Test Drive Mitsubishi Pajero Sport since 2008 SUV

Wisdom of mature age

The annual cosmetic renewal of the model range is a long tradition of Japanese firms, including Mitsubishi. This year is no exception, especially since the popular Padceo model celebrates the twenty-year anniversary. It became a good reason to give the Ozvnik of Pajero of the 2003 model year, new features designed to make it even more noticeable. The style of the front and rear bumpers, lanterns changed, chrome-plated emblems and grinds of the radiator lattice appeared. In the cabin, new inserts under the tree with a changed color and texture of the material, combined (wood-leather) steering wheel. In general, the car has become even luxurious.
Still, perhaps, this is not the main thing. Following the widespread fashion for wise electronics, facilitating the life of the driver, the new Pajero acquired an integrated complex consisting of three subsystems: course stability, control of traction effort and braking during descent. The first - MASC (Mitsubishi Active Stability Control) is responsible for active safety. Her task is to analyze the testimony of the power angle sensor, controlled wheels, vehicle speeds and body position, recognize the start of the drift and adjust it. The second - MATC (Active Stability Control) increases the permeability, increasing torque on the most loaded wheels. Finally, Mebac (Engine Brake Assist Control) helps to keep the car in off-road descent. In a single integer, they are combined by the fact that they, using the working brake system, or slow down a separate wheel, adjusting the arising sliding, or take the role of blocking the differential, redistributing the torque. The essence of the work of the last subsystem is that by maintaining the constant speed of the descent, it similarly redesters the braking torque generated by the engine.
Naturally, it was impossible not to try.
On asphalt
Shorthead Mitsubishi Pajero, and even with a gasoline 3.5-liter motor - a very frisky car, provoking to fast, dynamic driving. It is quite natural that in comparison with a longer and calm meat, this much more critical to the driver's mistakes and in the limit situation may disappoint not only the impulsive drift of the rear axle, but also by subsequent fluctuations when trying to compensate it. Therefore, our experiment is simple, good, the system of course stability can be disabled. The grader track with a set of turns makes it easy to achieve speeds in which mighty tires begin to slip almost as in winter - it's time to evaluate the efficiency of the electronic assistant.
In the first priese, such a desired drive begins, but as soon as the driver is ready to take countermeasures, in the depths of the car, barely audible drainage, accompanied by a slight strangling of the engine, is heard: Like an invisible hand, a rather sharp, the volitional jerk lines the car, returning it to a given trajectory. It seems that the electronics passed the exam, - turning off the stabilization system, I widen my own ambitions, but also worked fairly. Of course, the help of electronics is not for all occasions, but in fairness she can serve a good service.
On off-road
Spring Rasputle is already behind; Maybe it is for the better: the tires have the most popular and the risk to bite in the mud is large enough. And so the combination of ditch, lifts and descents will make it possible to quite effectively load the transmission, forcing the electronics to work. To begin with, trying to overcome a rather cool slide right so, in the rear-wheel drive.
Quickly Zabuxov, Pajero is wondering for a split second and the already familiar crackling blocks the rear differential. The effect is noting - the car overcomes more centimeters of thirty kosovora and only then give up: they say, it's time to include a four-wheel drive. Well, remember the famous super selection: I translate the lever to the 4 HLS position - and again into the attack on the scor. This time we climb noticeably higher, but again for a split second they hang in a difficult place ... And suddenly under the saving crackling of electronics easily enter the top! Not bad. Now the diagonal hanging in the tarled ditch, where the sazdnik, very clearly slowing down the wheel hung in the air and redistributing the torque, goes quickly further. Only the danger of tearing the front bumper keeps against the desire to repeat the experiment in an even deeper trench.
To demonstrate the last advantage of electronics, you need a long cool descent, and even with a cross profile. Alas, such for the test was not found, and at less loaded areas the car behaves quite worthy. Nevertheless, I think that this subsystem would have worked flawlessly.
To help unprofessionals
Obviously, the number of all sorts of auxiliary systems in the car will only increase. Southwalk here is no exception. However, most real jeepers relate to innovations skeptical, preferring proven mechanics. Why? Partially response to this question is the specialists from Mitsubishi. Relying on your vast experience, they emphasize that the integrated MASC + MATC + MEBAC system cannot completely replace the traditional scheme of a full drive with forced blocking of differentials. It only increases active safety and simplifies the control of the car on off-road, and even then under certain conditions. That is, a person, far from high-door raids and Bach, help electronics for the benefit, with her he will be able to get out of the non-standard situation. Well, for those who are confident in their own forces and does not trust electronic delay, it is decided while preserved the usual four-wheel drive with the mechanical locking of the rear differential. So there will be both versions of the machine on the market, and only the most expensive installments of Pajero will be given to the deposit of electronics.
The combination of leather, wood and off-road attributes is characteristic of a modern sacrifice.
Learning language ... Sorry, Paddero capabilities by immersion.
A slippery grader perfectly approached to evaluate the course stability system.
Rear in the short-passage pajero is pretty spacious, but it is difficult to get there.
Sergey Voskresensky
Photo: George Sadkov

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"