. Nothing extra, extravagant, but everything is convenient, thought out to the smallest detail. He, of course, is no longer new, but still pleases the eye and the body is caloring the characteristics. Price - 17,400 y. e. By paying the specified amount, you will receive in addition to the motor volume of 1.6 liters climate control, ABS, airbags for the driver and passenger, central locking, heated seats, immobilizer and a full electric car for glasses and exterior mirrors.

PEUGEOT 307. Young and self-confident. In addition to German practicality, it provides a more spacious salon, a color variety of interior and a certain charm, characteristic of the French. In most life situations, he should not be much, but more convenient than Volkswagen, losing except in smoothness. Preferably price. For a similar bundle, complemented by on-board computer, alloy wheels and an audio system, you pay 17 930.
Alpha Romeo-147. Style at the head of the corner. Owning such a car, you will not stay unnoticed. However, the one who prefer to the bright design will have to accept the originality of the Italian approach. Alpha is primarily an emotional attitude, the rest is secondary. A version with a motor of 1.6 liters, two airbags, ABS, central locking, electric equipment of glasses and outer mirrors will cost 19,900 y. e.

Sizes of the cabin and trunk
PEUGEOT 307 Volkswagen Alpha
Golf Romeo-147
L1 1155/970 1135/920 1135/930
L2 600/800 610/840 610/850
H1 1145 1010 990
H2 965 930 910
B1 1370 1360 1350
B2 1330 1345 1340
T1 490 480 550
T2 460 450 500
h1 340-320 330-300 340-310
h2 375 390 330
a, hail. 25 27 25.
L3 825 830 650
H4 845 845 765
h4 710 660 755
D 40 45 30






Text / Sergey Voskresensky
Photo / George Sadkov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test Drives Peugeot 307 5 Doors 2005 - 2008