PEUGEOT 106 test drive 1996 - 2003 hatchback

Three and a half liters for three

Hmm, twelve to fifteen thousand for a new car ... Perhaps I will pull it, you only need to weigh everything well, many people think today, the so-called representatives of the middle layers of Russian society, or in other words, working and very busy people for whom the car is not a car Luxury, not a means of transportation, but a life necessity, a second house. Today, interest in small -class machines is growing by the day, but by the hour. And the editorial office, holding up to fulfill the difficult role of market scouts, conducted the test of three cars of this price group. We did not seek to choose models close in characteristics. On the contrary, they took good and different, and only European production. That's what came out of it.
General assessment of the design
God loves the Trinity. Therefore, we chose Nissan Mikra (produced in England at the factory in Sanderland), the winner of the European competition of the 1993 car; Fiat Punto another typically European model, which has become the best in the same competition, but two years later, and Peugeot 106 non -boring classic of the Old World.
All our chosen ones fully meet the current trends of the automotive industry. The cars have a lot in common: a hatchback type, front drive wheels, a power unit, installed across a motor compartment, extensive comfortable equipment and a high level of safety.
Note individual extraordinary features of cars. On the fiat, the river steering mechanism with a variable gear ratio, the air conditioner and a stranded variator instead of a gearbox (incoming, emphasize, in serial equipment), on a peugeot, fully welded from steel and galvanized on two sides. The total operating volume of these machines is almost 3.5 liters: a fiat 1.25 l., Nissan and Peugeot for 1 liter.
All three models are typical city family cars (one of them, Nissan three -door and a little ladies). Everyone has their strengths and, I think, everyone deserved 8 points.
Suitability for Russian conditions
Links in the niches of the front wheels (a very useful thing, given our climate) in standard equipment of all three models. The body from the galvanized sheet is also, however, as already mentioned, Peugeot has an undeniable advantage in this regard. But along the road clearance (130 mm), Peugeot is noticeably inferior to its competitors.
Only Fiat and Peugeot have fog in the standard. On Nissan and Fiat, the reserve in the trunk, and on a peugeot under the bottom of the trunk, and therefore the wheel replacement will be wet and dirty if necessary. Mmm!
The trunk cork is locked only on Peugeot and Fiat. And finally, removable front wings (great convenience in repair!) All three have.
We summarize: Fiat 7, Peugeot and Nissan 6.
Ergonomics. Planting-casting
The entrance-exit on all three machines is equally convenient, without nit-picking. (Of course, we remember which class of cars we are tested!) In the internal width of the cabin at the elbow level, the fiat is a leader, Peugeot is slightly inferior, and the closest Nissan, and the rear seat of Mlakhno is narrowly for only two. The rest are for three. All models under consideration have separate, hinged backs of the rear seat.
The knees of the rear passengers in cars of this class are always of little space, especially if the front seats are shifted back to the stop. But most of all this inconvenience is felt on Nissan. Above the heads of sidelines are the most spacious on fiat.
Summary: Fiat 8 points, Peugeot 7, Nissan 6.
Shodal qualities
The most strict sports character is the nissan with a suspension of the wheels. This fairly high car is noticeably fucked in corners, but clings to the asphalt well. The fiat suspension is soft, silently swallowing all the bumps of the road and not as noisy as that of Nissan. As for Peugeot, this machine has the mean arithmetic and probably optimal. The maneuver rearrangement in the speed area of \u200b\u200b70-80 km/h is best performed by Nissan, then Peugeot and Fiat go. As you can see, each model has its pros and cons. The most heavy and perhaps the steering wheel in need of amplifier. There is such an amplifier on Nissan, and Fiat is good at without it.
In terms of noise, Nissan turned out to be the most vocal in different modes of movement. Both other cars are tangibly quieter.
If we talk about switching gears, then the fiat has a big stroke of the lever, although the programs themselves on Fiat and Peugeot switch smoothly and accurately.
At first, on Nissan, a variator of metal links is somewhat embarrassed, which very retreating brings together and dilutes wedge pulleys. By ear, it seems that the revolutions of Rastut-Rostut-Rostut and are about to be the clutch. (True, you quickly get used to it, and in the city ride such a transmission according to the control method is similar to an automatic checkpoint, in nature and sensations is basic, very comfortable.)
Nissan’s brakes are weak (it is possible that we got an unsuccessful copy), they are magnificent at Fiat and are good at Peugeot.
Peugeot and Fiat, 8 points, Nissan -7.
Dynamic and economic indicators
Since in our trio, Fiat was 22% more powerful than other cars, it is natural that the leader is the leader both in speed and in terms of receipt, but accordingly, it has the worst indicators in terms of economy. With a power equal to Nissan, the maximum speed of Peugeot is higher: the French car has a smaller frontal area and better streamlines.
Peugeot’s motor, like Nissan, is very alive, easily gaining momentum, but noisy.
We can judge purely speculatively about fuel consumption, focusing on the data of factory avenues. Nissan is most economical, then there is Peugeot.
Thus, having weighed all the pros and cons, put Peugeot and Fiat 8 points, and Nissan 7.
Today, everyone is much to count inflatable airbags. Fiat and Peugeot have two eirbeg, Nissan has one (we are talking about serial configuration). ABS is not on any car, but on Peugeot and Fiat, this system will be installed for a surcharge.
Nissan and Peugeot are equipped with an immobilizer, and seat belts, headrests, bars in the doors and other elements are present on all three models in standard equipment.
Let us submit (given all the same that the size of the car is proportional to passive safety): Peugeot 7, Fiat and Nissan 6.
Comfort in the cabin
Nissan is equipped with air conditioning, there are no other cars. But Fiat and Peugeot have electric windows, and Peugeot and hatch in the roof. In addition, Peugeot has a seat with good lateral support and very extensive pockets in the doors. Do not stop at the audio wiring machines, tinted glass and heating of the rear window. Today, even a small class, you will no longer surprise this.
We will give out estimated points: Peugeot and Nissan 7, Fiat 6.
Fiat Punto put his hand to the development of Styling, Italdephasis. The proportions of the body, a sloping hood and an unexpected architectural solution of the rear lights are especially noteworthy. The elegant appearance of Peugeot is already a little outdated, and a chubby nissan bun, like all the fat men, is not particularly grace.
The interior is the advantage on the side of the fiat. Only a little inferior to Nissan. If you evaluate everything in the complex, then the fiat leads here, and Peugeot holds nearby.
Fiat 9, Peugeot 8, Nissan 7.
Nissan, equipped with air conditioning and variator, is most expensive than anyone. On the other hand, Peugeot 106 is presented in the simplest Simbio configuration this year (but you get an connected cell phone in addition). Fiat Punto with a 73-horsepower engine is a special article. The car is a little bulging from the presented row in capacity and dimensions.
Peugeot and Fiat 7, Nissan 7.
What is the end? Fiat 67 points, Peugeot 66 and Nissan 60 points.
Lev Shugurov
photo by Alexey Skirdov
Clock in torpedo
A. Potekhin
Do you think, who would defeat France Japan if these teams reached the final of the World Cup in France? In my opinion, the answer to this question would not cause difficulties. And the score in this game would be astronomical.
Arranging a match between Nissan Mikra and Peugeot 106 Simbio, I did not think that its result would be also obvious ...
Peugeot 106 Simbio
Preparing for the match, I recalled the advertising video in Russian radio: ... and all this for $ 11,700 along with the connected cell phone! Indeed, for these money you get a city machine for a small family. The new Peugeot has 106 memorable appearance and great resemblance to the older brothers Peugeot. Similarly, inside. In all interior details, practicality and French elegance. At first I was very surprised by the presence in the instrument of the torpedo of arrow watches the size of a speedometer. Taking the car at overclocking, I involuntarily squinted for these hours, trying to determine the engine speed, but when I traveled a little longer by car, I realized that such a motor did not need a tachometer. A compact, simple power unit easily and smoothly drags this machine with sufficient speed and in any modes. The brakes are enough to stop this toy at any speed. Symbio is confident and predictable on the stop.
I also note the very good energy intensity of the suspension. The noise in the cabin is practically absent. These are family traits of all new Peugeot. In general, it turned out to be a very good, comfortable and comfortable car.
Now about Mikra.
It is not entirely clear to me why it is necessary to complete a liter sixteen -valve engine with a transmission with a wedge -rephiva variator. A variety of automatic transmission in a cheap city car?! The variator smoothly accelerates the car and is very convenient in urban movement mode (especially in Moscow). In my opinion, an eight-clad with a slightly large working volume would have dragged this machine perfectly, but it would be cheaper and easier to maintain and repair. Having traveled to Micre, I thought that all Moscow scorchs for excess speed should be put on Mikro for a month (instead of a fine). The fact is that this mechanism does not go for more than a hundred (joke). When accelerating, it seems that now the motor is spinning a burned clutch, and the car is standing (though acceleration occurs very smoothly and without jerks). When you get to the coveted hundred, it turns out that it is very difficult to stop the brakes with the brakes. Mikra is controlled in the rearrangement a little better than 106. The suspension of Mira is tougher and less comfortable than that of 106. A hard suspension creates a larger noise level in the cabin, which is noticeably inferior to French in the interior. This is not to say that the interior of Mlak is bad, but it seemed to me not as cozy as Simbio that. The appearance of myrrh for an amateur. The car seems to be noticeable on the road, but at the same time, the family features from the older brothers are not visible.
The overall impression of the Japanese car is much less bright than from French, and therefore the victory in the Micrasimbio match is awarded by Peugeot.

Source: Cars

PEUGEOT 106 test drives 1996 - 2003