Nissan Note test drive since 2009 hatchback

It won't seem enough!

The goals and objectives of the car for the city and for the family are still different, and the vast majority of not particularly rich urban residents strive to use their car in all life situations. It is for them that car manufacturers create cars like Nissan Note and Citroeon C3 Picasso.

Both machines were created on the same template terms of fact: in the dimensions of the B-class body, scrape the maximum space to accommodate four people and cut through the salon and trunk as many volumes for multi-sized luggage as possible. The set conditions, even in theory, do not imply an optimal solution to the problem, and therefore the commercial success of the model can only be achieved on the field of all kinds of compromises. Who managed to better combine incompatible requirements of constructive, design and ergonomics that well done! Therefore, comparing C3 Picasso and Note is necessary not only in specific parameters, but also integrally, so to speak

We admit that before the start of the Battle of the Nissan Note and Citroen C3 Picasso, the author persecuted a feeling of a certain injustice of the planned action. It seemed that the C3 Picasso fresh model, which barely exchanged the first year of sales in Russia,, in theory, should overshadow Note from the very first seconds of the comparative test, has already gone gleamed on domestic roads since 2006. But in practice, everything was not so unambiguous. Yes, the exterior of Nissan Note is now difficult to surprise anyone. Created at one time on the Micra platform, Note received a muzzle, which bears the features of the once original appearance of the ancestor. And at the same time, Murano exterior motives are guessed here. The feed of the machine boasts with the original rear block factories, which resemble boomerangs, crawling from the rear racks to the roof.

As you know, with external design, French PSA cars have always been all right. Gauls are able to draw beautiful cars! Citroone C3 Picasso is no exception. Despite the more cubic ones than Note, the body proportions (almost 7 centimeters higher and 4 wider), the machine makes a slight and lively impression. And all thanks to the design of headlights, hood and front bumper, visual solution to the transition from windshield to the front rack. Behind the car generally resembles some kind of toy for the most part thanks to the bubble-like bulge of the rear window and the rear lights spaced in the vertical plane. If you go deeper into the allegorical and, we are not afraid of this word, unconscious, then the appearance of the Nissan Note can inspire associations with the steppe Jeran, and the Citroone C3 Picasso with a funny fish called a body capable of swelling, turning into a kind of self -drawing cube with eyes and floodplains.

In the interiors of machines, obvious ideological disagreements are also observed. In the Frenchman’s salon, the motives of the fish body continue. Almost the entire front panel visually consists of rectangles and trapezes with emphasized roundings. The nozzles of the air ducts, the base of the base of the KP, the screens of the electronic speedometer and the route computer, grouped in the center of the front panel are done so that the designer chips are striking, and you begin to evaluate the ergonomics a little later. In the salon, Nissan Note is completely different. The creators of this car did not aim to hit a potential buyer with a sparkling design. When you find yourself inside, the feeling of quality comes first of all. The dashboard dials are traditionally recessed in the wells opposite the driver, in the middle of the front panel of the branded music and the navigation system, and a semicircular control panel for the climate system is under them. The situation is calm and conservative. Almost like in many years of marriage: no special surprises and emotional fireworks, but everything is familiar, predictable, reliably and without removing surprises from balance.

In addition, in these machines, being in the front seat, you experience completely different sensations. If in Note you perceive everything that happens from a familiar, passenger point of view, then in C3 Picasso you begin to look at the world a little in a mature. And all because of a more vertical and high landing characteristic of the chairs of the French machine. Thanks to this design solution, additional space was released in the cabin, which improved its ergonomics and visibility. By the way, the windows in the front racks really improve it. But only until the street is clean and dry. Covered by road mud, this part of glazing begins to strongly interfere with the review from the driver's seat.

As for the second row of seats, then both cars are on top. In one and another car, a pair of rear passengers will be more than convenient (both in terms of distance between the head and the ceiling, and in terms of knee comfort). The only nuance in the C3 Picasso three on the back sofa will be a little more convenient than in Note. In addition, the Frenchman has two rear seats pillows can move back and forth independently of each other, and the rear sofa of the Japanese shifts only the whole. In terms of luggage compartment, the Citroeon C3 Picasso noticeably ahead of the Nissan Note 385 liters versus 280. For this, it is also worthwhile to thank the bus landing of the chairs of the French car.

Note that, unlike the Nissan Note Citroeon C3 Picasso, the domestic market is supplied only with a five-speed mechanical KP: we are sure that we only have a third of the classmate machines with a machine gun, and therefore, why fence the garden, therefore, compare C3 Picasso from 1, The 6-liter 115-horsepower gasoline engine was with NOTE with a 110-horsepower engine similar in volume and automatic transmission.

Citroone immediately makes it clear that it is sharpened under urban conditions. A tandem of the boater allows you to vigorously start from traffic lights. The suspension is tuned so that it allows you to throw in the corners such forts that you do not expect from this fairly high car. The manufacturer assures that the car is equipped with enhanced sound insulation. Yes, the noise of the engine does not even strain at high speeds, but the suspension, especially the rear, can be heard perfectly. City specialization of the machine also manifests itself on the highway. Perhaps the maximum comfortable speed for C3 Picasso 110120 km/h. At the same time, the engine speed (on the highest gear) is already in the region of 4000, the high profile of the car is sensitive to the side gusts of the wind, you can forget about fuel saving
And Note turned out to be a more universal car. It’s a pleasure to steer in the city: the bagels are clearly obeyed, the suspension (moderately tough, moderately comfortable) copes with all road situations. As, however, the engine with automatic transmission. And on the highway at high speeds of the car, the Frenchman is noticeably better. At least does not strain to noticeably higher speeds than the last.

Now the V-class car is a car with a body length of about 3.5 meters. Most often these are 3- and 5-door hatchbacks, less often station wagons. These are quite spacious and powerful universal cars suitable for both city trips and for suburban routes. Their dynamic and speed qualities vary widely. You can move a noticeable amount of luggage in these cars only by sacrificing the rear seats.

In Europe, a car of this class in connection with the load of city streets by vehicle is very popular: more than a quarter of buyers, cars are purchased annually by this particular class.

Citroeon C3 Picasso and Nissan Note

Engine operating (cm3) - 1598 - 1598
Mass (kg) - 1259 - 1135
Trunk volume (L) - 3851506 - 2801332
Engine power (L.S.) - 115 - 110
Twisting the moment (NM) - 160 - 153
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b(km/h) - 185 - 174
Acceleration to 100 km/h (c) - 11.1 - 11.7
Fuel consumption (l/100 km) - 9.4 - 9.3
Price (rub.) - 580 000 - 575 000

Citroeon C3 Picasso
+ Cute appearance. Convenient workplace of the driver. The luggage compartment is one of the most voluminous in the classroom. Good visibility with passenger seats.
- Excessive lateral sailing at high speeds. Noisy back suspension. The windows in the front racks, dirty, interfere with the review.

Nissan Note
+ Dynamic appearance. The interior details are made of solid materials. A harmonious combination of engine, KP and suspension.
- The confused appearance. Boring interior design. Far from the largest trunk. Settling a set of transformations of the salon.

A source: MKOMBILA magazine [July/2010]

Nissan Note test driven video since 2009