Lexus is test drive since 2005 sedan

Lexus IS250 Version X SPECS

Technical characteristics Lexus IS350
The size of the body (length / width / height) 4575 mm / 1795 mm / 1430 mm.
Wheel base 2730 mm
Car weight 1580 kg
FR drive (rear -wheel drive)
The engine is 2.5-liter, 6-cylinder with the V-shaped cylinder location, the gas distribution mechanism is two upper shafts, the developed power of 215 hp. at 6400 rpm, the largest torque is 26.5 kg/m at 3800 rpm.
Transmission 6-speed automatic transmission
The price of the car is 4.500,000 yen (about $ 45,000)
The most massive model Lexus IS appears on the market
So, from the moment when Lexus brand cars began to enter the domestic Japanese market, I was able to have one month. And what? The number of applications four times exceeded the initial plan and amounted to 4,600 cars. Among them, about 4000 orders are on the Lexus GS model. What is Lexus GS! Even the usual soarer familiar to us all, on which they simply changed the emblem and began to call the Lexus SC model, even he did not go unnoticed by buyers! Let me remind you that it was supposed to sell 100 such cars per month, and as many as 600 people expressed the desire to purchase! Of course, the question is not how many cars took for the first month of sale. It is important how now to maintain this pace and not lose your potential client. Because everyone is clear: the beginning of the sale is for the most part a stir. But it ends very quickly, and gray everyday life occurs.
Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it was decided to put up the car of the Lexus IS car for the sale of the most sold model of the Lexus brand. At first, it is planned to sell about 1800 such cars monthly. That is, a large rate is made on this model than on the more prestigious Lexus GS machine (the plan for its implementation is 1100 units per month) and this is that its sale price cannot be called low. See here: a car of the highest category L, with a 3.5-liter engine that develops a power of 318 hp. It will cost 5.250.000 yen (about $ 52,000). A machine with a 2.5 -liter engine (215 hp) in the basic configuration for it is asked for 3.900,000 yen (about $ 38.500). Yes, all machines are standardly equipped with a multifunctional on -board navigator and the ETC system. But still, at a price, this Japanese machine is comparable with imported models of the Premium class, such as the BMW 3 Series, or Mercedes C Class, or Audi A4, in a word, with small (by the standards of the machine Premium) cars made Germany.
The fact that Toyota was at the very top of the Japanese automotive hierarchical ladder is, of course, due to the fact that it produces reliable machines, which, at the same time, are quite economical. And this is in line with the trends that now prevail not only with us, but throughout the world. Therefore, there Toyota is not on the last roles. But on the other hand, if we turn to the dynamic characteristics, primarily to the design features of the suspension, then the undoubted leadership in this area is reliably held by German producers of prestigious cars. Yes, among Japanese cars, of those who run along the roads of Japan, there are very well equipped samples who argue. But still, according to criteria such as the style or subjective sense of thoroughness, they still do not reach the best world samples. This, by the way, is sometimes recognized by the engineers of the carriers. And if, for example, a conversation about Western machines suddenly comes to any presentation, then there are a lot of Japanese developers who are lamented in the sense that they say, if it were allowed to increase the cost of the cost, then we would turn around, etc. .
But then Lexus brand machines appear on the market. They are quite expensive. The level of sale price suggests that the cost of the project resulted in a tidy sum, which, however, no one particularly limited. Well, what happened? Some time ago, I already published a report on the presentation of the Lexus GS model and, it seems, noted that it was still lacking. And now the presentation of the next model of the Lexus brand. Well, I will try to evaluate this car in the same way, that is, on the subject of whether everything is enough in it. Below is my material on this topic.
We had no intention of imitating the West!
As I noted earlier, the first Lexus model that appeared in our market, namely, the GS model, in fact, is a continuation of the Toyota Aristo lineup. At least outwardly it looks that way. In contrast to this, in the appearance of the Lexus Is, practically nothing left of its ancestor, that is, the Toyota Altezza model. Abroad, by the way, the Lexus IS model is considered a continuation of the IS line, which, just was called in Japanese catalogs as Toyota Altezza. But all representatives toyota, with whom I managed to talk, is one vote that the Toyota Altezza car has nothing to do with the current Lexus IS model. I am also inclined to think so. At least, I very carefully examined the Lexus IS body, I saw a 4-door sports sedan with elements of the compartment in front of me, these are so, but I did not find any signs on which I could reliably establish the kinship of this machine with the Toyota Altezza car. And taking into account how carefully the design of the machine is, how careful the materials are used in it, I can say for sure: this is the representative of the family of prestigious Lexus brand machines!
But you can look at this problem on the other hand, and try to compare it with those Western -sample machines that compete with it. With this approach, an amazing restraint is immediately striking, which characterizes the Lexus is model. So, BMW brand models have a pronounced front cut by the avant -garde configuration. Audi cars with a characteristic shape of the lattice are also made in a typical catchy design manner for Western elite cars, the main goal of which immediately to defeat their buyer on the spot. But we will not be limited only to German cars. Here, for example, the Italian car Alfa Romeo, which in front is decorated with an extended vertical with a decorative grate. Or, another example, the French Peugeot, on which such a large air intake is installed that it is more like a huge such jaw of the Caribbean. The reason for all these tricks is easy to understand if you keep in mind that each manufacturer is trying in every possible way that his car is easily recognized and distinguished from other similar models.
But back to our Lexus is car. Designers tried to make a car person as simple and open as possible. So simple that if one of the buyers during the inspection of the car and can squeeze out something like wow!, So it will only be a reaction to the restraint of the design, which borders on asceticism. If you listen to persons who were responsible for developing the appearance of the machine, you can learn a lot of new things. Well, for example, one of them stated clearly and unequivocally: we needed to solve the issue of design, so that we are not suspected of imitating the West!. But in fact, this is just an excuse, no more. The matter, it seems to me, is not of the danger of being accused of admiration for the West, but, if you want, in the features of the Japanese idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful. That is, every country has its own aesthetic principles. In Japan, for example, aesthetics is largely built on the contemplation of a tasteless-worn. What next? And the fact that at the moment the Lexus car brand for the Japanese consumer is nothing more than an empty phrase: there is neither traditions nor a long story. In such conditions, if you make an aggressive, bright face to the car, this will cause not approval or interest, but directly opposite feelings. And so that this does not happen, it was decided not to get excited. Agree, this point of view looks quite reasonable. In a word, in contrast to the generally accepted opinion that the prestigious machine should immediately hit the imagination, there is nothing particularly outstanding here. But maybe this feature, which is characteristic of not only the described Lexus IS lineup, but also other Lexus brand machines, will increase their prestige among the Japanese. After all, not every person who decide or can decide to buy a Premium car will require that the purchased car is required with a raid of a certain viciousness in the design of the front.
If we talk about the degree of fitting diverse on the configuration of panels that form the body, then it is unlikely that anyone will find any flaws here. As in the case of Lexus GS, before giving the body to be painted, the entire body is thoroughly grinded in order to remove even the slightest joints between different components of the plumage. After all, if you do not do this dirty work, then even the most perfect methods of painting will not give a real result.
Lexus style is most noticeable inside the cabin
The appearance on the market of the Lexus IS lineup did not occur simultaneously with the GS model, but with a certain, very insignificant delay. In fact, if we take as the basis the deadlines for the development of these two machines, this difference will be equal to the whole year. I emphasize: the Lexus IS car was completed later than the Lexus GS model for as many as 12 months. Such an annual delay made it possible to solve two problems: to apply new materials and techniques in the interior design, which you will not see in the GS salon, and, on the other hand, remove everything that could, one way or another, remind the user about his relationship with cars Toyota brands. In particular, the dashboard in front of the driver’s chair turned out to be completely converted! And this is a very pleasant news, given the fact that in the GS cabin, the dashboard remained the same as the Toyota cars. The inscriptions on the instruments are also made on a special pattern. So, if you look at the general, the annual handicap, which was provided by the developers of the Lexus IS model, was used with a rather noticeable benefit. In fact, the leaders of the Lexus project will always be faced with how to achieve such a quality of execution, on the one hand, to emphasize the special style of Lexus, and on the other to prove to potential customers that this is not Toyota, and that these machines should be evaluated (in direct and figurative sense) at a special tariff. To solve this problem, the design of the dashboard, as well as the inscriptions applied to it, no matter how strange it may seem, is of no small importance. After all, it is these elements that constantly loom before the driver's eyes, right? So it turns out that a small, seemingly detail, suddenly is in the first place in importance! If you do not remind you, then you yourself are unlikely to pay attention to it, but this is no longer Toyota, the eyes do not deceive.
Around the front panel of the cabin, soft pillows are located, then the middle console and ventilation windows through which conditioned air enters the salon. The panel and windows are flush with the front panel lid. But this designer reception we already know the Salon GS. The average console is clearly divided into two halves: lower and upper. Both parts are interconnected. If when developing this node there was no calculation for a high degree of fitting and processing surfaces, then its appearance would be crumpled. But, just as it was in the GS salon, all the surfaces turned out to be associated without the slightest joint. Such demands on the part of Lexus designers requires that new, more advanced technologies are used in production. In response to this, the techno at Toyota selflessly declare to eat!, And they probably know what they say. That's just the flaws, no, no, and they appear. I say this quite seriously, however, my judgments concern only the cars on which I made trial trips. But this is fixed, and when the very possibility of such flaws will be reduced to zero, then I, as they say, will take off my hat!
In a word, in terms of fitting different details, everything is almost the best, which cannot be said about the decorative panel that allocates the control panel of the navigation system and the musical center. Look for yourself, it is made under silver, but it is hardly possible to call this site an example of completeness. It seems that this is not metal at all, but a simple plastic painted with aluminum paint. And the very shape of this panel is some kind of too simple. At least, it does not fit with all the other components of the interior of the cabin, which, I repeat, is a salon of the prestigious brand of the Premium class car. So, if I was asked that in the Lexus is car the most unattractive, I would, without hesitation, point out this panel.
For even greater convenience
The tescopic type of steering column, equipped with electric drive, is supplemented with the Easy Entry function (lightweight input/output). Moreover, it is interesting that the GS model does not provide such a function. If everything is described in order, then everything is so. The driver opens the door to sit in a chair or get out of the salon, and at that moment the steering wheel, bending his neck, begins to move up, freeing up a place before the driver's seat. Everything, after that, landing or landing becomes simpler. Of course, this kind of improvement is nothing but good words! Although, it should be noted that the geometry of the slope of the steering wheel is such that, being calculated for a more convenient landing or landing, it creates a certain inconvenience when the driver decides to use it to adjust the working position of the steering wheel. The thing is that the tilted steering column allows you to move the steering wheel in the vertical plane. But in this salon (this, by the way, applies not only to the Lexus IS salon, but also, all the Toyota brand salons), the wheel moves not in the direction upward. It seems to be bent in the cervical vertebra, which sharply narrows the adjustment range. For example, if you put the steering wheel to the extreme position, then it will stand not just higher, it will turn out to be, which is called, almost like in Minivan. Thus, there is a dilemma: either the convenience of landing and landing, or the ability to more accurately adjust the position of the steering wheel for subsequent driving. The choice is really not easy to make. But personally, I think this way: no matter how it is, no matter what additional devices are attached, the most important thing is that all this does not interfere with any driver who was at the wheel to accept the so -called main driver's pose. And then you can provide for any, most diverse possibilities, will not hurt!
The rear seats, I must say, were quite spacious. So spacious that in general, four adults, whose growth will not exceed 175 cm, will be able to accommodate in the cabin with maximum comfort. Although it should be noted something else. Try to sit on the back seat and freely lower your legs to the floor. You will immediately find that either the left leg (if you have to sit behind the driver), or the right leg (if your place after the seat of the front passenger) will definitely come to the rails, along which the front chair should slide. By the way, I drew attention to this in the BMW 3 Series car. To remove the leg from the rail and put it more comfortably, you have to shift the body closer to the door. And this, it seems, helps to avoid one inconvenience, as another immediately arises. The fact is that then the back will be resting against the outer wall of the niche under the rear wheel. She, of course, presses on the lower back, which, you see, is not very pleasant. What is the cause of this phenomenon? Yes, the fact that compared to the bodies of the Toyota Crown car or, say, Toyota Mark X, here the wheelbase is reduced by as many as 120 mm. Here you have the result! Yes, of course, I agreed with the representative of the engineering department when he was explaining to me that, they say, the Lexus is model, this is not the machine where the comfort of passengers located in the rear seats is of paramount importance. And yet, is it really impossible to make the rails along which the front row salads slide down closer to the tunnel under the cardan shaft, which stretches along the entire cabin? After all, this, just, would allow you to remove this question! Yes, of course, this will require some alteration of the entire salon, and this will result in additional expenses. So what? After all, this is not just a comfortable car, this is the PREMIUM class. Or I don't understand something? Or is it all a trifle that you should not pay attention to? But, to be honest, I just would like Lexus IS to pay attention to such trifles in cars. And if you choose the right path to solve this problem, then I would personally offer the following. Let it be sacrificed by the distance between the knees of the passenger sitting in the rear chair and the front seat back. Due to this, the rear seat shifts a few centimeters forward. Then the configuration of the rear seat in general changes slightly, and now you can calmly shift the body closer to the door and not experience unpleasant pressure in the lower back, since the niches under the rear wheels are somewhere behind.


Lexus IS Crash Test since 2005

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