Test drive Kia Carens 2002 - 2006 Minivan
How much does a captain's bridge cost

Family requirements
Compactwaines, having conquered Europe, are slowly living in Russia. In the first three quarters of this year, almost twice as many such cars were sold in our market than a year earlier. Moreover, the most popular was not a comfortable and fashionable Reno-scan, not a 7-seater true Arian Opel-Zafira and not even Ford-Focus-Si Max, characterized by low credit rates and excellent sled habits, but an inconspicuous matrix. It is clear that he lures buyers primarily with an appetizing price. But there is one more, very attractive car in this sense, and also Korean Karence.
The Kia single-collector is also not offended by the popularity in the hit parade of sales in fourth place. But both of these cars a year ago were in much less demand. So we decided to check what is so special about them.
We took them in approximately the same design and with the most powerful engines. Why? Just having a machine gun, we made a priority position. Indeed, at the wheel of compactwane, as a truly family transport, there may be a woman who does not need to get confused in the dark forest of three pedals. So there was no choice for matrix with the automatic transmission only with a 1.8 liter engine, Karence implies a 2-liter four. Let's see how they are capable of surprising us.
Well, certainly not external data. Hyunde designers did not bother at all over the exterior of the matrix, entrusting his atelier Pinfarin. The corresponding nameplate on board is eloquent confirmation. But the loud name does not yet guarantee the result. Pininfarinovsky Shildik is more likely to be a reproach to Italians. Because the matrix looks like, perhaps a little awkward. A short threshold of the hood, piercing the physiognomy of the radiator lattice with sad phary eyes, an incomprehensible step of the window sill in the back of the body.
We do not set assessments for the subjective perception of the beautiful, nevertheless, the appearance of Karence raises much less questions. Maybe because it looks more like a station wagon with a high roof elegant, not provocative lines, quite a smiling muzzle and neat food.
The main thing with a high roof
Inside Kia has the same picture. A calm, without explosions of designer thought, the interior is decorated only with the front panel in the form of a heraldic shield. Original. And here is a curious moment: the upper part of the torpedo flaunts with transverse ribs. Probably, you can put a pen, lighter or notebook here, and during a sharp acceleration or intensive braking, they will not fly along the cabin ... as if not! In practice, the pen is on the floor instantly. Why, in this case, linse the torpedo?
Such mysterious decisions in the cabin of Karence will be set as a order. How in a car claiming the title of compactwane there were not even pockets on the back of the front seats? After all, compactwane is not only a high roof, but above all the convenience of use. With the exception of a pair of cup holders, Kia does not provide any special amenities. Yes, the salon of the all -terrain vehicle Sportij is much more convenient and warning to its inhabitants. But what Kia cannot be taken from is the convenience of landing. The opening of the front door 98 cm high literally beckons inside. And now it, the joy of all the victims of osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other consequences of a sedentary lifestyle to bend a neglecting back when landing, you will not have to. One easy movement, and you are already driving. Another undoubted plus high landing. You can see everything from the captain’s bridge. Rather, almost all the rear head restraints interfere with great. But in the direction of movement, the situation is visible several cars forward.

The convenience of landing and without discounts spacious for two adults sofa perhaps the main advantages of the passenger compartment
The height of the doorway in Hende is even 2 cm larger. Yes, and the headrests of the sofa in the absence of passengers are removed almost flush with the back, expanding the horizons. But the main thing is this salon much more justifies the title of compactwane. Here, for example, not only pockets are provided, but two folding trays from the back of the seat. The sofa can be moved back and forth, and in the floor there are secret niches for any frivolous smuggling.

In general, we liked the workplace of the matrix more, but the sofa is not too convenient here
Against the background of such a touching care, the absence on the basic version of the rudder adjustment matrix seems like wildness. However, by and large, this is the only serious complaint to Hyunde. You can also note a bloop from the field of design. If the instrument panel located in the center can be somehow understood and forgiven, then the popular stickers for carbon on the front panel are just a shame.

Unlike Kia, Hende is a compactwhen not only by name, but also for the convenience of the salon
Narrow sofa and a wide banquet
We have no complaints about capacity to Karence. Almost. Even with a fully shifted back chair, I sat down with a margin with a height of 1 m 85 cm. But three adults on the couch, perhaps, is cramped. After all, its width ... less than that of the hand-act! We will not, of course, forget that the compactwane ship is family. Agree, you will not often meet a family of five healthy men ...

Adjusting the driver's seat in height is only at the most expensive kia for $ 22,890

There are extremely few such pockets for small things as this, in the central console.

The sofa is added perfectly evenly

The automatic transmission selector on the steering column freed a place for the cup holder and an ashtray between the front seats

Glove box to funny compact
Probably, about this was the course of thoughts and engineers of Hende when creating the rear sofa of Matrix. Because the adult here will be extremely inconvenient. And the matter in this case is not close. Free space is very much both above the head and in front of the feet. But the sofa itself ... its pillow is located so low that with my growth you sit on it, as on a banquet in sick leave. Yes, and the back is mowed back at too large. True, it is adjustable, but if you raise it, such a sloping gap is formed between the sofa and the rear shelf.

By the number of cup holders, Hyunde certainly wins

Even in the simplest performance of the matrix there is a complete set of adjustments of the driver's chair

The sofa can not only be folded, but also adjusted in the longitudinal direction

The heating of the seats has a matrix even in the base

Box under the passenger chair example of rational use of free space
Partially, the matrix is \u200b\u200brehabilitated by a driver's seat with a full set of adjustments. Whereas in Karens the handle of vertical adjustment of the chair is only the most expensive version.

Only adolescents will be comfortable on the Hende sofa
Shalands full of Kefali
If the KIA interior also resembles compactwane as a raft a walking boat, in extreme cases will come down, but its amenities are equipped with its hold is equipped much more competent. The minimum trunk of 420 liters is already not bad. More importantly, by folding the back of the sofa, you can get an absolutely flat platform. But where to put the headrests? The regular places for their storage are not provided, and not having removed them, not to fold the sofa. But to the back of the driver’s chair, a long -length 165 cm will fit. True, it is not easy to lift heavy suitcases into the trunk of Karens. The loading height 69 cm, 11 more than that of the matrix.

Under the floor of the trunk in Karens, a convenient tool for tools

In both compactives in the niche of the trunk is hidden a full -fledged reserve
Hyunde has another advantage of a huge opening of the fifth door. It seems that even the piano will fit here. In general, the trunk of the matrix does not affect the length, but the height to the level of the shelf here is 59 cm (Karence has only 41 cm). It is due to this, yielding to the minimum volume of the trunk (350 l), that the hande wins in the maximum 1285 liters.

Roset 12 V in the trunk of the matrix, as they say, just in case

Hidden luggage containers are provided in the floor under the sofa of Hyunde

Kia trunk is longer, the advantage of Hende in the depths. As a result, approximate equality

13 horses and 13 newtonometers Advantages of Karence are sufficient handicap so that it is felt not only on paper. If at the wheel of Kia you even feel a pleasant pick, then the dynamics of overclocking Hende is progressively even without a bitch, but also without a bitch. It does not change too much, even if you are selling an accelerator to a kick downs. The arrow of the tachometer, perhaps, will jump to the red zone, but you will not feel any funny acceleration. However, 150 160 km/h Matrix gains, if not rapidly, then at least confidently, and when overtaking you just need to take it in advance to turn off the increase in the transmission of the Overdrive Off button in the end of the automatic transmission.
Karens, we have already noticed, traveling more. Moreover, we specially tried to compare the characters of Kia with the mechanics, and it turned out with the automaton that the gear rates of the manual transmission were selected so as to ensure a flat set of speeds of a handful and confidently, but not in the elegant sharply. In a word, if the mechanics are also configured here on a minimum of switching, then why contact the clutch pedal at all? AKP on Karens, as they say, is a natural choice.
But the brakes on both machines were not pleased. The matrix has too much free pedal, which is why it is not very convenient to control the slowdown. And the brake dynamics itself, even in an unloaded machine, seemed satisfactory at best. What will happen when the Korean boat goes on a dacha with a full load of passengers and picnic baskets on board?
Karens, he completely surprised ... the absence of ABS. Yes, on a powerful 136-horsepower compactwane, there was no anti-lock system for someone’s evil. Of course, sharp, in the floor of braking at highways of about 120 140 km/h to such Kia are contraindicated. The wheels are instantly blocked, and the machine begins to unfold around the vertical axis. And on a slippery highway, a similar incident can happen even at parking speeds. We found out on other versions of Karence ABS still. Hence the conclusion: when choosing a kia, get a job to cope with the dealer about the presence of an anti -lock system is unreasonable to save on your own safety.

Mediocre dynamics of acceleration, mediocre brakes have nothing to brag
Within reasonable limits
Nobody usually requires bright controllability from compactwaines. Although Si-Max and Safira convincingly proved that a single-volume layout is not a hindrance to gambling habits. However, the Korean compactivens were created not a year or two back, because they had no one to orientate. That is why Matrix, for example, does not spur to the rapid passage of turns. They are not alarmed by the transverse rolls they are even less than we could expect. But the steering wheel, devoid of feedback talent, makes you think once again. Everything that the Hende suspension is enough for is to keep the body from swing on a relatively flat highway up to 150 km/h.
Karence is more interesting in turns. Firstly, thanks to a more sharp and noticeably more truthful in relations with the driver steering. Yes, and the suspension is much more effectively fighting with transverse rolls and better filters the irregularities of the road. But do not overestimate the merits of Karence. He looks advantageous against the background of Matrix, to Si-Max he is how far.

Due to the more truthful steering wheel, Kia makes a better impression in the turns
Remove berushi!
The age and origin of both become obvious when it comes to comfort. Say, in the cabin of Karens 150 km/h noise, as if in a machine department. Everything that can sing here: the engine howls a wolf, the wind just races around the racks and mirrors, make their contribution to this cacophony and tires. I don’t want to go like that for a long time.
Matrix is \u200b\u200balso not from quiet. The superstar trill of the motor is especially felt when you go for overtaking with a drowned gas pedal. But the Hendy aerodynamics is better worked out, because you can find a fairly comfortable mode in the region of 120 km/h on the highway, when the noise does not particularly get.
In terms of comfort and Hende suspension, it is preferable. The race on the paving stones of the tram tracks in the matrix salon is not as acute as in a tougher Karens. True, the steering wheel is poorly isolated from vibration.

The wins not more strong, but less weak
Past money
The crash tests of Matrix and Karence were not conducted by any well-known organization. And we had no choice but to set marks for safety based on the level of equipment. But here not everything is smooth. In the basic performance of the matrix, there are only Air Bag of the driver and ABS. A passenger pillow is added only with a 1.8 liter engine.
Karence, on the contrary, has frontal eire-begs in the base, but ABS is absent. Finally, you can’t get side pillows on both models anyway. And even if the protection against the side strike in compactwins by definition is higher than the usual golf-class hatchback, but a family car under $ 20,000 should be at least four rescue circles, that is, Air Bages.

Scarceling at the means of safety basic equipment minus both

The price list for the matrix begins with still attractive, despite the recent rise in price, $ 16 190. Moreover, pressing buyers who consider every penny will also arrange equipment. In addition to the safety tools already listed, it is rich in air conditioning, electric package, heating the front seats. In general, not bad, with the exception of a clear incident of an unregulated steering column. But most importantly, we found out that the 1.6 liter engine does not combine with the automatic transmission minus for a family car. A more powerful 1.8-liter matrix is \u200b\u200balready $ 18 190 (C $ 19 190). In addition to the 123-horsepower engine, such a version implies a passenger Air Bag, roof arcs, a luggage shelf, an armrest of a sofa.
Karens initially more expensive from $ 17 190 with a 1.6 liter engine. But this is already included both air conditioning and an electric package. Unlike Hyunde, the KIA base has a steering wheel adjustment on the angle of inclination, but there is no heating of the seats. ABS is asking for $ 200. But the 2-liter Karence immediately pops up for $ 20,000. With the automatic transmission, it turns out at all $ 22,120 unreasonably expensive for the Korean compact. Moreover, the equipment is not much richer than the basic in the pluses here only fog -tunnel and heating of the seats.

Despite the increase in prices, Hende is still the most affordable compactwane of our market
We decided:
As a result, everything turned out in strict accordance with the hit parade of consumer sympathies. Matrix takes the first place (, average rating 3.6). Like compactwane, it is much more wealthy than Carence. And the point is not only in a single -volume appearance, but also a much more competent salon with fairly wide transformation capabilities. Of course, Hyunde is far from the modern ideal, the image of which is best expressed in models such as scenes and nasal. But let's not forget to give in to Europeans in comfort, convenience and security, the Korean is noticeably cheaper. Even a top version with a 1.8-liter engine and automatic transmission is cheaper than the basic stage. This circumstance is still enough for the success of customers.
Karens (the average rating of 3.4) did not even have the virtue of affordable price. With a 1.6 liter engine, it is more expensive than matrix, and the 2-liter version with the automatic transmission is at the level of European competitors. It is worse that as a compactway, that is, the car is primarily multifaceted and universal, Karence, alas, did not take place. KIA has a salon without traditional amenities for single -combatants and far from a record carrying capacity. The same Cerato, for example, has the maximum volume of the trunk even more than 1495 liters against 1010 liters! So this station wagon with a high roof can be attracted only to the convenience of entry/output and commander landing. But whether the captain’s bridge is obtained too high.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov
A source: Magazine buy a car [22/2005]