Test Drive Nissan Almera Classic since 2006 Sedan

Trade-in Nissan Almera. English patient

They say the Japanese do real cars only for themselves. Everything else is more or less successful copies. What to talk about cars collected outside the country! But buyers are the opinion of skeptics do not share. A nissan-almer manufactured in England, for example, sellers are not stored in the secondary market.

Choice right
To buy another used car, we went to Kuntsevo. And I did not regret what to see! It turned out to be all the trades presented in the brand technical center (them, according to our calculations, about fourteen) assembled under one roof. To get into this commission, the applicant must be preserved at least, the service book is even better if the car is taken into account in the official dealer.
Cars are more readily taking cars not older than six years with mileage up to 150 thousand km. Owners of more ancient copies, hoping to rescue more, prefer to take equipment to the commission. There are also displaced (so-called gray) means of movement, whose pedigree is irretrievably lost.
The cost is determined by their own technique developed by us. Cars under the age of three are on average rated by 10% cheaper than in the natural market, older for all fifteen. Following the diagnosis, the final price is determined. However, if the Committee does not agree with the markup, he can eliminate the identified flaws at his own expense. The task to bring the car to a condition close to the perfect. One-time attachments sometimes reach five thousand (!) Dollars, for example, when reworked poorly made by someone tin. But blushing for the car being exposed for sale does not have to. They offer it, of course, already at a different average market.
Immediately lay out the required amount is not necessarily used cars available in leasing or on credit under 9.5% per annum without advance payment. According to such a scheme, 1015% of buyers will be seen today, and by the end of the year their share can reach half! And yet: if the model did not have enough smallness, they suffer the unrealized goods monthly drop down by 38%.

Red on white
However, we have already done our choice, wishing to acquire the most liquid from all Nissanov Almera. The dream materialized in the bright red semi-trial sedan 2005 release with mileage of 12 thousand km in almost 14 thousand dollars (mechanical KP, air conditioning, GUR, two airbags, audio preparation and electropacket). It was not possible to save a lot in the year of birth for Almer, they asked $ 15 100. However, there were options more comprehend a similar car of 2004 offered for $ 12,800.
In the former life, our nissan was a corporate machine and, judging by the funny run, was used mainly for all presentations and pokatushek. Presale made on conscience even on the stingy winter sun from the brilliance of the body ripper in the eyes. With a closer examination, we were a little alarmed with a small failure of the corner of the hood relative to the wing and step at the junction of the right doors. However, traces of body repair, no matter how they tried, did not find it. If the car and rules, then, obviously, the real masters.
Like most modern cars, the almer is locked with a remote button in the ignition key head. We estimated a thoughtful algorithm: only the driver's door opens with the first press, and the second is the rest. We do not know whether there are plaque in Japan, but the constructors contributed to the fight against them.
But it was not very possible to get comfortable at a driver's seat. It seems that there are enough adjustments (there are even the settings of the lumbar backrest and pillows in height), and inconvenient. It seems to be to blame the too long seat cushion so as not to put under his knees, you have to go ahead, and the loin hangs in the air. The impression was spoiled by a noticeable central console (obviously, someone overestimated the carrying capacity of the hook of the bag or package enshrined there and the lack of a closer at the glove box cover when opening it drops down.
However, there were also many reasons for optimism. Cancelled not liked that did not like it was at first glance, the steering switches are pleasant to the view of the dial of the instruments, and their readings are well read. The central box armrest came to the place. In the depths of it, it was found a secret pocket for a notebook it is useful, because there is no on-board computer. Capacious pockets on the edges of the front seats will easily light even the fire extinguisher. Rear sofa is transformed as you like. With a pillow with a pillow (there is enough two latches) to the cabin enters the bike, with a folded separate (40/60) backs, even the refrigerator. But to sit behind the three medium set of men are cramped, two times just right.
The trunk is good for all and volume, both form and content. There is a pile upholstery, rug, hooks and straps for cargo, deepening for a first-aid kit, lighting. Eh, to remove hanging from the shelves under the glass The coil of the seat belt and the protruding cartridges of the rear lamps lamps and there was nothing to complain.
Under the widespid alligator mouth of the engine compartment (by the way, where is the plastic cover?) Cleanliness and order. All that should be regularly removed, open or monitored, is highlighted in color and conveniently located. However, often to poke the head here does not have to. The old-fashioned chain drive timing in service does not need, and the ignition system with individual coils is much more reliable than those who are hung up with high-voltage wires.
The drive of the auxiliary aggregates of other evaluation besides the middle of half does not deserve. A pair of polyclinic belts without automatic tensioners requires extra normal normochi. And the one that leads the compressor of the air conditioner, in our climate can be removed for half a year, saving and fuel, and the resource of the aggregate. On the bottom, the engine compartment is open to all winds branded plastic protection remained in some kind of snowdrift. Here would be a sheet of durable material! At the same time they would protect the exhaust pipe, laid below the drill skiing of the front subframe.
The front suspension is simple to the limit of Mac-Famon without a transverse stability stabilizer. Obviously, the necessary angular rigidity was provided by the selection of characteristics of springs and shock absorbers. In exchange, it was possible to get rid of the hated bones of racks, the service life of which rarely exceeds 30 thousand km. But with the rear suspension, it seems, have been nervous: eight (!) Silent blocks for the budget machine. Obvious bust. Apparently, they saved on the finishing, creating a complex, but kinematic proper design. Rebuild, as always, repairmen and the owner.
But we will be fair in the whole almer is still good. Made by a smart, elegant, comfortable car, to all of the time, reliable less than several hundred thousand mileage of the machine of this class is not calculated. Simply, choosing a cheap foreign car, you need to carefully weighed your needs. How to know if marketers have not overpowed, complying with unnecessary in the desire to reduce the car?


Evgeny Borisenkov


A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"