Jeep Liberty test drive since 2007 SUV

Independence Day

What to do when the Jeep Commander is too large, and the Jeep Compass, what is sin to hide, is not too courageous? Then it is worth looking at Jeep Liberty!
Jeep Liberty. Price: from 828 000 rub. On sale: since 2007
You can’t say anything, the dark green color in which Liberty is painted is going to this crossover. This color leads to associations with military equipment, the reliability and unpretentiousness of which have always been in price. This parallel is supported by the appearance. The impression is that the chef-designer of the car was a specialist translated from the defense plant in the corners of the installation of armored vehicles, who in his life did not hold anything except the transporter and ruler. That is why Liberty is more like a fighting reconnaissance and diver machine than a light SUV for outdoor enthusiasts. However, all this does not make him ugly. On the contrary, such a simple and somewhere even archaic design favorably distinguishes this car from other crossovers, making Liberty catchy and even daring.
But if the exterior of the car is unpretentious, then the interior is somehow difficult to call it. Here, like outside, direct, but no simplicity is about. Apparently, having limited their imagination in the design of styling, the designers decided to recoup on the cabin of the car. The aircraft carrier, turned out, perhaps this is how it can be characterized by all this pile. There is not a single element over which something does not rise or, on the contrary, does not deepen into it. However, you need to pay tribute: with all this pile, you do not feel limited in space. Inside, the car is much more spacious than you can imagine, looking at its external dimensions.
The reason for this is a well -calculated landing of the driver and passengers. It is almost vertical here due to the low level of the floor, and therefore, even the rear passengers are not entitled to complain about the lack of legs space. And if you take into account that they have the opportunity to adjust the angle of inclination of the back, then we can say that they are in the conditions of no worst than the driver and the front passenger. By the way, it is thanks to the adjustment of the back of the back to Liberty that the trunk volume can be varied. The latter, of course, is not as great as we would like, but 651 liters of useful volume should be recognized as a decent result. Having folded the backs of the rear seats, you can achieve twice as much result. In general, we found the car interior quite convenient and functional. The only thing that is not very pleasant is that, like other modern Jeep models, Liberty cannot boast of high -quality finishes. Hard plastic, from which everything and everything, except seats, are made in the cabin, is perceived in a car at a price of more than $ 30,000 as a mockery.
In the standard configuration on the Jeep Liberty, a 2.4 -frail engine of the World Engine series with dual gas distribution phases is installed. This engine is aggregated either by a five -speed manual gearbox, or a stranded variator. We just for the test got a car with a variator. It makes it possible to interfere in his work, but the engine and box throughout the route were completely adequately responded to what the driver demanded, and therefore there was no need to intervene in the actions of this coordinated tandem. As they say, do not go until it goes. And Liberty rode very fervently, even better than we expected. Yes, and steamed well. You can only be installed on the brakes. Some slurred they turned out to be. You crush, crush it and nothing, then suddenly some turning point comes, and the wheels literally break into the yuz. Fortunately, the zealous ABS did not allow the last to reach the last.
Realizing perfectly that Liberty is not a real SUV, we still could not refuse to check its off -road qualities. In the end, it is not in vain that it is on it Freedom Drive I, the heart of which is an electronic control, installed in front of the rear bridge. Unlike other systems with a full -wheel drive based on Wytheft, Liberty uses a full -wheel drive system, which uses information about the difference in the angular velocities of the front and rear wheels as a signal. The electronic control system itself recognizes the conditions for connecting the rear wheels and automatically transfers part of the torque to the rear axle. In addition, the driver himself can block the center differential and thereby transfer to the rear axle up to 50% torque. How all this works, we decided to check in practice.
The first meters of the path outside the asphalt were given without difficulty. Walking and creaking the system, Liberty easily walked along a shallow snow virgin land until the snow cover hid the tire profile. As soon as this happened, the car began to be helplessly with the wheels in the snow, and neither the shutdown of the traction control system, nor the forced blocking of the differential could move it further from the place. Everything fell into place when we got out of the car to assess the situation: the car was on summer rubber! Our surprise could no bounds. Firstly, as we had not noticed before that the rubber is summer, because even in slippery sections of the road the car was well controlled. And secondly, as we could make our ways so far on highway tires. Where would we climb, if Liberty will shod in normal winter tires, and it is difficult to imagine.
Or maybe it is for the better. In the end, we got our portion of independence on this day. And she, as you know, should not be much. Otherwise, it will grow into selfishness.
In his homeland, Liberty bears the name Patriot. However, due to the fact that we have our own Patriot, which is produced by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the Americans had to urgently look for a new name to the car. Nothing more smart than to tear him off his other SUV, they did not come up with what, in fact, causes a certain confusion now.
A fairly dynamic and quite predicted car with good off -road deposits.
Spacious and well thought out in terms of transformation.
One could recognize quite decent if it were not for hard plastic and insufficient sound insulation.
At the level and includes the entire gentleman's set.
Quite justified.
Advantages and disadvantages
+ Dynamics, convenience of the salon, good off -road inclinations, extraordinary appearance. High -quality acoustics, omnivorous audio system
- hard plastic, insufficient sound insulation.
Mark and model - Jeep Liberty
Dimensions - 4408/1785/11658 mm
Engine - gasoline, 2360 cm3, 170 hp/6000 min -1
Transmission - Step -shaped variator
Dynamics - max 185 km/h; 11.3 s to 100 km/h
Competitors - Dodge Caliber, Jeep Compas.
Our opinion
Both Jeep Liberty and Jeep Compass are cars created on the same platform (it is borrowed from Dodge Caliber). However, the more courageous appearance of Liberty, as it seems to us, will find a more lively response from the strong half of humanity than its more sophisticated brother. In the end, Jeep should be harsh, and with something, but Liberty has no problems.

Author: Oleg Kalaushin
Photo: Igor Kuznetsov

A source: Magazine 5 wheel [March 2008]

Video Test Drive Jeep Liberty since 2007