Test drive Mercedes Benz CLK 55 AMG C208 1998 - 1999 compartment

Autoban star

Leafing through the automobile catalogs of recent years, it is very interesting to observe the appearance of new products and a change in the technical characteristics of machines of various manufacturers. Three main trends characteristic of respectively American, Japanese and European models are clearly traced.

Americans usually produce a new car in one or two options, for example, a sedan and a compartment, then observe the dynamics of sales, carefully study public opinion and decide on the expansion of the gamut of the bodies. Each year, the car adds in dimensions and power - until in its indicators it begins to claim a place in a higher class. This process lasts six to eight years, then the model, as a rule, is replaced with a new one.

In Japan, they prefer to simultaneously roll out a full set of bodies of one model, with engines, for a year or two out of the advanced achievements of competitors, and for a long time not to produce serious modernizations. After seven to eight years in the market, the whole gamma simultaneously ceases to exist and gives way to the new family.

Until recently, Europeans adhered to a mixed strategy. They periodically, about once every three to four years, introduced new technical solutions into cars, without touching the appearance for the long time and squeezing the maximum possible from popular bodies. The model range was updated only when it was already impossible to maintain sales of outdated products.

European cars were considered the most long -lived - each model was produced for nine to ten years. But in recent years, the situation on the market has forced all automakers without exception to sharply activate the activities of their design and design units. A striking example is Volvo. About twenty Swedes released angular twins in all classes, entertaining customers only because sometimes the corners were smoothed. And suddenly - a breakthrough throughout the front. New models were sprinkled from a cornucopia. Updated bodies designed from scratch, motors, once every six months - presentation of the next model ... or Audi brand Volkswagen concern. By models with letter A in the name, it will soon be possible to teach children to count from one to ten ...

In this race, Mercedes-Benz was in front of everyone. To present on a novelty every year or two became the same tradition in Stuttgart as installing a three-beam star on a radiator. What is the appearance of two new classes - A and M, and they still argue about the appearance of the updated E -class. However, the Swabs, as it were, in evidence of adherence to the chosen style, gradually spread it to the whole gamut of their products. A fresh example is the C -class compartment. The last restyling of medium -sized machines was made in 1993, by current standards - for a very long time. In addition, the gamut clearly lacked the popularity of the coupe and convertible ...

It is logical to transition to a new style not with the redrawing of existing models, but with the release of new ones. Which was done. In 1997, the production of the coupe began, and in the current - convertible. The technical platform for these cars was already ready: in 1995, Mercedes developed a 4-cylinder gasoline engine with a boost, and in early 1997 began to produce engines with a volume of 2.4 and 2.8 liters (for C-class in general), and also 3.2 l V6 and 4.3 l V8 (especially for compartment and convertibles). The new compartment debuted in January 1997 at a Detroit car dealership.

Mercedes -Benz, apparently, does not consider Russia a priority market for CLK - for more than a year, Russian journalists have vainly waited for invitations to an official presentation ... and are still waiting. We decided that if the mountain does not go ..., then we will have to go to Germany ourselves - get acquainted with the car ...

Here it is - CLK, in front of me. The silver handsome seemed to crouched in a low start, ready for a rapid jerk. Togo and look - it will break from the place and take off into the distance along the thousand -kilometer autobahn ... But everything is in order, the key to the ignition lock is in my pocket.

At first glance, CLK is a reduced copy of the E-class, 210-body. However, it is not. When the cars are nearby, it is clearly visible that only the style of the front part of the body is united - the trapezoidal cladding of the radiator and four round headlights. The CLK compartment is more inclined with the front panel and windshield. The waist line rising to the stern gives the body a wedge -shaped shape. The upper edge of the rear racks is directed exactly at the bumper, if the trunk was more genuine - and the car would have the outlines of the sports car. Unlike a massive and solid sedan, the compartment looks much more swift and elegant. At the same time, there is no aggressiveness in his appearance.

Like the rest of the C-class representatives, the coupe is available in four decoration and configuration options: Classic, Esprit, Sport and Elegance. For the test, I was given the coolest version - Elegance with a fully electrified leather salon, a 2.3 liter engine with a mechanical vapor Roots, automatic transmission, APS, APS, a power steering and other, and other ...

The key is a complex electronic -optical -mechanical device - they can remotely turn off the alarm, and in the dark - highlight the keyhole. And, of course, start a car.

The chrome door handle is a nostalgic part. And quite appropriate here. The door can be fixed in three positions. Being completely open, it is almost perpendicular to the body.

In the upper part of the sidewalls of the front seats there are large handles. If you pull them up and slightly push the backs, the electric drive will move the seats forward, close to the steering wheel, and passenger to the front panel. A wide opening opens: CLK, by ease of landing back, is incomparable with other cape cars, especially if you sit through the right door. It is easy enough to push the back in the opposite direction - and the chair automatically returns to one of the three pre -programmed provisions (in this case, without crushing my knees with a darling with tall men, whom I put back - especially to evaluate the spaciousness in the cabin).

Having played with self -propelled seats, I drive the driver’s chair for me. This is done with the help of the door on the door. You can adjust everything: a pillow, back and a headrest. As well as the stiffness and temperature of the chair. The skin, which it is lined, is released under suede, so even in very steep turns you sit as glued - developed this is also facilitated by developed lateral support.

The steering wheel is a classic Mercedes: four -spokes, with a massive central part in which a pillow is built. (The column is adjustable in length and inclination - naturally, using electric drives.) Torpedo and the dashboard are also designed in a traditional style, it makes no sense to describe them.

To the left of the automatic transmission selector is the transmission mode switching key - sports and economical. A feature of the CLK gearbox: unlike previous models, there is a mode that limits the switching of three steps.

The latter before sending on the road is adjusting external mirrors. It is produced using a joystick located on the central console. The intra -axial electric drive is not equipped, but with any - within the adjustment of the chair - the position of the driver (except for a completely lying) mirror provides a normal review back without additional manipulations.

The engine started instantly. Low rumbling sound is the result of a special setting. Giving gas in place, you can distinguish the adjustment of the compressor. After the selector is transferred to position D, the car seems to strain, but does not move from the place. I click on the accelerator pedal - the car moves smoothly and gently ...

I drive up to the traffic light, remove my leg from the gas pedal. Incredible! A car with an automatic transmission slows down the engine! For a complete stop, you still have to press the brake, but completely slightly. The pedal is very sensitive, the slightest overdose - and you run the risk of poke your forehead into the glass.

At the traffic light - green. I did not have time to look around, the car scored 50 km/h permits in the city. The question arose about the place and the possibility of conducting the test in general. After all, it is impossible to test the car in Germany by the usual algorithm. How, for example, to evaluate the work of the suspension on small irregularities of the coating, when you will not find these irregularities during the day with fire? Or the stability of the machine when stopping from a row in a row at high speed. Speed, of course, can be developed, and there are no problems with multi-row roads either, but here it is easy to run into a fine in DM200-300 for dangerous riding (not included in travel expenses). And you won’t prove to the local policeman that you want to test the car in marginal modes, for him - that the Russian journalist, that the German chancellor: violated - pay. Of course, there are special training grounds with artificial obstacles and a variety of turns, but they are usually loaded to the limit, and it is necessary to agree on a two-hour punch in 5-6 months.

In any case, there is no point in pushing on this car in the city, to me - on an autobahn. In front of me are three stripes of a beautiful road and a pointer: not lower than 60 km/h. This is another matter. Transmission switch - to sports, pedal - to the floor. The anti -circus system is also turned on. Seconds for one and a half, no more - then a lightning acceleration follows. The body presses into a chair, the speedometer arrow smoothly makes its three quarters of the turn and freezes in front of division 230. The overload is over, you can look around and analyze the sensations. Throughout the acceleration, the car did not make a single jerk, did not weaken the thrust. A striking clear coordination of engine and transmission operating modes. The motor periodically blurted out only at speeds for 5000 - before the switching time.

The car is extremely stable on the course. Even falling into the turbulence of air when overtaking rushing at a speed of 130-150 km/h of trucks, the CLK only shudders slightly - the body sways slightly on the elastic elements of the suspension. But it is hard to maneuver - the steering wheel seemed to be petrified. And rightly - smooth turns can be passed using only the profile of the road, and it is not recommended to overcome steep at such speeds if you do not have a license A. I open the window. In vain - the wind bursting into the salon knocked out the tears from his eyes and stunned with a frantic roar.

The Russian is psychologically difficult to move faster than 150 km/h for a long time. With your mind, you understand that there are practically excluded randomness on the autobahn, but subconsciously you are waiting for some pit or a brick that has fallen from a truck. Yes, and the Germans for the mass adhere to speeds up to 150-160 km/h, including those that go to Porsche, the 850s BMW and even Ferrari. The rule is strictly observed: overtook - free the left row.

I equalize the speed with a general flow - softness returns to the steering. Relative, of course, but sufficient to steer without stress. Having chosen a long, straight and relatively empty section of the road with good visibility, I still try to check the car for stability. In small turns of the steering wheel to the right and left, I force the car to sleep a little. Contrary to expectations, when passing the ligament of CLK, it noticeably sways around the longitudinal axis. Much weaker, of course, than the E- or C-class sedan, but stronger than the SLK Roadster. For all its sports, the car is still luxury, and you should not forget about it. I increase the amplitude, rebuilding in one fell swoop through a row. CLK is obediently rearranged, without losing the clutch for a moment ...

Nevertheless, the Autoban is not a training ground. I turn on the cruise control, the lever of which is on the left on the steering column. The actions are very simple: I scored the desired speed - pressed on the headman. If you want to overtake someone - push the lever from yourself or add to the gas. If you want to return to a given speed, do not do anything at all, the computer will take care of everything yourself, including increasing speeds on the rise and slowing (engine) on the descent. A uniform movement on a perfectly smooth road relaxes, and I begin to master the climatic installation and radio on the go.

The air in the cabin can be heated or cooled in a matter of seconds, it is enough to set the temperature control in the desired position. The inclusion of the air conditioner does not affect the engine power - at least I did not feel it. The Mercedes proprietary star is a musical installation with a radio receiver and a tape recorder. Below is a niche for a compact drive player. A fastidious melomaniac, the sound quality may not satisfy, who suppresses most music consumers - will certainly like it. I never figured out the number of speakers, but I know for sure that there are at least six of them.

Behind acquaintance with German radio stations, as well as the distance, flew by unnoticed. I spent two hours in the car, overcoming more than 300 km. It is time to think about returning, especially since the signing from the autobahn appeared ahead - you can turn around.

I move - at a speed of about 100 km/h. The road was wet, and I achieved my own! The rear bridge went out of turn. More precisely, I tried to go. APS instantly interrupted the skid, but I still felt a small side sliding. My companion -guide - an employee of the car dealership - continued to swing his head and tapping his knees into the rhythm of the speakers of rap. Remembering numerous stabilization systems, I left useless attempts.

The rain intensified, gradually turning into a downpour. Despite the decent layer of water under the wheels, the car did not lose stability - it was possible to continue moving at the same speed. The four -speed wiper copes with the streams of water, in the cabin is warm and comfortable, the music plays quietly - beauty. After the fourth hour, fatigue from a monotonous landing began to be felt at the wheel. I tried to change the position of the chair a little. I did not have to touch the configuration - it turned out that it was enough to slightly increase the rigidity of the pillow and lumbar stops.

The rest of the path passed without adventure. I got out of the car with extraordinary ease and only here I realized that the same 650 km, being twisted by the odometer of any other car, would probably have a lot more to tired me. This car is for an active driver with ambitions and at the same time - not necessarily very experienced. Increased comfort, magnificent running qualities - it is unlikely that CLK will have a serious competitor in the next five to six years. So Mercedes-Benz will meet the third millennium worthy.

Evgeny Romantovsky

A source: Motor magazine [No. 8/1998]

Test drives Mercedes Benz CLK 55 AMG C208 1998 - 1999