Test drive Mercedes Benz ML class w164 2005-2008 SUV

In a sports role

Having parted with the spinal frame, the M-class claims the title of King of the asphalt all-around.

Yes, he is completely different!
Moscow drivers know: a turn from a large stone bridge to a moss -made great place to check the stability of the machine on the turn. Having trampled the gas under the town, I leave for the external radius, leaving the crowd of quiet -classes on the right ... No, the speed, perhaps, is highly fit on the limit. But for an all-terrain vehicle, the new Mercedes-Benz stands very well in the bend.

You won’t confuse him the same: an increased slope of the front racks, an extended rear overhang, wheels of a larger diameter. Having become lower only by 5 mm (and it seems at least 50), the car no longer looks like a lobary Anfas. It is much more important that the second -generation ML ML ML MLA was reduced. In addition, as many as 75 mm, the track expanded, which is much more responsible for the aspirations of those who like to ride quickly.

It is easy to imagine how the old M-class would behave, wrap it on Mokhovaya at the same speed. The choice would be small: either stupidly hold the steering wheel, feeling how the right wheels come off the asphalt (oh, it is not worth it to end on the roof of the test drive of the car for 80,000 euros), or straighten the trajectory and plow the green hillock at the foot of Pashkov’s house.

So, the main emphasis on the quick ride on asphalt. In addition to the increased hardness of the body to twist, the chassis is radically changed. The torsions in the front suspension gave way to the springs, and the Germans carried the upper transverse levers as high as possible. The rear suspension has become a multi -leaf -fingered passenger, highway solution, not so often found in jeeps. However, the twisted springs, apparently, are present in the technician new Emelka purely nominally: well, who, having given 60,000 euros, will regret 2424 euros for adaptive air suspension with the adjustment of rigidity and road clearance? On the lane pneumatics allows you to lift the car by 80 mm, and at speeds over 100 km/h automatically reduces the clearance by 15 mm for the sake of such universality and it was worth inventing the asphalt all -round.

A swift silhouette and far from an all-terrain road clearance of M-class really became completely different

And if even cooler?

One who is not enough 272 l. with. Or you need a Mercedes-Benz with Schildik more reproach, can buy ML500 with a V-shaped eight of 306 liters. with. Its maximum speed is as much as 240 km/h. In the starting configuration, it is more expensive for 23,000 euros, but this amount already includes a 3-zone climate control of thermalrotor, a leather salon with wood and multi-contouring front seats, chrome body decoration, mirrors with automatic darkening, rain sensor and a mesh that separates the trunk From the salon. There are no special series for the ML500, since buyers of such cars do not save on trifles. Only now, the five -hundredth firm is not long. In order not to disgrace to the guys, you will have to sell it in a year in 2006, the Germans will roll it out a much more expensive and prestigious ML63AMG with a 510-horsepower engine and overclocking from a place to 100 km/h in 5 seconds.

Spacious, more convenient, safer
We just wanted to check, first of all, its highways. Therefore, they chose the ML350 with the so-called sports package. So that the appearance of the machine fully corresponds to its changed character. Outside, such a version is distinguished by 5-spitz 19-inch wheels against 4-spoke 17-inch on the usual 350s, darkened rear lights and an abundance of chromium on the radiator grille, moldings, rear bumper and exhaust nozzles.

Salon match the exterior. Sports leather with inserts from suede alcantara seats, aluminum overlays on the doors and handrails of the central tunnel, the brilliance of perforated stainless steel on pedals ... And what are the high, shiny glasses of the speedometer and tachometer!

Planting behind the wheel is impeccable, you perceive the electroregulations of the seats for granted. The governing bodies are easily available, I did not notice any inconvenience. The Mercedes custom is to give rest to the driver’s right hand, having a clustard of steering wheel switches on the left, it is perhaps justified here. After all, on the right, a convenient American automatic transmission selector flaunts.

Darkened rear lights enter the sports package

The rear passengers have their own climate control remote control and a pair of 12-volt sockets

In a comfortable locker table, cup holders are located

At the back of the prestigious car, the autonomous remote control of the climate control is even more clearly hints that the owner of the car will be affected by the personal driver. The spaciousness of the rear passengers added not only the grown dimensions, but also the recesses for the knees in the backs of the front seats. And yet, recalling the luxury of Svorozhniki from Sweden and Japan, I was a little disappointed. Where are the longitudinal hollows of the rear seats? Where is the separate adjustment of the back of the back? And further. For the whole day I could not adapt to the door, slamming them only on one click. It is possible that the Germans lagged behind the Japanese by the softness of the locks forever, but they could put closers on such heavy doors as on a S-class.

Are we chasing?
As soon as you move out, you understand on this car you want to go quickly. The former M-class, even with a more powerful V8, gave such a feeling perhaps on a deserted, running out of the horizon of the motorway. And this can be nimble, regardless of the crowd of the avenue banned by the machines. The herd of 272 horses in the city is enough to attach a desire to overtake to him, and you will always be the first. The new 7-speed automatic (the M-class is now equipped only with this) it seemed to me not as agile as a similar unit on the CLS sedan, let only half a seconds pause the power of power flow during switching, but for such an expensive machine and this is much way. In manual mode, pressing the keys on the back of the steering wheel, you can slip the gears ahead of the drive. But I do not want to do this with a pseudo-field method of switching the hydrotransformer does not smooth out jerks in the transmission, and the Mercedes-Benz comfortably begin to twitching nervously.

The central console is strewn with buttons, but it’s easy to understand them

On the left, next to the traditional light switch of an exhaust handbrake. Pulling it, let go of the pressure scabbard

What is the Mercedes-Benz without arrow hours? I can't give up the principles ...

But how great it is to control a machine gun in parking lots! The steering wheel lever is, in fact, not even a selector that is customary to choose one necessary from the many unnecessary, peering into the beams on the scale, and a simple two -position switch. Without taking his eyes off the road, but the hands from the steering wheel, and not afraid to push the poker into the mysterious regime 2, which is useful only once in a lifetime, pushing the pimpka up: reverse. Now down and we are again in the drive. Yes, with this machine gun I will turn around in a cramped courtyard as quickly as with mechanics! The same instantly, by pressing the button on the end of the lever, the automatic transmission is transferred to the parking mode from any position.

The traffic jams were left behind, and I trampled, going around the passing, like chips. The suspension and the steering are magnificent unless in the most extreme turns I would prefer an alternative in the form of an e-class in a full-wheel drive version of the firum. However, if he missed a deep pothole, Emelka simply grunts with annoyance and pecks with his nose, in extreme cases, it will rearrange it a meter to the side. But it will survive! The passenger sedan after such a coward, most likely, will need to be dragged into the service on the evacuator. And on an all -terrain vehicle you can also move out of the asphalt.

The impossible is possible racing perforated pedals and automatic

With a five -seater salon, the trunk volume is 550 liters. But folding the rear seat (if you like in parts), the luggage space can be increased to 2050 liters

True, I intentionally did not intentionally check the ML350 for cross -country ability. For lovers of all-resistant adventures in Stuttgart, they developed a package of off-rock. Which we will definitely talk about in one of the closest numbers. The sports version is designed to overcome a typical city crossbar of borders, steps, shallow ditches in the park. But it is obvious that with such a clearance, a constant full -wheel drive and electronic backwatzer of any of the stacked wheels, ML will not save both in the snowy courtyard and on a primer to an unfinished cottage.
Will we wave sneakers on swamp boots?

Доплатив всего 2500 евро, вы получите пакет Оф-роуд-Про, в который входит жесткая блокировка межосевого и заднего дифференциалов, понижающая (даже не вдвое, а почти втрое!) передача в раздатке и более длинноходная пневмоподвеска, позволяющая увеличивать клиренс до 291 мм. И, само собой, защита картера. А кроме того встроенный компас, чтобы не заблудиться в глуши. Вывести все это вездеходное оснащение в состав опций весьма удачная мысль, учитывая, что желающих ломать бамперы и мять пороги, загнав лакированного щеголя на лесную просеку, будет немного.

По сути, разделив одну универсальную модель на две специальных, Мерседес-Бенц значительно улучшил шоссейные качества своего М-класса, сохранив преимущество над конкурентами на бездорожье. Ведь ближайшие соперники, например, БМВ-Х5 и Вольво-ХС90 типичные паркетники. Что касается дизельной версии эмэльки, наиболее подходящей для бездорожья, то вряд ли она будет популярна в России, учитывая, что стоит ML320Cdi столько же, сколько и ML350, уступая ему в мощности добрых 48 л. with.

Особая прелесть Особой серии
Того, кто вопреки правилам этикета интересуется ценами яхт и мерседесов, вряд ли обрадует, что М-класс подорожал. Базовый МL350 на 8000 евро по сравнению с прежним ML320. Правда, есть весьма привлекательная Особая серия, то есть стандартная комплектация она дороже базовой на 10 000 евро и содержит внушительный перечень довольно дорогих опций. Например, кожаный салон, биксеноновые поворотные фары, электроприводы регулировок сидений и т. д. Но самое замечательное в Особой серии возможность получить спортпакет в комплекте с пневмоподвеской, доплатив всего 2500 евро вместо 6213 евро. Согласитесь, почему бы не сэкономить, приобретая современный, престижный паркетник с внушительнейшим набором достоинств.

Высокий престиж марки, отличные ходовые качества на шоссе, высокий комфорт, пакетная система опций

Задержки включений передач, отсутствие доводчиков дверей
Mercedes-Benz ML350

general information
Кузов, число мест/дверей
универсал, 5/5
Equipped mass, kg
Длина х ширина х высота, мм
База, мм
Колея спереди/сзади, мм
Скорость, км/ч
Время разгона 0100 км/ч, с
Расход топлива, л/100 км шоссе/город

спереди продольно
бензиновый, V-образный, 6-цилиндровый
Рабочий объем, смз
Мощность, л.с. при об/мин
Крутящий момент, кгсм при об/мин

Drive unit
постоянный на все колеса
Automatic 7-speed
Independent, with stabilizers of anti -resistance stability
on double transverse levers
rhealenic type with hydraulic power steering
disk, in front ventilated
235/60 R17

0.91 $/km
Anton Utkin, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine buy a car [17/2005]

Video crash tests Mercedes Benz ML class w164 2005-2008

Test drives Mercedes Benz ML class w164 2005-2008

Mercedes Benz ML class w164 2005 - 2008

Mercedes Benz ML class: Detailed information
ML class w164 2005 - 2008
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability