Test Drive Infiniti G25 Sedan since 2010 Sedan
Fun without end

So, the coming G-37 suggests that in terms of the quality of the roads, we approached the states or are the same rakes, only with a rubber American handle called Infiniti, now on the platform V-36?
Familiar features of the donor sedan G-35, comfortable, relatively soft and at the same time, not foreshadowed anything wrong. The same L-shaped headlights with LEDs, almost the same protruding over the long hood of the wing arc. Only bumper is different, visually sick, despite new bulk air intakes. Anyone who sees the G37 in the rearview mirror, and will not suspect that a sports car is sitting on his tail. However, the impression is deceptive. After all, in order for the coupe to look harmoniously, great importance

But good front armchairs! Comfortable, with a mass of electrical adjustments. The driver's seat is different from the passenger only with the pillow profile correction buttons and the backrest support width. Leave adjustment to the height for dessert, but it was not there. The electric motor brought a surcharge to almost the floor, and my head as the ceiling was clinging around the roof of the roof, and clings. About a direct landing with a height of 185 cm no and speech. As soon as the situation is not the most convenient, but there is nothing to do: the joystick on the steering column is adjusting the steering wheel moving along with the instrument shield from which the white-lilac glow is coming. The rear row with high backs of the chairs seems more spacious, but, alas, this is an illusion. True, one pleasure is closed on the gallery. The miracle buttons on the ends of the backs of the front seats at one press lead their forward, they say, please, and back, when everyone sneaks. That's just a head and then rests on the downstream rear window. I bounce a look at the fastening of Isofix: these are the kinders in children's chairs and women a lot of tracks sit back will be comfortable. It is even better to fold the back and expand not so spacious trunk. Then the picture-instruction on laying of golf equipment can be neglected and think about roomy bags for the present journey.

Judging by Novekhonka in the line of motors of the 3.7-liter V-shaped six VQ37VHR, they will not be bored on the road. According to the technical support, the power is 333 liters. p., It is alarmed, this is unless deeply superstitious person. In the Sport version for Russia, its distribution occurs with the help of an automatic transmission, a five-speed with pseudo-groovoy switching and petal repeaters on the steering column. Their edges of the skin, a special sister. Some shooter on the central console of what are worth! As if scratched aluminum inserts on covered with skin of the door panels and tidy, individual model feature. Everything else, including a multifunctional display, mowing music, navigation, parking sensor, onboard computer running the joystick and buttons around the perimeter, strictly, but functionally and without puzzles. The instruction did not have to look at never for Americans done.

I throw a look into the intra-alone rearview mirror (for the coupe a magnificent visibility), click the Start button and drove our urban. In a different way, you can not say, because on the streets of the megapolis, a bright red coupe, albeit with a not very bass, but a good audible voice like a fire truck. Before launching the engine, it was surprised that under the gas-dowdow gas pedal is not. In motion, the pedal reacts to the speed and depth of the press. Yes, it is very thorough, only to switch, if you do not unscrew all seven thousand revolutions, you can not call particularly smooth. With short movements from the intersection to the intersection, this algorithm ride annoys. And when in such a torn mode, you ride all day you get tired. Although at the same time there is no single to ergonomics

I was loved
Even the most bad, but the unloaded track in the root changes the character G-37. Long high-speed drifts, alternating by turns, horse coupe, and to move with him. Could except the infiniti M45Sport rear-wheel drive sedan. M45Sport is huge, and therefore, with all its positive qualities, manage worse. The main thing is that it cannot boast 4was active suspension with the first in the world automotive construction mechanism of the front wheels associated with the rail rotating rear wheels in the same phase with the front. I learned about this cunning option only when I checked the steering wheel. On her presence points two and a half turn from the stop until the stop (against three in the usual version), for which I forgave the covered skin

What to say, with the whole set of missions ruling the car is simply excellently, not shuffling and staying under control. Of course, the viscosity differential of increased friction also affects such behavior. Nor verth, but with a high, reasonable and constant speed in a steep turn, it is not even causing the intervention of the VDC stabilization system. It is naturally more sensitive with a sharp gas and immediately reminds of itself. Of course, the electronics can be turned off with the button that is on the left of the steering wheel. In truth, I have no such desire, I have never arisen and so adrenaline is abuse. But did I think that I would get his additional dose on the skuffing speed? ..
When you stand in front of an alternative to spend a few hours in a traffic jam or drive around the shutter on the famous goat path, the choice, of course, do in favor of the primer. But it is on any other car. And how to do it? Time is more expensive. Risk, covered by an exemplary, and, about a miracle, after a dozen meters of ride on Koldybinam, I understand that the reserve of the road lobster is enough for such adventures. Not a single chirkania bottom! Solid plus for Russia.
A source: Magazine cars and prices May 06, 2008.