Test Drive Opel Vectra Sedan 2005 - 2008 Sedan

Unification of GTS.

Updated Vectra has become more comfortable even in sports modification


In the era of unification, we have joined imperceptibly and for a long time, and this process is irreversible. To achieve technological breakthroughs, to comply with environmental norms, to do, finally, good and competitive cars alone is now impossible. If even obvious rivals in the market unite efforts to solve the most complex tasks, then cooperation within one, let the largest transnational corporation - the phenomenon is absolutely normal and useful. Here is the power plant of Opel Vectra GTS, as well as the charged versions of the OPC, was created by SAAB engineers based on a 6-cylinder 2,8-liter motor, which, in turn, is made in Australia for cars under the Holden brand (also included in GM) . And this motor is installed not only on the Opel and Saab model, but also on Cadillac BLS, not to mention Holden and Vauxhall. However, the main thing is not from where the legs grow, and how they go. And in the sense of running and other qualities, Vectra GTS is all right.


Since it happened that at the very beginning I spoke to unification, I will allow myself another remark on this topic - as a sedative pill for those whom the same aggregates, nodes and parts on cars of different brands are upset. There are few manufacturers resting in the world predominantly on their own strength. But they are - AvtoVAZ, for example. Well, what do we have? In addition, even with the same Saab 9-3 Sportcombi engines (AI No. 12, 2005), Cadillac BLS (AI No. 6, 2006), Opel Vectra OPC (Ai No. 22, 2005) are very different cars. They have one heart, but it beats it is not equally. And everyone has their genes, their own character and their image. Vectra GTS - the car is also special, in addition the engine itself can produce 230, and 250 hp, to choose from. Transmission, True, both 6-speed, and automatic, and mechanics. I tried a 250-strong version with MCP.


Praise autobam

With a shortage of free time, it is useful to confuse a personal life with work. So in a business trip to Germany, I went with my wife. Then we took Vectra GTS in Rüsselsheim and headed to Amsterdam. I do not hide - I love this well-known 450-kilometer route. Especially when it has to be overcome on a powerful and comfortable car. And most importantly - in German autobans, the only roads in the world, where there are still many sites free from high-speed limitations. Moreover, I want to notice, go through them much safer than for any suburban track, stuck with the signs that limit the freedom of action. Who does not believe, can compare the statistics of an accident. In Germany, very good roads and, which is extremely important - in the mass of their skillful and cultural drivers.


I remember, last time I managed to cover this distance (and most of it, about 300 km, passes in Germany), for 3 hours 15 minutes. Moreover, on the same Vectra GTS, only the first generation, with a 211-strong V6 under the hood.


I will say right away, the record did not take place, I lost 10 minutes myself. However, on objective reasons. Then I drove one, and instead of a full dinner cost a sandwich in a roadside cafe. Already this circumstance saved me time. Besides, the spouse does not bear too much speed. I noticed that in Germany she managed to cope with him at speeds up to 180 km / h. A little faster - immediately turns on the most effective maximum speed limiter. However, the average speed on the march made up nearly 140 km / h. Because in the updated Vectra GTS, the speed is almost not felt. And it's not just an improved noise insulation, but in the excellent comfort inside, and, of course, in the motor and reconfigured pendants. Most likely, all this has increased the susceptibility of my half, and in direct sites and small bends of the German autobah, she did not notice how the speedometer arrow crossed the mark of 200 km / h.


Two sides of comfort



Inside you feel very comfortable, in a way penetrating the sports spirit of the interior and noting the increased, compared with the previous version, the quality of the finishing materials. The seats are carefully wrapped with sides and are equipped, like the steering column, the widest range of adjustments. The metal on the inserts is glittered, the skin with a stylish seam on the ram is glad to the touch, in front of the eyes - white dials on the instrument shield, in the dark - with red backlight. Otherwise - familiar in the former GTS interior, but in general is more pleasant.


Although there is another rather significant difference - the Sport button on the center console. It is it that activates the sports mode, and at the same time all necessary for the rapid movement of the car systems. By pressing it, you immediately feel that the suspension has become tougher, the ram is harder, and the accelerator pedal is more acute.


Despite the fact that the turbocharger turns on immediately, almost with idle turns, the maximum return engine begins to demonstrate when the tachometer arrow crosses the mark of 3500 rpm. At this moment the same 250 hp The maximum power simultaneously with the maximum torque is beginning to torment the front tires, as if checking their coupling properties. But the most remarkable thing is that the motor is elastic, which makes it not particularly bored by excessive manipulations by the gearbox lever. For example, when I went to high-speed highways, then, as a rule, an over-80 km / h accelerated on the second gear, enjoying the pleasant bass of the exhaust system, and then passed on the fifth or immediately to the sixth, gradually, but not slowly going to the desired speed mode. Probably such a ride algorithm contributed to fuel economy. In this regard, GTS simply struck: the average consumption of high-octane gasoline, for all 1500 km, which happened to drive, amounted to a little more than 12.5 liters. In my opinion, an excellent indicator for a quick car.


However, objectivity is forced to note another innovation in GTS. Together with the Swedish motor, the car got a non-informative clutch. It spoiled the overall picture, since the moment of pickup is still important to feel. Then the urban conditions would not have an excess nervousness when starting from the place and shift. Fortunately, the steering remains almost transparent, and slip the leading wheels, especially in Sport mode, it is easy to try on the ram with your hands. However, in relation to the settings of the steering, it did not cost without compromising sportiness in favor of comfort: at small speeds, the ram became noticeably easier. Yes, the changes that happened with the suspension are directed, rather, also to increase the level of convenience in the cabin.


Updated Vectra now has a new rear suspension - independent and multi-dimensional. It is similar to the one that Saab, but the best, more sporty, into a German way. Therefore, at high speeds, as in the devices, the feeling of the car does not disappear for a moment. Although the irregularities of the road are swallowed, no excessive rolls in turns do not occur. With a rapid assault, Vectra turns began to demonstrate to a greater degree of neutral turning, whereas before it was insufficient. But the demolitions of the front axle, however, are very possible, especially if the accelerator pedal is too far. Of course, guarding security is an electronic stabilization system and everything is also a branded IDS Plus chassis, which perfectly copes with the task of maintaining the most important contact of all wheels with the roadpapers.


And what about in Russia?


I said nothing about the exterior of the car. But the updated Vectra, from which the tested version of GTS externally does not differ practically, is in each salon of the official brand dealer. I just say that it looks very elegant.


In Germany, as in many other European markets, the efforts of Opel engineers and designers have already been able to grow in most countries. In Russia, the situation is similar, but not quite. So, if the market as a whole, according to the results of the first quarter, increased by 49%, sales of Opel - only 28%. The Russian office managers representing the Opel brand must be offended. Moreover, objectively speaking, according to the price / quality ratio, the products of the German company exceeds many competitors. Perhaps not everyone knows about it?


The other side of the case is the level of service. Since in my disposal and in Moscow there are Opel, I can say that the service is not at a high level, and not quite, to put it mildly, corresponds to the new image of the brand, which is built by the company around the world. The fact that in Russia in the same way with the service are things and most of the other manufacturers should have a weak consolation.


And Vectra, especially in the GTS version, is really an excellent machine, albeit unified.

Andrei Osipov

Brief specifications Opel Vectra GTS

Engine volume, cube. See 2792.
Number of valves per cylinder 4
Power, l. with. for rpm. 250/5500
Max. Torque, nm at rpm. / Min. 350/1800.
Acceleration up to 100 km / h, p. 6.9
Maximum speed, km / h 255
Middle fuel consumption l. / 100 km. 10.3.
Volume of fuel tank, l. 61.
Mass of the car, kg. 1565.
Dimensions, mm. 4611x1798x1460.




A source: Newspaper "Car Izvestia" [№10 (100), 2006]

Test Drives Opel Vectra Sedan 2005 - 2008