Lexus ES 350 test drive since 2009 sedan


Lexus ES in recent years has been the most popular car of the brand in the overseas market. In Russia, sales of the car went either Shatko or Valkko. The new generation should take revenge for the failures of the past and bring sales to a new level.

I always thought that roads in computer games like Need for Speed \u200b\u200bthe fruit of the imagination of a designer who is poorly familiar with real control of the car. Where did these crazy excesses from the road, on which computer machines flew up by a good 5 meters? Or trees hanging over the road at a decent height that had to be jumped? And why even the small rural track has profiled turns? But it turned out that all these are not crazy fantasies inflamed by a long sitting before the monitor of consciousness, but the reality of the state of Oregon! Gorgeous in moderately fast, moderately twisted serpentines with perfect coating and a complete lack of traffic. Eh, on these paths and on the yurk Sportkup! And I have a business class sedan, and even not the most driver.

Moreover, I am also driving a hybrid. Never in life I had such displeasure from driving on such wonderful roads. The first thing that caused discomfort was pedal settings. The brake pedal is too soft, and the accelerator has too much free move. Add to this the rolls, the lack of effort on the steering wheel and the mournful song of the 4-cylinder engine, which freezes at maximum speeds when accelerated to the next hairpin, multiply all of the above by a non-optimal landing with a covered back of the chair, and you will understand why the ride on the ES300H did not bring me pleasure! However, in our country there are such paths only in the south, and there will surely prefer gasoline versions, and this Lexus was not created for such roads.

As soon as I got to Highway, I immediately threw back the soft chair a little back and turned on the cruise control. Lexus showed himself from the best side. Noise insulation at the highest level in the car is so quiet that you can meditate. The smoothness of the course is exemplary! Part of the path passed along a small gravel, but even at a speed of 70 km/h it seemed that under the wheels of asphalt. Of course, there is a purely American swing on gentle waves, but I always liked it. You feel like a captain of the yacht! The sensations from the car have become more premium. The interior is made in the spirit of the latest GS and has almost nothing in common with Camry. The spaciousness on the rear couch is truly royal, because the base has grown by 45 mm in comparison with a rather big predecessor. I understand those who will ride a new ES with a driver. Quietly, spacious, soft. The curtains on the rear (with electric drive) and side windows help completely to be treated from the outside world. Like the new Camry, on the Lexus three-zone climate control, and a whole remote control of the control systems is hidden in the armrest of the rear sofa. There is a climate, and music, and a curtain. But adjusting the back of the rear sofa is available only in the Chinese market, which is strange, because on Camry in Russia this function is available. How to explain to customers why it is on a cheaper Toyota, but there is no Lexus premium?

The next day I got behind the wheel of a top car with a 277-horsepower V6. A completely different thing! A velvet whisper at idle is replaced by a well -placed baritone. And how much traction is there! And the pedals after a hybrid have almost supercar settings. Cool car! But, alas, less comfortable. The suspension is clearly tougher. This is especially noticeable in small irregularities. But ES250 is even less comfortable. Here the engine is more distinct, and this sound is less pleasant, and the smoothness of the move is even lower. Blows during the passages of large pits by American standards, a road trifle on the steering wheel but even such ES is much more comfortable than Camry with a 2.5 engine. Noise isolation, smoothness, Lexus controllability is unequivocally ahead in all respects. And ahead is significant. This is the main, in my opinion, merit of the Japanese.

ES of the previous generation in our market did not go. This is in the United States ES the basis of the brand’s well -being, the most popular brand model sold from the very first day of the Lexus brand. We have to pay for Camry with a different design and a couple of additional options for those who wanted to do. 846 cars sold, if not a failure, is certainly not a success. But the point is not that there were too few differences between Camry and ES350. The case is in the motor. How much is we selling Toyota C V6? That's the same! And now, when all ES modifications enter our market, there should be more chances for success. The Japanese believe that 70% of the sales will be on the basic version, and the remaining 30% will share a hybrid and the 350th. As for absolute sales, for the remaining months until the end of the year, Lexus intends to sell about a thousand ES more than for the whole last year!


Source: Cars