Test drive Mercedes Benz SLK R170 2000 - 2004 convertible

Hurricane to meet the wind

It's nice to ride an open car on a hot day ... And if not along the embankment? And not just in an open car? And do not ride, but, that way, two hundred? But they are capable of more, although they are not large in size ...
In the 90s, after a long lull, a real boom began in the market segment of relatives. In the middle of the decade, moderately expensive BMW Z3, \u200b\u200bMercedes-Benz Slk and Porsche Boxster appeared. They were clearly waiting for them: from that time more than 200 thousand Z3, almost the same SLK and about 70 thousand Boxster had fled around the light. Last year, two more strong competitors of the Audi TT Roadster and Honda S2000 debuted. For comparison, we chose two proven Mercedes-Benz Slk and Porsche Boxster wrestlers and one Honda S2000 promising beginner.
Not only external differences
Let's start with the layout: SLK typical classic (engine above the front axle, rear drive wheels), Porsche is an equally typical average engine (engine in front of the rear drive of the axis), but Honda ... allowing certain liberties, such placement can be called a mixture of two layouts: when The rear drives of the engine is located in front of the driver, but within the base, behind the axis of the front wheels. Formally classic, but with a certain stretch, such a layout can be considered a central location. However, this approach can not be called a revelation in the golden 50-60s many sports cars were built according to the same scheme to improve the weight and reduce the moment of inertia of the car around the vertical axis.
Explicit differences in power units. Mercedes-Benz Slk has just changed the gamut of engines, and by the time of the test we could not find a car with one of the new engines in Moscow. I had to be content with SLK 200 with a row four without a compressor. Far from a sports motor: only 136 forces were removed from a volume of 2.0 liters with very calm 5500 rpm. Of course, for an equal struggle with Porsche and Honda, the new SLK 320 should be set. Opposite 6-cylinder engine Porsche Boxster (2.7 l) provides 220 hp. at 6400 rpm and the maximum of torque (260 nm) on quite sports 4750 rpm.
But all these are flowers compared to Honda S2000. A two -liter (!) Incock four without any boost gives 241 hp! True, for this, the engine needs to be removed to 8300 rpm, and the maximum torque is not only modest (208 nm), but also requires 7500 rpm, that is, where the pair of the Porsche tachometer has long passed on the red line (7000 rpm rpm. min)! But after all, on the Honda S2000 tachometer, the red zone begins at 9000 rpm!
Honda S2000 is offered only with a mechanical 6-speed gearbox, Mercedes-Benz SLK can also be equipped with a 5-band automaton (which was in our case), and the Porsche Boxster buyer with a 2.7 l engine can choose between 5-speed mechanics and a 5-band Tiptronic automaton allowing manual control (in our case).
Different chassis: Honda S2000 and Mercedes-Benz SLK two-winged pendants (SLK has a five-leaf option), Boxster is MacPherson pendants. Honda, like Porsche, uses the rheck steering mechanism, Mercedes-Benz retains a ballpoint nut that is clearly less suitable for a sports car.
A few words about the roof. A unique hard, folding top of SLK, an important advantage for countries with snow winters. The process of lifting or folding the roof is naturally automated and takes 20 seconds. The soft roofs of the rivals are folded and are faster: 10 C U Honda and 12 C Porsche. But only for an additional fee Honda and Porsche can get a hard top. Removable, but, alas, not folding.
First impression
As in the solid Miss contest of something there: all participants are damn good, and the preferences of the audience are formed, mostly, on a subjective basis. All three relatives are outwardly very expressive, completely devoid of vulgar decorations and clearly demonstrate proprietary genes.
Honda’s wedge-shaped body is perhaps the most aggressive, and its proportions, with an elongated front and with a slightly inclined windshield, give birth to pleasant associations with famous English analogues of the 60s. The appearance of Porsche resembles an athlete in a civil suit, the muscles do not seem to stick out, but they are accurately guessed. Even a heavy front overhang is up to a powerful jaw. Mercedes-Benz, the shortest of the trinity, is a brilliant example of how compactness can be linked with elegance.
Salons (or, if you want, cockpit) of three relatives have one common property of high quality materials and thoroughness of the finish, but in style each of them demonstrates its approach.
The interior of Mercedes-Benz, without claiming originality, is built on traditional motives. Once in the SLK salon, you find that almost all the integrity of the design remained outside. And inside the strict Mercedes solidity and comfort: the feeling is that, approaching the Rodster, you were distracted and accidentally sat in a sedan standing nearby, of course, Mercedes-Benz. True, the solidity of the front panel shapes is somewhat about it is lived in two -tone coloring.
The interior of Porsche Boxster, on the contrary, is solved in one dark gray color, diluted only with aluminum overlays on the central tunnel and door handles. But the shape of the front panel can not be accused of classicism to take at least a dashing visor over a combination of devices.
The Honda S2000 interior is sometimes criticized for excessive modesty. But this modesty is akin to the simplicity of the cockpit of the Pungent car, which only costs an unusual instrument panel! And who doesn’t have a heart more often at the sight of the red button of Engine Start (engine start)? MV interior style, as in the outer design, each of the three relatives is good in its own way, and the choice between them in the nomination is a matter of taste.
We’ll try on ...
SLK significantly exceeds rivals in capacity. Its interior is more spacious, and the set of adjustments is enough for the driver and passenger of any height and physique are satisfied with the landing. Or are almost satisfied, because for a better unit with seats there is not enough lateral support. According to the capabilities of the trunk, Mercedes-Benz also wins confidently, however, only at a time when the roof is overhead. The fact is that when it is cleaned (without unnecessary auxiliary manipulations, easily and spectacularly), it occupies the upper half, or rather 60% of the luggage compartment. But the hard folding top can be forgiven for the convenience of all -season use here it is beyond competition.
In general, the creators of the SLK cannot be suspected of persecution of comfort in order to achieve sports, which in this case is greater than inside. By the way, running ahead slightly, we will mention that the same can be said about the character of this machine. It seems that SLK was built on the principle: you may not be an athlete, but Mercedes must be. It is not surprising that at the wheel of an elegant relatives with a three -beam star, though elegant representatives of the fair sex, as you know, appreciate comfort.
It is much more difficult to imagine on our roads a lady who controls Porsche. It was in the West that the company hoped to see a woman behind the wheel of almost every third Boxster. Our situation, to put it mildly, is different (may possible excellent exceptions to us).
Boxster leaves no doubt that the sports beginning here is undividedly dominated by everything else. Compare two expressions: sports Mercedes-Benz and sports Porsche. Agree, the second no less tautology than the classic oil oil. Sports spirit is felt in everything, starting from a deeper squat when planting in a car, where a pleasantly tight -fitting tough sports chair awaits you. Inside is by no means as spacious as in SLK, and someone will seem slightly cramped at all. But only Boxster can open two trunks in front of the owner, albeit small, but quite functional, without a hint of props.
All behind the wheel of Boxster creates a sports, gambling mood. This is a landing and the original construction of a combination of devices around an impressive tachometer that crowns the other two dials on the sides. Another curious detail of the transmission button on the steering knitting needles, because we got a car with a Tiptronic sequental box, which allows you to choose between a purely automatic and pseudo -proprietary automatic machine.
The Honda S2000 seems a little more spacious than Boxster for landing, but the trunk is without surprises. It is very small, unlike SLK and one, unlike Boxster. The S2000 interior is very interesting for its noble sporting conciseity. All attention is immediately attracted by an unusual instrument panel. The testimony of the tachometer shutters, deployed in a gentle arc with an amazing range of measurements, are read almost at the same time with a large liquid crystal speed number that supports this arc.
On the sides of the steering wheel, at a minimum distance, the controls of the audio center and the climatic installation are concentrated. Very convenient: everything is done without removing the hands from the steering wheel. To the right, nothing but a solid soft plastic, even an audio center can (and, by the way, want to) with a lid, so as not to violate the monolist of the panel. On the left is the same starter button: it’s truly with claims! No, the sports style here is perhaps even more than in Porsche! A powerful high tunnel employee, from which a short lever of boxes with a titanium tank sticking out ... even in the absence of adjustments of the steering column, the ergonomics of the S2000 is impeccable: the optimal planting is achieved by the seat settings.
In dynamics
Porsche and Honda are standing each other, even though Boxster is equipped with a machine gun. The SLK version that we get in their company looks much more modest: horsepower is too unequal in this confrontation. Turning the key and on the command of the starter three pairs of pistons in the bowels of the opposition block Porsche rush towards each other in contactless boxing. The sound of a working motor is impressive, although not like the incomparable voice of the 911st Turbo, who conquered us in due time. Apparently, the requirements for the noise level forced the engineers to go to a certain compromise.
Boxster is violently accelerated both in the automatic and manual box mode. But in the latter case, the feeling does not leave that the inclusion of gears should be pressed by a button with a slight lag. The engine braking is not distinguished by the intensity: on impatient manipulations, buttons down, the system is clearly in no hurry to respond, protecting the transmission from the moment loads. Only at a very small move, the first gear, turning on, like mechanics, quite energetically extinguishes the remaining speed. It is not very convenient to monitor the change of gears: a small chain of bead-lighteds with equally small digitizing is not too legible, especially with a cursory look.
The S2000 dynamics is just excellent! Everything that happens after pressing the Red Starter button causes a storm of emotions! How many examples are there when temperamental acceleration after 6,000 revolutions not only does not fade, but on the contrary, goes into the second, decisive stage, crazy, hurricane impulse, which you are given another 3,000 revolutions? And this despite the fact that the bottoms allow you to sit in the sixth gear up to 35 km/h! The mind is incomprehensible how the Hondians managed to cover such a range! Of course, the case did not reach the characteristic of the electric motor, and in order not to lose in acceleration, it is advisable not to drop the momentum too low. The same thing when touching: if you stir up for momentum, there is a chance to stall. The main thing is to remember that the working range here does not end near the usual six thousand, and extends to much less familiar nine.
The unusually short moves of the lever, the impeccable clarity of the inclusion of the gears does not leave space for any wishes, where is even better? And the sound ... inspired song of the motor! Hondovsky motor! Nine thousand! Have you heard? Turn on the broadcast of the formula! No, not that ... To understand, one must be here, near, inside! And the brake properties of three relatives can be discussed in the nuances, but in general, when braking with different intensity, we did not have any questions to any of the cars.
On steep turns
In the nomination, Honda Manage has won our unanimous sympathies. The nature of this car incorporated all the best: excellently verified the severity of reactions, completely reliable feedback, stability on direct and amazing tenacity in corners. If you bring the tires to the sliding, another strong feature opens: slipping, the car does not rush into the skid, but is drift with all four wheels, maintaining reliability and predictability of behavior.
In order to disrupt the S2000 in the skid, you need to try hard, do not see what is the classic. But then you will have to work with the steering wheel so that the call caused does not turn into critical. Indeed, on wide low -profile tires, the transition from rolling to slipping and vice versa occurs very rapidly!
Nevertheless, the S2000 immediately has a combination of sharpness and reliability. Moreover, another rare combination is laid in this family: outstanding handling does not conflict with the comfort of driving. The pleasure of management does not shake the soul at all. And this is on the tires of the rigid dimension, 205/55 R16 in front and 225/50 R16 behind!
Boxster is somewhat different. It is more wayward and not as condescending as S2000. This, of course, has its own gambling charm, which, however, also implies the corresponding skills of the driver. Only a real driver can count on a real pleasure driving a real Porsche! There is everything for this: excellent sharpness and feedback, stability at speed.
But in steep turns, you should be more attentive. The initial demolition of the front for discharge of gas is very willingly replaced by a skid. It is worth a little late with the eating, and Boxster in the desire for skidding can go further than you would like. The compromise between the handling and smoothness of the course of Porsche, unlike the S2000, was less smooth. With all its behavior, Boxster emphasizes that its genuine element is an autobahn.
If the S2000 and Boxster can be compared with strong trained athletes, then SLK is more likely a gentleman in excellent sports form. And the matter here is not only and not so much in the motor. With very good severity, the steering SLK does not differ in informativeness, and the suspension misses tangible rolls. Active riding this Rodster is more than available, but a complete merger with the car does not work. There is no reason to doubt that Slk Driver's Car is a car for the driver, but it is possible that this driver is more likely a fan of the brand than the sophisticated prisoner of active driving.
Summing up, it is necessary to immediately dot I: Porsche and Honda are designed for one type of customers, and Mercedes-Benz for another. Mercedes-Benz SLK Stylish Lesture. A calm engine, a relatively soft suspension, a sifted steering wheel, the universality of a folding hard roof, and all this with reliability, quality and image of the Mercedes-Benz brand. For many, nothing is really needed. But do not demand from the SLK explosive acceleration, accurately prescribing the trajectory of a winding road and balance at the limit of adhesion in your favorite bend. He will do all this quite safely, but you will not get raptings from this.
Porsche Boxster and Honda S2000 are created just for rapture. It seems to be an ephemeral difference, but you don’t have to be an expert in order to clearly feel it, transplanting from any of these cars in SLK. As for Boxster and S2000, believe me, there are not so many cars in the world that can compete with them in the nomination pleasure from driving. And the more difficult it is our task to determine which of them is the first and who is the second.
Equating important, but subjective design assessments (for example, we liked the appearance of Honda more), we will try to first distinguish obvious pros and cons. Depending on the Honda configuration is cheaper than Porsche by 20-30% (Porsche has very expensive options). But Porsche has much higher prestige of the brand: I go to Porsche the phrase says a lot.
Out of practical reasons, it is worth noting that Boxster has two trunk people, each of which is only not much less than the only S2000. But Honda did without such a long and low front -a -way, like Porsche, but with it, Russian bedridden policemen will have to go in a whisper. By the way, Honda is somewhat superior to Porsche and in smoothness.
Now about the nuances
In the time of the maximum intensive acceleration on the same programs (S2000, there are six of them, Boxster has five) and from the place and in the Honda movement, but confidently wins with Porsche with a manual box. It should only be borne in mind that, for example, the sixth transmission of Honda in the general transmission is lower than the fourth of Porsche (the same with the rest of the programs). The gearbox corresponds to the motor, the same is required from the driver: with an active manner of movement in the S2000, he will have to wield gears outly more often than in Porsche. What, I must say, gives true pleasure to S2000! A tested Boxster with a Tiptronic automatic machine is still a little behind the acceleration dynamics from a fellow with a mechanical box, but here it is worth noting the high quality of the switching both in automatic and manual control mode.
If the Honda acceleration dynamics in the nomination turned out to be a little more sporty than Porsche, then in the handling section everything is perhaps the opposite. The steering S2000 provides excellent sensitivity and a good reactive effect, and in corners the car moves like on rails and without tangible rolls. The only thing that Honda does not really love is passing turns in a controlled skid. Porsche will enjoy lovers of a rally driving style, it is easier to introduce it into a skid, for example, for discharge of gas, and easier to control in lateral sliding. With regard to other aspects of Porsche handling, it is very close to the S2000.
It is not easy to make the final choice between Honda S2000 and Porsche Boxster, and this is also a compliment of a Japanese company. By the way, it is appropriate to recall that this is not the first successful experience of the company in competition with the best European sports cars: ten years ago Honda NSX a worthy opponent for Porsche 911 appeared.
Honda S2000

1. Excellent
2. Stormy dynamics
overclocking at high speeds
3. Good for sports
car smoothness
4. Relatively
moderate price

1. Maybe
someone will not like it
that active acceleration
requires high revolutions
motor and comparatively
frequent gear shifts
Porsche Boxster
1. Acute sports
2. Impressive

1. Hard suspension
Mercedes-Benz SLK200

1. Traditional
2. Unique
hard roof

1. Comparatively
sluggish dynamics of acceleration
2. Not sports enough
manageability Z8
Roman Sergeev
Vladimir Yakovlev
Dmitry Filonov
Photo by Alexander Nozdrin


Source: Cars

Test drives Mercedes Benz SLK R170 2000 - 2004

Crash Test Mercedes Benz SLK R170 2000 - 2004

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