Test drive Mitsubishi 3000 GT 1994 - 2001 coupe

Mitsubishi 3000 GT (1996-2000)

Today, only true fans own such a car, replacing three or four copies of the sports Mitsubishi 3000 GT.
Not so long ago, in the mid-90s, Mitsubishi 3000 GT on the streets met quite often. But the fashion, including automobile, changes quickly - every year these machines are becoming smaller and less. In fact, in operation, Mitsubishi 3000 GT showed itself an unpretentious machine, and only one factor comes to the head that could force wide sports masses from this model. The fact is that Mitsubishi 3000 GT was created by the Japanese for the American market, and the native element of the car is long straight routes stretching from one coast to another. To everyday use, especially in the conditions of a large city, the machine is little adapted. As well as to bad roads.
Fortune disk. Since our roads are unlikely to be good for anyone to call, it is precisely riding them that the domestic owner of Mitsubishi 3000 GT is most painful on them. But if Mitsubishi 3000 GT had a pendant from our streets at Mitsubishi, this would not be so ruined. Fortunately (or vice versa), in this model it is quite strong. The first and main blow is taken by the wheels. On another car, it would not be scary, but Mitsubishi 3000 GT has a tire profile height from 40 to 55 mm, and the diameter of the wheelset - from 15 to 18 inches. At the same time, the cost of a native wheeled disk starts from $ 500, but the price of rubber depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Both discs and rubber in the case of Mitsubishi 3000 GT can be considered consumables, get ready to change it quite often, and most importantly, do not even dream that you can buy a car on perfectly round wheels, and immediately lay this waste into the future budget.
The wheels take on the first blow so well that all other elements of the chassis - with the exception of the stabilizer racks, a traditional consumable for all machines with an independent suspension - fail mainly due to natural wear.
Pour! Our other misfortune - bad gasoline - is not so scary to the car: the engine captures the domestic fuel quite calmly, if you do not pour outright rubbish into the tank. The secret of such unpretentiousness is quite simple - the engine was developed about 15 years ago, still under the then existing environmental norms. The motor is almost one in one time-tested 3-liter engine, well known for Pajero, which was simply deployed across the car. It differs from the SUV engine mainly changed by a modified intake manifold and pallet of a different shape crankcase. This engine is produced to this day, so there should not be difficulties with spare parts and repair, especially as practice shows, before major repairs it nurses 350--400 thousand kilometers. Nevertheless, when buying, it is worth making sure that the previous owner of the car did not decide to shift this burdensome procedure to your shoulders. This can be done quite simply: if, when the cold motor is launched, a cloud of red smoke flies out of the exhaust pipe, it means that the overhaul of the motor is no longer around the corner. The verbal testimony of the odometer should not be believed - at Mitsubishi 3000 GT it is completely mechanical, so it is not difficult to correct the side to the seller needed for the seller.
This flip side of the coin also has a front one ???: 3000 GT is not overloaded with capricious electronics and all the engine service will be reduced to the regulatory flushing of the injector ($ 40-75) and replacing candles ($ 20 apiece). The main thing is that it is necessary to strictly change the coolant to a new one in the intervals allotted by the service book and in no case do not try to dilute it to almost zero with water, even if distilled. If you do not comply with this simple requirement, the engine can jam the pump, which leads to a break in the timing belt and, as a result, to the bend of the valves and the complete overhaul of the engine (from $ 1.5 thousand).
Blowing! Over the years of the release of Mitsubishi 3000 GT (the first such model appeared in 1990), the engine, remaining unchanged mainly, was subjected, however, modernization depending on the market and the next environmental norms. So, the power of different modifications can vary twice - from 160 to 320 hp. But there were still two main ones: in the European market, the car was sold in the atmospheric version, and for sales in the American was equipped with turbocharges. It is this option that can be considered optimal for drivers of drive, because the turbocharged version has simply a fantastic dynamics of acceleration - in the seat is pressed almost like in a fighter. Yes, and the turbine, although it slightly reduces the engine motor, is unpretentious in operation, if you observe the basic rules: use only high -quality motor oil and do not flood the engine immediately after stopping. The latter rule is easier to observe if you equip the car with a turbotimer.
Mitsubishi 3000 GT gearboxes also had many, although there are only three main options: an automatic machine, mechanical 5- and 6-speed. The latter have been upgraded all the time, so you can find out which option is by car, only by dismantling the box. Some of the options are repaired, and some with great difficulty. Moreover, as a rule, there are no complaints to the automatic box at all, but the mechanical ones with a solid mileage can annoy the noise of the primary shaft bearings.

In addition to the front -wheel drive version of Mitsubishi 3000 GT, there was also an all -wheel drive version. Finding such a car in good condition now is a great success: in the next two to three years, it will not bring special trouble to the owner. However, if the car has been exploited in our country all these years, then from our dirt, the slotted connection of the gearbox and handouts can acidify tightly, and they can be disconnected with great difficulty.
AMERICAN. Cars for the European and American markets, except for a turbocharged engine, were no different. But in the United States, the Mitsubishi 3000 GT clone called Dodge Stealth was produced for the domestic market. Although there are many cars from the states to us, in our latitudes this is an even more rare beast. It is for the better. Although subjectively Dodge Stealth seems more dynamic, the owner is only tormented with him.
Mitsubishi 3000 GT and Dodge Stealth, even in the little things, but still differ from each other. When trying to repair Dodge Stealth at the maintenance station specializing in the Americans, they will try to wrap you, referring to the fact that this is Mitsubishi. And at the Mitsubishi station, the maximum that they can do is to diagnose the engine, the benefit of the Japanese motor tester recognizes it. But if something needs to be changed, then the lottery begins. Some of the spare parts may come, but something is not. The main thing is that even at branded stations there is no information on the interchangeability of Dodge Stealth and Mitsubishi 3000 GT details.
Therefore, the rare owners of the American are not very satisfied with any proprietary service-the absence of many spare parts, poor knowledge by employees of the material and technical base and, most importantly, the cost of a norm-hour ($ 45-65 depending on work) is not satisfied. Real Mitsubishi 3000 GT fans prefer left spare parts and garage services. Particularly ethical fans even calculated that this allows saving 15-20 percent of maintenance.
Another owner of Mitsubishi 3000 GT can be firmly confident in two things. Firstly, this car almost certainly has a crystal pure past: somehow this model is not in use to be interested in hijackers. Secondly, if the car was beaten, it is very careful. There are only two options: either a very light dent, or immediately for debiting. Such a temperament of the car.
Text Alexei Khresin, drawing Alexander Krasnov

Mitsubishi 3000 GT (2000 onwards) turbo atmospheric
Length/width/height 4600/1840/1290
Working volume (cubic cub) 2972
Power (L.S.) 320 161
Equipped mass (kg) 1600 (4WD - 1745)
Maximum speed (km/h) 250
Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h (sec.) 5.9 6.5
Fuel consumption, medium (l/100 km) 11.5 11.1

The cost of spare parts and consumables for Mitsubishi 3000 GT*
Norma at the branded stations $ 45-55
Spark plug $ 20 ($ 4.5)
Air filter $ 24 ($ 20)
Fuel filter $ 88 ($ 45)
Oil filter $ 22 ($ 5)
Front brake pads $ 113 ($ 46)
Rear brake pads $ 103 ($ 80)
Turning Trampers $ 85 ($ 60)
Stabilizer stand $ 67
Rubber 225/50 r17 $ 200-276
Wheel disk from $ 500 ($ 180-230)
* The cost of non -original spare parts is indicated in the brackets.


Source: "Autopilot"

Mitsubishi 3000 GT 1994 test drives - 2001