Test Drive Kia Rio Cinco 2001 - 2005


Two years ago, we brought these cars in Eurasia-2003 run. Then they told in detail about them a year after traveling to Vladivostok (SP, 2004, No. 10). Cars served as a year. The majority mileage approaches 100 thousand km enough to objectively assess reliability, judge the perfection of structures and quality components. so
Failed leader
The year was relatively calm. The everyday urban exploitation of Ford was interrupted by business trips to St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Dmitrov. The regime is quite regular, so we believe that middle-aged diseases began to get out early. After 60 thousand km fell faults. One of them simply struck: the steering wheel switcher collapsed. The case maybe atypical, but for some reason they were ready for it, saying: the switches are over and will appear in two weeks. It's nice that they were not deceived, but the price shocked 2630 rubles.
Focus dislike for domestic gasoline continues. A spare candle set is needed on the road just like a jack and a balloon key. But candles are a trifle. Unfortunately, they changed the fuel pump. The reason is the same gasoline. For 70 thousand km, the network of the benzderman had to be cleaned twice. So, the pump worked with an increased burden, which affected his resource.
The chassis was also isolated: they demanded replacing rear shock absorbers and stabilizer racks. Alas, immunity to local conditions in a good car in general there is no car. Ford Focus has already been working as a second-generation focus: does he have a longer-playing and unpretentious?
Vadim Crochekov, 40 years old, driver's experience is 20 years old. He loves to ride quickly, in the past he was engaged in ring races. For Ford drives three years.
Over the past year, it has strengthened: Ford has good handling and live engine. At the same time, the reliability of individual components is unacceptable for the machine. And prices for spare parts and maintenance do not comfort. For such money, the car should honestly pass the interservice mileage without a bitch and zadorinka, at least up to 100120 thousand kilometers.

Ford Focus.
Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company, Vsevolozhsk
Year of release: 2002
In operation driving: Since January 2003
Mileage at the time of the report: 82 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2003, No. 3, 5, 11, 12; 2004, No. 1, 4, 10; 2005, № 6

Renault symbol over the past year quietly and modestly wound more than half of the total run. Where just did not take! Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Rostov, Azov, twice in Poland ... Not everything went smoothly, but there were no problems that violated plans. The most expensive, as expected, was the service for 60 thousand km: In addition to changing the oil and filters, it provides for installing a new timing belt. Also replaced the ball support assembly with the lever. After another 15 thousand km, one of the steering rods and the hub bearing came out. Prices are not too frightened, and the replacement for such a run is not criminal.
In the last report (SMS, 2004, No. 12), we expressed several non-exemplary comments regarding the reliability of the symbol. Subsequent operation improved the impression: the costs for the reporting period were against the background of other machines minimal, and on gasoline, unlike Ford, Renault never complained. Not one extra visiting service is what you expect from a modern car.
Igor Morzhargetto, 44 \u200b\u200byears old, driving 15 years. Driving credo reliability and moderation.
For the third year I drive a symbol and rejoice in unpretentiousness and convenience of the car. Although the troubles were, but I want to forgive them for the prescription. The cost of maintenance and its quality is quite tolerable. True, one worm creates: the conditional resource of the car, judging by the experience of operating in the editorial office of the previous symbol, is about 120 thousand km. Then there may begin serious and expensive problems with the running.

Renault Symbol.
Manufacturer: Autoframos, Moscow
Year of release: 2003
In operation driving: since July 2003
Mileage at the time of the report: 88 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2003, No. 11, 12; 2004, № 3, 6, 8, 10

Almost excellent
Hönde focus turned out to be the most far from the top five. Of 43.5 thousand km of about 70%, he drove along the highway: in Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Apatity, Kirovsk, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog.
As they say, the stability of the class sign. For the second year, the car shows himself reliable and unpretentious. The accent has a small interservice mileage of 10 thousand km. But at moderate service prices, it is quite tolerant. The shock absorbers are still relatively weak. With frequent long-distance travel of the rear racks, thousands of 30 thousand are enough, the front lives 4050 thousand km. In urban conditions, for which in the general, the car and created, these indicators can be safely multiplied by a half, or even two. Given the moderate price (a set of shock absorbers costs less than 10 thousand rubles) and the availability of spare parts, you can put up with this.
By August of this year, the effectiveness of the air conditioner fell markedly. Diagnostics did not reveal explicit faults, but it was necessary to pre-install the system. Road 60 thousand km for many cars time of ruining maintenance. The focus is no exception. However, the replacement of all belts and parts of liquids costs 400 dollars. At current times, not very expensive. Initial doubts about the durability of the automatic gearbox dropped works like a clock. In general, the focus of an unpleasant sediment did not leave.
Anatoly Fomin, 34 years old, driving for 16 years. Torn to long-distance trips and does not like to push in traffic jams. It goes very gently, trying to fully assess the possibilities of the car.
Accent is used to the native, so much is ready to forgive. The main thing, he never made the plans to change due to his whims. The car is far from the ideal, and by and large, he can make claims on the ground clearance, the resource of the shock absorbers, or, say, weakening the spring of the trunk lock. Nevertheless, the car is not annoying and inspires confidence that he will not let off at an inappropriate moment.

Hyundai Accent.
Manufacturer: TagAZ, Taganrog
Year of release: 2003
In operation driving: since May 2003
Mileage at the time of the report: 94.5 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2003, No. 6, 11, 12; 2004, No. 1, 3, 10; 2005, № 4

Middle half
Kia Rio for the year drove 32.5 thousand km, visiting Murmansk, Riga, Pitsunde. By hoding or operational features, the car never highlighted the warranty. It is recorded for classmates both for a term and run (see Table.). True, it does not apply to much. We guarantees (on the 70th thousand) replaced the air consumption sensor, which costs about 3000 rubles. Everything else was paid. In the 50th thousand, the bearings of the front hubs ended and led brake discs. The discs rocked, the bearings were replaced. After 10 thousand km, one of the bearings replaced replaced, and at the same time the clutch assembly, all the belts and the boot shrin. Such malfunctions seemed unsolonged for the car with not very large mileage. But most of all did not like the prices: almost a thousand US dollars for the restoration of combat readiness when running 60 thousand km. Dear for a car of this class!
Yuri Nizhtov, 44 years old, of which 24 are driving. Driver with extensive long-range traveler experience.
For two years of the shared life of special love for Rio never arose. In something, you like the car, in something there is no. The motor seems to be frisky, and the drag, but very noisy. The suspension is energy-intensive, but perhaps too tough. You can get used to this, but when problems are added with reliability, eliminated at a fair price, you do not have to talk about a special sympathy.

Kia Rio.
Manufacturer: Avtotor, Kaliningrad
Year of release: 2003
In operation driving: since July 2003
Mileage at the time of the report: 72, 5 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2003, No. 11, 12; 2004, № 1, 3, 10

With a cross and faith
The biography of this car resembles reports from the front. The last 34 thousand km traveled for the year cost piles of time, nerves and money. Three times (!) Discussed the generator, broke the wiper, windows, the electrical wiring, faced the ignition unit and many more small malfunctions. The reliability rating in our eyes fell almost to zero, and any trip to the Niba reminds the game to roulette.
More recently, another maintenance has happened on the 93rd mileage. Since for the last 10 thousand km of relatively calm operation, a car and a small cart of all bryakov and leaks have accumulated, decided to eliminate them in one fell. Three days of servicemen changed the seals, ball supports, rear axle rods, other glands and gum. In particular, we updated the cracked lid of the fifth transmission and prettyly worn out of its gears. That's where it began! It is not enough that the planned one with the small repair of the transmission and the suspension was worth 46,000 (yes! Forty six thousand!) Rub., No half-thousand kilometers passed, as the transfer began to fly at the most interesting moment, for example when overtaking. Repeated with a complaint about the work of the box only improved the situation. While the transmissions are included for a long time? And at the time of the preparation of the article, a new joy: the hose burst connecting the thermostat and the temperature sensor. It seems to be a trifle cut length with a match box, and the car rose again, the thread cast on the road three antifreeze. Unfortunately, the fact that this malfunction is far from the last, confidence is almost complete
Alexander Budkin, 32 years old, driver's experience is 9 years old. A big fan of hunting and fishing and, of course, cars capable of riding not only on the highway.
The design of the car is designed very well. But the execution is that in a very short time from the bestseller sales of Chevrolet Niva turned into a car for reckless and rich people. The cost of repairs for 96 thousand km is measured by thousands of dollars, which makes the purchase of a car just ruin.

Manufacturer: GM AvtoVAZ, Tolyatti
Year of release: 2002
In operation driving: since December 2002
Mileage at the time of the report: 96 thousand km
Previous publications in the journal: 2003, No. 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12; 2004, № 1, 5, 10

Saving bills
When summing up the results, we take averaged value of 1 km of run, as well as the cost of repair and gasoline. We will not discount reliability, warranty capabilities, cost and frequency of maintenance. The second year of operation turned out to be more accurate: the mileage has grown.
At the end of the year, Renault symbol was the cheapest, unpretentious and reliable. The main article of gasoline costs. Hönde emphasis comes on Renault heels. If it were not for the shock absorbers, he would argue for the championship. At the honorable third place Kia Rio car is not outstanding, but honest. Ford Focus could qualify for the podium, since the Repair / Gasoline ratio is a little better than Rio. But the total cost of operation is noticeably higher. Outsider former. The cost of operation of Chevrolet-Niva is approaching expensive thoroughbred vehicles, and only 40% of the costs went to a fairly rising gasoline, and the rest on the latch of the holes.
Selecting the team to travel through the whole country, we included the most interesting, new cars for Russian buyers. The choice was not mistaken, but the old people will soon go on peace by giving way to young new promising models. We hope more reliable and economical.
Kochetov Andrey

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Test Drives Kia Rio Cinco 2001 - 2005