Test Drive Mazda 2 since 2011 Hatchback
Unisex in the big city

What clothes to choose for the city? Comfortable, sports cut? Will not understand at work. Business suit? Not too comfortable and I want to pull the neck tie. So we are flashing between solidity and convenience.
This applies not only to clothing, but also cars. And everything begins when we see a beautiful thing
He quickly conquers the audience. Varnish: There is something in it from mini! Tightly shot down, self-confidently relying on the wheel corners, Suzuki-Swift rolls around the city, concentrated on himself. Whether the Mazda case, a real fashionista! At these necessarily a look: Envious female evaluates the makeup of headlights, enthusiastic male slides on the bends of the figure.
May Fabia be misleading the female name: a male start felt in Skoda. If you look closely, you might think that the Swift and Fabia relatives.

Mazda Antipode Suzuki. Opening the door, you get as if in a female lounge: a playful front panel, the porthole of the liquid crystal display. Looking around, I detect other stylistic directions. A comfortable steering wheel - with a round hub of a sporty view, and the gearbox lever made on the console is highlighted from mini-WaN. The image turned out to be memorable and cheerful!
Well, and Skoda for fans of the German style of life. Ideal order on ideal roads, the ideal organization of movement. Boring? Maybe it is rational! Fabia in the Sport configuration fully complies with the principles described above. The seat should, first of all, hold, and not to demonstrate softness. Devices are required to inform, and therefore, for anything experiments with the location and design.
The nonsense interior of Skoda again makes it take parallels from Suzuki. But the Czech car belongs to you with great attention. Rectangular jaw console with audio and climate control is functionally impeccable, stealless switches and light control are clear, like a multiplication table. Waped with a magazine? Then

From the go to appreciate the car is as difficult as the convenience of winter boots. Only a couple of days later you will gladly understand that you do not wine, coming in a puddle, or with irritation to state: shoes too hard.
Driving several tens of kilometers in Suzuki, mark spacious and front, and behind the salon. Rear doors open a large opening, the central tunnel does not interfere with the average passenger, the stock over the heads of the Soliden. A little more, and the Swift would receive a higher assessment for passenger places, but on the next bodice one of the sedes sitting behind the fear of colleagues felt a sedal of a rigid skeleton of the seat. Maybe better Mazda with her more energy-intensive sofa, even a salon and told Troim in the shoulders?
The Czech machine on the disappearance is only a bit inferior to Suzuki, but all spoils the hump of the central tunnel, completely blending the hunt to get back threesome. The margin on the knees is decent, but what is the sense, if the tall passengers rest in the lower part of the front seat with the legs? Collecting Consilium, resulted in: Suzuki leader.
Skoda is instantly reciprocated in another discipline. She has the most spacious trunk, and the full-size wheel is laid under the floor. The only quirk will need a few unnecessary seconds to decompose the back seat: they will go to dismantle the head restraints. In Mazda, the backs are leaked to one reception. But booties in the two-room will fit smaller, and it is not so convenient to ship it. Here he is the secret of the space in the back seat Suzuki pantry here is quite small, 20 and 56 l less than in Mazda and Skoda. It remains to decide what is more important: rear passengers or place for shopping? If here are priorities arranged, it's time to the mirror

Propaganda great strength, it can make people believe in anything. Robotic mechanical gearboxes visual example. Convenience of the machine in combination with low fuel consumption! Shouts advertising, and we believe, we learn we learned to ride on the robot! Recently, with pride, they declared a representative office of one of the firms. From the mouth of those close to the manufacturer, such revelations will hear infrequently.
The robotic box of Suzuki brought the expected disappointment. It hurts the abyss between the driver and the robot. The swift box is far from the worst of the semi-automatic, but still when overclocking in the floor makes navigate at each switching. On some models, the nods can be smoothed, a little let go of the gas pedal (this is exactly this recipe and solved firms!). With Suzuki, such a number does not pass, he with persistence keeps the transfer, continuing to unwind the motor even in economy mode. Theoretically, you can go to manual control, but why then buy a car with such a transmission?
Casting for a short lever of the Mazdovskaya box, sighed with relief. The transmissions are included in the unmistakable, the clutch pedal to the measure is short-speed, so even provocative swift transitions up when acceleration does not cause crunch synchronizers. Gorgeous transmission!
But the Skoda does not miss. The lever box has longer moves, but it does not prevent anything in any way in the desired transmission. But with the start there may be problems: the inclusion of clutch is overnight stretched, the engine does not immediately respond to the gas pedal and not ready to touch with idle speed.

Living in a big city means inevitably falling into stressful situations. Suzuki can withstand them with honor: he does not seek to seem sport-shift, but willingly enters the turn, confidently keeps the trajectory and obedient reacts to the steering correction. The most pleasant thing is that the car does not seek to get out of control, hitting uneven asphalt. Even considering that there is no stabilization system on the swift, he does not frighten the unexpected maneuver. What, alas, it is impossible to say about Mazda.
Almost exemplary dials up to a certain limit, but by the edge of standard modes goes into a deep skid. An experienced driver is able to fix the situation with a burden, but the rest is not easier from this! What are the reasons for such behavior inappropriate tires, no transverse stability stabilizer? I will not say for sure. There is no ESP on the test car. Probably, the electronics would be able to cut the arrogant two-handle. However, if you put controllability into the chapter angle, you can force the car to obey, not putting on the electronic collar. It was possible to the creators of Fabia!
Skoda demonstrates a hint of insufficient turning, but try to make her break into the skid! With the enabled stabilization system, behavior practically does not change: the electronics allows you to go actively and even admits sliding, wondering only at the last moment.
Three cars appeared very different. Muscane Fabia, a sophisticated feminine Mazda and Universal Suzuki. Each for the needs

Debutant car dealership in Paris 2004. In Russia, sold since 2005
Gasoline engine 1.3 l (92 hp)
Gearbox 5-speed mechanical and robotic.
Package 6 species.
Price in Russia 407 000452 000 rub.
+ Spacious in the front and rear seats, understandable handling.
- Modest trunk, pensive robotic box.
Total rating of 7.9
Reliable management and discreet design car. But the time takes its own against the background of contemporaries is perceived too modest.

The new generation is represented in Europe in March 2007. In Russia since the spring of 2008.
Motor gasoline 1.5 l (103 hp)
Gearbox 5-speed mechanical, 4-speed automatic.
Price of basic versions in Russia 424 000549 000 rubles.
+ Excellent accelerating speaker, clear drive mechanical gearbox, memorable design.
- Noise from tires in the back of the cabin, a tendency to drift.
Total rating of 8.1
Bright appearance and light governments allow you to close your eyes on not very good behavior on the turns of the machine without a stabilization system.

The second generation debuted at the Salon in Geneva 2007. After a few months showed the wagon combi.
Gasoline engines 1.2; 1.4; 1.6 L (69; 86; 105 hp).
Gearbox 5-speed mechanical, 6-speed automatic.
Installing Classic, Ambiente, Sport, Elegance.
Price of basic versions in Russia 343 000574 000 rub.
+ Good overclocking speaker, excellent brakes, confident behavior in turn, comfortable front seats, the most spacious trunk.
- Limited space for the feet of the rear passengers, a surplized gas pedal.
Total estimate of 8.4

Border passions
Life in the city causes characteristic car injuries. Not a major enemy when parking borders, especially sprinkled with snow. So before buying it is worth paying attention not only to the magnitude of the road lumen, but also on the sinks of the car, especially the front. Hang plastic on the Mazda and Suzuki is very simple about the border with a height of 170 mm. Skoda looks preferable: 210 mm to an elastic plastic skirt, which is separated by the edge of the bumper.
Mikhail Gzzovsky: Different forces are capable of swing the pendulum in favor of one of the cars. Dry calculation whispers: Suzuki; Skid experience will tell: Skoda. But it will be difficult for them to defeat love at first sight.
Mikhail Gzovsky

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"