Test Drive Opel Signum since 2005 Hatchback

Opel Signum Progress Child

Opel Signum differs from all other cars, primarily by its unusual positioning. In order not to spend time on endless explanations about the unusualness of this model, the marketers of the German company simply called it a representative of the new Signum class! That is, the fact of his appearance Zignum founded a new one, the unknown class of cars, the only representative of which he himself is. There is nothing unusual in this: it happened. Renault Scenic, Toyota RAV4, Subaru Outback, Renault Espace - All these models at different times have become the genericants of new classes or at least - subclasses. So Zignum has every chance of entering the story precisely as a new class ancestral model. Now it is very fashionable ...
Vectra turns ...
In order not to be confused in technical terms and do not load you with many numbers and examples, we will tell about Zignum as simply as possible, without trying to attach it to an existing car classification system in any way.
If you call everything with your own names, then Opel Signum is the same vector, only with an elongated wheelbase, an interesting and unusual body shape and the original back of the cabin. Everything else - motors, suspension, transmission, bodybar front and front doors in both models are completely identical, up to spare parts indexing. And the fact that the car was represented in the form of an unusual hatchback, and not in the form of a long-base station wagon (a good idea!), It's just another whim of marketers - they decided that only in such a form Opel Signum would be most interesting to consumers.
A kind of similarity of such a collective team has already been offered to buyers. It was Skoda Superb, which was a slightly modified VW Passat B5, also with an extended base. That's just in the event of the case, the Czechs decided not to experiment much with the body of the body - the superb remained a sedan, like his donor. And Opel, when Zignum designed, still decided to risk - try selling not just an unusual car, but also with an unusual body type.
True, the comparison with Skoda in this case is not quite appropriate, because Superb was, in fact, the ordinary stretch is an elongated limousine with an insert in the central part of the body. Moreover, the Czechs even did not have to develop anything - for the Chinese market, where most cars - service, was produced such a long beads, which became the basis for the new Skoda. The car was only slightly changed outwardly so that it was like the rest of the models under this brand. In all the rest, she remained and remained the Passat: platform, engines, absolutely all body elements and even the interior.
In the case of the zignum Opel tried more: the Vectra platform was used and as a means of reducing costs, and as the most successful donor. After all, this car rulits very well, which means such experiments, as a change in the length of the wheelbase and weighing the axes, will not be very damaged by the movements of the novelty. The platform, more precisely, the wheelbase was lengthened by 130 mm, which affected the cabin space, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear seats. The Signum itself has become only 40 mm long.
The advantages of this approach is the external compactness of the model of the middle class at the volume of internal space as representatives of the business class. Yes, due to the elongated wheelbase, Zignum now, if desired, can be positioned as a model of the highest middle class - just between BMW 5 Touring and Audi A6 AVANT. And you can not do this, because the general dimensions of the car give in it the middle size. Now you understand why we immediately refused to try to classify this car? Everyone can do it himself, as he likes - and both options will be correct ...
Increased functionality against total unification
Knowing that Opel Signum is derived from the Vectra model, it can be assumed that in all parameters both of these cars are as unified as possible. So it is: the motors and transmissions available on the speech are also offered for Signum, the options for configuration and interior decoration are almost identical. And even styling both models, minus the originality of the back of the Signum, the same. The difference is only in trifles: the chrome is added somewhere, a slightly different version of the design is proposed, the form changed in the details. The front bumper of Signum, for example, is borrowed not from the usual version of the Vectra, but at its sports modification GTS, as indicated primarily the wings on the sidewalls of the bumper.
But this does not mean that it is not only an unusual modification of a long-known model. No, in this big hatchback, except for design, there is almost nothing in common with the vector, which is especially clearly feeling in motion. Due to the elongated wheelbase, we changed the weight, and the car is completely not exposed to the splint of the body, it somehow reacts solid to road waves. Its taire can be called heavy, although Signum is soft. Hard suspension, which is especially noticeable at the junctions, but the course of them is smooth: the car is gently driving along the road, lulling its passengers.
In general, Signum responds to everything as well as Vectra, but the execution itself occurs otherwise. Rerep by the wheel after the Vectra, instantly feel yourself in the business class car. Steering is sharper, but the car itself reacts to everything with some Lenza. Here, on the brightener, Vectra would be easily and quickly skipped, obeying the movement of the steering wheel, and Signum passes a little harder, forcing the gas slightly and, just in case, rearrange the leg on the brake pedal. Swing, rearrange, reset - all this professional slang is applicable to the word, and the zignum must be treated completely differently. It simply does not start - heavier is controlled on turns, it accelerates a little more slowly, more stronger in turns. How compensation can be considered the stability of the car at high speed. On the highway, you can rush at any speed, while holding the steering wheel with one hand, what to do ultimately do not recommend - Signum is well holding a course, without reacting to the gusts of the wind or the defects of the road surface.
In addition to the nuances in the Opel Signum suspension settings, it is very different from the donor and in the cabin. At the presentation of the car, the dealer representatives were long and stubbornly told us, that is, journalists, on the functionality of this model. What kind of funds were spent on the development that the huge state of high-class engineers worked on the interior, only the design of the front armies did Operal in just a huge amount - 70 million euros!
It is hard to believe in the last digit: what could you be able to invent such a unique one for the front chairs to justify such costs? Apparently, this amount included all: and the design of the seats, and the construction of the plant. But about the fact that the front and rear seats are pride of this car, we will not argue - especially if it concerns the unique rear.
Opel has already had the experience of creating extraordinary structures extraordinary in their ergonomics, it suffices to remember the only one until recently in its grade seven-mentioned Zafira. She beat all the competitors in that she had full-fledged seven passenger seats, and the third number of seats were very cunning formed if necessary, and in this form practically did not occupy the place in the trunk. There was nothing like this in a single competing model, which made the burden of the real best-selling market.
Opel Signum did not make seeds, but it was equipped with unique rear seats unique in their essence. They are two separate chairs (as in Maybach!), Each of which can be adjusted in several directions. If there is not enough space for booties, you can move the armchairs forward, if the trunk is empty - then push them back in the greatest possible way, freeing the rear passengers. You can also adjust the angle of inclination of the back of each of the rear seats - in general, the level of comfort is almost as in the top class limousines.
That's just the average chair in the back row somehow does not fit into this wonderful and functional salon - the third passenger there is simply nothing to do. That pad that closes the space between two seats, it is unlikely to be able to execute the functions of the usual seat, even for a short time. She is narrow and besides, it has a convex form, which causes little associations with the usual car chair. Although it should be noted that even this passenger seat has a separate seat belt - if you feel uncomfortable, you can comfort yourself that at least it is safe.
However, a passenger car is not minivan, and even four passenger seats are rarely used constantly. Yes, indeed, in our car most often drives one or two people, much less often - three or four. And quite rarely, it is necessary to see the cabin of the passenger car will be scored under the urging and all five passenger seats were busy in it.
But in the case of Opel Signum, it sounds not like a good argument, but as an excuse - they say, we did not do it because it is not necessary for you. It is possible that it is. But agree that even with such a scenario, everything could be issued differently - the same pad between the rear seats could have a more optimal form. It is not an excuse and the fact that instead of a conventional third place for Signum, a unique central console can be ordered. Which is simultaneously both the central armrest in the back row, and the secreter, since it has many shelves, niches, cup holders and even the built-in refrigerator. The idea is good, but not everyone will like it: it's easier and cheaper to buy an ordinary automotive refrigerator, especially since in this case you can choose among the models of different volumes. As for the shelves and niches for storing small things, they are in the Signum's salon, there is no enough.
Features and disadvantages
In the fact that Zignum - the car is unusual, do not have to doubt. The owner, if desired, can tell about his new purchase as many interesting things that any Nissan Murano suffers next to him. Indeed, an unusual undertaking and appropriate execution. And, you need to admit, the workshop - the things on which Opel focuses attention, really turned out to be unmatched. Whether the very idea of \u200b\u200bthis hatchback itself, its possibility of transformation of the cabin or the unique design of the rear folding chairs.
But in general, the impressions of this car remained very ambiguous: I liked something, something is no longer an achievement, but something at all seemed unacceptable. About the turbodiesel engine, the automatic transmission with the tiptronic in this case does not matter: we have enough impressions from the Signum itself, so that we will separate with these units. In the meantime - the impressions of the car itself.
In the Opel Signum asset, we can write out what this car can be rightfully proud of. Spacious salon, high smooth stroke and stable behavior at high speeds, interesting design and unusual image - how-no one representative of the new Signum class! You can also add a cool idea with the rear armchairs regulating in several directions.
But in the passive there are more weighty things, rather than image problems. First, for the hatchback of the average, and even threes to the highest middle class, Zignum is too small trunk - modern golf models for the most part have much more luggage space. Secondly, despite the fact that the chassis of this car remained completely the same as the vote, which, let's remind, got a golden steering wheel from German journalists, with the handling of Signum things are far from the best way. The steering wheel became sharper, but the suspension is slightly tougher, and plus the car is distinguished by the nervous behavior of the rear axle when steep turns passing.
Finally, thirdly, the presence of a large wheelbase and a spacious salon with a very successful ergonomics and an excellently thought out process of folding the rear armchairs does not at all make an Opel Signum perfect car for a large family. After all, he, in essence, a quadruple - the fifth passenger, even a child, hardly agree to go on the similarity of the passenger seat, which is available between the two rear armchairs is a plug, no more.
The same qualities, that is, a spacious interior, a large wheelbase and four comfortable chairs in the cabin could be used for other purposes - representative. AN no, it does not work, because Zignum - Hatchback! Of course, now fashionably mix different directions, to offer something unusual and unusual, but in this case, I think Opel did not quite guess the tendency. Renault Vel Satis, also being a hatchbeck, is yes, it is really interesting as a representative car, but the Vectra-unusual hatchback in the form of Opel Signum is, perhaps, a little wrong.
Probably, in order to make a car prestigious so much as spaciously becoming his interior, it would be worth the front part of the body somehow individualize - change the drawing of the radiator lattice. Or offer original bumpers - so that you can see it from afar, that this is not a vectra, a relatively affordable car of the middle class, and Signum is a thing in itself.
Text: Pavel Kozlovsky

A source: Autogase / N 42 (434) of 11/18/03