Test drive Mercedes Benz E 63 AMG T-Modell S212 2013-NV station wagon

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Mercedes-Benz E-class The most modern sedan of a large German three. E 63 AMG The fastest version of the new Mercedes E-class. Gas to the floor, and the V8, collected manually already gives off the rear wheels of grandiose 525 liters. With. Power and monstrous 630 nm moment. Only the BMW M5 and Audi RS6 remained in the rear view mirror
Silver steel structures for AMG are the same as the red brick for Ferrari. Silver pistons are placed in silver blocks of cylinders in silver corrugated walls. There is no magic in German production: neither black nor white, but the quality of the approach is such that it still fascinates. One motor, one master, one name on each AMG motor is not a number, but the name of the master. One person made components from bags, about which not only their size and admission to it are known, but even the caliber of dust, which had the right to settle along the way (200 microns). One person put them in place, and one person delayed all the bolts from the first to the last. Of the 10,000 engines, only three do not pass the test, and out of 10,000 motors, not one crosses the AMG threshold if it is not accustomed.
AMG is, first of all, motors. But AMG is not only motors, but also entire Mercedes cars. Tunned and converted are not the same words: reinvented by AMG designers. And today it is not easy to do this if we are talking about the chassis: now the Mercedes Demiurges-Supporters are ahead of everyone in the segment of the highest class cars. Nevertheless, AMG manages to re -invested even them. Of course, not without their help, because the three -beam star is saved on AMG cars. It is not only expensive, but also costly costs: if you decide to order a car with a unique passenger compartment in AMG, then the non -standard threads with which the skin of a unique salon will be pronounced will pass all the tests and break off on occasion with a standard Mercedes effort, freeing, for example, for example , the road to the will of the airbags. Of course, with this approach, the work of Nechev. You can order a machine with unique equipment or a wheelbase changed by half a meter. And to be sure that such a piece apparatus endowed with unique abilities will comply with the typical standards for controllability and safety. Higher class standards.
However, today our hero is quite a serial new E-class from AMG. It's time for the gates of the factory: where there are wide unlimited autobahns and narrow forest paths. If it is truly all that we know about the overhead AMGs and the current E-class, the new E 63 AMG should be extremely good on all European roads without exception.
The discs of the clutch controlled, which has changed the automatic guidrotransformer in the SpeedShift MCT transmission, close in the oil bath and without losses drive the torque to the rear differential, which can be optionally equipped with a 40%lock. The E-class is easily removed from the place which of the four transmission modes is economical, Sport, Sport+ or Manual. You can also bargain with a racing eight piece work and rush to the first hundred in four and a half seconds, activating the Race Start function. However, in this peak mode, the transmission will smooth out, as far as possible, the shocks of instant shifts of the checkpoint: passengers will not remember each of them as the last, accelerating slightly faster than in the BMW M5. And everything will happen again easily without swollen veins. Mercedes does not demonstrate how it tenses, accelerating at the pace of the supercar, but simply accelerates at the limit, to live on which it can for unlimitedly long: the engine cooling system and ceramic brakes easily hold the load even the racing highway.
However, this machine, which is able to be very fast even on the track, has not been created for it at all. This is a solid car of a solid person. With outstanding abilities and impressive versatility. It is valuable not only by the time of the circle, but also with comfort: both on it and on the way to it. By the way, no matter what mode the transmission works in, it shows itself extremely flexible: the motor will not be dubbing at five thousand revolutions with a quarter of gas, even in Sport+mode.
The suspension has three Sport, Sport+ and Comfort modes. However, the versatility of the car is not at all in their quantity: comfort, as often happens, is a low -use fashion in which the machine is more likely to rocking than lulls. Sport+ does not much add responsiveness and unambiguity in management, which are very good in Sport, but it makes your crown with a copier repeat the profile of the road. Even in Germany, this is absolutely not necessary, not to mention Russia. The versatility is that the main working Sport provides first -class both comfort, and handling on any road and in any mode from a serpentine to an autobahn. Active shock absorbers are instantly adjusted to the road, the front axles with a 56 mm track and a negative collapse are filled with the machine with the effectiveness of extreme athletes, and the rear axle pneumatics supports the clearance unchanged.
Yes, a lot of what has been said is true and for the usual E-class it is also exceptionally good on the go. It is also controlled by an accuracy of a millimeter and accelerates with ease, only a little less athletic. However, E 63 AMG cannot be called an adrenaline generator: this is not a fighter at all, but a quick, like a fighter, a business jet. In addition, the E500 can also be equipped with a 4Matic all -wheel drive system, indispensable everywhere north of Munich. And although it is a little slower, it is still very fast. Are there two million rubles of surcharges for E 63 AMG the name of the master on the motor, a second in acceleration to a hundred, a characteristic gurgling rod of the motor and silver nameplate on the trunk cover? It is unlikely that this question will find a completely reasonable answer even for those who have already ordered this car. However, the wording of the answer can hardly be considered less convincing than a word.


Source: Cars

Video test drives Mercedes Benz E 63 AMG T-Modell S212 2013-HB