Test drive Mercedes Benz C-class compartment since 2011 compartment

Mercedes is sold. Inexpensive!

Mercedes-Benz CLC. Price: from 30 900. On sale: since May 2008
Mercedes-Benz begins the game in the middle price range: the CLC sportkup enters the market. But attractive cost is not a decisive argument. The new car has excellent handling and a rich set of standard equipment
The fact that Mercedes-Benz is dear, even children know. At the same time, a German manufacturer is often reproached with designer conservatism. They even came up with a saying: Mercedes are not for those who are in a hurry, but for those who have already managed. There is a share of truth in this, that is, it was, since supporters of this approach receive a serious counterargument in the form of a Sportsup CLC.
Mercedes-Benz CLC breaks several familiar stereotypes at once. Firstly, it is not as expensive as the main part of the fellow tribesmen. Of course, representatives of A- and B-Class are cheaper, but let's not forget that 30 thousand euros are asked for a real sports compartment. Secondly, the appearance of the debutant pleases the eye. Naturally, a huge three -beam star on the radiator grille literally screams about belonging to the Stuttgart brand. It is worth emphasizing that, unlike many competitors, the CLC design cannot be called aggressive. The car resembles a pitch not overwhelmed by steroids, but an athlete athlete, who can conquer real Olympic heights.
There is nothing superfluous inside. The Spartan upholstery of the salon only emphasizes the sports character of the compartment. Special thanks to the developers of the instrument panel. This is the case when simplicity and conservatism can only be welcomed. Four rounds of oil temperature, speedometer, tachometer and fuel level are perceived amazingly, which cannot be said about many, very many competitors with non -standard backlight, unusual location of dials and other new -fangled pieces complicating the perception of important indications.
So, look at the cabin. The hand, as usual, fumbles under the steering wheel. First you should configure the steering wheel for yourself. The treasured lever is found to the left of the column under the switch of the turn signals. A controversial solution, especially at first. Such ergonomics must be used to. As a plus, we mark the electric drive, with which the steering wheel with barely audible buzzing moves up and down and backwards.
We figured out the statics, go on the road. Due to the absence of the most powerful version of CLC 350 in our market, we are settled in two hundred and thirty. The acceleration of the car is hardly called outstanding. Acceleration to a hundred takes 8.4 s. The maximum speed is 240 km/h. Note that the older brother, taking into account the restriction, is 250 km/h. But a truly inconsistent trump card is excellent handling. As on many other models, during parking, the steering wheel rotates like a fluff, but with an increase in speed, the driver has to make much greater efforts. If we talk about innovations, then, no doubt, an advanced rack mechanism can be considered such. Starting from an angle of five degrees, the gear ratio increases significantly. Thus, it is enough for the driver to turn the steering wheel a little so that the automation completes the process that has begun. This approach increased the reaction rate of the car to human commands and made movement more controlled. The advantages of the new steering are especially clearly manifested on winding highways.
It is clear that good handling depends not only on the steering wheel. The front suspension is a three -leaf structure with aluminum rods and racks of McPherson. The serial torsion stabilizer of the anti -resistance stability is connected to the racks through the lever mechanism. With a dynamic passage of turns, buffer springs on the front shock absorbers enhance the stabilizer effect, thereby increasing the maneuverability and controllability of sportskup.
As for the rear multi -link suspension, spiral springs and gas -filled shock absorbers with large rubber pillows are taken over the task and damping. The stability of the movement is also supported by torsion transverse shock absorbers. It remains to add that many will like the appearance of an affordable sportkup. Those more than already the basic configuration includes very pleasant things like sports seats with an improved lateral support design, automatic climate control, a 6-speed mechanical KP, a multifunctional three-spitting steering wheel, six seat pillows, and belt dwellers on all seats, as well as new projection headlights.
Today in dealerships you can order only three versions of CLC: 180, 200 and 230. The most affordable option costs 30,900 euros, intermediate 35900, the most expensive 39 900. It must be borne in mind that cars are delivered to our market in the so -called fixed equipment, That is, the possibility of buying certain options are minimized.
And happiness was so possible
The most powerful version in the CLC family is index 350. True, they will not supply this option yet. It's a shame, because a 3.5-liter V6 gives 272 hp on the mountain. As a result, acceleration to hundreds occupies 6.3 s. The maximum speed of 250 km/h, as usual, is limited by electronics. The indicators are good, but not unique. Not dynamics, but fuel savings deserve special attention. When the press materials promised the consumption of gasoline at the level of 9.5-9.8 liters per 100 km of run, it was difficult to believe in this. Experience suggested that this can be achieved only by removing the right shoe and gently pressing the gas pedal with one finger. But a rather long trip, who was replete with both high -speed straight and numerous steep turns, dispelled doubts. Sportkup appetite really does not exceed ten liters. And the point here is not in money, but in comfort: the CLC owner does not have to often call in gas stations.

During CLC control, the driver does not even have a thought of a possible disobedience. Everything is fast, clearly, effective. The car unquestioningly performs the driver's commands.
The CLC salon is made in the style of minimalism. The materials are solid, but do not differ in chic. The seats deserve special praise. Despite the clearly sports profile, they are quite convenient.
The car is suitable for those who like to drive quickly, without leaving a comfortable sofa.
Few people doubt that the new car will receive the highest ratings on Euroncap tests. Mercedes-Benz engineers have been accustomed to this for a long time.
This time, marketers make potential customers a really interesting offer. If earlier Mercedes amazed by technical perfection, now he will be able to fight competitors and on the field of attractive prices.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Excellent handling, fuel efficiency, reasonable price.
- The lack of the most powerful version of the Mercedes-Benz CLC 350 is upset.
Mark and model - Mercedes -Benz CLC 230
Dimensions - 4452x1728x1405 mm
Engine - gasoline, 2496 cm3, 204 hp/min -1
Transmission - mechanical, 6 -speed
Dynamics - Max 240 km/h; 8.6 s to 100 km/h
Competitors - BMW 3 -Series Coupe
Our opinion
The original appearance of this car is successfully combined with good dynamics and excellent handling. It's a shame that until the most powerful version with a 272-horsepower engine will be delivered to our market. We hope that in the future this discrimination will be corrected. In any case, the desire of a German company to go to the niche of more affordable cars deserves praise.

Author: Stanislav Pavlov


A source: Magazine 5 wheel [May 2008]

Video test drives Mercedes Benz C-class compartment since 2011

Video crash tests Mercedes Benz C-class compartment since 2011