Mazda Mazda 5 (Premacy) test drive since 2008 minivan

It is difficult to be different

A large family, collective trips, sports, requiring bulky inventory ... Even one reason is enough to buy a mini-van. And on it, as a rule, they drive along the streets of the metropolis every day. The answer to the question of how to make a contradictory car harmonious was looking for Sergey Kanunnikov. Photo: George Sadkov
Ford C-MAMA 2.0 L, diesel, 136 hp, 6-speed automatic transmission, Titanium equipment, options, 928 600 rub.
Mazda 5 2.0 liters, 145 hp, a 6-speed manual gearbox, Active equipment, options, 958 000 rub.
Citroen C4 Picasso 2.0 liters, 143 hp, 6-speed robotic gearbox, EXSLUSIVE equipment, options, 1,114 950 rub.
Renault Scenic 2.0 liters, 135 hp, 6-speed manual transmission, Conquest equipment, options, 795 100 rubles.
The first impression, as you know, is often deceptive. And in relation to cars, a lot depends on the color. A red -haired Renault seems to be not a van, rather a compact playful car for the city. Dark-skinned (or brown?) Ford solid, roomy, with serious opportunities and intentions. Mazda-5 is almost a bus. Well, the blue Citroen car is a diet, partly even shocking and not at all family-economic. After a while, I was convinced: all this is not entirely true. And even not at all
Modesty is not a vice
Although the name of the focus was gone in the name of the car with restyling, much in the S-MAM is determined precisely by kinship with an accessible passenger model.
The point is not only a solid, neat, but very modest design and color scheme. By modern standards, for Van, the car is clearly cramped. We measure: in front of the width it seems to be enough. However, the space steals a wide tunnel between the seats. Behind even three not bad, but not on a long trip. You can shift the extreme seats back, creating a scope for the knees, only leaving the average in the garage. But the trunk is very solid.
In general, the spaces in Ford for distant family travels are not enough, but there is enough for urban life. But moving in a metropolis will require special attentiveness. Small windows between powerful racks are more likely a stylistic move than to increase the shelling sector.
But how good a 2-liter diesel! Together with a 6-speed automatic, a spur acts, energetically, not for a second, leaving no doubt about the dynamic capabilities of the trailer. The flip side of noise. Ford S-MAMA was no longer a silence sings the body to the wind, everything that happens under the wings is heard, and now a noticeable contribution to this orchestra makes the motor bass. Okay, it is easy to manage the radio.
It was worth leaving the Moscow region, and the rigidity of the suspension, which was perceived more or less calmly five minutes ago, begins to annoy: it too clearly transfers the body and body information about each bump. Hard seats contribute to this. With such a suspension, a sports disposition can be assumed, but Ford, although it holds well on the road, does not differ perfectly honorary steering. And on the speedy passage of the turn, it does not provoke more than: the steering wheel, especially at large corners, is empty. A couple of years ago, he would say that for Van this is normal. But competitors are not asleep, offering other standards.
Ford S-MAMS The most passenger from the four subjects. He is for those who spend most of his time in the city, only occasionally going on short travels, and rarely populs the car to the maximum. Agree, most cars have just like that. And Ford's assets are the most democratic basic price. Also not the last thing!
... and great family man
The fact that Mazda-5 seems to be a bus is only partially true. Luxurious sliding doors allow you not to climb, but enter the car. Very comfortably! By the way, electric doors. Those who are always in a hurry can turn it off. But they will deprive themselves of a pleasant sight: a wide hospitable passage opens from a light push of the handle.
Even if the driver is quite tall, the knees of the rear passengers will not be crowded. But only two are good there. True, there is a third row in Mazda (not in vain it is longer than the rest and with the most solid base), but these chairs cannot be called full seats. In addition, they reduce the volume of the trunk, noticeably concealing the height between the floor and the shelf.
Leather seats in a mini-wen solution, in my opinion, controversial. Especially such. It would be better if the pillow was made more authentic, and the chair itself was wider and confusion. Putting even in no extremal modes, the need to rest on the door with the left knee, then the right one in the leverage with the lever of the box is not very pleasant.
Do not wait for miracles from a 2-liter 145-horsepower engine standing on a solid Wan. You can’t call it a quiet starter, but for energetic accelerations on overtaking you have to spin the motor to at least 3500 rpm, moving down a couple of gears. As is customary in modern boxes, not only the sixth, but also the fifth are focused on an economical ride.
Suspension and steering good compromise. The smoothness of the long -standing car is very good, information about bumps and grooves reaches riders noticeably muffled. At the same time, the Mazda also obeys the steering wheel well, and hesitates, given the height of the bus, not very much at all.
Mazda has tenacious, understandable brakes, a clear mechanism of the gearbox, good sound insulation. In general, neither bright talents, nor frank mistakes. In fact, exactly what is required of a mass car. And yet, for daily urban operation, at least in the Moscow Center, a car, in my opinion, is a bulk. Here on vacation a small but friendly family with skiing, surfing boards and other rackets-cloths I would go on it if I had such a need
We live cheerfully!
Is the color that the excellent mechanism of the gearbox acts like this? For some reason, it is precisely on the Renault-Count, which has the most weak motor, I want to go especially vigorously, temperamental.
Of course, there are more important reasons. The motor is not very powerful, but easily spins, besides burden: the car comes to life from 2500 rpm. Even if not too sharply, but persistently, like a cheerful, cheerful puppy, rushes, barely hearing the team.
It is nice to work with a short -flowing lever of the gearbox. But you need to get used to clutch. Small free pedal, combined with bus landing, makes the leg unnaturally high. And the brake pedal seems to be some kind of unconvincing, flimsy. Although objectively, according to measurements, it slows down the car is quite worthy.
Renault is close to Ford rather a spacious passenger car than a minibus. Only here is much more fun orange lines on the seats and the steering wheel, a pattern on the instrument panel and even seat belts! This greatly distracts critical attention from neat, but not too rich in the materials of a grayish decoration. Bright details of the Conquest version, which is also distinguished by a plastic body kit and an enlarged road clearance. However, with the protection of the crankcase it is not at all giant, but simply normal 150 mm.
The suspension is an excellent balance between controllability and comfort. Even on mediocre roads, it is possible to travel quickly enough, without experiencing the need to constantly adjust the trajectory and not counting the irregularity in the body. Renault car is dense, assembled, well obedient to the steering wheel, moreover, quite quiet.
We add a spacious trunk and a full -sized spare wheel (for traveling outside the Moscow region I consider it necessary!). The liability has several gurgling pillows and the backs of the seats (however, as in Ford and Mazda, a budget syndrome!), A not very well organized climate. To establish the temperature and ventilation so that the glass does not sweat, and there is no African heat in the cabin, it turns out not right away you get out with the buttons! ..
Renault-scenes, even if not the newest, is quite capable of honestly and even with a spark to work in the city and beyond. Unless, of course, do not take the functions of a bus or truck on it.
Big original
That's really different! The controversial is mildly said. Sometimes it seems that the creators of Citroen-S4 Picasso proceeded from the principle: the main thing is not like others! It remains to be surprised that the steering wheel is not square ...
Well, why, tell me, are the front seats adjustment levers so inconveniently? Under the ironic views of passers -by, I hardly squeeze between the steering wheel and the luxurious light chair, let the motor (otherwise the electric drive does not work) and only after that I start fitting the seat for myself!
In the buttons on the steering wheel, the hub of which, of course, is motionless in sytrene, I understand relatively quickly. But who came up with these black, small buttons and twists under the lid on the instrument panel?
But here are five (!) Display, including two on the doors (they are to configure the climate). When the designers of Citroen first decorated them with the concept of Picasso, few thought that a kind of wealth would become serial! By the way, even passengers sitting from behind have the opportunity to control the fan. I was pleased that it all works flawlessly.
The frail lever behind the upper sector of the steering wheel is not a lost switch of the turning point, but the robotic gear selector. Touch it involuntarily a couple of trifles. It is good that the handbrake in Citroen automatically works on neutrals and leaves the scene when the gas pedal is pressed with the transmission turned on. This function can be disabled only patiently climbing the menu!
But now where anyone will not be stolen for seats here! Between the front chairs, if desired, you can attach a suitcase. Three do not rub their shoulders from behind. Excellent! Still to make the front chairs a little more rigid sidewalls. While you go straight, the soft saddle is very comfortable, but on the bends I am frantically looking for a point of support. But her knees do not find space!
The suspension actively helps to isolate the riders from bumps with comfortable armchairs, and a pneumatic is at the back. Picasso confidently and very quietly swims over the road, swallowing longitudinal and transverse waves. However, ditches the suspension does not like down the wheel walks with an unpleasant-random sound. You can’t win other Russian routes!
Citroen unexpectedly decently reacts to the steering wheel. Only the rolls are too big, however, they are not at all critical. And it doesn’t work out to evaluate the engine as it should: a robot interferes with a disgraceful term, invented, as they believe, is a very talented writer Karelle Chapek. The overclocking delays are forced to recall the carburetor term failure. The manual mode correctly corrects the situation, but even if before overtaking in advance a couple of gears, the box with perseverance worthy of better use manages to climb one up.
Citroen is not just a car, it is a lifestyle. If it is imbued with its advantages, among which comfort, a spacious interior, almost perfect visibility, some disadvantages can probably be forgiven. And to respond to controversial ergonomic decisions: it is necessary, how interesting they came up with!
Van’s choice is a little like the choice of home. Let not for life, but for very inconsistent, partly conflicting tasks. It is difficult to be different, but a compromise machine can always be found. It is important to properly prioritize ._x0008_
Ford C-Max
The mini-van started in 2003, in 2007 the car was modernized.
Engines: in Russia gasoline 1.6 liters (100 hp); 1.8 l (125 hp); 2.0 l (145 hp), diesel 1.6 l (110 hp); 2.0 l (136 hp).
Gearbox: 5-speed mechanical for all versions, except for 2.0 liters diesel. For the latter, automatic 6-speed.
Complete: Ambient, Trend, Ghia, Titanium.
Price in Russia: 519 000820 000 rub.
+ Great motor and gearbox, convenient controls.
- mediocre visibility, very hard suspensions, noise.
General assessment 7.7
A spacious passenger car with increased cargo capabilities. It is hard to compete with the more modern Vanas Ford.
Mazda 5
The model debuted in the fall of 2004, in January 2008 they conducted facies and modernization of engines.
Engine: in Russia, gasoline 1.8 liters (115 hp); 2.0 l (145 hp).
Gearboxes: 5-speed mechanical (1.8 l); 6-speed mechanical, 5-speed automatic (2.0 l).
Complete: Family, Touring, Touring Plus, Active.
Price in Russia: 614 000876 000 rub.
+ Good smoothness, additional seats, convenient entrance back.
- in the second row three are crowded; The trunk is modest, even with a folded third row.
General assessment 7.9
Ven, convenient for long -distance travels, is not too much family.
Renault Scenic
The car was introduced in 2002, in 2007 they held restyling.
Engine: in Russia, gasoline 1.6 liters (110 hp); 2.0 l (135 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed (1.6 l), 6-speed (2.0 l), automatic 4-speed.
Complete: authentique, confort, Dynamique, Panoramique, Conquest.
Price: 614 000795 100 rubles.
+ Excellent handling, comfortable suspensions, a clear mechanism of the gearbox.
- Mal the trunk, uncomfortable climate control and brakes.
General assessment 8.1
A good combination of a brisk city car and a small Van.
Citroen C4 Picasso
The seven-seater Ven was presented in 2006, a five-seater version in early 2007.
Engines: in Russia gasoline 1.8 liters (127 hp); 2.0 l (143 hp).
Gearboxes: mechanical 5-speed, robotic 6-speed (on version 2.0 l).
Complete: Classique, Confort, Exclusive.
Price: 657 000913 000 rub.
+ A very spacious interior, excellent visibility, good sound insulation and smoothness.
- Wise governing bodies, an uncomfortable gearbox, there is not even a reconciliation.
General assessment 8.4
Obvious advantages can overshadow the shortcomings, or vice versa. Much depends on priorities and lifestyle.
The economy should be
On -board computers are not the most accurate flow meters. Nevertheless, with a significant run, they give an idea of \u200b\u200beconomy. After about 400 km along suburban roads and small cities with an average speed of about 80 km/h, cars were spent 100 km: Ford S-MAMA 7.3 l (diesel fuel); Renault-stage 8.4 l; Citroen-S4 Picasso 9.2 l, Mazda-5 9.4 liters.
Bus atmosphere
Of course, you can get used to any car. But the ability to quickly and easily transform the salon, without studying instructions, is a good characteristic of Van. And in such cars, containers are especially appreciated for all sorts of things.
In Ford, the principle of folding the rear seats is simple and understandable. But they are heavy. And in order to remove the average (a place for the cargo is released and the opportunity to move the two remaining chairs becomes), you need to find a certain position for it and attach considerable strength. In addition to the standard set of the clothing box on the right on the front panel, pockets in the doors, the niche in the box between the seats there is a compartment for documents in the middle in front of the windshield.
In Mazda, all chairs of the second row move in a wide range. Folding them is simple and easy. The rear seats are also easy to transform, but only a child with his violent energy will like to climb there. There are fewer places for small things in Mazda than in other tested ones.
Moving the seats in the Renault-stage, it is not work to decompose them. This car is an unconditional record holder for containers. In addition to the traditional, on the instrument panel, there are two more in a shift box between the seats. In the doorway, in addition to ordinary pockets, deep closing boxes. Under each armchair of a drawer, and in the floor there are four niches of a flea market!
I do not want to lay out seats in Citroen: instead of pens, frail loops, for which you need to pull too much. But in the car there is also a hatch in the floor, however, one in the back to the right.
There are four boxes on the huge front panel. The middle one can become a refrigerator, many papers will fit in the upper two.
Sergey Kanunnikov: Often in our tests, cars that scored more average points, devoid of bright advantages or noticeable shortcomings, win. This time the car is partly controversial, but with the very strong qualities necessary for Van.


Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video test drives Mazda Mazda 5 (Premacy) since 2008