Test drive Mazda CX-7 2007-2009 SUV

High per hour

There are girls for one date and cars for one hour. Until recently, I mainly attributed mainly Italian devices with stallions and bulls on the hood, as well as some German piece cars. Mazda CX-7 replenished the list of the most windy and fleeting creatures of the auto industry. That is, those cars with which it is insanely cool and interesting to do it quickly, but with which it is risky to associate yourself with a long relationship.
Oh sport, you are a myth! Only a person of a sports warehouse of mind and a sports lifestyle can manage such a car as Mazda CX-7 and can enjoy the process. Alas, as the most common driver, according to my observations, a completely different type has been established behind the wheel of Russian Mazda CX-7.
This is a nervous man of forty years old. The middle -class representative in social studies and is among its neighbors in an apartment building, the owners of the Lada of the Classical Building, and a serious manager. Someone once saw him in the Adidas suit, and therefore the rumor gives him at least for a candidate for a master of sports and a real fighter. The hero, which our great country is full of, does not contradict the rumor and, moreover, I completely agree with it internally.
Meanwhile, this person is far from sports just like Butovo from the moon. This person will never flush into the masses of marathons in New York. It will not even come out in a clear frosty morning on the ski track of Russia. He will not go down from the cap of Cheget to its foot at one departure. His black belt in an honest and open battle will not untie Putin. To make him at least make a simple gymnastic exercise an ordinary slope forward the Lord must scatter on the floor of the pearls.
This person is not even able to disperse his pulse to 180 beats per minute, but for some reason he considers himself very mobile and prepared to disperse the Mazda CX-7 car to a maximum speed of 180 km/h.
Fascinated and very dangerous. The illusory conviction of this master in his own abilities, which was born to him in the late 90s, when the friends of the oligarchs of the middle hand brought him to Silverstone and bought him a ticket for one trip in a circle for 300 pounds, turns the Mazda CX-7 into a quick, powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful and powerful potentially dangerous vehicle.
I have the right to draw this conclusion at least on the basis of observations about the state of the Moscow Mazda motor park. A lot of broken CX-7. And for sure just because they are controlled by impulsive, nervous people who claim a lot.
Want another evidence from the spied in the Moscow transport hustle and bustle? The man playing in the front passenger seats playing something vigorously explains his wife at the wheel. Only she hears his intense monologue, but all the surrounding road users are observed by his small gestures for several traffic lights. But here is the finale. The machine dramatically slows down at the side of the road. A man with a changed face runs to the driver's door. Almost pushes out a non -packing girlfriend in mutual and, with a cry, I will show you how to drive a car on gas. Thank God that the three low -commissions in the upper right corner of the intersection managed to rush at all.
More sad options for the outcome of a situation when a man is determined to impress a girl and public, you can find in the Yandex or Google search engine in just a few keywords: Nice, Ferrari, Kandelaki.
The head of complaints and wishes. I have a lot of complaints to the drivers of Mazda CX-7 and there are very few complaints about the car itself. This is a very worthy device for a qualified and reasonable driver. A driver with a cold head and a warm heart.
He accelerates excellently and brakes excellently. The car is accurately and almost without rolls enters the turns. CX-7 has a good chassis. Hard and assembled suspension. True, the entire design did not seem so strong to me. No, of course, compared to some tribeca or Cadillac SRX, Mazda CX-7 is just a monolith.
Nevertheless, it does not let go of the suspicion that the metal content in the body is clearly lower than the norm. The lightweight of the machine is manifested especially on the irregularities of the road. It must be, that is why they do not put a motor of greater power on the car. The body may simply not withstand a more powerful heart. Although a 2.3-liter engine with turbocharged is a decent stock. I managed to find a section of the road in Kurkino to accelerate to 180 km/h, and it seemed to me, contrary to the declared characteristics that this was by no means a maximum for CX-7.
In the kit for a good motor, easily promoted up to 7000 revolutions, a clear three -spoke steering wheel, convenient, sprinkled seats, a qualitatively made and successful gearbox includes. With the correct racing algorithm of manual mode, when to lower the gears the lever must be pushed from yourself, but to increase yourself.
It is not clear, however, why with such a competent approach to the transmission, Mazda engineers did not make the DSC system completely disconnected. I write off this for reinsurance and in this case I welcome such reinsurance. And then imagine what other nervous men would do otherwise on Moscow streets?
But I do not welcome the asceticism of the car interior. Even if the car is positioned as sports, it should be comfortable, since it is still for general roads, and not for the rings of formula nibelungs.
It was in the good old days that the enthusiasts of the automobile traffic were like two fingers on the asphalt to finish on their car from Paris to Monza, to rush to the start of the race, and then it is also easy to roll back and in the evening to ride Montmartra. Those are the epic, and we are not heroes. It is difficult for me to imagine a car trip to the Mazda CX-7, which would be further than to Mozhaisk or Sergiev Posad.
In general, Mazda is not the company that has the right to sell cars in the poor decoration of the road, as Ferrari or Lamborghini allows itself. The Russian price of the CX-7 implies European comfort, the wealth of materials and equipment. But this is not yet.
It would be difficult for me to withstand in the cabin with such a strict decoration a clock standing in a traffic jam on the Vali Valu. Although the musical system in the car is not bad. But even the Relaks-FM radio would not save my nerves. And probably, I would also eventually stopped and release steam from the radiator in the nearest fence or neighboring car. However, do not take the evil in your head, make friends with sports and take care of yourself. At least in order to drive Mazda CX-7!
Automobile newspaper Klaron: The off -road talents of the car are on this and end. In addition to all-wheel drive, an enlarged clearance and a high jeepy body, the Six-Siven is no different from ordinary passenger models. Well, the CX-7 is also practical, as it should be a good modern SUV. Moreover, the practicality of the car was worked out to the smallest detail, clearly based on ... human laziness. Too lazy to bother with the folding of the rear seats when you need to increase trunk? It is enough for you to pull one single handle and part of the rear sofa will turn on your own, on the springs. To fold the second part, you also only need to pull the second one single handle. Lent to cover the trunk with a film or even more clean it after a dirty luggage? There are no problems: just turn the floor of the luggage compartment and instead of a vile surface, lightly plastic will appear ...
Avto.ru: The Russian CX-7 has lost the dynamism and excitement, which we managed to test on the roads of France. Despite this, the behavior of cars supplied to our country has become more measured and solid. There is also a fairly powerful acceleration and dynamic controllability. The 6-speed automatic transmission showed itself only from the positive side. Clear almost invisible switching occur on time and without visible delays. Of the shortcomings for the configuration, one can note the absence of an auto-to-air rear-view mirror, separate climate control, as well as electrical folding of lateral mirrors. After all, almost all direct competitors of the Mazda CX-7 have these options, and in this car they would not be completely superfluous, but we did not experience obvious inconvenience from their absence. In addition, the Corossover has quite mediocre data for off -road movement, although this was not a goal for the creators. And in order to feel confident on a wet or slippery road, as well as to park in a snowy cramped Moscow courtyard CX-7 is enough. The torque is distributed from the front to the rear axle automatically, focusing on the road situation. In fact, the front -wheel drive crossover can throw 50% of the moment into the rear axle, thus becoming all -wheel drive.
5 wheels: joy knew no bounds. Ahead stretched a plowed French field, very reminiscent of his native spaces near Moscow. This is not Germany, where all the lands are fenced with an inconspicuous, but very strong fence. When moving along uneven soil, the CX-7 resembles a regular passenger car. Of course, you should not discount the clearance of 205 millimeters from accounts, but in general there is a crossover. In one place we decided to force the earthen parapet. The first time the obstacle did not lend itself to the wheelchairs. I had to go to the second attempt, which turned out to be successful. In other words, the born can not crawl. For another, they made Mazda CX-7, for another ...
Autonews.ru: Inside the CX-7, the simplicity of governing organs of the time of game consoles Sega Mega Drive II. Black hard plastic, simple black buttons and adjustments, polished shiny plastic in some places, for example, on the joystick, where the Sega logo is also placed. Mazda branded dashboard, with wells of devices and huge visors, as in the periscope of the submarine: only the driver can see what is happening. The passenger, in order to look into the speedometer, you need to stretch out and go over over the armrest. The route computer is located in the gap between the plastic of the central part of the torpedo and is highlighted by blood-red light. Look at him unprotected. Thanks to Mazda for a light, large and thin steering wheel, which allows you to very clearly perform any maneuvers even with one hand, it is a pity that the steering column is regulated only in height. But giant side mirrors are not required at all: no matter how they are turned, they can see the salon, the road, and the entire landscape to the horizon. Partly thanks to these mirrors, the dimensions of the CX-7 are felt at the level of intuition, and you can park without mirrors, turning to the rear window in the old fashioned way ...
Mazda CX-7
Engine with direct injection of gasoline and turbocharged
Working volume (cubic cub) 2261
Power (L.S. at rpm) 238 at 5000
Moment (nm at rpm) 350 at 2500
The drive is complete
Gearbox automatic, 6-speed
Length/width/height (mm) 4680/1870/1645
Equipped mass (kg) 1695
Maximum speed (km/h) 181
Acceleration to 100 km/h (c) 8.3
Fuel consumption, medium (l/100 km) 11.5
The price in Moscow is 1,141,000 rubles.

Thank you for the help in organizing shooting Mazda Representative Office
8 (495) 788-1001.
Text Nikolay Fomenko
Photo Andrey Danilov


Source: "Autopilot"

Video test drives Mazda CX-7 2007-2009