Test drive Kia Carnival (Sedona) LWB since 2005 Minivan

Reserved seat

Kia Carnival, a typical mini-van, first lit up in the spring of 1999. Built on the Ford-Windstar platform and originally drafted into the North American open spaces, he found a refuge in the Russian market largely thanks to reasonable pricing policy.
History of the Kia Carnival model
1999. The start of release in Korea. The gasoline engine V6 2.5 l, 110 kW/150 hp. (distributed injection). Front drive, M5/A4.
year 2001. Restyling: The sidewalls of the body have changed, the anterior and back optics. The middle -row seats got the opportunity to turn against the move. Turbodiesel P4, 2.9 l, 106 kW/144 hp Common Rail. The power of the gasoline engine is increased to 121 kW/165 hp.
year 2001. The beginning of the release of the Kaliningrad Auto -Models with gasoline (121 kW/165 hp) and diesel engines.
2006. A new generation Carnival is presented.

The price of a new car ($ 2428 thousand) attracted not only corporate customers, many cars were registered in private garages. Most owners were not disappointed in the purchase, so at first the carnivals almost did not get to the secondary market. Indeed, it is difficult to choose a worthy alternative to the seven -seater Korean car. Already in the database, the car had air conditioning, a driver's seats, a second heater, ABS, two frontal airbags, electric windows and mirrors and much more. Today for the car 20012002. They ask for 13.5 to 16 thousand dollars a very tempting offer for a large family with an average income. Yes, and the rest of the guarantee (5 years or 120 thousand km), inherited by the new owner, is a good bonus.
In rusty places
The first batches of cars were assembled only in Korea, in their Vin-code the first letters KNE. Since 2001, the carnival has been released on the Kaliningrad VIN automobile starts with the X4X. There are no other complaints about the quality of the assembly. The only serious drawback is low corrosion resistance of the hood and the fifth door. After two or three winter operation seasons, the paint on the hood is clouding, spider appears. The door of the back of the heater lasts a little longer, but also suffers from salt mud: rye appears in the handle framing area and below the blockage. Surprisingly, there are no complaints about other parts of the body, moreover, corrosion in other places hints of emergency past.
The large salon of the carnival is difficult to warm. At temperatures below 1015C, this will take more than 20 minutes. The simultaneous inclusion of both heater (second behind) leads only to cooling the coolant and switching the thermostat to a small circle. The result is foggy glass. It is strange that this happens not only with diesel. The removal of the salon ventilation filter for the winter helps a little, at least fogging decreases, and the element itself will remain fresh. We also recommend regularly remove moisture from rugs, at least laying diapers from old newspapers.
Dietary menu
The choice of engines was limited to two: gasoline 165 hp. and diesel 144 hp (see the history of the model). The remaining modifications with minor differences in the gland were not officially supplied. Both engines, by traction capabilities with 2.5 tons assigned to them, are fully coped. Diesel is especially good, showing almost complete indifference to loads.
There are three belts in the drive of the timing of the gasoline engine. The main belt (leading one camshaft in each head) is changed after 50 thousand km, belts in the heads after 100 thousand km. We must change the tension videos, but the pump is back. The only clinic belt of auxiliary units is equipped with an automatic tensioner and is replaced with engine hanging and removing its front support.
Remembering the strict environmental norms of the United States, the Koreans sewed the engine control unit with a margin, leaving no opportunity to bring software in line with Russian reality. From our fuel, the controller goes crazy, the slightest sneezer is perceived by him as an emergency and the Check Engine seems to light up with a good motor. This is not a reason for serious anxiety, often it is enough just to change the spark plugs. Although just a figure of speech: to get to three candles in the right (from the flywheel) head can only be a special tool. Even professionals have 1.7 Norm hours for this work. Do not fork out for expensive platinum, it is better to make sure that you have changed all six (sometimes they are hacking at the service). It happens that oxygen sensors are poisoned by domestic gasoline (there are four of them two on the branch of the exhaust system), but on average they live more than 80 thousand km. In hot weather, the engine cooling fan has the right not to turn off. This is not a defect, but a reason to check the cleanliness of the radiator surface. The idle regulator can be coined by 70 thousand, it is enough to rinse it.
The diesel engine is also with a belt drive of timing. Although the belt is one, it changes in agony according to the standard for 5.5 norm hours. The frequency is the same 50 thousand km. The compressor of the air conditioner is given separately. Unfortunately, the diesel engine is even more critical of the quality of fuel, the ingress of dirt and water in the fuel pump is sentence. Repair can ruin the owner by 44.5 thousand dollars and for a long time to be separated from the car, because in addition to replacing the nodes, it is necessary to drive dirt and chips from the entire fuel system through the return. We recommend that you refuel only at large, proven gas stations and use the Liqui Moly add -on -recommended additive: it replaces sulfur in modern environmentally friendly diesel engines, providing proper lubrication of the pumping unit.
The cooling system of both engines is designed for excessive pressure 1.1 bar, but it happens that the main radiator does not withstand it and spontaneously collapses it. It is unharmed in advance to change its cork with a marking of 1.1 by 0.9. The gasoline engine sometimes sins the pressure of the pressure pipe of the pump. The guilty of the old sealing ring (design type of plumbing). The part is penny, only getting into the very collapse of the cylinders is not easy.
The release system is very durable, however, sometimes a catalyst diverges at the seam. Do not rush with its replacement, practice shows that it is enough to reduce the seam again.
The Japanese machine gun (Nivec) has been doing its job for years without betraying itself, and only once every 40 thousand km asks to change oil.
But the mechanic does not let me get bored: breakdowns happen to 40 thousand, mainly due to bearings. And the clutch does not please with reliability. The driven disk lives 8090 thousand km, but it happened that the replacement was required by twenty. Experts claim that these are isolated cases of marriage and that today there is no such problem.
Works, already sweat
The suspension does not cause complaints either in sled qualities or reliability. The front McEzerson is made with a good margin of strength. Behind the beam of the bridge sways on four longitudinal levers and the transverse rod of Panar. Pact stability stabilizers on both axles. The similarity of the disorder is regulated only in front. All mobile details of the pendants serve more than 100 thousand and do not bother either knocks or backlash. Shock absorbers often sweat, but are in no hurry to change them: new fate awaits them. So they work in the sweat of their faces up to one hundred thousand, managing to normally settle the conflicts of the body with the road.
Hubbing bearings are a weak link, rarely live more than 50 thousand km. Often the reason for their failure in reassessment by the driver of the carnival carrying capacity (here is another drawback of a huge salon!). The drives of the wheels, if pollen are not torn, last a long time more than 150 thousand. It happens that inexperienced tiremate tires are tearing wheeled studs. The recommendation is one: to look more often in the instructions, the values \u200b\u200bof the tightening moments in it are not abstract numbers.
The brake system and steering with proper care and timely replacement of fluids do not cause special troubles. ABS intervenes in the work a little earlier than expected, however, a lot depends on the tires. The front pads on average serve 20/30 thousand km (automatic transmission/manual transmission). By the way, if you rarely use a manual brake, the cables are acidified. One of them passes over the fuel tank and it is difficult to change it.
There are problems with the steering rack. If she sweated, wait for a plentiful leak and be ready to replace. The officials do not engage in the restoration of the node, and other workshops, unfortunately, take money, and give a guarantee meager.
Kia does not attract hijackers. Some of the cars were produced without an immobilizer, so it is advisable to clarify the package at the dealer. And if they decided to keep the car in the garage, do not forget to compare the height of the car and the gate before leaving, so that the rumpled roof does not overshadow the joy of the purchase.



Igor Kozlov

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Video Crash tests Kia Carnival (Sedona) LWB since 2005

Test drive Kia Carnival (Sedona) LWB since 2005