Lexus RX test drive since 2008 SUV

The test drive of the new Lexus RX 450H hybrid. Slower, but still better

Scientists have not yet learned the power of thought to influence the masses, but it also happens that this common statement becomes very dubious. Take Lexus RX in all bodies, starting with its debut in 1999. Somehow, the crossover suddenly became the leader of the premium brand sales, which was created for sales of luxury sedans, and there is no logical explanation for this phenomenon, it seems that our mind can still be controlled.
Or maybe Lexus developers have seriously thought, unraveled a combination of the most popular qualities and now reap the fruits. If this is true, then the Lexus RX 450H is a logical continuation of the RX 400H. Improving the qualities that made the RX series so popular should bring closer to the latest hybrid SUV from Lexus to the standard.
All this is somewhat reminiscent of the film an artificial mind (where a robot boy wants him to be considered an ordinary child) with the only exception that we did not abandon our RX 450H in the forest for a tear to intelligent toasters.
The price of the issue is unknown
For several months, the price of the new Lexus 450H will be a secret. In this situation, it would be most logical to start with the cost of the basic configuration of the previous RX 400H model, which is $ 42,905*. Add here the cost of optional equipment found on the tested front -wheel drive RX 450H, and the price, in our opinion, will grow to about $ 50,000.
* Currently, the cost of the basic configuration of the model for the US market is already known: $ 41,660.
Such an assumption needs some context. The cost of the non -hybrid RX 350 begins with a lower mark of $ 37,625. If you calculate how much money RX 450H will save you on the purchase of fuel, it will become obvious that the purchase of a hybrid will pay off only with a very large mileage. Our simple calculations allowed us to get a figure of 300,000 km with such a run, the acquisition of a benzo-electrical Lexus will have an economic justification.
Typically, hybrid cars attract potential buyers not only by efficiency, but also by other intriguing opportunities. The traditionally strong side of hybrids is an acceleration due to a powerful torque on the bottom, which is ensured by an electric motor. But RX 450H has unexpected news for you.
Slower than RX400H
The power of the RX450H power plant together is 295 hp, which is 27 hp. More than RX400H. This increase was provided by a 3.5-liter 245-horsepower V6. Nevertheless, it turns out that even with an enhanced engine 2 095-kg RX 450H is slower than the RX 400H, which we tested the last time, and this was a heavy all-wheel drive equipment.
From a place to 96 km/h, the Lexus RX 450H accelerates in 7.6 seconds, and the quoter overcomes in 15.6 seconds, accelerating at the finish line to 147.7 km/h. It lags behind RX 400h by half a second in both tests. No, it is not quite slow, but the test results do not reflect the paintings that develop during everyday ride: RX 450H does not break forward, it has to be literally forced. Such a sluggish reaction may be a consequence of the economy, which is the main priority for the RX 450H.
If you belong to the number of those buyers who liked the RX 400H, then this loss in speed in the RX 450H can be a reason for a slight disorder. The same picture with the slurred personality RX 450h. Just as his predecessor did not cause much surge of emotions, so RX 450h doctors can safely recommend to their patients as a sedative.
What is it better
So, the RX 450H has a long payback period, and it is slower than its predecessor. However, do not think that the RX 450H symbolizes the loss of the Lexus brand. This is far from the case: Lexus RX 450h exactly what it should be. He rides smoothly, as never before, neither the noise of the coating, nor the wind penetrate the salon.
Usually Lexus tunes the suspension in such a way that it is as soft and supple as possible. Although, given the philosophy of a hybrid car, the best thing you can hope for is if the car does not peck the face at every stop.
Fortunately, Lexus engineers managed to gracefully circumvent these narrow places. They equipped the RX 450H with a new double -leaf rear suspension, not to mention the quality of control of the suspension, which was so lacked by the RX 400H. What is most surprising, this softness does not disappear with the appearance of holes on the road. Despite the fact that the outstanding mass of RX still in some way affects your fifth point, this impact is not so strong as to spoil the impression of the total smoothness of the RX 450H.
Work on mistakes
Saving your money on the purchase of fuel, hybrid cars often have very slurred manageability, as if they had just escaped from the video games of the 1980s. Lexus knows about this, and therefore paid increased attention to this aspect, making the RX 450H belonging to the class of hybrids less obvious. Regenerative brakes are grasped more predictably, stopping 2 095-kg SUV at 38.71 m at a speed of 96 km/h, and there is more effort on the steering wheel than that of the predecessor RX 400H.
The work of the transmission has also become much quieter, especially when the V6 is included in the work to help electric motors pull the RX 450H. We do not say that Lexus managed to expel all the demons of hybrid cars, but on the face there is unambiguous progress in this direction.
By the way, the Lexus RX 450H consumes 8.82 liters per 100 km in the city and 10.46 liters along the highway, significantly exceeding this indicator of its predecessor. During the test, we spent an average of 10.86 liters, and a couple of sections of the route was passed with an accelerator pedal completely recessed to the floor. For a rather big SUV, this is a very good indicator, and we have no doubt that with a calmer manner of movement RX 450H it will be possible to surpass the expense predicted by EPA (environmental protection management).
Remote control
In the RX 450H Lexus model, the Remote Touch system is the latest development in the field of multimedia interface to control the audio and navigation systems of the car. Instead of a pen that must be turned and then pressed, most commonly found in German sedans, the Remote Touch system offers a device, which is, in fact, an inverted computer mouse. It is located on the central console. You touch a flat joystick by controlling the cursor on a large, well -lit screen located in the upper part of the front panel.
The tactile response of the joystick accompanies all actions and prevents the random movement of the cursor on an uneven road. This system is simple in circulation if you configure it for itself, and the ergonomics of the location of the controller is simply outside of all praise. Although, to be honest, for our favorite radio stations we would prefer good old buttons.
In general, the salon is a team of a hodgepodge. The luggage compartment is huge, but the spaciousness of the rear seat does not live up to the expectations that you are imbued with, looking at the external dimensions of this SUV. The opinions of our editors regarding the luxurious component of the interior RX 450H were also divided. Many details were clearly borrowed from Toyota to create a Lexus model. And where did the heating the seats go?
Contrary to everything
The Lexus RX 450H combines SUV, station wagon, luxury sedan and hybrid, but it is not a simple sum of all components. For $ 50,000 you expect more, especially from Lexus, which you eventually get from RX 450H. And this prospect is contrary to successful sales of the model: 103 340 RX and 17 291 RX 400H in 2007.
The new RX 450H is not trying to achieve your location with an impressive appearance or functionality of SUV, or even financial benefit. Instead, the Lexus model reaches the name of the goal that is set in front of it: smooth the sharp corners of the previous one, RX 400h. Although such a distance from the formula of success can hardly be called a smart move.
The opinion of Kelly Topke, news editor:
I will be brief: I like Lexus RX 450h. I liked the RX 400H, and, as I believe, Lexus hopes that I will like this one more. Yes, he has a controllability, like a hut on chicken legs, but I am sure that most ordinary buyers will not notice this. As they will not notice the difference in acceleration.
But what they will probably notice is amazing silence in the cabin, a huge amount of electronics and slightly less frequent visits to a gas station.
I'm also not sure that buyers of the hybrid Lexus are greatly concerned about the price policy of the brand. Jay Cavenai, our technical editor, noted that 450H will pay off after about 300,000 mileage compared to the acquisition of a non -hybrid RX. It seems to me that Lexus hybrid owners think more about their green image than about the amount of greenery in their wallet. And if this is true, then the new hybrid RX will be popular with its target audience.

Source: Insideline

Video Test Drive Lexus RX since 2008