Nissan Maxima test drive since 2009 sedan


Model - Nissan Maxima QX/›Nissan Maxim QX; manufacturer - Nissan; year of release - 1997; in operation while driving - since 1997; mileage at the time of the report - 12 thousand km;
previous publication - ZR, 1998, No. 2.
The editorial park recently replenished with the brand new Nissan-Maxim QX. The newborn, who received the nickname Maxim, took an honorable first place in our automobile economy, both in its class and in cost ($ 32,000).
According to the prevailing tradition in the operation of operation experience, we are talking about the problems that arise: ... we went through the gearbox, eliminated the radiator leak, replaced the stove tap ... This time we will have to deviate from this: a half -year -old nissan with a mileage of 12 thousand km is in no hurry . He looks at us with narrow Japanese eyes and does not understand what we expect from him. Or maybe he understands, but just mocks. There are, of course, there are complaints: noise -insulating mats were found under the carpets, water gets into the trunk. Moreover, she gathers in the lid and, when you open it, pours onto her head. Well, there are no other complaints yet.
After 10 thousand km of run, Nissan passed the first planned TO. A full range of car maintenance works cost 1062 rubles. But do not we do anticorus at the same time? - As if by chance, we were asked by the STO specialists and heard: everything has already been done here, repeated processing can be carried out in five years.
No matter how young the editorial nissan is Maxim, and he already had to survive one Moscow winter. Like most of the cars in the editorial office, Maxima met the first snow fully equipped - re -applied to the studded winter tires of Gislavweau Nord Frost II (Gislaved Nord Frost II) dimensions of 195/65R15. Imagine what it means to operate a prestigious car: four tires, plus tire fitting and balancing cost 3432 rubles. Of course, it was possible to buy cheaper tires, say, unsolved, but only to the detriment of security. Despite the fact that Nissan's automatic gearbox has a winter position, do not forget that the machine gun on the ice needs studded tires.
On the 11th thousandth of us and our Maxima, trouble happened: we drove into a ditch, from which a piece of rail stuck out. He destroyed the alloy disc and tore the sidewall of the tire. We already wrote about this (ZR, 1998, No. 2, p. 135), expressing everything we think about our incomparable road services. For a new disk (selected for our kit), they gave 950 rubles, for the tire - 795 rubles. Now we are attempts to recover from the road workers the damage caused by the editorial office.
The window is already summer, and in order not to rub soft tires in vain and not to clatter unnecessary spikes now, they returned summer shoes to our Nissan - Michelen tires 205/65R15, with which they bought a car at one time. For tire fitting, 252 rubles were given.
The past six months allowed to get to know the car closer. With its rather large dimensions, it is quite rotten. The management is simple and surprisingly predictable. There is only one serious complaint so far - insufficient (for a car of this class) noise insulation of the cabin: the operation of the suspension on the irregularities of the road is heard. The two -liter engine, combined with an automatic gearbox, gives Maxima a certain imposition and thoughtfulness, having more to calm and respectable riding than a traffic light. However, if you drown the accelerator pedal, the car will quickly turn into an athlete.
In conclusion, as usual, a list of expenses. For gasoline (AI -95) for 12 thousand km of run, about 4 thousand rubles were spent, everything else listed above was 6491 rubles. In total for six months almost 10.5 thousand rubles. By Zhigulev’s standards, the operation of a foreign car, even a new one, is not cheap!
Alexander Budkin

Source: The magazine "Driving"