Lexus RX test drive since 2008 SUV


Lexus RX 350 has always been considered a ladies' car. The creators of the new generation RX in an attempt to expand the audience created a more courageous image for the crossover
As the production legend says, the RX project was invented 15 years ago during lunch of Lexus brand leaders in Eastern Hollywood. Akihiro Uad, one of the leading engineers of the company, noted a huge number of cars with a large road clearance in an interview with his American colleagues on the roads of California. This observation led him to the idea that a traditional SUV can be crossed with a luxurious sedan, combining the best qualities of cars of both classes. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the first crossover (literally - a car at the crossroads) in the premium segment was born. Later, the project was called RX 300, and the first serial car went on sale in 1998
For those ten years that have passed since the world debut of the RX 300, a lot of water has flowed. Akihiro Waada took the post of Lexus, which was responsible for design work, the price of gasoline in the United States rose to an incredible plank - 1 dollar per liter, but by the end of 2008, the fuel was doubled, Barack Obama became the president of the United States. For all cataclysms, Lexus RX as it was, and remains a permanent leader in the segment. And not only in the USA, but also in Russia.
Russian journalists were the first among Europeans to get acquainted with the third generation of RX 350. And this is no coincidence - the Russian market turned out to be the only bright spot against the background of a common depressing picture. In the crisis of 2008, European Lexus sales decreased by 16%, and in Russia at the same time there was an increase in sales. At the same time, the Lexus managers make a special bet on RX 350 - the model provides up to 40% of the brand sales in Europe.
The new generation of the Lexus RX 350 was shown in an unusual place - in the California Valley of Ata, perhaps the most famous winning region of the United States. But our head was not spinning from the abundance of wine, but from the winding roads among the hills along which a test route was laid. At first I was surprised at the choice of the track - the previous generation of RX did not like cool turns. I remember that the restyled RX 350 sample 2006, whose test took place on the serpentines of the Italian Tuscany, literally turned my colleague inside out, playing the role of the navigator in our crew. Yes, and I did not manage to understand and accept this car. This time everything turned out to be different. The character of the RX 350 has changed fundamentally, which is not surprising: according to the chief engineer of the third generation of RX Takayuki Katsud, the car was actually developed again.
At first glance, revolutionary changes in the design of the RX 350 did not occur. The car inherited the generic features of the previous generation, retained about the same sizes and proportions, it does not stand out in the road flow with some extremely bright details. And at the same time, the RX 350 has become different. The changes in the appearance were simple, but absolutely logical and not boring.
Simplicity is very important to achieve our goals, but simplicity in itself is often boring. We did everything to avoid this, ”says Simon Humphris, the head of the international design department. A typical example of a simple, elegant and functional approach to design is the design of the rear wiper, hidden under the spoiler on the trunk door. Its lower side is black in black, which emphasizes the streamlines of the contours. In addition, the rear spoiler performs not only the functions of improving aerodynamics - it also installed the upper lamp of the stop symbol and the antenna. In order to understand the features of the appearance of the new RX 350, an experienced eye is required and for some time to realize the scale of innovations. But the car’s interior has changed more clearly.
The authors of the new generation RX 350 created an interior in which a special emphasis is on the driver. All the main controls of the musical center and climatic installation are concentrated in a silver triangle in the central part of the dashboard. On the tide of the central console there is a selector of the automatic gearbox, under it is a joystick that duplicates the control of climate control and an audio system, and is also responsible for setting the phone and control of the navigation system. Yes, Lexus decided not to be original in the company and followed the path that most premium car manufacturers professed today. Instead of a screen with sensory control, a system was used on RX, similar to the one that is installed, for example, on BMW cars. However, the Lexus joystick works on a slightly different principle - he plays the role of a computer mouse, with his help the driver controls the cursor, clicking on the desired icon in the access menu. Honestly, the system seemed imperfect to me compared to those that competitors are already using. Having abandoned the sensory control screen, the creators of the RX wanted to make life easier for the driver, to ensure that he would not be distracted from the road. However, setting the cursor on the desired icon, you still have to lower the speed and break away from the process of driving.
Otherwise, there are not the slightest claims to the ergonomics of the RX 350. The chairs are convenient, the salon is spacious and comfortable - both on the front and the rear seats (they can move in the longitudinal direction) all crew members feel free and conveniently. Well, we sit in places and go on a trip along the winding roads of the attacked Valley.
Embrace immense
The first thing you pay attention to is excellent acoustic comfort. The noise of the wind and rustling of tires do not penetrate into the salon. The motor is heard only at the time of sharp accelerations. Compared to the previous generation, the RX behaves much more confident in corners. The rolls for such a large and high car are minimal. It is a pity that a system of active suppression of rolls will not be available to the Russian market - Japanese engineers are not sure of its reliability on Russian roads. I think with her the behavior of the car in turns would not be just good, but perfect. But about the absence of RX versions in the Russian market with an optional pneumatic suspension, I’m sure that you should not regret it and without it demonstrates excellent smoothness. The third generation of RX is equipped with a fundamentally new two -legged rear suspension with longitudinal levers. In addition, the characteristics of the front suspension were processed. The new RX, fortunately for the driver and passengers, began to roll much less in corners, and the clinks during braking also significantly decreased.
In the new generation, RX, instead of the steering hydraulic power steering, is installed an electric power, providing adequate communication with the road. We could not evaluate the possibilities of a new all -wheel drive on dry asphalt - we will wait for Russian tests. But to enjoy the excellent work of the new 6-band gearbox (before the RX 5-banding automatic transmission was installed on RX) and a powerful 3.5-liter engine was completely possible. The new gearbox is smoothly smooth and at the same time a quick response to the driver’s actions. For example, if switching from the VI transmission to III or from V to II is performed by slowly pressing the accelerator pedal, then the control system switches according to the traditional scheme - through the intermediate steps, making the switching process more smooth. At the same time, when the gas pedal is rapidly pressing, the control system passes unnecessary transfers, providing quick and powerful acceleration.
A modernized V-shaped six is \u200b\u200binstalled on the RX 350, similar to the one that was in the second generation RX. The main advantage of the 277 -horsepower engine is that it develops more than 90% of the maximum torque (346 nm) in the widest range of rotation of the crankshaft - from 2300 to 6100 rpm, which allows you to ease at speeds at speeds for 100 km/h. In addition, steady torque at low speeds is extremely useful when towing heavy trailers and in off -road conditions.
According to Takayuki Katsud, the principle of creative contradictions was based on the creation of a new car, and philosophy was used. RX is an energetic, but sensual car, ”says the chief engineer of the RX 350.“ It is stylish, but practical. This car is created for asphalt, but at the same time adapted for driving on bad roads. It is powerful, but environmentally friendly. This large car is safe in a collision for all participants in the accident. As the first Lexus RX test showed, despite a huge number of conflicting requirements, everyone but played a creative rather than a destructive role in relation to this crossover. The only thing at the time of signing the number in print Russian prices for Lexus RX were not yet known. I hope that they will not destroy harmony.
Igor Komarov
Photo of the manufacturer

Technical characteristics Lexus RX 350
Dimensions, mm 4770x1885x1685
Base, mm 2740
Trunk volume, l 446
Equipped mass, kg 1975
Benzine engine type V6
Working volume, cubic meter. cm 3456
Max. Power, L.S./rpm 277/6200
Max. moment, nm/rpm 346/4700
The transmission is automatic 6-band
The drive is complete
Max. Speed, km/h 200
Acceleration time 0100 km/h, from 8.0
Fuel consumption (average), l/100 km 10.6
Tank volume, l 72


Source: Avtopanorama magazine

Video Test Drive Lexus RX since 2008