Test Drive Opel Zafira since 2009 Minivan

The fastest Zafira.

Popular in Europe Model Opel overtakes competitors
If you, dear reader, someone will tell you that there is no sevenstal sports car - do not believe. There are them! And if the connoisseurs will argue that this is certainly not a family Zafira - will reimune in my face. Because it is Opel Zafira with a stylish, but not too prominent OPC named, and is today the fastest compact mini Europe. So the company itself says, and so it is probably there. In any case, I didn't have any kind of doubt during the dough in the neighborhoods of Frankfurt. And I competed, and not without success, not at all with classmates, but with much more serious cars.
Do not fall behind!
That I was most annoyed on that day, so this is the slowness of the colleague, which was splashing for the minivan on the new Vectra, constantly behind. Clear business: he has 147 hp, and I have 192; He has a machine gun, I have a competent 5-speed mechanic. And in general, he is too phlegmatical and careful in the word, such a movement is tired of being tired, and stopping at the roadside, we agreed: we meet 120 kilometers at a certain point. Fortunately, both machines are equipped with a navigation system (I do not get tired to remind how great it is, and how it is stupid that Russian car enthusiasts are still deprived of such a good of civilization).
I leave for the autobahn, and for the same second I forget about the tail. Zafira instantly responds to gas supply (by the way, the pedal has not mechanical, but an electronic drive, according to Drive-BY-WIRE technology, as on New Vectra). The amazing pickup is provided already at 1950 turns per minute, when a low-inertion turbine causes the engine to produce the maximum torque in 250 nm. Moreover, the pickup does not weaken, but rather, it grows up to the red zone on the tachometer. Quickly pick up the speed, making my way into the left row, and the edge of the eye notice that some Renault Scenic is trying to portray the sports car. Well, this is not a competitor at all, the usual Zafira can cope with him, not the fact that OS. SCENIC dissolves in the rearview mirror, and my minivan, already rolled at a speed of 180 km / h (there are no restrictions on this site), attracts the attention of the driver Mercedes with 240. He smiles benevolently, but clearly adds gas, as if inviting us. Javol, Herr driver! Just do not forget that I have a turbine, and you do not have it. 200, 210, 220 km / h We wake this round, although with 240 maximum speed more and, if he was strained, it could probably catch up and bypass Zafira.
This is what German drivers like me: they are easily breeded, but only if they have a great water, and in most cases behave respectfully, correctly, never risks. Why there! I just admire me like European drivers in general, and German - especially passing, for example, sites on which road works are being conducted. The multi-row autoban is narrowed up to two bands - not suddenly, of course, and gradually, with all relevant warnings so that you can reset the speed in advance. So, these stripes are extremely narrow, cars go, what is called, in principle, the distance to the parallel moving machine - several centimeters. And the speed sometimes exceeds 100 km / h! Because everyone is absolutely sure that his neighbor will not jerk, it will not be unexpectedly changing the traffic strip.
However, fascinated by the speed, I almost did not bother the desired turn. I had to quickly rebuild and slow down sharply. Therefore, I testify: disk brakes (on all wheels) are very effective, what they have to be on such a car. In addition, they are equipped with ABS and EBD systems - the distribution of brake efforts.
Having gone from the track, I got on a minor road leading to the hills. The farther, the more picturesque became the surroundings: small, like puppet towns with houses in Norman style; Vineyards, gardens, forests. The only thing that turned out to be the weather: she was windy; then the sun, then clouds, suddenly spilled raindling rain. Finally, I got to a desert winding track leading to the village with a difficult-to-wear name, to which the Opel officer was strongly recommended. Here I gave Zafira will.
It was extremely - to feel as minivan turns into a dashing car that does not grazing in front of any vioration. Excellent Rubber dimension 225/45, reliating on 17-inch alloy wheels, clings for asphalt, like a climbers' shoes with spikes - for snow-in-law. When turning on the wet asphalt, the machine slightly enters the ESP stabilization system, it seems, does not have time to adapt to a given mode of movement and to water on the road, although it is very good. But it only adds charms. The management is honed, Zafira is unquestioned by the slightest movement of the sports steering wheel. The DSA branded suspension (Dynamic Safety) allows you to clearly predict the behavior of the car, the rates of the roomy bodies are practically absent. The motor spins within 4000 - 5,500 revolutions per minute, transmissions switch immaculately. By the way, if the minivan was even fully loaded, this would not particularly affect his running quality, because the electronics in this case uses the power reserve, allowing you to add a thousand more revolutions. The clutch is not too tight, but you feel good. At OSS just forget that you are still in a minivan, and not in a sports car. And why am I obliged to remember this? After all, I'm not sitting in a cozy chair, but tightly clapped with pretensioners in the Recaro seat.
To be honest, I did not expect such striking abilities from Wen, albeit compact, with a two-liter engine. I have repeatedly been riding a standard Zafira, but this version is in fact - something special.
Difference Sign - ORS
Except for special nameplates and alloy wheels, the externally charged modification Zafira can be distinguished except by a relief and low-set bumper. Inside more differences: it is white instrument dials, and leather-covered steering wheel and sport seats. As for the rest - the usual family (or office) minivan. And even under the hood of an uninformed person nothing special, probably will not find out. Because turbocharging system surprisingly compact and weighs a total of only 7.1 kg. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the manifold cover and the turbine all the other components are concentrated in a single block. Created its specialists Opel Performance Center Gmbh (OPC).
This is a special division of the company, in which 15 people work, was created in 1997. Zafira OPC - the second after the Astra OPC model is created here and launched into production. Center specialists are responsible for the sports area and, in particular, the machine is ready to compete. For example, a family of cars Astra V8 Coupes DTM.
Meanwhile, I drove to the agreed points and is now able to better explore the Zafira. Despite its outstanding features, the minivan was safe and practical car. The driver and front passenger are protected by front and side airbags. Those located on the first two rows of seats in the cabin, to protect full-length curtain airbags mounted in the sidewall of the body.
Since the time I was (I waited for more than an hour a colleague), then open the back door, I tried to transform the interior. The two third-row seats fold easily, with just a few movements. It is easy to completely or partially folded and a second row, and then the luggage compartment increases to 490 or up to 640 liters. In principle, there is nothing stopping to turn and Zafira in the two-seater, removing all the passenger seat and securing cargo space volume of 1700 liters.
Zafira in Russia
I have long wondered: why is one of the most successful models of Opel, popular in many countries on all inhabited continents, did not make it to Russia. And I asked the president about this Adam Opel AG Carl-Peter Forster, during our conversation at the Geneva Motor Show. He said that he himself does not understand - why the Zafira is not sold in Russia and promised to ask this question. As a result of the decision: Zafira enters the Russian market this autumn.
As General Motors of the CIS, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, said, the Zafira prices in the salons of official dealers will be within 19 - 24 thousand dollars, depending on the engine power and configuration. Modification with a 2.2 liter engine. Must cost from 24 to 27 thousand. Version of OSR at the first stage of sales is not expected. However, I can assure the reader as the other modifications perfectly deserve attention. If you have to have wishing to get practical, but at the same time, sports minivan, they will have to wait. It remains hopeless.
Oleg Osipov

A source: Newspaper "Car Izvestia" [№12 (15), 2002]

Test drives Opel Zafira since 2009