Test Drive Mini Cooper since 2006 hatchback

Modern Talking

Less than 7.5 square meters. It is so much space that takes each of the cars taken to the test. And biased, then this is a female topic when the closet breaks and nothing to wear, and something should ride something. Need, yes?
Who is something
BMW 116.
Price of a tested car: 23 322
Max. Power 115 l. with. at 6000 rpm / min
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b200 km / h
Acceleration 0-100 km / h 10.8 s
Mercedes-Benz A 170
Price of a tested car: 19,900
Max. Power 116 liters. with. at 5500 rpm / min
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b188 km / h
Acceleration 0-100 km / h 10.9 s
Mini Cooper.
Tested car price: 29 501
Price in the initial configuration D21 500
Max. Power 115 l. with. at 6000 rpm / min
Max. Speed \u200b\u200b200 km / h
Acceleration 0-100 km / h 10.4 s
All three models are heterogeneous so much that they need to speak separately. But, it should be noted, all three are compact, shunters, stylish and carry the labels of premium brands, which allows us to talk about them as everyone together. This is a kind of Hi-end in a small class. From this you can choose.
It painfully painfully becomes when choosing only one of the three ever-free. For example, buying Mini, you (if an advanced Anglfil) acquire a natural vintage from one type of aircraft packaging on the dashboard, speedometer-Big-Ben in the center of the torpedo and a powerful engine, which only can make this speedometer work. But you lose air, which could be transported in a mini-salon with cottages to the house. If you are not advanced, but you need such a small machine for the price large, then I say. In this sense, nothing better than mini will not find.
Having preferred a class, you get the volume of the cabin compared to the volume of the ML crossover (and much more than in the E-class universal), but you do not become the owner of the real orthodox Mercedes. You understand one half of the brain that you are going on a car with a star, and the other, and very soon, think that, besides you, no one understands.
Voting the heart and wallet for the BMW of the first series, you choose a smaller thing that you can offer this brand long hood and rear-wheel drive, but in the end you do not gain bonuses from the trunk and equipment. And what a pity that neither BMW nor mini, nor this Mercedes can not be bought, voting only with common sense.
Probably, if you add just the advantages of all three, not counting, of course, prefix premium and translate to a simple-car, then even less money will be released a 2-liter 150-strong Focus in the top version of GHIA (though, it is almost eight square meters Parking). But in life there should always be a place to premium.
Therefore, we will continue the choice.
Today, BMW is the most relevant interest: neither mini, nevertheless Mercedes are no longer an event of our district scale. This interest is not so much that inside, how much is how it all entered. Including cardan shaft, by the way! They wanted to get the car in short and at the same time, as always, classical layout. To the question: why is it always? Bavarians will never give a response that would have arranged everyone. But, there are laws of physics, the essence of which is reduced to the fact that real sports cars are rearbed. BMW adheres to this physical principle, as the sports image adheres to. Uncompromising for the BMW, the decision on the classical layout of the compact car and its purely beemwash form forced the Bavarians to take another compromise: to sacrifice what they never donated to the comfort and cubature of the cabin.
Having traveled to a penny, I did not find something to find fault in terms of the drive, but if I don't succeed in this, so it's not me, but the fifth nominal passenger who will have to sit down in the middle. The right, it is strange that he is assigned his own head restraint, but absolutely no place for the legs. He will be able to sit only in cowboy, clasping the wider-high tunnel with his legs, in which the cardan shaft passes. Then the rest of the passengers of his legs to the beat. Here is the only inconvenience from the rear drive on such a small chassis. The remaining inconvenience no longer depend on the presence of a cardan.
Cockpit horror to the minimum space required by the driver to hold onto the steering wheel, switch the transfer and open the side windows. So it is better concentrated on the process and tries to get a maximum of the most fun driving. How to drink it is clear that the person will remain without water on the road: it's just nowhere to put it here, so as not to pour in the cabin there is not a single cupboard. The only bananoid niche next to the handbrake and that only for tightly closed bottles. They are what, teeth open and drink at a time, how the hands are engaged in the wheel? Questions arise and to the location of the handbrake too will push back. The blow to the already not high visibility is applied by sun visors, overlapping a panorama by half. I will remind you that this paragraph is about the car brand BMW. Never on my memory BMW did not allow so many local errors! Yes, their IDRIVE was initially Archnoben, but was the manifesto, and that?
Nevertheless, this car is something that is not such a popular or less perfect machines as Golf V and Focus II.
This gloss. I do not mean driving properties, I'm talking about the style of behavior in the parking lot. Look at yedinichku and see for yourself.
Along with MINI BMW-1, a real metrosexual. He picky to dandruff and dirt under the nails, to the color of the tie and flooding soles. Mercedes is not like that. And not because the subway will not be empty in the subway, but because there is no sex in his appearance at all, it looks like a van. On futuristic but van. And let this model promoutiruet Christina Aguilera, not Irina Allegrova though thanks for that, but the same can not be said about ashku: Wow, what a bitch went!
And how does BMW go? Oh, how bmw goes! Chassis That's what you buy first things, buying a sedan, coupe or, as in this case, the hatchback of this brand. The chassis is what bribes you first (I will note that the design somehow pulled itself at the end of the same queue). The front wheels without shruses can freely, making the steering wheel completely transparent. All is stable, everything is quiet and all in a corporate. Acknowledged Nirvana, selected standardized buzz! And while the road is dry, you naturally do not expect any trick. At high speed, the car will not give you to relax, it will tell you: get pleasure to enjoy, get, get, get! You do not see, how do I squish with intense acceleration? Get! Did you appreciate how I came across the turn? Let's try! Cute, why didn't you unscrew the motor to the valve ring? What do you want me to go?
BMW-1 reminded me of the Russian Cocker Spaniel. Russian, unlike an American decorative dog, born to hunting Umitus and she lives. So this car, like the whole breed.
The machine has a DSC electronic course stabilization system. Apparently this gives BMW confidence when moving on a wet and slippery road. After all,
that sin to hide, there is a whole generation of those who were born and rose on the front drive, and their reactions are no longer responding to the reactions of this quasisport machine. And actually, who does not suit the rear-wheel drive? Owners of BMW or Zhiguli?
Mercedes A-Class is good in that inside more than outside. Outside it is 40 cm in short, BMW-1, but inside is spacious than the BMW-5-universal. His salon is gigabytes of volume, if you take for one bit of the boxes of matches. Excellent visibility, high landing, absolutely smooth floor and many transformation options. These features make it a multipurpose vehicle. The ceiling does not fall on the forehead, does not press the gray upholstery, and therefore there are no prerequisites in Mercedes to tear the malice on gas pedals. With equal with BMW and MINI power and the dynamics of Mercedes, you can't call the sport car. In the same way, as you can't call a person athlete, just for being lucky on the rear shelf a couple of badminton rackets. And with other things being equal to Mercedes faster than two others can drive. Those twelve passport kilometers-in-hour that the A-class is inferior to mini and BMW are purely aerodynamic losses caused by a huge area of \u200b\u200bwindscreen resistance. Pay proper losses do not create a special noise, this machine is quiet.
From all the premium Trinity, he is the most measured. The management does not participate the pulse, does not flash and does not moisturize the hands, the back and in general does not act on hormonal processes. Those who are tired of processes can say: kayf ... do not interfere with me to think. He just goes. You won't call the reactions exquisite, and the pleasure here is not for gourmets. I don't even want to re-pass the hairpin or leaving and not to skip myself. But it does not strain in it: wool with a box, pull the steering wheel, play gas, to counter
and respond. The A-class has to calmly in full: and from the fact that the stocks of water, packaged by niches in the cabin, is enough for two days, and from the fact that the motor does not ask to throw firewood, and from the fact that the suspension works like a goalkeeper Akinfeev, little, but confident.
Mini. Three years ago, they were not different about it, as a front-wheel drive model BMW. Now we understand that the BMW drive is if it can be an forward, so only as a part from the drive 4x4. Three years ago, relatively speaking, the audience went to the remake of the film of 1959, which, by the way, was not in our box office. But, oddly enough, during this time, fashion on retro went ahead. Becoming one day is a sharply, the new mini has not become popular. We will then consider this car just for gourmets, ready to lay out money only for the cartoon-toy appearance and the name of the designer, which they almost say almost nothing.
By how this mini-apparatus behaves on the road, you can make a crazy conclusion: all decades, while BMW refrained from the advanced front, it accumulated the potential to lose all the noses. The chassis of the new mini is beautifully so naughty, confident and cool just cars can not yet ride. And if you need to put in this test on Drivers Car, then put on Mini Cooper. Another thing is that putting into the trunk will have nothing to be especially. Rear places are two well-designed pillows, as if two deeply word-shaped baskets for food sets. Four places are a fiction designed for the Hatchback body. According to its energy MINI, this coupe for two. Then he is fast, and not crazy. And, I believe that it is completely in vain Cooper identify with another orientation. View around how many goes on six hundred, fives and even on Peugeot. As I said, mini metrosexual. Maybe due to the fact that on the genetic level aristocratic. Trimming with wood and leather enhances this feeling. A strange thing: if you try and make four meters in the Khrushchev cuisine in the panel house a fashionable living room with a fireplace and a cigar room, then nothing is possible, of course, will not work. If in the same four square meters of the living area of \u200b\u200bthe MINI Cooper car, insert over plastic polished veneer of nuts and leather chairs, then the car will turn out to be at which it will suddenly drive in the estates near Windsor Castle.
Mini is the most touching and charming thing of the three presented to the choice. Probably, there is a heart of a children's toy, forgotten on the shop at the house. Eyes from pearl buttons should now be paid. Dai, I press the headlight washer ...
Honestly, I am not ready to continuously communicate with three times by the triumphant spirit of the Monte Carlo rally (64, 65 and 67 years), as not ready for volitional driving methods in the snow on the rear drive. Therefore, I choose ... Almost van Mercedes-Benz A-Class. Food, it means, and I feel that it is too transparent for an extraneous eye.
Huge useful volume. Beautiful ergonomics, super-review. Rides confidently. Not turning over. Sports in it is a simulator, bike, skiing and kayak, which can be shovel at the same time. Smooth floor and same overclocking. Skipped forward with the rest of Mercedes
Vintage appearance, but are you ready for constant nostalgia? Excellent drive, carefree before snow falling. Little place behind, but in front of it. You can already attack BMW. Unlike classic mini, this will be used to be
Excellent purebred chassis. Do not forget to enjoy! Internal dimensions allow to achieve better concentration. No trifles and places for them. Constantly attacked by Imprem and tuning Samara. The first loses, does not want to contact the second. Require a more powerful version, and this will go well into the Load to the BMW-7
Text Ivan Caderer Photo Leonid Deduch

A source: Cars

Test drives Mini Cooper since 2006

Crash Test Mini Cooper since 2006

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