Test drive Infiniti FX 2002 - 2008 SUV
1000 s for three

In addiction to expensive toys, we have much more in common with naive and dashing cowboys from North American prairies than with economical and calculating burghers from a wealthy, but ascetic Central Europe. Therefore, the choice fell on three cars, which were created in the first (and second) line for the US market, which is visible both by their execution and the digitization of the speedometer mainly in miles. Infiniti FX45 is completely sold only among gray dealers. And the official Nissan is still preparing its luxury brand for entering the Russian market. Porsche Cayenne is also a very popular unit here and behind the ocean. At a price, one and a half times higher than the expensive maternal Volkswagen Tuareg, the super -suffering SUV is not uncommon on Moscow streets. And the exclusive of wide distribution is no longer perceived by the public with proper food. In this regard, Cadillac SRX looks more advantageously his brutal chopped shapes did not become familiar and look fresh and boldly against the background of stylish, but already familiar brothers. It is great that each of the luxury cossarians in the gamut has a 4.5 liter engine (though Kidillac has 0.1 liters more). Close capacities from 315 to 340 forces and comparable dimensions will help objective comparison. But prices vary strongly, which makes you look at the advantages of each of the applicants with addiction.
Since we have before us representatives of the three continents, the features of the decoration are caused by the pre-respectable audience and addictions of the manufacturer. In our European opinion, the interior of Cadillac was cut down by an ax. Rough forms, strange conjugation and transitions. Torpedo of black mesh plastic, but with ribed elements. Fragments of the beard are gray, combined with smooth dark plastic buttons. The KP lever, in a Europeanly placed on the tunnel, with a wooden knile, with inserts under chrome. And the sheathing of dimensionless seats from smooth light skin. From the point of view of the provincial, which previously dissected in the utilitarian pickup, it looks rich, and by the standards of competitors, KICH. But spacious, including the second row of seats. There are two of them here, but there is a three -row version. Entering the role of the rear passenger, I accidentally pulled the ashtray on the door, she immediately remained in her hands, injuring his index finger to her sharp corner. Maybe a defect? But no, the neighbor has absolutely the same surprise only under the other hand. But I will no longer spend me a scientist! And maybe this is the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigners so that they do not smoke in the car? Then right. What a cunning people, Americans ... A separate attack of sarcasm causes a control panel on the SRX ceiling here and blowing back, and the rear janitor and hatch. But the most cool detail of the engine rheostat of the brightness of the devices, at the end of its course, without any click, lighting salon light. Some Samodelkin forty years ago invented such a strange hybrid, and the Americans still replicate it without any creative understanding, like their famous two-stage presidential election system. In both cases, frantic brushism triumphs.
Infiniti FX against this background is just a triumph of advanced thought and the avant -garde of auto design. Here, too, a corporate style and a swing to turn the salon into a cabin cabinet are guessed. Of course, the style of techno does not imply abundance of wooden and shiny elements. But dense, wrapping armchairs, a small thick string with an acute reaction and separate retractable armrests are understood by themselves. The sensitive drawback is poor visibility of back through the glass of the fifth door and the triangular external mirrors are compensated by a video camera that outstand the panorama behind the machine during parking. And they will not catch up with us in the movement ... Only in the infinity there is a Keyless Go system that allows you to do without a key, if you are too lazy to turn in the ignition lock. There is also a tire pressure sensor. Under the ceiling of passengers of the second row of a retractable DVD display. Yes, and sitting at the back spaciously do not rest on the backs of the front seats. But with the landing, the trouble is not only on the door, without turning to one side, the foot of the maximum Cinderella 33rd sizes will crawl. So even when a tall car leaves, trousers or skirt will certainly wipe all the dirt that gathered at the sunset of the rear arch.
You climb into Porsche, and the soul rests you can not even go anywhere. What are high chairs cost, outwardly not at all sophisticated in shape, but having a wonderful lumbar support, adjustable both in size and in height. And the ignition lock on the instrument panel for the left hand. Donation of tradition! A trifle reminiscent of a noble brand, along with an immodest coat of arms decorating the steering wheel. And the bagel itself, although it is convenient in the grip, but overloaded with control keys. And they can be pressed and pulled to yourself the effect is the same. But the Tiptronics buttons I openly did not like me. They are symmetrical, under the thumbs, and each shifts gears both up and down. But only the fingers do not lie on these keys slide, which can in an extreme situation and let down. From Kayen, the excellent visibility and glazing area is great, and large external mirrors are impressive, and the landing is high, which, incidentally, allows the surrounding surroundings over the roofs of most cars. The sensation of external dimensions is also facilitated by the high -protruding front wings. But in the second row of Porsche, it is cramped to knees, and a smooth, slippery sofa does not contribute to the convenient placement of passengers during lateral overloads. But it is great that the floor is absolutely flat and there are no high protruding thresholds that interfere with the landing.
Cadillac starts with a place with an unusual light for its weight, only slightly crouching on the hind legs. The engine rumbles in the voice of a bear -born in the den, and SRX is rapidly bursting forward. But with a sharp set of pace, it noticeably unloads the controlled wheels, as a result of which the chances of accurate rulers during acceleration are noticeably reduced. But it is worthwhile to reach a stable speed, or even more so, with a slowdown in the front line, as an exact maneuver will become quite possible for the beast that was walking in a bowl shop. True, there is no reverse reaction on the steering wheel at all, but this is quite expected on a big American. SRX does not pay the slightest attention to small and medium irregularities, swallowing and grinding them without a trace. But if you get to large road waves, as a large ship is included in resonant vibrations. With a quick passage of turns, the rolls become threatening and cause tangible discomfort. But even on the maximum trajectory, the car in the slope remains quite controlled and controlled by the driver. The braking with the engine and the box here is surprisingly distinct and fast. But the brake pedal, although effective, precisely dose the effort with an accuracy of a gram on the cadile is poorly.
Infiniti, although it is done for the United States, but by behavior of the GM product differs by 180 degrees. This is an accurate, fast, aggressive car. He does not leave the driver a chance to manage himself as if you wish. The driving style here is rigidly subordinate to the concept of the machine uncompromising aspiration for victory. The second place on the road, even if there are many participants, is not considered as success. Either all, or nothing! The instant response to pressing gas, rate of fire switching, sound support necessary for the self -affirmation of the driver who performs in stritreting. Everyone noticed how cool I am? That's the same. And what a wheel! On this trunk, without any delay, the resistance in the bend, a change in lateral efforts and a clearly manifesting need to reduce speed are reflected in order to get to a given radius. The steering wheel on the FX45 is the tactile body of senses, nerve and compass. If the road is even, two pedals and a bagel allow a more or less sensitive driver to realize all his youthful dreams of car races. But taking into account the dimension of the wheels, the coating must approach the ideal of mirror smoothness. I must say that on FX45 there are rollers of 265/50 R20. On the move, I do not remember another mass car crowned with such impressive wheels. They quite adequately pass on the road that huge moment that makes the Norman SUV break off the place. But with the same responsiveness in the opposite direction, the signals from the road surface through the steering wheel on the hands of the driver go. And given the 4x4 layout, it is periodically expected to travel to the off -road. And here, not only every mound, but also every pebble lying on the asphalt, responds irritably on the steering wheel. And the owner of an expensive car begins to experience suffering from how brutally he has to disfigure his pet in order to overcome the unimportant section of the highway. Although in these experiences there is also a share of excess. But when a fast and sensitive car travels to the ruts sold in asphalt, rebuilding becomes completely approximate and smeared in sensations. So for FX45 there are only autobahns.
Transplanting in Porsche, you experience sacred thrill. Still, the most expensive of the SUVs, which few drive for a real off-rob. Do not worry, Kayen, we are also far from such barbarism. Moreover, such a household process as crawling into tall borders has to be devoted to time much more often. And here you can not worry about scratching the thresholds. Have you forgotten that Cayenne S has a pneumatic suspension with height adjustment? I drove up to the obstacle, pressed on the lever and grew up. He moved on a decent asphalt, gave gas, and himself, without a reminder, sat down to the lowest level, so that the resistance of air and rolls in the bend were smaller. And with this here is a complete order. Excessive turbulence correctly calculated, the streamlined body does not form, and on the arc, the car stands like a glorified even and without attempts to a premature breakdown. But even after the gas gain, the departure is smooth and predicted. The gas itself is a separate song. He stomped half -heartedly, and flew to the next traffic light. Catch the brakes or release the tail parachute. It is not clear where and how to go with a completely open throttle. But you can probably learn. But with what goals the S TURBO acquire, another 110 forces are more powerful, I really do not know. But I want to ride such a perfect toy and just like that, without a goal, with the feeling that life was a success.
Cadillac SRX

Porsche Cayenne

Infiniti FX45

Text Vladimir Smirnov photo Alexander Nozdrin
Source: Cars
Video Crash tests Infiniti FX 2002 - 2008
Infiniti FX 2002 test drives - 2008
Infiniti FX 2002 - 2008 malfunctions
Infiniti fx malfunctions: Detailed informationFX 2002 - 2008 | |
Engine | ![]() |
Transmission | ![]() |
Control system and suspension | ![]() |
Brake system | ![]() |
Air heating and air conditioning | ![]() |
Launch and charging system | ![]() |
Electric components and so on | ![]() |
Corrosion body stability | ![]() |