Test Drive Mazda RX-8 since 2008 coupe

Overview of the updated Mazda RX-8

From the moment when the Mazda RX-8 sports car debut was held, for 5 years already, and only now the company decided that it was time to change him a little and make the first small upgrades. Small then she, of course, small, however, the changes were actually not so much. And how did this upgraded car be running? Our expert took a small trip on a new car and here's his impressions.
Urban Street Learner
Currently it is considered that the life expectancy of a car model is not more than 4 years, after which generation changes occurs, this time. And, secondly, it is possible to bring a lot of cases when it does not take place and this year, and this seemingly new model begins to be produced in a partially modified form. Nothing can do anything, the course of life is becoming more and more dynamic, everyone is in a hurry, everyone is running and can not stop. And very, very rarely it happens that the year is replaced by another, and the car remains unchanged. One of these rare cases is the history of the sports 4-door and 4-seater Mazda RX-8 car.
The uniqueness of this project consists not only in the fact that they would have passed, it would seem, all released deadlines, and the car lives everything (now it is possible to say lived), without changing. Interestingly: the engine is not at all ordinary, rotary type, as, in fact, the body shape, irrefutably suggests that we have a real sports car, right? And at the same time in the cabin not two, but as much as 4 places, as it should be in any more or less practical car. So little: to facilitate access to all the 4th seats and, it became more convenient to use this sport car for the carriage of passengers, its body is decided to equip not two, but four doors. Do you know how I myself explain the reason that this car existed so long in a constant form? When the creators of the creators from Mazda turned out to be not quite an ordinary child, he called them such a tide of the parent tenderness that they began to treat him with an extraordinary care, which, just for a long time, did not allow them to change something in it.
And even now, when, as they say, there has already been nowhere to pull, and the willy-unilietes had to be engaged in small modernization, the designers still tried to take care of the fact that outside, focusing all their attention on the fact that their brainchild. At least when you get acquainted with a new car, it seems that this is exactly. Here, for example, it is very important for a rotary engine so that the oil is on the rubbing parts on time and in sufficient quantity, right? Previously, the oil supply was carried out by mechanically, but now electromagnetic. Plus, if the oil was afraid of 2 points before, it is now fed by a jet of 3. It is clear that the quality of lubrication from such innovations unequivocally won. If you believe the developers, this reform of the lubrication system is so fundamental in nature, which, perhaps, is quite pulling into a large, but not at least modernization. In short, the model, it turns out that it is almost not that, so it turns out to be like! Smori further: anterior strut is installed on the car, (it is true, it is provided only in machines with a mechanical transmission), the front door openings were also significantly reinforced, and, therefore, the body, despite the seemingly similarity, also became much tougher. It, naturally, made some adjustments to the geometry of both the front and rear suspension, although everything is structurally everything, it seems, remains still: the front wheels are hanging on double parallel levers, and the longitudinal lever system is used. Thus, despite the declared minor modernization, the list of changes made is very impressive.
But all this concerns what inside, and what is outside? And here it is, just, the changes are not very much, as it should be in only partially updated, and not in a completely new model. What would I allocate first? The central part of the front air intake has become noticeably wider and ends now right under the front headlights, and the outlet windows are made in the form of a slot behind the front wings and are made at the same time with the side repeatters of the turn signals so that everything looks like the pounder. And also: LED lamps began to be used in the combo lanterns. This is perhaps everything that the new model looks outwardly different from the same.
The rotary engine began to rotate much more smooth
As is known, the basic version of the Mazda RX-8, namely the type E modification, is equipped with a 215-strong engine of rotary type (Renesis), and in service of models that are considered derivatives, namely Type S and Type RS, there is a similar motor, but only Power in 235 hp I note at the same time that the modification of Type RS appeared in the model range not immediately, but only as a result of the current low modernization, to take the vacancy of the most high-speed model of this family. Having believed that behind the wheel of a car, which is focused exclusively for speed, it is difficult to draw up a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat has brought with you a small modernization, I decided to try not to try it, but a more balanced version of Type S.
And Type RS, and Type S are released only with 6-speed manual transmissions, and looking at the tip of the switch lever, I learned with interest that the position reverse, which was previously located closer to the driver, that is, immediately before the 6th Transfer, now moved away from it for a considerable distance. In other words, the reverse turned out to be transferred from the right-hand lower angle.
And this is not by chance, because, as I explained, now in the RX-8 car, it is not strangers, but a partially advanced company of the company's gearbox (meaning only a 6-speed transmission). This improvement, in particular, was expressed in revising all gear ratios in the direction of a decrease. And so, when I rearranged the switching lever to the 1st speed (the lever, by the way, began to turn on the transmission with even greater definition), the turn of torque on the secondary shaft it seemed definitely more that, as I understand it, is one of the useful Properties that have acquired a box after the revision mentioned above.
When the car moved from the place, I immediately felt that even if the engine rotates with a relatively low speed, that is, when it makes no more than 3,000 revolutions per minute, it still moves the car pretty energetically as an electric motor. It was enough just to press the gas pedal slightly stronger, and the engine reacted almost instantly. At least, in order to confidently move along the urban streets, where it is always to slow down, they will accelerate, trying to catch up, such a turn of torque was enough for me. And this is despite that if anything, this most motor can spin up to 9,000 rpm. This threshold should be noted, it is not a certain abstract value introduced only to surprise someone. The rotary type motor is really like that can afford to rotate with such an ultra-high frequency, this is its indisputable advantage. However, in this case, this rotation is also distinguished by amazing smoothness, so moving, not giving the tachometer arrow to fall below the mark of 5,000 rpm., No difficulty represents. True, it should be noted that instead of smoothness, we have a partial loss of skill at the right moment to explode, or, as they say, to gain a second breath. And I, honestly, I do not know how to treat it as a flaw, or as a pattern of motion to change the tempo of movement for the pleasure.
On a winding road are more pleasant when you sit behind the wheel of Type RS
As for driving qualities, the updated RX-8 clearly added, it is undoubtedly. In fact, her body became so tough that he could successfully be combined with a more tough than the usual sedan, suspension. And, nevertheless, the suspension is sufficiently soft, that's what's the matter. And all the shocks that go from below, when the wheels are not too smooth road, they cut, what is called, on the root, and do not reach the salon. So if someone thinks that, having bought a new RX-8, you need to be ready for discomfort (still a sports car!), May not worry: in fact, this car is not comfortable.
By the way, there were also such sites on my ways that were abounded by steep virages. The front part of the RX-8 lightweight type, which is why it was worth it only to turn the steering wheel slightly, and the front immediately, without delay, began to deviate to the side. On the other hand, the back of the new RX-8 car became noticeably stable than it was before, and because the overall impression of ride on a winding road I created the most favorable where to turn, at that rate immediately and leave. Although it is worth noting justice that this feeling of stability turned out to be comprehensive not always, everything in directly depended on the quality of the road surface.
And here, there was a completely invaluable help of the car (and its driver), the Bilstein brand's wonderful shock absorbers, which, however, are not all cars are equipped, but only the modification of Type RS. So, when you sit behind the wheel of this car, the pavement by and large does not matter, and moreover, even where it was necessary to drop the speed, on the RX-8 Type RS machine it was often possible to do without it. The opposite side of this, undoubtedly positive quality, is that at low speed the suspension reacts too actively to each tubercle and throw it, so I would not recommend it as a family car. Although, if the alleged fellow travelers family members are not too picky and not such capricious, then, of course, you can think and why not?
But what I would definitely recommended by my concerned family deeders, this is, of course, the Mazda RX-8 Type E car with a 6-speed automatic box. See: the comfort of this car can be called soft, even softer than the comfort of Type S, yes, plus to the low speed, which most often have to do when you sit behind the wheel of the car for home, for the family, is surprisingly calm and measured So, that even sometimes you forget, what is really the power of you under the hood. Yes, I agree, it is possible that someone will cause displeasure the fact that, unlike its relatives, this car has limit turns cut to indecent (by the measurements of the rotor engine) of the level of 7,500 per minute. And, nevertheless, to say that the rotor does not feel at all and does not give the expected effect, can only be too sophisticated in sports.
In general, it is possible to say exactly that by virtue of its further improvement, the RX-8 model range is simply obliged to draw attention significantly more than before, the number of drivers is true, if you believe in the eye, the former model RX-8, despite all its Advantages and did not become too popular. But she undoubtedly had and, moreover, it has everything you need for this, and even more. Therefore, personally, I want to wish her creators not to be accepted, but to continue to work on its improvement, and not the way it was before every five years! And then, I am sure everything will work out.
Technical characteristics of Mazda RX-8 Type RS and Type S
Full length: 4 470 mm.
Full width: 1,770 mm.
Full height: 1 340 mm.
Wheel base: 2,700 mm.
Machine weight: 1 350 kg.
Drive: on the rear wheels.
Engine: 2-rotor with water cooling, working volume 654 cubic meters. CM X 2, developing power 235 hp At 8,200 rpm, the greatest torque is 22.0 kg-M at 5,500 rpm.
Basic price Type RS: 3 150 000 yen ($ 30 210).
The price of Type RS, on which the test trip was made: 3 544 800 yen ($ 34,000).
List of optional equipment and materials used in Mazda RX-8 Type RS: Comfort package + BOSE audio system with 9 speakers + onboard Mazda G-Book navigator with built-in hard disk + set of pneumatic airbags.
Basic price Type S: 2 940 000 yen ($ 28,200)
The price of the car on which the test trip was made: 3 270 750 yen ($ 31,400).
List of optional equipment and materials used in the Mazda RX-8 car Type S: Comfort package + onboard Mazda G-Book navigator with built-in hard disk + set of pneumatic airbags.

A source: WebCG.net.