PEUGEOT 207 test drive 5 doors since 2006 hatchback

In honor of the little lion

He came to the domestic market with noisy and several frivolous advertising, bright posters along the highways. What is this Peugeot, created for pleasure, against the background of competitors-classmates, Sergey Voskresensky found out.
Ford Fiesta
The latest renewal of the car took place in 2006. There are versions with 3- and 5-door hatchbacks on the market.
Engines: gasoline 1.31.6 liters (70100 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanics or robotic, 4-speed automatic.
Complete: Ambiente, Comfort, Trend, Ghia.
Price in Russia: $ 11 89020 720.

Peugeot 207
A very impressive machine in 3- and 5-door performance is first represented by the public at the Geneva Motor Show in the spring of 2006.
Engines: gasoline 1.41.6 liters (75150 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical or robotic 2-Tronic,
4-speed automatic.
Complete: Urban, Trendy, Premium, Sport, GT.
Price in Russia: 410 000697 500 rub. ($ 15 20025 900).

Renault Clio
The current, third in a row, generation of Clio with a 3- or 5-door hatchback made his debut in the summer of 2005.
Engines: gasoline 1.21.6 liters (75110 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic.
Complete: Authentique, Dynamique, Expression.
Price in Russia: $ 15 74920 308.

They are typical Europeans created for loaded city streets, close parking lots and really good highways. Such cars are popular in Paris, Munich, Rome, Barcelona. We, many people believe, have not yet grown to small, by no means cheap, stylish and nimble, but not too universal models. In the soul, what a sin to hide, we consider them female cars.

Perhaps this is so, but only partly. At least, our exclusively male company went with visible interest on a small winter trip on Ford Fest, Renault Clio and the main culprit of the Peugeot 207 test, which recently appeared with dealers.

Still, the photographer who dubbed the interior of the fiesta is a little hunger.
I’m about the GIA configuration, a stop engine of 1.6 liters, a climatic installation, an automatic machine, hatch and a bunch of other options.
And he know his bends: the plastics are tough, and the style, despite restyling, is some kind of ordinary. And let the steering wheel adjustable in height be sheathed with leather, and the music is clearly not from budgetary, this does not mean that everything else should like. You have to adapt to a simple, inexpressive seats, rub your head to the hatch’s edge, and control the neighboring shoulder of the neighbor. Although, having sat down and looking closely, you understand: the main driver's tools are unheard of extremely competently. And something is elusively changing when you stop considering Ford, and you do with the machine what it is, in fact, intended.
That's when the fiesta is in a hurry to demonstrate its true character! An attempt by habit of complaining to the machine is easily repulsed, moreover, after a while I find this, at first glance, the most ordinary, four -speed automatic box is almost perfect. In most situations, it perfectly replaces the mechanics, allowing you to ride quickly, assertively, with a spark.

The car rides great, but the motor is frankly noisy, and hard pendants greatly dislike our potholes.
A little yawned and immediately rang out a loud bang. But this groovy little thing has very solid and at the same time emotional handling, thanks to which you completely forget about winter tires and ice crust under the wheels. The car behaves so clearly and expectedly that in a couple of tens of kilometers you think: with him I would go on any, most difficult journey.

Non -Excremist
He seems to be pursuing, arising on the pages of magazines, booklets, on the screens of monitors at the intersections, he, as it should be for a beginner, bathe in rays of universal attention.

The stunning cleanliness of the body line, a predatory, arrogant-porous smile of the front bumper, the portholes of the fog, a glass roof cannot but agree with the assessment of the creators: 207th really energy, beating over the edge. When this creation, having prompted all the headlights, catches up with you on the freeway, I want to make way. And after all, you will never guess that under the hood of a stubborn lion cub is a completely budget engine with a volume of 1.4 (88 hp) liters. The sport was forced to deceive the excellent equipment.

At first, a barely audible voice practice only once objects to this splendor. Almost a meter front overhang and modest road clearance (130 mm) by Russian standards significantly limit freedom of movement. It seems that it was sacrificed for the sake of five -star security.

The internal murmur is intensifying, barely finding yourself in the cabin. The skin, stylish contours of the front panel is all secondary. The thought of parking sensors does not give rest, because the feeling of dimensions is blurred to the limit.

Here, unlike the fiesta, in every button, a handle you feel the style, around the excellent quality, soft plastics, and on the central console shines with bright temperatures of a separate (!) Climate control. Yes, and in breadth, the passenger and I parted quite freely. True, a colleague strives to more strongly overwhelm the back of the right seat, complaining about a low ceiling. He, ninety -meter tall, greatly interferes with the rib at the junction of the ceiling and a glass roof.

I agree, especially since I myself cannot find the optimum. Everything seems to be cool: a large comfortable bagel, which is adultly adjustable in two directions. Behind it is a stylish combination of devices, nearby a saturated central console, a convenient lever of a mechanical box, but it is uncomfortable, and that’s it! The short back of the seat interferes, large, but uncomfortable external mirrors are annoyed with originality!

On the move, Peugeot is trying to be a secular lion: thoroughbred, strong, generous. But it turns out a little angular, like a teenager. Obviously, it makes no sense to strictly find fault with the fuzzy mechanism of the gearbox and complain about the brakes, in addition to the will of the driver. It is worth praising the rubber-trampled, and sometimes even a temperamental motor, note a clear steering wheel amplifier and controllability clearly configured to riders. It is the last Peugeot who pleases, and puzzles at the same time.

On the asphalt, the car is a little artificially, but surprisingly eagerly diving into turns, allowing you to control the steering wheel with barely noticeable movements of the steering wheel. Even on winter tires, her obedience has no limit, although often too impulsive reactions seem to contradict the laws of physics. But the truly snow-covered road makes adjustments: the car becomes nervous, begins to scour greatly on a straight line, not allowing to relax for a second. A more or less sharp movement of the steering wheel instantly causes a skid. Of course, an advanced stabilization system is quite successfully coping with him, but, you see, to enter almost every winter turn sideways!

In addition, suspensions seem to be unable to decide whether to be sports or comfortable. On even asphalt, Peugeot is extremely assembled, repeats the profile of the road in detail and reacts quite noisily to minor irregularities. It is worth it to please the gentle waves or serious potholes, the suspensions give a slack intensive buildup, which does not strengthen the sports reputation of the 207th.

Synonym for practicality
Against the backdrop of an emotional fellow countryman in a pretty appearance of Clio, much less desire to surprise. In the calm contours of the body, primarily balanced, rationality. Understanding that this is one of the most expensive versions (1.6 liters, automatic) comes only when you find yourself inside. Here is the focus of the elements of restrained luxury, permeated with convenience and comfort. For a second, you have no doubt about the quality of materials, convenience of adjustments, the possibilities of climatic installation or the capacity of boxes and shelves.

Yes, Clio cannot boast of the steering wheel adjustable by departure, does not offer different temperatures around for the driver and passenger. Perhaps in front he is a little closer than the main competitor. But you climb into the seats, as if in home slippers, shapes and proportions are so correct and rational. And the rear passengers are surprisingly comfortable, while the fiesta and especially Peugeot significantly infringe on their freedom. And finally, there was a free space above the head.

Of course, you can come to terms with the short and some kind of ash steeling switches, get used to the weightless and therefore excessively sharp brake pedal. But without any discounts, he appreciated the remarkable possibilities of the most lively and brisk motor, felt a very good level of comfort. Clio is the quietest, suspensions are much better than the rest, they cope with bumps. And yet, I'm afraid I will never become a true connoisseur of a modern car made on a computer.

Oh, these electronic fillings!
It seems to have mastered, found the optimum in relations with the machine. But the conditions have changed, the road has become more complicated, and everything has to be started again. Take, for example, a box. Unlike the fiesta, the automatic transmission at first looks more modern on Clio. It adapts well to the driver’s manner, effectively encloses the transmission when braking with the engine, which Ford did not dream. But the torn rhythm of Renault is not like. The pauses are increasing to search for the desired gear, fussy, and sometimes switching is simply superfluous. It seems that the box is burdened with an excess of relationships, and it takes time to think.

Another drawback is a synthetic steering wheel amplifier. On the asphalt, its elasticity seems correct and understandable, almost perfectly corresponding to the energetic reactions of the machine. But on a slippery road he is fake. It seems to be still loading the steering wheel with a solid feedback. However, you lose touch with the car, only approximately guessing, for example, about the beginning of the sliding of the front axle, slipping of one of the leading wheels. All this is filtered by electronics.

Theory of the same values
Summing up, we argued for a long time. No, not about the advantages (they are just obvious) more about the shortcomings, about their weight in relation to the ideology of a car. The initial chances of becoming a potential leader in the test for each of the three cars were equal. Indeed, the creators probably spent about the same amount of funds, time, and human resources on their development and preparation for production. The most correctly disposed of all this with Renault, making a bet on practicality and a high level of comfort. An attempt to make a secular lion out of Peugeot 207 led to the redistribution of funds in favor of appearance and original interior. Well, Ford phiesta, even with an automaton, a holiday for a gourmet driver. Sorry, the rest was a little saved

Sergey Voskresensky:
They are still road and often not very practical. Each has its own character, its own view, including the future in Russia. I believe that it will be rainbow in models that can combine a variety of, sometimes conflicting qualities.

Ford Fiesta is fast, emotional, perfectly controlled. With practicality so -so, but the prize of our driver's sympathies deserves.
General assessment 7.7
+ A lively tandem engine, comfortable brakes, verified handling, rational trunk.
- Noise, hard, not enough energy -intensive pendants, a modest road clearance.

Peugeot 207 is beautiful, unusual, excellently equipped. They overdo it with the character: it is very difficult to communicate, at least on the winter road.
General assessment 7.9
+ Expressive design, spacious interior and very saturated interior, interesting handling on the asphalt.
- Roads even for new items, impractical, crowded for rear passengers.

Renault Clio is primarily fighting for the quality of life and quality sensations. Comfort in Clio, as in the car, is higher, although partly this is the source of its shortcomings.
General assessment 8.2
+ Convenient interior, spaciousness for passengers, good equipment, comfort, large road clearance, quality on the go.
- The management is sometimes too distance from the driver.



Sergey Voskresensky

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video Crash tests Peugeot 207 5 doors since 2006

PEUGEOT 207 test drives 5 doors since 2006

PEUGEOT 207 Crash Test 5 doors since 2006

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