Test drive Mazda Mazda 6 (Atenza) Sedan since 2007 sedan

Pregnant Mazda test

The restyled Mazda6 restyled test was calm and boring. But at one point, the strange girl, standing next to our car, suddenly began to slowly slide down to the ground.

In fact, we sincerely did not understand why we took Mazda6 to the test. The car is well known to everyone, the price/quality ratio is adequate, and Mazda will not be held to the image. In general, there was no need to expect something new.

In the first minutes after the start of the trip, it became clear that the dark salon of a modernized six began to look a little more noble than that of the old Mazda6. In addition, it was possible to establish that an automatic transmission paired with a 2.0-liter engine (147 hp) works fine, especially in city traffic jams. When driving according to the scheme, the start-15 km/hour-cot-expectation while the gazelle stands in front, the box switches the speed clearly, smoothly and without jerking. And, most importantly, by controlling the Mazda6 with automatic transmission, we once again made sure that good modern machines work much better than new -fangled robots that often twitch, slow down and generally irritate. Of course, local Schumacers can twist Mosya on the automatic transmission, but, believe me, the automatic transmission makes the driving by car very convenient, because in the conditions of the modern city we spend a giant amount of time in traffic jams, where machines are simply indispensable. This is all that could be understood about Mazda6 in a calm atmosphere. Then the car had to be studied in stress conditions.

So, the girl standing next to our car suddenly began to slowly crawl to the ground. The Raspension of the top ten drove past. The owner of the old Mercedes-Benz S600 in the body of W140 also arrived.

When we got out of the car, then everyone understood. It turns out that the girl was pregnant, and seriously.

- Woman, what's wrong with you?
- I think I'm giving birth! What should I do?
-uh we do not know. Let us support you. You probably need to call an ambulance?
- Just not an ambulance. She will take me to the nearest maternity hospital, and he is terrible. I need nine (nine is a maternity hospital No. 9 in St. Petersburg).

Damn, what should we do? Maybe call an ambulance? Or bury your head in the sand? But the answer was different. The woman was decided to be taken to the maternity hospital, which is located on the other side of the city. The frightened Mr. Gaidukevich was sitting behind the wheel, who suddenly became somehow too serious and silent. And on the rear chair, along with a misunderstanding girl named Marina, he had already climbed to participate in the birth of Smolyanov. If something happened, the sense of him would be zero, but when Marishka heard Denis bravely stated, I took birth, I know everything, it became easier for her.

In connection with the separation of duties (one drove, the second is not clear who), everyone can only tell about the individual qualities of the car. But, we hope, in the end, the picture will turn out to be whole.

Denis Smolyanov
Initially, the future mother had to simply be put in the car. This turned out to be not easy to do the rear doors of the Mazda6 open enough for a pregnant woman to calmly crawl into the salon. The first thing we understood with Marina was enough space behind. Outwardly, Mazda6 seems to be a small machine, but in fact there is about the same amount of space as in competitors like Opel Vectra, Ford Mondeo or Peugeot 407.

And immediately after the start, we, according to the law of meanness, rested on the tail with the length of the cork. We are trying to go around the cork along the bad road. Dima decides not to slow down there, and then the car shakes his soul out of all. Oh, harsh Mazda6. No, no, you need to go a little calmer. And not because we felt sorry for the suspension (believe me, to the journalists who take the car for the test, spit on the running resource). Just the future mother began to crush. Yes, Mazda6 is not intended for transporting pregnant women in our directions. But noise insulation was surprisingly acceptable. It was previously believed that all Mazda, without exception, was very noisy, but our pursuit eventually showed that sound insulation here is no worse than the old Ford Mondeo. True, in Opel Vectra is still tangibly quieter. Of course, I would like, of course, so that Mazda does not save on Shumka, but this is the harsh reality of marketing Why show off if competitors are no better.

Dmitry Gaidukevich
As soon as we went, I immediately began to look through the eyes of traffic cops. I thought I would drive up to them, I will tell you what’s the matter, and they will quickly take the woman to the hospital with the flashing lights turned on. Naturally, there were no inspectors.

The situation forced to be on the road not only fast, but also very attentive. It’s good that we had a 2.0-liter motor under our hood. I have already traveled to a cheaper 1.8-liter Mazda 6, which has 120 hp. So, what will I tell you if you take Mazda6, then with a 2.0 liter engine. (147 hp). It is enough for fast overclocking even if there is an automatic machine. By the way, about automatic transmission. It has already been said above that in traffic jams this transmission behaves well. So she also showed herself well during sports driving. Kick Dawn, of course, triggers with annoying delay, so if you somehow take a giving birth to a woman into a hospital, then immediately transfer the box selector into manual mode. Then there will be no problems at all.

The trip was nervous. The brake drivers constantly came across the way, pedestrians mockingly slowly crossed the road, and one cyclist suddenly decided to fall directly under our car. On the speedometer, by the way, there were 120 km/h! Fortunately, I managed to tear the steering wheel aside and go around a two -wheeled moron, which was driving even without a helmet. And at that moment I really understood the whole charm of Mazda! The controllability of this machine is on top. If we were driving another machine with less honed characteristics, then it is generally not known how our entire voyage ended. After saving the cyclist, I really wanted to reduce speed and even stop. But the rest time has not come yet.

Mazda6 understood what was required of it. Therefore, the car reacted very sensitively to the pressing of the accelerator pedal, accelerated confidently and, most importantly, clearly and without any delay was rebuilt from a row in a row. Well, thank God, soon and the hospital. The midwife called, Marina's husband is in the know. In general, we coped.
Technical characteristics of Mazda 6 2.0:
Engine: 1999 SMZ; 147 l. With. (6500 rpm); 18 kgsm (4000 rpm)
Temperament: 211 km/h; 9.7 s (0100 km/h); 6.09.8 l/100 km
Brief price list:

Hatchback Mazda6 / Complete





1.8 (120 hp)








2.0 (147 hp)








2.0 (147 hp)








2.3 (166 hp)




Source: Auto.mail.ru