Test Drive Mini Cooper since 2006 hatchback

Prestigious supermini up to 1,500,000 rubles. Problem of choice

Many believe that difficulties in choosing a new machine concern only those who are very constrained in the means. What a misconception! Not even experiencing special financial difficulties, you can lose your head in search of your car

Christina Ionitskaya, economist-international, driving experience is 10 years old, driving on mini, wants a bright, prestigious and compact hatchback for the city, the budget - 1,500,000 rubles.

It is clear that for such money we are talking about a compact car, but an exceptionally prestigious brand. Democratic brands are not considered.

It is hardly important quality when choosing a car. First of all, the car must please the eye, and everything else is no more than the details discussed ...

It does not matter.

I, of course, are not a racer, but the clear and sharp ride chants mini are very pleased with me. I would not want to fall from it.

Design in this case in the first place. I also want the car to be a reasonable in the rear row of the seats if possible.

Over all safety: pillows and everything you can. Well, of course, a mandatory for a prestigious car set: electric drives, climate, music ...

We can say that small cars is my weakness. In general, I do not understand how in such a noisy and close city, like Moscow, you can ride every day on a large sedan or a huge SUV. Here, let's say, the Mazda CX-7 husband is not bad, but too, for my taste, overall. So when a few years ago it was the turn to choose a car for me, then large models were not even considered. But I really liked Roger Mazda MX-5. So wonderful! Compact and unusual outwardly, he attracted me and a rigid folding roof, and the possibility of installing a machine gun, but, thoroughly weighing everything in and against, I still refused to buy. The fact is that the router Mazda is just a double. Let most of the time I drive alone alone, but from time to time the situation happens when someone needs to ride, throw, capture. Agree, with this situation without the rear row of the seats nowhere. Let the sofa be close and uncomfortable, but it should be. As a result, I chose MINI, as I do not regret anything. The car is just wonderful. Unusual, bright and very gambling in terms of driving chassis. Yes, she has a close sofa, but, unlike the same MX-5, it is at least available. From what I do not like, I can only notice a very tough, uncomfortable suspension. Nevertheless, MINI I planned to replace the new generation machine, but recently learned that a similar compact model released Audi also a very respected brand. And before making a final decision, I wanted to see what the baby A1 is capable.

Audi A1 from 799 000 r.
Selected, because: the long-awaited baby is not only the most compact Audi family, but also a direct opponent MINI. The cars are designed to the same buyer, and therefore we will compare and choose.

Little Audi looks intriguing and unusual. I got used to big and solid cars of this brand. Let's say I personally really like the model A5 solid and elegant. But the unit seems even slightly funny. It seems a completely small car, but with a difficult character: you just look at the evil grille of the radiator and the predatory nasturn of the front headlights. An interesting solution appeared and the racks of the roofs painted into the contrasting basic color of the body shade. Unusually, and the main thing will throw. I noticed that this typewriter often look after apparently, we still haven't got used to such a little Audi. Although there is a suspicion that as soon as one, it becomes more on the streets, then they will see them stopped perhaps the Charizma A1 still lacks.

Salon, I must say, also quite traditional for Audi. Everything is very high quality, yes. In my opinion, there are quite decent, I would even say dear finishing materials, but only the fantasy designers is not felt. It seems that they simply took the salon of Big Audi, at least the same A5, and tritely reduced it in size. It turned out neatly, good, but boring, or something ... almost the only bright design element of the edging of the air ducts. Stylish, of course, but not enough. But the sofa is clearly more than in my mini. Moreover, oddly enough, even tall passengers can really be accomplished here really did not expect. And the trunk, even in principle, is not very big, but still more than in my current car.

And after the first meters behind the wheel it became clear that Audi is a very comfortable car. If mini all the body shudders literally on each crack, then the unit is much softer on the road. Liked the work of the gearbox. In fact, the switching lever on the Audi reminds a manual box, but in fact it is a very advanced DSG automatic machine. It is immediately seven steps in it, and the Audi switches very quickly and unnoticed. The dynamics, as it seemed to me, is also better than in Mini, although I repeat once again: the speed records for me are not an end in itself.

In general, Audi A1 did not disappoint. At first glance, it is clear that this is a very serious and high-quality small car. At the conscience collected, quite convenient and spacious for their modest dimensions, one is also decently rides, but it is approximately like mini. Perhaps the only thing that this car is a little lacking, slightly brighter appearance. And anyway, Audi turned out to be a worthy candidate for the role of a shifter of my current car.

The car looks good, but there is in this class and much more bright personality. On Troychka

Quick and sufficiently soft hatchback. Good combination. Fits

Spacious sofa, not the smallest trunk and very high build quality. There would be more injecting design ... Very good

The 7-speed DSG and the 1.4-liter turbo engine are distinguished by enviable economy on average a little more than 5 liters. Great

Not expensive and not poorer mini. Fine

Advantages and disadvantages
+ High-quality and fairly spacious interior for its class, comfortable suspension, good speaker.

- not enough bright design both outside and inside.

Brand and Model - Audi A1
Dimensions - 3955x1710x1420 mm
Engine - gasoline, 1390 cm3, 122 hp / 5000 min-1
Transmission - 7-speed, automatic
Dynamics - 200 km / h; 9.7 s to 100 km / h

MINI COOPER from 775 000 r.
It is selected because: as best mountains can only be mountains and mini of the first generation, only the latest model of a prestigious brand can be prompted. But it is in theory, but what will happen in practice?

While I tried to Audi, it seemed to me that one was slow, but correctly displaces the personal addies to Mini from the hit parade. But it was worth just to look at the new cooper, as everyone suddenly turned over again from his head to his feet. This is the design, this is expression, this is a car! Mini asked to conquer at first sight. In it, there is no single passing or boring detail. The designer approach in the best sense of this concept is felt absolutely in everything: from turn signals and grilles of the radiator to wheeled disks and door handles. And how good the rearview mirrors are charm! And even simple, it would seem, lamp stickers on the hood add a sports charm and chic machine. Super!

But even more impressive MINI inside. This is not a simple interior, this is a real masterpiece! How surprisingly looks a huge speedometer saucer, located in the center of the front panel! Incredibly sculptural thing! I do not know how she is with readability, but the effect it produces what it is necessary. I liked the switches made in the style of old aviation togglers. If you simply click on the boring buttons in the Audi, then in mini, even the banal turning on the fog turns into a memorable expherest.

This personally for me is the difference between the two cars represented. Unlike the usual and some civilian Audi A1, MINI seems to be a romance focus. A plump bagel of the steering wheel does not want to let out of the hands! Even the design of the seats in Cooper is more interesting and unusual than in A1. For me, all this is extremely important.

Of course, one is more convenient. Replanting to the back of Mini after the Audi sofa, you understand how closer it is! Yes, and the trunk comparison is clearly not in favor of Cooper. The numbers speak for themselves: 160 liters vs. 270. But when choosing such selfishly essentially a machine, as a prestigious city hatchback, practicality is moving into the background.

Yes, Mini loses in acceleration to hundreds, and in maximum speed, but is it important in the end? The main thing, Cooper is much more emotional and bright thing, and if you consider approximate equality in prices and equipment, I seem to have already done your choice.

Not a car, but a solid delight! Super

In the dynamics, a little inferior to the opponent, but the controllability from Mini is sharper and clearer. It is good

The magnificent design outweighs the cloth sofa, and a modest trunk. Fine

Mini is more voracious than Audi, and let ... it doesn't matter

In any case, when buying prestigious hatchbacks will not be saved. But this is the very case when it is considered expensive, nomil. Arranges

Advantages and disadvantages
+ Magnificent design outside and inside, driving features.

- more modest, compared to Audi, sofa and trunk.

Brand and Model - Mini Cooper
Dimensions - 3700x1685x1405 mm
Engine - gasoline, 1598 cm3, 122 hp / 6000 min-1
Transmission - 6-speed, automatic
Dynamics - 197 km / h; 10.4 s to 100 km / h

My choice
Of course, my opinion is purely subjective, but I once again made sure that the mini alternatives simply are simply not. With all the advantages of Audi A1, and this is definitely a very very worthy car, it seems to me not charismatic. But in mini, the level of charm, character and style simply rolls. That is why it is easier for him to forgive flaws. Moreover, a rigid suspension, a close sofa or a less damned automathere, I want to consider not as minuses, but rather like whims. Agree, the car to which you treat as animate creature is great!

Editor's Choice
With all due respect to MINI, Audi engineers have created a more high-tech and advanced car. Audi A1 raises the banner of prestigious challenged urban hatchback on a new height. This also applies to the quality of interior decoration, and the convenience of the cabin, and, of course, driving qualities. The combination of the turbomotor and the agile 7-speed DSG transmission provides excellent dynamics with enviable economy. And the best, compared to Mini, the smoothness of the stroke and noise isolation only add a small Audi vista.

Photo: Sergey Crostes

A source: Magazine 5 Wheel [February 2011]

Test drives Mini Cooper since 2006

Crash Test Mini Cooper since 2006

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