Mazda BT-50 test drive since 2010 pickup

Mazda BT-50 test drive: Fifty for courage

At the wheel of Mazda BT-50, the testers of the portal set off in search of a waterproof trunk, a radio signal with at least some music and difficult road conditions that would force to transfer the leverage box to the position help! I am stuck!.

The true color of the pickup in photographs is difficult to define. When my colleague and I finally washed the BT-50, the washers laughed, having heard our sincere delight from such a bright bronze color why the portal this time took the test car to the shooting places, passing the sink? Everything is simple: some are dirt to face.

The roads in the spring are really dirty. And not only outside the city. You can only keep the car cleanly in the back of the canister of water or regularly visiting car wash. By the way, on one of them (in Moscow on Leningradsky Prospekt), the Mazda BT -50 was not found in the table of classes of the served cars, so we were taken in full - more than 700 rubles. Moreover, only for the body washing ... there is a car expensive, which, on the contrary, should help earn money?!

But pickups workhorses, their regular maintenance is not cleaned into the budget for maintenance. The main thing is that the diesel fuel does not end, which the BT-50 spends reasonably. On the highway, the consumption was about 7 liters (counted approximately, since there was no side computer in the car). And on one tank you can easily get from Moscow to St. Petersburg, spending about 1,300 rubles.

In such a trip, you should not take more than one passenger. On a cramped back row, only road bags can be accommodated with comfort, since the role of the luggage compartment performs the body open to all winds and sediments. However, if the driver turns out to be short, then the rear passengers will not touch the knees of the back of the front seats. The folding armrest that can be removed in the back of the sofa can slightly brighten up their leisure.

The driver is more convenient; The testers of the portal, who recently controlled the Mazda CX-7, the front seats of the pickupa seemed even more comfortable and friendly to the back than in the crossover. Although adjustments here, of course, are less. The steering wheel can only be configured in height, and the front seats do not move vertically at all. But the profile of the chair and holds in turns, and supports the lower back.

The front panel is not burdened with climate control or a two-day on-board computer. All this can appear on the new generation BT, which is no longer around the corner. In the meantime, the driver of the BT-50 did not feel all the love of Mazda. There is no stabilization system to turn off the system, as well as the system itself. The radio here is the most basic level, and the auto -well of radio stations does not catch signals in the area of \u200b\u200blarge cities. On the way between the capitals, I had to call a colleague traveling ahead on Logan to ask him at what frequency you can listen to the radio in the car, which cost half as much, there were no problems with the search

There are plenty of departments for things in the BT salon: there are pockets at the door, there are two cup holders on the central console, two niches, the upper shelf for CDs and a boxing box. On the right in the front panel there is a glove compartment, and above it is provided for a drawer in which you can remove a little A4 (not Audi, but a small pack of sheets).

Noise and vibration insulation of the cabin is not at all the same as in most cars. As befits a diesel pickup Mazda BT-50, wrapps and vibrates; If you were suddenly stopped bothering a noise and shaking (clearly transmitted by the driver’s right knee from the central tunnel), then you are stalled.

After a long control of the passenger car, it is quite possible to adapt to pickupa in a day. The steering wheel is a little lacking of information and severity, which is why, when leaving the parking lot, I had to work hard. Gently move in the city stream, I got about half an hour after the first landing. Near traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, it was often necessary to operate a lever of a mechanical checkpoint. In more high -speed sections (like embankments and avenues with long traffic light cycles), the fourth gear was enough for a cruising ride and for a speed of speed after zealous braking.

In normal mode (when driving in the city), the Mazda BT-50 has a rear-wheel drive. Having stopped, you can pull the lever of the handout on yourself, connecting the front wheels to help the rear. But according to this scheme, you can only go to 100 km/h, but get ready for loss in the dynamics and a tangible increase in fuel consumption.

BT-50 brakes are reliable, but, like the steering wheel, they are lacking in mutual understanding with the driver. You can understand the degree of inhibition intensity in each individual case only after some practice.

Outside the city, having swept along the still frozen April land of the Leningrad region, I had to resort to a complete drive several times. It did not work to push off from slippery icy grassy soil with one rear wheels, but in the position of the lever 4h (all -wheel drive, normal transmission mode), Mazda stopped slip and calmly went on. I could not find the conditions that would require a transition to a reduced gear. We found real off -road a couple of weeks ago, when we compared three pickups in Suoranda in the village of Koltushsky highway a few kilometers from St. Petersburg. Then we planted Volkswagen Amarok, and Mazda BT-50 broke the cable and could not pull it out. There is nothing to be done: any car can get stuck. Just cars do it unexpectedly, and SUVs intentionally

Competitors Mazda BT-50 in the Russian market:
Mitsubishi L200
Nissan NP-300
Ford Ranger

We liked the Mazda BT-50
Suspension impenetrability, a painful diesel engine, clarity of the checkpoint

We did not like the Mazda BT-50
Information of the brakes, cargo controllability, vibration at idle

The car was provided for the test by Mazda Motor Rus, the Russian representative office of Mazda.

Author: Alexander Korobchenko
Photo: Roman Zubko, Roman Ostanin


Source: Wheel magazine [April 2011]

Video test drives Mazda BT-50 since 2010