Test drive Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2004-2007 sedan

Mercedes-Benz C-Class

According to representatives of CJSC Daimlerruklercaler RUS Cars, from now on the C-class is a model of security, environmental friendliness and comfort.

The route with a total length of 300 km on far from ideal roads of the Moscow Region is an excellent check for any car. Are you ready to test the new generation of Mercedes-Benz C-class? - The organizers of the test drive are interested. - Then go ahead!

New dimension

At a press conference held in front of the test drive, representatives of CJSC Daimlerrucipler Rus cars said that this was not updated, but a new Mercedes C-class. Indeed, in the car, more than two dozen high-tech systems and devices were used, which were previously available only to owners of more expensive E- and S-class. According to company representatives, C -class is from now on a sample of security, environmental friendliness and comfort. The machine, not to the detriment of the latter, became more powerful, more dynamic and more economical, but EURONCAP awarded her the highest security rating - 5 stars. Ahead of us was a route, which the organizers designated as a mission C (Comfort, Control, Challenge). The only thing that bothered a little was the condition of the roads that was to go by fulfilling an honorary mission.


The first stage of the route we had to spend in company with a silver sedan with 180 Kompressor, equipped with a 143-horsepower engine and a 5-band automaton performed by Classic. Thanks to the new bumper and changed grilles of the radiator and the lower air intake, the sedan began to look more dynamic. Increased from 1493 to 1505 mm track and included cast drives with tires the dimension of 205/55 R16 (instead of 195/65 R15) is designed to increase the stability and maneuverability of the machine. The salon has a new instrument panel, the central console and even seats, which are trimmed with Gray Bristol fabric, and some decoration elements are made of olive-papel-colored wood. Everything is very harmonious and pleasant, which, however, has always been characteristic of cars with a three -beam star.

The first stage, to overcome which we took no more than an hour, ran mainly along the roads quite loaded by transport. The car turned out to be very pleasant in management, and not at all because the brand presses its prestige. The steering, thanks to a changed gear relations, is quite sharp and with good feedback. Sometimes it even seemed that the car directly predicts the desire of the driver. Conducted excellent sound insulation, comfort and magnificent stability of the car on far from perfect roads.
The Thermatic climate control system and the new generation (option) audio system included in the basic package. The complex of technical solutions, under the general name Direct Control, made it possible to improve dynamics and handling and at the same time did not affect the comfort of comfort. Longitudinal and transverse vibrations are small and do not cause a sensation of discomfort among passengers and a driver, and frequent holes in high -speed turns do not destabilize the car. The power supply of even the youngest of the proposed engines is enough to confidently finish the maneuver performed in the event of an unforeseen situation, which, alas, are not uncommon on our roads.
The cost of the sedan in the Russian market ranges from 29900 euros for 180 Kompressor to 73,900 euros for the C 55 AMG version.


At the next, 150-kilometer stage, passing along the Yakhroma-Sorochani-Helio-Park route, we decided to get acquainted with the version of Sportkup with 230 Kompressor with the Evolution sportpate, which includes alloyed semisic wheels shod in the fola 225/45 R17 and 245/245/245/ 40 R17 behind. The first Mercedes Sports Coupe C-class was represented in March 2001, and since then almost 200 thousand people have stopped their choice on it.

Like the sedan, the front part has updated, the track is increased from 1465 to 1505 mm. Under the hood there is a 192-horsepower inherent four with a volume of 1796 cubic meters. cm that allows accelerate the car to hundreds of 8.1 s and develop a maximum speed of 236 km/h. At the same time, the average fuel consumption thanks to Twinpulse technology is no more than 8.9 liters per 100 km of path. Sportsup suspension is slightly more rigid and short -term, but it does not tire and, on the contrary, gives the driver an invigorating sensations from driving a sports car. The fears that the suspension, a small clearance and low -profile tires are not very suitable for our broken roads, are justified only partially partially partially. On one of the straight lines, where, at first glance, it was possible to accelerate properly, a purely Russian surprise awaited us.

Behind the rolling of the road that looked quite flat, a very unpleasant fold on the road surface lurked. Since on the way to this place the speedometer shooter was 160, even emergency inhibition did not save from what riders call the toss, that is, from loss of contact of the front wheels from the surface of the road on a split second. Often in such cases, the car, especially with a short-made hard suspension, loses stability, but the C-class did not deviate from the course for a degree, and the suspension worked without breakdown. This suggests that she was prepared with dignity for surprises on our roads.

But the adventures did not end there. At one of the intermediate points, the organizers of the test first drove everyone on the Robinson helicopter, and then provided the opportunity to get acquainted with the behavior of the car in critical modes on a special site. A helicopter added aggressiveness to the behavior of drivers, which, as on the set of some action movie, circled on a shaving flight, periodically Feeding the participants in the dough raised by him. But you have to disappoint lovers to burn tires: such options do not pass with C-class. Moreover, excessive rotation can be caused only when performing the rearrangement, and even then only with the ESP disconnected. No matter how you try, it is very difficult to let the car sideways, since at the first signs of skidding, all safety and course stability systems are mobilized, directing the car strictly along the trajectory set by the steering wheel. The conclusion is obvious: the C -class is a dynamic, powerful car, with a sports character, but not for hooligans - security is first of all!

The version of Sportkup from 180 Kompressor is one of the most inexpensive in the lineup, its price is 27,900 euros, and with 230 Kompressor will cost 34400 euros. The most expensive C 320 with a 218-horsepower V6 engine costs 39,400 euros on the Russian market.


We returned to Moscow at the Universal C 200 Kompressor. This version was subjected to the same changes as the rest. The station wagon looks no less dynamic than the sedan. A 1.8 liter engine produces 163 hp. and 240 nm torque. The station wagon, which was covered by 50 kg relative to the sedan, reinforced the suspension and the road clearance has been increased. But the main thing for the station wagon is the volume of the luggage compartment, here it is from 470 to 1384 liters.

In the movement, the car pleased the smoothness of the move, I don’t want to rush anywhere on it, and it, unlike Sportsup, has a calm, measured ride. It is worth noting again the severity of the steering and the entire Direct Control complex, which helps to increase comfort during long trips. And although the C-class station wagon is difficult to recognize a practical car due to a fairly high price, nevertheless, every fifth C-class buyer in the world makes a choice in his favor.

In the Russian market, an rear -wheel drive station wagon with 200 Kompressor of a special series costs 38900 euros.

New or updated?

Yes, there are many changes in the C-class, but the same W203 body does not allow it to call it completely new. But does it make sense to create a completely new car, when there is a stable demand for the previous one: since May 2000, more than 1.26 million cars have already been sold. This is a C-class record, because the previous small Mercedes were not sold in such quantities, and the popularity of the current generation is not going to decline. In 2004, it is planned to sell at least 1000 such cars in Russia, and the reality of these plans does not cause much doubt.

Vadim Ovsyankin

A source: Avtopanorama magazine

Video test drives Mercedes Benz C-class w203 2004-2007

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