Test Drive Nissan Murano since 2010 SUV

Comparison of 5 crossovers. Dejahu

Similar in the life of the editorial board has already happened. There was a mileage around the lady, there were crossovers, and people are the same. And yet something has changed. Now it's not winter, but spring. Crossovers are not four, but five. Yes, and the cars are much larger and more expensive for those that were

Participants test
1) Volkswagen Touareg
2) Nissan Murano
3) Hyundai iX55
4) Mercedes-Benz M-Class
5) BMW X5

Why again Ladoga and why again crossovers? Ladoga in winter and Ladoga in spring, as they say in Odessa, two big differences. In winter, we traveled most of the way on the outstanding road, and disassemble that there were under wheels, asphalt or grader, it was impossible. Plus, the slippery road did not give cars the opportunity to fully reveal their traffic potential. Spring is quite another matter. All pits opened, softening primers, and in the fields can be thrilled along the roof. In general, it is better to check crossovers and do not come up with.

This time we decided to take the batter into mileage. And they picked them on the principle of popularity. That is, what is more on the roads, they took. And since the statistics of each own, then we have made your own popularity. The time was segmented and looked at what SUVs will pass by the editorial office more, and which will not fall into the top list at all. As a result, the BMW X5, Mercedes-Benz M-Class, Nissan Murano, VW Touareg and Hyundai IX55 entered our list. The latter, however, will soon have to update greatly, but while we have what we have. So, he has a complete right to ride with us around Ladoga. In addition, Hyundai considers her iX55 not otherwise as a direct competitor VW Touareg

Like last time, cars in run were with different types of engines. BMW and Nissan were fed on high-octane gasoline, three others were satisfied with the diesel fuel. The most weak, based on the power, the company turned out to be Mercedes. His turbodiesel gave 224 liters. With. A little more powerful was Hyundai. His diesel could boast of 239 liters. With. Next was Touareg: his dyssel for one horse is stronger than IX55. Petrol Murano has already found 249 liters. With. And closed list x5: the power of its gasoline engine was 306 liters. With.

How does the long-distance travel begins by car begins? That's right, with refueling. It is from the amount of fuel taken with it that the reserve of the car's stroke depends. It is clear that he strongly depends on the engine's appetite, but when a solid reserve is splashing in the tank, somehow calmer on a long journey. The outsider for this indicator was IX55: its tank is able to accommodate not more than 78 liters of diesel fuel. A little more can take Murano: 82 liters of 95th gasoline. Not particularly supplied and BMW: no more than 85 liters of gasoline may be hidden in its depths. But Mercedes can take with him 95 liters of diesel fuel. However, the best indicator for this parameter at Touareg: 100 liters of Solarians at a time takes on board this nomad. Looking ahead Let's say that for all the time the mileage nor VW nor Mercedes has not needed to refill. What you can not say about gasoline cars. But most often the BMW looked at the refueling. And not because too voracious: 14 liters per hundred for a 306-strong motor are not so much. The case is in the bay neck. As usual, before the start of the run, we refuel all cars under the urban, that is, before the cutting of the gun. None of the car, except X5, did not appear with the fill under the lid. In the BMW, the Gun, the point and the case declined. As a result, after the fifth or sixth shoot, the driver decided that the tank was full. What was the disappointment when the fuel level arrows showed the entire tank. I had to visit the refueling and literally to make gasoline on a drop, squanding at this time and nerves.

Since the speech came about what she had more, it would be nice to remember about the trunk. The smallest and largest at the same time he was on iX55. With the exposed third row of seats, it is equal to only 185 liters. Next by increasing. We fold the third row and we already get 598 liters. And if folded the third and second row, the volume reaches 2460l. Theoretically boast the third nearby seats can be BMW, but not this time.

Completion of a car taken by us on a test, an enlarged passengerism did not assume. But in the absence of a third row, the trunk volume is 620 liters. Slightly less, he has Mercedes: it already fits 551 liters. Another more modest result from Touareg: If you do not launch the rear row, no more than 433 liters fit here. And closes a list of this indicator Nissan: 402 liters.

It's time and way. We will get acquainted with the interior and control bodies on the go. After all, it is in motion that you understand how good the ergonomics in the car and how easily and quickly is the keys that is needed at a particular point.

As the last time, the entire route was divided in such a way that everyone in turns could ride on different cars. Plus, we tried to check cars and beyond roads, in connection with which part of the path was held where in the forest paths, and where at all through the fields. By the way, it was in the fields that it was possible to find out who in this company is less than all SUV. As it should be expected, they were X5. Impeccable on the highway, it is very weakly prepared for riding outside of roads. And even the adjustment mode of thrust cannot adequately make this car move, if there are no solid soil under the wheels. No rush X5 can drive through the forest path. Although, on the other hand, slowly and BMW somehow do not knit. And in the head immediately does not fit the algorithm of the joystick, responsible for the work of the eight-adjustable transmission. There are no familiar with each other here. In this connection, replanting with the BMW from another car, at first experiencing light shock. Muscular memory no longer works, and you have to turn on the brain. However, what and how to do to make the move these two with excess tons of luxury and power, for particularly gifted is drawn and written on the display. Over time, of course, you get used to, but initially such an algorithm strains. But how much easier began to communicate with the car, after he learned Russian! Running the car settings menu is now much more pleasant. And X5, the only one of those present cars, was able to projection on the windshield such information as the speed of movement, and with the direction of movement of the direction of movement with a distance to rotation involved. But all these are little things compared to the fact that the driver feels behind the wheel of this car on the highway. Unity with the machine almost one hundred percent. And what a pleasure at speeds to pass turns, which are abounding the roads of Karelia! The pace, asked by this machine, alas, could not keep everything, in connection with which soon it was sent to the column's tail. But there was no one who rode on it was boring. Just needed to let go of the column a little forward so that later, catching up again and again, enjoy the behavior of X5 on the highway. And although the perfect area of \u200b\u200bthe road for all the time we met only once (Lacdenproke sorted), it was enough to understand that there is no better than this car in the column. But on bad roads in this car, it is better to keep your teeth, and in the straight, and figuratively car sorry.

Murano turned out to be slightly more comfortable on bad roads. However, it is unlikely to be compared with BMW on handling, in connection with which his behavior on a broken road is not justified. Apparently, the suspension of this car tried to configure on the principle and yours, and our. However, reasonable compromise did not work. As a result, the car can not boast of incomprehensible handling on the highway, nor enough passability on off-road. Of course, on dirt, it goes a little better than the same BMW, but also to exaggerate off-road abilities of Murano we would not become. Although in the arsenal of this crossover there is a compulsory intersect key. And everyone seemed to be overloaded central console. However, if you try to be objective, then the buttons and handles, albeit a lot, but they are clearly zonied, and confuse that where is, it is simply impossible. Top row of keyboard is navigation, medium audio, lower ventilation and heating system. Everything is simple and understandable. But he first adopted to the URA effectary on the appearance of the instrument shield over time showed that the bright orange backlight is not the right solution. Over time, three sun comes, and I want to see the instruments on the shield not a sunset, but, for example, the lunar night. And what they involuntarily pay attention to when we look at the salon, so this is the fact that the backs of the seats of the second row have almost a vertical position. However, oddly enough, it is quite convenient to sit there, if you correctly adjust. As a result, Murano, all participants in the expedition did not cause any strong positive, nor strong negative emotions. Single good middling with an American bias. By the way, having not the smallest of all participants in the dough Bak, it is Murano that demanded that the fuel reserves are first. As it was done on one of the first gas stations. She was pretty dubious, however, it is necessary to pay tribute: the Nissan engine digested those 10 liters that we plucked into it to reach the civilization, not choking. And also say that the variator helps save fuel. Apparently, not this time. The variator loves the measured ride, and in Karelia, where the height differences compete with the bends are not a vest, evenly go very difficult. In connection with which gas, then the brake and issued such a result. In general, the Murano fuel consumable by the manufacturer did not meet.

Oddly enough, but demanded refueling and IX55. Actually, we initially thought that the diesel was held the entire route without refueling, but no. We do not pour into it diesel fuel, to the city would have not made Hyundai to the city. Explanations to this a lot. First, the same Karelian factor, secondly, a small tank, thirdly, weight. This car was the hardest thing that was well felt and on his behavior on the road. Sometimes the impression was created that they were not controlled by a car, but a tank. Smoothly swaying over the highway, he just feathers. However, everything was so fundamentally and reliably on direct. It was worth approaching the bond of turns, as the speed had to be substantially discharged, thereby causing a fever from other participants in the mileage. The car is noticeably tangible in turns that neither comfort, nor confidence adds. Yes, and the inertia strength in this car feels like any other. Fortunately, at least the brake system, as if not noticing all this mass, hesitated the race of the car pretty quickly. But he accelerates not very much. In order to gain a hundred, this car, according to the passport, it takes almost 11 seconds that in practice it turns out in all 12. Not fast, in general, but if you remember who was originally oriented this car, then everything becomes in its place. Cups and chic seats of white leather These are important advantages. And if seriously, then what does not take away from Hyundai, it is a comfortable salon. In such a car, you can really go far and a long time. The interior is sustained in strict tones, in connection with which it looks like a kind of accuracy and at the same time very neat. Naughty and ergonomics. In any case, you do not need to get used to the car. As for off-road abilities, they are not worse and no better than those described above. However, to afford to afford a little more than BMW or Murano, IX55 can. Firstly, its clearance is 205 mm against 190 in Murano, and secondly, it has the same button of the rigid range interline. However, riding arable land and in the sand showed that this is far enough to confidently feel at such a surface. To plant, of course, did not plan, but it was still possible to retire in many cases. Although often tires were guilty of all our off-road failures. All cars were a highway. And although on the sidewalls of some tires it was written that they are intended for 4x4, an exclusively highway drawing their true destination.

It was they who prevented Mercedes to drive where Touareg propolz. In general, Emka left a twofold impression. On the one hand, it is Mercedes, and they will not argue against it; On the other hand, it is so much inconvenient, which is especially noticeable when comparing this car with others. But let's start still with pleasant moments. Immediately, I would like to mention the pendant of the German. Customize it for specific road conditions will not be working. We are going on a good road and I want to meet no problems: we translate the shock absorbers and suspension keys into the sport mode and enjoy a dynamic ride. True, you should not expect from the car in this mode of accuracy and collections of BMW. The road has become worse or completely spoiled moving to the comfort mode, and now the jigsaw of road users are not so obvious. Not bad for its 224 forces, the car and accelerates. In any case, in order to gain a hundred, the car is required slightly less than 9 seconds. But after overclocking, braking begins, and here you understand that it should be considered. The efficiency of the brake system is somehow especially striking on this car. On BMW, for example, it is necessary to slow down when necessary. On Mercedes it is better to take care of it in advance. Not too comfortable on this machine and outer mirrors. They are too pressed to the body, in connection with which the visibility in them is unnecessarily limited. And this is despite the fact that the area they have quite large. Well, the most unpleasant thing that the driver meets, before ever or rarely controlling the car of this brand, a special algorithm for the work of the steering wheel switches. As they say, without half a liter do not understand. Over time, it is understandable, and you get used to this, but quickly rebuilt, recreated by the Mercedes steering wheel from another machine, it does not work. That is why many of us often jerked the gearbox control lever when the wipers were turned on. Well, at least that in motion it does not lead to anything. And I had to fill the oil on the road. Request checking it at the next refueling, the on-board computer came very timely. I pull out the oil probe, we came to horror: it was almost dry. We could not even doubt as a service in the official dealership center, we are confident that with the next one in the engine flooded oil as much as you need. So, our Merine is simply sick. That's just a question for what time. We had to add 2 liters as much as. There is something else to calculate. For example, how much the car rises if the pneumatic suspension is able to increase the clearance up to 260 mm, and initially it is equal to 201 mm. And if it is equipped with an optional offer of Offroad-Pro, his clearance could be all 290 mm.

Meanwhile, the clearance of VW as much as possible is 300 mm. What, in fact, and puts this car as an SUV above all participants in the event. Moreover, both in direct and figurative sense. However, this is not the only figure for which a German car can praise. It so happened that from all the pleiades only Touareg tried to demonstrate his fighting character. He, though not without difficulty, but crawled in Pashne, chopped in a rut and, it's likely, whether it was a melanchier on it, it would have done all this with a double zeal. However, and its capabilities at such an unbearable, from the point of view of the SUV, the drawing of the tread was very limited. In this connection, it was simply not to be messenger over the machine. But we gave him to ugly to try on the grader and broken asphalt. It must be said that even in such conditions the car continues to delight the driver: when the asphalt turns under the wheels in it is not clear that, then on such a road you can go fast enough. The main thing is to choose the hardness of the suspension, for which there is an appropriate wheel on the central beard. Not bad car and on the highway. Of course, it is difficult for equal in controllability with BMW, but the other participants of our mileage, he clearly overlooked. Not bad for the car and dynamics: 8.3 seconds to a hundred quite a decent result. Brakes behave well. In any case, there were no complaints to their work. However, not everything is perfect. For example, visibility from the driver's seat is clearly insufficient, especially if we are talking about off-road cuffs. On the seat and I want to build to see the edge of the hood. Not everything is great and overview. And if the situation did not save the right outer mirrors, then maneuvering would only turn into a real flour. And it is not clear why the navigation system does not know Karelia at all. It was worth it to enter this wonderful edge, as our route, judging by the navigator, stretched over the clean field. From the positive, the most pleasant thing is that at one refueling Touareg managed to go all the way, and this is about 1000 km (we folded from the route many times, in order to familiarize yourself with the surroundings), and the fuel remained. By the way, the average consumption of VW was about 8.6 liters per hundred (such a digit showed a route computer), which became a record among other participants. And the most of all this indicator was at BMW about 14.5 liters. The rest of the participants were put in this framework.

Another mileage is completed. Priorities are arranged. For myself, we allocated both favorites, and outsiders, although there were no explicit two in this mileage. But the goodness and triples are. As for excellent students, we counted Touareg. BMW ranked honorable second place. MERSEDES was attached to the third, and the fourth totality of the characteristics of each other was divided into Murano and IX55. What was quite expected.

Will the next mileage? Rather yes than no. However, once again we decided not to go around the Lake Ladoga, but to go down on to the north. There and the roads are more interesting, and civilization away. And where, as not far from civilization, a person begins to feel like a man! On what we'll go while the secret

BMW X5. 2 919 000 r.

Test pilot
Stanislav Shustitsky, 57 years old, car journalist, driving experience 29 years, personal car - Chevrolet Lanos

Top quality: handling.
Worst qualities: off-road abilities.

Impeccable on the highway, X5 is capable of catching up according to the grader, however, it's better not to go off the road.

If you do not plan to move onto the sausfalt car, then this is the best option of it, which was presented with the named mileage.
It is sustained in strict tones and unequivocally hints who is the main thing in this car. However, passengers are not deprived here.
If you do not move from a good highway, the current is comfortable to unsubscribe.
6 airbags, ABS, DSC, CCS, NDS, ASC-X.
Inexpensive car do not name, however, the price value, the possibilities of the possibilities are quite adequate.

My opinion can be considered biased, since I liked this car still at the level of emotional, until the Start Engine button is pressed. Further more. With what my colleagues spoke about the work of the suspension, I absolutely agree: a rather tough, reading all the irregularities of the road. But ... Personally, I did not feel from this special discomfort, despite the fact that I had to spend a few hours behind the wheel. And how this car holds the road! However, this was already written ... Ergonomics of the salon This is exactly what at the very beginning and made me the most emotional impression on me. A wonderful set of front armchairs and steering wheel adjustments can be conveniently accommodated by a person of any growth and physique. As for the joystick ACP, he really requires addiction, but after a short period of time, you understand that the thing is surprisingly comfortable. And, of course, the car gives pleasure to active driving lovers.


Nissan Murano. 1,699 000 r.

Test pilot
Alexey Smirnov, 39 years old, designer, driving experience 9 years, personal car - Volvo 940, Renault Logan

Top Quality: Dynamics.
Worst quality: work suspension.

The dynamics of this car is quite decent, but here's averaged suspension does not always work as I want.

The suspension settings are universal, glorifying with the car and on the highway of the stars from the sky is not enough, and the off-road excellent indicators shifts. The engine is quite fearful, but loves to eat.
Pretty spacious and quite comfortable. It is quite effective and noise insulation. But the trunk is small.
A long-round trip will not be in this car. Tribes of rear passengers DVD.
6 airbags, a course stabilization system, ABS and a traction control system.
Quite moderate.

From those presented on test drives, the appearance of Murano seemed to me the most pretty. Especially in front. It seems that the autodizaers are so passionate about the drawing of the facades and the construction of geometrically verified lines of the side elements that it simply does not have time.

Nissan's attempt to combine together the convenience of the sedan and the functionality of the medium-sized SUV is practically successful. Friendly interior without special complaints for exclusive, thoughtful ergonomics, responsive automatic. I did not like only the built-in navigation. It seems that programmers have specially tried to introduce the user to a stupor.

Good car and in management (better, perhaps, there was only a VW Touareg). Confidently passes serpentine at high speed, cheerfully swallows irregularities on a straight line, clinging clinks on the bumpy forest paths, quietly steps at ultra-low speeds.

Hyundai iX55. 1 919 900 p.

Test pilot
Andrei Mashnin, 48 years old, deputy editor-in-chief of the journal, driving experience 12 years, personal car - Mitsubishi Galant

Top Quality: Spacious Salon.
WORK QUALITY: Validity in turns.

The biggest disadvantage of this car is a comfortable suspension. In turning the car rolls.

As soon as you get behind the wheel of this car, you understand that it was created for duranegone on direct Highways. It is worth entering the turn of a different speed, how the problems of rolls be frightened.
It is convenient and comfortable, if you wish to board, you can take six passengers, however, about the trunk in this case you should forget.
Equipment of the cabin ishimiply insulation deserve high marks.
6 airbags, course stabilization system, ABS.
Many car for a lot of money.
When you first get acquainted with IX55, no questions arise in terms of management, settings and some domestic smallest things. All find where you expect. Appearance is not pathetic, but since it is not Cadillac, so why is unnecessary claims? Immediately you can see: a large car for a family that allows all the amenities to move in the distance to long distances. The stroke is soft, there is a lot of space for people, and for luggage. With a long movement in the column, I did not get out of the general tempo, when I drove quickly, but I started to lag behind when the situation was driving at the limit. The road is mostly winding, and before each turn it was necessary to slow down, otherwise the system of course stability was triggered. Nevertheless, the IX55 gives a wonderful feeling of ease of overcoming our broken roads, and this is the main thing. Disadvantages of some kind of trifle. With my left hand, I could not comfortably get settled on the door armrest, and even the steering wheel in the position, which I feel comfortable, overlap the bulbs of turn signals.

Mercedes-Benz M-Class. 2 750 000 r.

Test pilot
Tikhon Sicooler, 28 years old, designer, driving experience 10 years, Personal car - Ford Focus II

Top Quality: Suspension Comfort.
Worse quality: brakes.

Pneumatic suspension is able to raise this car over expensive to level 260 mm. What, alas, not always enough.

Despite the fact that the engine was impaired powerful, nadynamics was practically uncrowed. Car held a car without problems.
In principle, spacious and convenient. A little pathogen, but it is Mercedes, and you need to reckon with it.
Noise isolation, despite a rather noisy diesel, at quite a high level. It's nicely that on a bad road the suspension can be taken in a comfortable, relaxed mode.
6 airbags. 4ETS / ESP, ABS, ASR.
Not the most expensive option.
Mercedes-Benz ML350 CDI left a dual impression. It is great for long journeys on roads with poor coating and underdeveloped infrastructure. With broken roads, a slightly swaying suspension copes well, and a large fuel tank and relative economy on the track give a considerable reserve of the course at one refueling. Heavy Mercedes acceleration dynamics for 224 liters. With. Not bad, but her feeling is cleaned with excellent noise insulation and all the same overall comfort. If still the salon did not creak on the bumps. In the turns of EMCA are boring, but reliable and predictable. Many complaints about ergonomics. Once again, Mercedesian steering wheel switches did not like the cruise control lever instead of turn signals, instead of janitors, the ACP mode switch. The multimedia system upset with wise control to the set of the desired address in the navigator or the search for the desired track on the CD takes a lot of time. Yes, and to the reliability of Mercedes, as our test showed, there are questions.

VW Touareg. 2 213 000 r.

Test pilot
Alexander Ivanov, 38 years old, director of the Internet project 5 Wheel, driving experience - 20 years, Personal car - Mazda 3

Top quality: off-road abilities.
Worst qualities: rear review.

Pre-installed navigation knows not all of Russia. In any case, Karelia is just a clean field for her.

It is equally good as a bad way, so in a good road. But the off-road abilities should not be overestimated. Very strongly, rubber affects the ability to overcome off-road. There is nothing to do our nashway in the mud.
Quite spacious. The front seats have a fairly large adjustment set. Spacious car and on the second row.
The adjustable suspension allows you to fit the car for specific road conditions.
6 airbags, ESP, ABS.
Below, alas, it will not be ...

I treated this car for a long time very carefully. If you say more precisely, he lived his life, and I my. And so we met in the Ladoga test. Just two days and 800 kilometers on the roads with different coating, from perfect asphalt to a clean field, I turned out enough to understand it he! This is the same, the chosen car whose task to be exactly the way it should be, and it is when necessary. Touareg is an ideal family car for any trips. I figured out the controls in a matter of minutes, set up mirrors and seat under myself. The navigation system and multimediasystem also do not cause questions all the inscriptions in Russian.

What I liked: a very frisky diesel engine in aggregate with an eight-step automatic transmission, a pneumatic suspension and a very low fuel consumption. What did not like: I find it difficult to answer.

Our verdict
The totality of the qualities of Touareg is definitely out of competition. BMW is flawless, but X5 outside the road is not the best option. Mercedes is good, and the image of this car has already established. It is quite capable of becoming the only one who will replace several cars at once, and Murano. But it will be averaged opportunities. But the IX55 is suitable for those who are with a peaceful ride with maximum comfort.

Cars are provided by companies: Hyundai IX55 Auto Center Dakar, Mercedes-Benz M-Class Autofora, VW Touareg Baltavotrade, BMW X5 Baltavotrade, Nissan Murano Aurore AUTO.

Author: Oleg Kalaushin
Photo: Igor Kuznetsov

A source: Journal 5 Wheel [June 2011]

Video Test Drives Nissan Murano since 2010