Test drive Mazda MX-5 (MIATA) since 2008 convertible

Mazda MX-5

Roadster. The bodies of this type were very popular at the dawn of the automotive industry. But this is not at all a sign of mass aesthetics of the public, just the absence of the roof greatly simplified the structure.

Years passed, the requirements for practicality and comfort grew, there were few people wanted to burden themselves in bad weather with a rag roof, and the double salon seemed too small. Already in the 30s, relatives were objects of desire only a few eccentrics, the production of such cars almost came to naught ...

The last stronghold of classical relatives was perhaps the UK. What could be more English than a gentleman in a twead cap, peering, say, from a low Triumph and offering another gentleman sitting, for example, in Austin-Healey or Mg? And his surname is certainly Smith-aphton or something like that ...

If it were not for the American soldiers who returned home from the war, in the USA, probably, they would not have known what the right relatives are. The soldiers brought them a lot. But gradually these cars were old - became rarities that were not suitable for serious operation ...

When Mazda showed its MX-5 (MIATA) in the USA in 1989, the Americans were dumbfounded. The classic English sports rubber, reminiscent of the Lotus Elan of the fifties and sixties, is in Japanese! (What does the Americans have to do with it, you ask. And despite the fact that the car was made specifically for the US market. From half a million, at least half of the cars were sold to date, it was sold there.)

Licking up, began to wait for the start of sales. Miata Club of America was formed in absentia - the most polynomial of clubs that united fans of the same model. Very soon it became clear that they were waiting not for nothing. In the first year of his appearance, Rogster collected laudatory reviews, it seems, of the entire world car (and not only) press. Here are just some (1989): a car of the year (Automobile, USA), the event of the year (Automotive, USA), the best sports car, the most obedient car in the world (Autocar & Motor, Great Britain), a car of the year, the best sports car (Modern Motor, Australia), the best imported convertible (Auto Motor & Sport, Germany), a car of the year (Wheels, Australia), the most fun car (Playboy), the best sports car (Motorweek, USA), the most reliable sports car (J.D. Power & Associates ).

In addition, the car hit almost all the lists of the best: the five best cars in the world (Road & Track, USA), a dozen of the best (Car & Driver, USA), dozens of the best imported cars (Motor Trend, USA), dozens of the best, the best goods years (Newsweek, USA), eleven best products of the year (Fortune, USA) ...

The recommended price for Miata was $ 13,800, but the demand was so large that the first six months some dealers easily sold the car twice as much.

The car became the embodiment of the sports spirit of the 50s, revived the memory of those times when the English relatives were not rare on American roads. At the same time, the owners of Miata were not annoyed by the minor troubles that the English cars were famous for - the flowing roofs, constant mechanical breakdowns, and unreliable electrician. It is also important that in those days Miata was the only representative in his class, such a rogues as BMW Z3, \u200b\u200bPorsche Boxster or Mercedes-Benz Slk appeared much later. And they cost (and cost) at least $ 10,000 more expensive.

Since 1989, the car has almost not changed. In 1994, instead of 1.6 liters of the motor, a slightly more powerful 1.8 liter appeared. There was an opinion that the replacement was to be more cardinal, but the project manager Toshihiko Harai considered that a heavier engine would violate the weight and worsen controllability - the main dignity of the machine. The next update occurred in 1997 ...

In 1999, Miata coped the 10th anniversary. In connection with this event, in the previous motor issue, material was published about an incredibly powerful car created on the basis of Miata. And what about the source?

It turned out to be difficult to find a car in Moscow (this class from Mazda until recently was not sold at all), especially the new 1999 model - it just appeared in Japan ... In the end, a 1998 car was discovered, completely fresh . This is a 1997 model (in 1998, the car was not updated) - the latter with rising headlights, which, when meeting with fellow tribesmen, was always considered a sign of good tone among the owners of Miata.

Behind - Mazda and MX -5 nameplate, which means that the machine is made for Europe (Miata Roadster is only in the USA, in Japan it is known as Eunos Roadster). Okay, let it be MX-5 ...

A very small, concise machine, devoid of highlighting decor elements, has extremely exciting shapes. Living lines of the body successfully emphasizes the coloring of the chameleon, the color - iridescent from dark green to deep blue. In English, restrained design, complete and logic appearance of the machine caress. Honestly, it was difficult to expect from computerized Japanese technocrats such a taste and understanding that residents of both old and New Worlds might like ...

An interesting feature: Everyone who saw this class for the first time does not rush, as usual, to look at the speedometer, but freezes two or three meters. Then the spiral movement begins with lowering and standing on tiptoe - in search of a better angle. The age and social status of the viewer does not change little admiration in this ritual dance.

After the boring, in winter and ridiculous spring, finally the summer came. And we rushed to Khodynka - to get acquainted with the MX -5 in the case. What in such weather can be more attractive than a trip to the family?

The mechanical filling of the car is unpretentious. The in-line 16-valve four through a 5-speed checkpoint leads to rotation of the rear wheels. A two -school 1.8 liter of the engine seems huge - an illusion, just a motor compartment is small and cramped. The trunk - and so symbolic - is busy with a stock and a battery, but you can still place a couple of bags in it.

The soft awning drops in a few light movements, just turn the two latches in the upper part of the windshield and push the awning back (you can not push it on the go). Previously, the rear plastic window should be unfastened, otherwise it will definitely remember. The plastic turned out to be clean and transparent, did not have time to turn yellow yet (the car is young), but the review back with the raised tent is not the best (small side mirrors do not help very much). And if the driver’s growth is 180 cm, the awning can grate the crown ...

Getting to the driver’s place is not very simple, a double salon ... No - cockpit is small, and the seats are low. But behind the wheel, it is convenient and not at all crowded, the seats sheathed with fabric seem to cover the body, hold well in corners. The driver is in a reclining position, the legs are almost parallel to the road. The steering column is not adjusted - and no need, the lamb - exactly where necessary.

The dominant color of the cabin is a radical black. There are no excess pens, button and jewelry. They are not needed here. Everything is simple, understandable and does not distract from the management process. Scales (white on black) analog appliances are easily read even with a gaze cursory at them. In the center of driver's attention, of course, is a large tachometer and a speedometer between which it is located ... an oil pressure indicator. The red zone on the tachometer is located between 7000 and 8000 rpm, and the speedometer is perhaps too optimistic - digitized up to 220 km/h ...

It is no secret that the almost universal transition to the front -wheel drive leads to the degradation of the driver’s skill. You can discuss as much as you like about the simplification of production, the absence of a cardan shaft tunnel in the cabin, pronounce beautiful words about better controllability and progressive structure. But you must admit - the above does not matter for those whose driving experience allows you to get a high from the control of the rear -wheel drive car. Especially - a relatives.

Truly, relatives - automobile aristocracy. Transfer - except for the driver and passenger - nothing can. But then those who control them give incomparable pleasure. Roaders are created for driving, Mazda MX -5 - including.

This is not to say that 140 hp. - The limit of dreams, although with the weight of a car about a ton, is a completely few. The motor has an explosive temperament and demonstrates wonderful traction at any speed, although he loves to be twisted properly.

If you look into the technical data, the dynamic characteristics of the MX -5 can disappoint: acceleration to hundreds - 8.7 seconds, another sedan does it faster. But you get the buzz not from the leafing of reference books. A low landing that lays the ears of the noise of the wind, the sound of the engine (Mazda worked specially on the exhaust) - all this greatly exacerbates the sensation of speed. (Low landing also has disadvantages - in a tight stream, it is hard to see through the car walking in front, and the driver of some high SUV may easily not notice you.)

All the pedals and the gearbox lever are located surprisingly successfully - for almost any driver. You do not have to get used to the car at all. The chubby steering wheel is convenient in girth, but on the go is unusually tight. But very accurate and sharp, which allows you to practically not intercept it during maneuvering. The force that has to be applied to the steering wheel completely eliminates the possibility of taking a relaxed posture - with the right hand on the gearbox lever. The lever is very short -lived, the programs are turned on clearly and unmistakably, with one light movement of the hand. The suspension is stiff, the car holds the road perfectly and allows you to develop decent lateral accelerations. You have to pay for this - it is noticeably shaking on irregularities, especially since the wheelbase is small.

With sharp maneuvers, the machine is noticeably fucked - in the traditions of English relatives - but it is clearly a given path. With an overdose of gas, the back axis easily breaks into the skid - the habits of the rear -wheel drive. The brakes are effective, ABS is available and behaves unobtrusively ...

Mazda MX-5 seemed to us a machine for young, self-confident men. The girl’s place is next to the driver, not any painted claws will be able to pacify this eastern beauty. But not all men, even young and confident, MX-5 will do. MX -5 - the car is absolutely impractical, it is not a vehicle in the usual sense - especially in our climate and on our roads. In general, practicality has nothing to do with it. MX-5 does not exist to get somewhere, the main thing here is the process of movement itself. This is for the soul ...

Alexey Strelkov

Source: Motor magazine [No. 5/1999]