Test drive Mercedes Benz ML class W166 since 2011 SUV

Test drive of the new Mercedes-Benz M-Class: Fast Lazy

We quickly went away from civilization, that is, the airport. For half an hour along the German routes on the latest third generation, Mercedes M-Klasse can be dismissed 100 kilometers. But this Mercedes impressed with its speed. Then what?

Frankly, M -class is not at all the hero of my novel. My romance is more modest, below and certainly cheaper. The criteria by which I choose a car are completely different from those by which I assume - the likely buyers of this monster make their choice.

Monster? Well, why not in fact? Of course, Emka - not chopped forms of the cartridge and not a hammer with a brick face - it can boast of a more intelligent design ... But when you rush along the highway at a speed of about two hundred, smaller road users still scatter like drops of oil in a hot frying pan. Especially if your Mercedes is black.

True, we rode on white. But German drivers are not familiar with color differentiation and they disciplinedly miss those who go faster. Namely us.

Although this Mercedes is not fast. That is, you can go quickly on it, but I do not want to. 100-150 km/h speed for new and very environmentally friendly engines, of course, not transcendental, but I do not want to exceed them. The new M-Class M-Class obeys the turns of the steering wheel, but it does it as if reluctantly, without sports sharpness. Relations of the steering wheel and wheels are transferred to the sensations from driving as a whole - calm, smooth, vague. It seems to be with gasoline OEM and acceleration for less than 8 seconds, and the maximum speed is the first to limit the feeling of self -preservation, not electronics ... but a frantic drive does not work. No need.

She is to blame for everything, she is the cursed thoughtfulness of the gasoline OEM! It is incredibly economical, very quiet and throws a minimum of harmful substances into the atmosphere (in Russia, EURO 2 is still held in high esteem, and the Wenile Germans massively release Euro 6). But for the first time, sitting behind the wheel, going on the highway from the adjacent territory and seeing a stunting camper in the rear -view mirror, I showed it to the fat owner and pressed the gas with a smile. Then he pressed it again. And further. It seems like an eternity, but I really did not budge! While the machine and I found a common language, the amazed brake-traveler almost drove into us.

... a small retreat. The M -Class M -class, who was responsible for the test, Wolfgang Keller - a charming middle -aged uncle, obviously in love with his work, willingly recognized the thoughtfulness of the gasoline engine, not considering it a disadvantage. The ability to go measuredly, but at high speeds, can be considered a proprietary sign of Mercedes.

So take a diesel. Yes, it is not so powerful (204 hp or 258 hp against 306 hp in gasoline), but accelerates much more understandable, more evenly and - trams - even more vigorously. While the ML 350 BlueEfficency decides to work for him or not, the 258-horsepower ML 350 Bluetec is already tearing forward, accelerating to hundreds, let the penny (0.2 seconds). At the same time, no more noise.

... Retreat number 2. Choosing a diesel version, you demonstrate a European approach: about 85 percent of the Germans Austrians prefer to feed the M-class adhentse. If you want gasoline, Yankees say: 85 percent of Americans prefer gasoline.

Luno Road
Emka is magnificent on off -road. Of course, we were launched on a special off -road, which the harsh Austrian men were covered with roulette and levels a thousand times.

But let everything be frozen! Anyway, the feeling of riding on the American hills with the only difference that you are not a passenger, but a driver, which means there is no confidence in a successful finish - an adrenaline pie. To eat it is to subject my not too reliable vestibular apparatus unpleasant tests. Result: legs are trembling, the heart is knocking, but what kind of buzz it is where, it seems, you just can’t drive!

We rolled down the slope (the plate stated the 80-degree-in reality, I think, degrees 65-70, which is also cool), tilted to the left (or to the right, I don’t remember) so that the belt hardly held the driver and passengers, climbed into a completely breathtaking. ravine...

And everything is done by a small lamb in the central tunnel, which controls the Offroad package ... it will be available in Russia, and as the manufacturer of sales Mercedes M-Klasse suggests with such a package will bring a fair part of the income to the company piggy bank.

The question remains, do you trample on a car for 3 million in some quarry with a risk of leaving her piece worth two hundred and two hundred? On the other hand, the car is constant satisfaction from potential opportunities. And buying a car that can get ahead of Sapsan, we rejoice at the very chance to go quickly, in reality proud that we accelerated to a hundred in a dark lane. So whether you take a chance to get out of the road not so important. The main thing is that you can afford it.

M-class can potentially please a lot of any options. But what is valuable - its complete set cannot be called excess. He has many systems, buttons and steering wheel switches. But they are not an exquisite buffet for a not eating week of a person who will die before it is determined where to start. Everything works here when necessary.

The car was suspiciously approaching the car walking in front - the light bulb flashed on the dashboard, changed the strip - the safety spirit began to beat slightly on the steering wheel, someone appeared in the dead zone - the light bulb in the side mirror caught fire, if you still decided on the maneuver - washed down. Everything is smart and ergonomic, it is a pity only on Russian roads and light bulbs will be burned constantly, and the computer will not react to change the strips due to the lack of marking.

The new Mercedes M-Class will come to Russia in the spring of 2012 to become a competitor of the BMW X5. Which of them will lose? Is it possible to lose in this battle.

They are identical. For those who cannot and are not going to buy them. For real buyers, these are completely different machines and different philosophy. And you understand this, even if you find it difficult to formulate the main doctrines of these philosophy.

You should buy Mercedes-Benz M-Class if you want to scare the jerks on the Moscow Ring Road, and small animals in the forests. Buy if you need style, comfort and - here is the surprise - a big trunk. Buy if there is money. And if you just like Mercedes. Which will cope with all the tasks, and will not strain an abundance of opportunities.

We liked the Mercedes-Benz M-class
Design, ergonomics, off -road opportunities, diesel engines work

We did not like Mercedes-Benz M-class
The thoughtfulness of the gasoline engine, insufficient severity of the steering

Competitors Mercedes-Benz M-class in the Russian market:
Infiniti fx

Author: Philip Berezin
Photo: Philip Berezin


Source: Wheel magazine [September 2011]

Video crash tests Mercedes Benz ML class W166 since 2011