Nissan NP300 test drive since 2007 pickup

Weather forecast

We are all dependent on climatic conditions. However, the owner of the Nissan-NP300 pickup, which the company begins to sell in Russia, is insured from many misfortunes. Denis Harutyunyan predicts the weather. Photo by the author.
August -Moscow heat and scorching sun do not allow to concentrate on the merits of the car listed by the manager. Rather, by car, and immediately the air conditioning is full! Fortunately, the briefing is short. Here is the long -awaited moment of turning the key, under the hood, a characteristic diesel grunt, refreshing coolness poured from the deflectors. After a couple of minutes, clarity of the mind was restored, it was time to take a closer look at the Nissan truck.
In the cabin, he immediately found around himself an area of \u200b\u200bhigh atmospheric pressure. The ceiling is low to the tall driver should bend on bumps. The right leg is squeezing a wide growth in the central tunnel. To wave your hands, too, it will not turn out the steering wheel is too close, but there is no longitudinal adjustment. Turning around, settled acceptable, but without much comfort. But a colleague with a lower lower and more modest complexion, replacing me at the wheel, is already jumping up with delight, it remains only to envy. Maybe the spaces in front were donated for the sake of the backbone?
The NP300 will be supplied to our country only in the four -door version of the Double Cab. In theory, landing on the rear sofa should be comfortable. In practice, the doorway is narrow, the legs have to gently draw one at one. If a tall man sat in front of the front, getting ready that there will be no place for the knees. The low pillow and a ceiling pressing the theme are aggravated by the picture.
Well, what about the commercial, that is, with the cargo component? The dimensions of the platform are 1.4x1.4 m, the height of the side is 435 mm. The indicators are not bad, and the carrying capacity is rather large in the body to take up to a ton. True, the wheeled arches somewhat limit the useful area, it is not easy to fit a bulky luggage. But load, for example, compact, but heavy bags with cement (option with potatoes) please.
In addition to crowding, I did not like that the handout lever sticks out exactly under the driver's knee affects the right -handed past of the model. The archaic radio and the CD chamber on the front panel are perplexed. In the smokers, it will grow into indignation at the first glance at two very small ashtrays. But in absolute leaders, the microclimate control unit four sliders sticking out in different directions! Is this really in a car of the 21st century?
The influence of cyclone someday inevitably comes to naught, the heat is replaced by coolness. About the same way, after a few minutes, the impressions of the NP300 were also replaced. To landing. Along the way, he noted that on the highway I do not feel at all the driver’s inferiority complex, although a small, but still truck: a peppy 2.5-liter diesel, clear moves of the box lever, decent soundproofing. A good visibility brings his contribution: I sit high, I look far away. I was glad that Nissan did not have characteristic jumps and goats inherent in many relatives. On the contrary, the suspension works excellently conscientiously smoothes all asphalt defects, the rolls in corners remain within reasonable limits. But it is difficult to achieve such smoothness with such a carrying capacity! True, in the back of the test pickup, a couple of short, but rather thick logs and three bags of cement mixture were found. I think that the empty car will behave on the highway not so flexible.
The turn from the federal highway to the village country brought a couple of unpleasant surprises. The abundance of multi -caliber bumps and potholes on comfort did not affect, but a couple of particularly deep cracks responded with dull blows it seems that the suspension worked at the limit. The August drought crossed all hopes to meet the real off -road much more annoying: the test route reminded the landscape of the Central Asian desert. Nevertheless, let's try to experience the NP300 for cross -country ability.
The first half of the pickup site passes to playfully, even without connecting all -wheel drive. Gently crossing from board aboard, demonstrates contempt for bumps the size of brown. But to rise on a steep two -meter mound, you need to prepare it in advance to storm it in advance so that the motor does not choke at low speeds. I repent, it was here that I was rebuilt more gas, and the truck made a truly Hollywood trick to come off the ground, described a smooth arc and landed on the reverse slope of the mound. The flight, of course, was low, the landing was more impressed: the car, like a cat, gently stood on all four wheels, without clang and blows. After that, the second insidious obstacle from the deep pit no longer seemed insurmountable. Turned over all -wheel drive and low row. In the first gear, the pickup rushed to the sky so briskly that I immediately realized: in the next round, I will go to the second reduced rise.
What weather will the Russian market meet the novelty? The disadvantages are mainly related to the age of the model: in Europe, Nissan Pikap is sold from the mid-nineties, and it came to us only after recent restyling. Testament, flaws in ergonomics are characteristic of pickups of that generation. On the other side of the scales, a considerable carrying capacity, a beautiful suspension, a good adaptability to urban life. Another, very important appendage cost. Thanks to the basic price of 607,000 rubles. (The most expensive version of 750,000 rubles.) NP300 will be one of the most affordable in class cheaper only Chinese. For such money, you can forgive some sins.
Nissan NP300
Dimensions, mm:
length - 5090
the width is 1825
height - 1715
Carrying capacity, kg - 1002
Equipped mass, kg - 1860
Full mass, kg - 2860
Maximum speed, km/h - 160
Fuel - DT
Fuel supply, l - 75
Fuel consumption, l/100 km
city cycle - 10.4
country cycle - 8.1
mixed cycle - 9.1
Engine: diesel, P4, 8 valves, 2.5 l, 98 kW/133 hp. at 4000 rpm, 304 N.M at 2000 rpm.
Transmission: all -wheel drive; M5.

A source: The magazine "Driving"

Nissan NP300 test drives since 2007