Hyundai Matrix test drive since 2001 minivan

The eyes of the owner

Do not believe it, I went to bed earlier, so that another day earlier it starts to wait for a machine. But here she came, I lick my lips for two days, but I can’t pick it up. But first things first.
For the last 2.5 years, our family has been the happy owner of the forward of the domestic automotive industry VAZ 2112. I brought a swallow for a long time, but the Mercedes did not work out. This summer we went to Greece with the family. From Samara to Moscow by car, then by plane to Thessalonik. They rented Fiat Panda (1.1 liters, air conditioning, ABS, GUR, manual transmission). We traveled to the half of the country. My wife really liked the car: you sit high, you look far away, it is easy to park, the pugs are light. They returned and I got into my car felt some discomfort. Only on the dynamics 12_shka won, but the rest is not offset. And then, even before the heap, the climate of control sang the fan. In general, a strategic decision was made to change the vehicle. We went to the car dealerships, but somehow nothing will sink into the soul. They even searched for Fiat Panda, but there is no representative office in our city, and I sternly stood on the fact that the machine should be new and with a guarantee. It seems that here is a good car, but she does not want to possess it.
I opted for Elanter, but also, so reluctantly with my heart. So we would have chosen a car if one day next to the house where we live did not parked someone Matrix. On the same day, we went to the salon and already carefully examined it. Yes, imagine in a car dealership, we watched a gaits, emphasis, an Endra, but not a matrix. And now they came to watch only him. And it turned out that it was exactly that. All the cars that we watched before did not suit me with the volume of the salon, a small distance between the front and rear seats, a small rear sofa.
First of all, I lay down on the back sofa, which greatly pleased the salon managers. I got up and said this car we take. Tomorrow I will come with money, it was necessary to see the faces with whom menagers of type saw us away, we saw such people more than once. It was Sunday. And on Mondays, we have a truck with goods. And everyone, even the most important director participate in the unloading. This is so that closer to the people and so as not to lose the form. In short, after unloading, I was like dirty jeans, mint and dusty shirt showed up in the salon with words I came to spend money, it was my revenge. The attitude has immediately changed. They made an agreement, I made an advance payment and went to wait. It was July 15. Tentatively, the machine was supposed to arrive on August 25. During this time, I was going to slowly and expensive to sell 12_shka. He gave an ad from hand to hand. The first person who came said that he had chosen the most expensive car specially, looked and the next day I became a pedestrian. I had to take a penny from a colleague for a symbolic fee. This is just Khachik's dream tinted in trash, with blue pissers. And nothing can be given to do anything in the same form that I took it. Our clients caught me when I left the work of the director of the director on a penny, where only the freaks, they got a fotik. In general, the people pleased. Although I feel good about pennies, my first car was just about 10 years ago. Well, you know, nostalgia, it's like the first woman. I really hoped that the car would come by August 23 is my birthday, 35 years old. But 23 said that 25 - 27. 27 said that 28-29. Moreover, they promised to call and say. On August 29, I called myself, they told me that the car came, but I had to make everything out in the central office. To which I answered them that it is inconvenient for me. Kindly provide the car to the salon, where I paid and designed. Moreover, I am not going to tell the second time to tell what and how to install on the car, because For a month he soared the brains of the technical service, called, discussed. consulted, etc.
An hour later, the car was in place. 2006 model. If the muzzle is still here, it seems to me that 2005 has better headlights outwardly, but the radiator has 2006. 2 caskets on the sides disappeared in the trunk - it upset me very much. Instead of the promised 6 As only 4. There is no tint. In general, it seems to me to be warned in advance. Here I want to make one lyrical digression. One of the managers, no matter how much I came, I always met me kindly, greeted my hand, climbed with me in an exhibition car, discussed technical nuances. It seems to me that he was also interested. For example, I really wanted a radio with a joystick from Sony, we tried on where to put this joystick for a long time. They found one single place and still came to the conclusion that this is my whim, which has no right to life. I don’t really like how the Center is implemented in modern foreign cars if the doors are open, then the trunk too. For some reason, it seems to me wrong, it is how to wear a wallet in the back pocket of the trousers. Unreliable. They made it to open either with a key or from a signaling (I did not display a special button). In general, I wish all managers to be like that. I remembered the cool phrase of Sergey, do not worry, my techniques studied, everything will do well. August 30. The car is ready, I even insured it and it turns out that there is no pts. He goes some kind of transport company and will be during August 31 (from me: maybe).
It is my car in the street in the rain, equipped, paid, but I can’t pick it up. What even upset me the most, they did not remove the panel from the radio. I came up, asked why, but in response to me, so the alarm will work, it will work if they climb. The fact that the TCP came was not informed. I myself went at 12 o’clock, but really I have it. He left them a passport and fled to agree on the numbers. Then we checked the car from all sides, I asked to wash it in the end, because She stood in the rain and sprayed.

Initial investments
The base price is 473100
CASCO 42579
OSAGO 3346.2
Music 4400
Music installation 700
Signal 4200
The glass is 900
installation of the glass block under 1050
Signaling cover 300
Signal installation 3290
Non -standard work (departure. Opening of the 5th door) 1400
Carter protection 2500
Carter protection installation 350
Numbers 9000
Rugs 1500
2 months have passed. Somehow, Maza drove into the office that he had just returned from the flight and asked me how pleased I am, with a new car. He probably says you were suppressed. To which I replied that I have the best car at the company and I am ready to bring 10 points on the move. Hard silence hung. Actually, what happened.
1. Hyundai leads quality in terms of price ratio.
2. A modern body is not someone's analogue, but made from a clean sheet of the Italian designer studio.
3. The length is not very large, therefore, the parking in the city is easier, on the crossed terrain there is less likely to tear the bumper, sit on the belly.
4. Salon - the internal size is simply impressive almost like that of the representative class. The rear seats have a tilt setting, can move forward to increase the luggage volume if necessary.
5. An unimaginable number of messes, cup holders, compartments
6. There is no tunnel in the middle
7. The trunk of decent sizes, and loading is easier, because No need to throw it through the side.
8. High landing, therefore, the best review. You actually enter the salon, only bending a little. Some advanced people may argue that the Miniven body has a lot of sailing, but the Italia worked for no vain, the lobe resistance coefficient is no worse than that of an ordinary passenger car. The center of gravity is very low, the amusing is subject to 50x50, the front wheels are actually in front of the engine. In general, not a single overturning has yet been registered. Reducing almost without rolls.
9. The rear suspension is a multi -link.
10. The clearance is 160 mm, there is not enough for our country, but this is not an alternate. And how many foreign cars can boil like that?
11. Engine. Pretty painful below. This is a huge plus on off -road, because At low speeds, it does not stall and you can move into an interference. Large turns contribute to burrowing. At the same time, quite resourceful, in traffic lights you do not feel like a barge. At least vases rest.
12. ABS, EBD.
13. The dashboard is put to the center that facilitates the perception of data - because Constantly in the field of view of the driver.
14. According to the results of crash tests and computer simulations, Euro NCAP Hyundai Matrix received 4 stars and was recognized as the safest car in its class.
Controllability. Where did the road go? Ahh, just looked at the turn! It's okay, to the nearest object, which you can fit a kilometer. The road is just a track marked with hangers and wheels. But that’s the buzz, not to fly out of her. Frames her snowdrifts 15 centimeters. The whole track is no more than two kilometers. There are straight sections where you can accelerate the non -hut. You fly up to the turn and enter the car into a controlled skid speed - no brakes and handbrakes. Fan -turn and right there in another. Brakes ... brakes at such speeds do not need only gas and steering wheel pedal. I took advantage of the handbrake a couple of times to top up the car. There are a lot of impressions. The car behaves great. There were no rolls or the wheel. Unlike domestic machines, the engine did not overheat, but the main transmission 2, sometimes 3_y. He did not bring the turns to the cut off, but were on the verge. What did not like was the closed rear window, and in general the whole door and number.
Now I put a 14_ -year -old son behind the wheel. He succeeds well. True, I allowed to accelerate only to 60 km/h. By the way, I noticed that at these speeds all exercises come out almost perfectly. I rode next to him, smoked and enjoyed a beautiful ride.
Next time, the track was not cleaned with a tractor. Snow centimeters 15 on the road and from half a meter around. And under the snow turns out to be a track. The first circle rode slowly, he was thinking of arranging arrivals or not - the surface is not a smooth track, the machine shakes. But I could not resist. I drove 2 circles. The car behaves differently - it is easier to break into the pendulum in completely unexpected places when it jumped out of the rut. After several races, I came to the conclusion that it is better not to get out of the rut on straight sections, although the protection hurts in some places. The turn is still held by a fan, but it was much more difficult to get out than on ice, I had to earn extra money with a handbrake. C -clinging the snow, the main thing was not to stop and catching the car to go right away - the son managed to plant the car once - I pushed, the snow is higher than the wheel, and under it the ice is not possible to rest, you roll it. The snow scattered a little with his feet, - he still doesn’t go forward, such a cool track smooth in the middle from protection, the exhaust from somewhere from under the snow comes from under the car, the snow lies along the edges - well, the icebreaker just passed. My comrade drove a fellow and, already together (son at the wheel) forward - back and drove away, and forwarding a new highway forward. But with 12_shka it turned out more funny. The car is light and when he flew off the highway, he left the snow like a naked on a belly - the wheels were not reached to the snow. Without adequately, he slyly pulled him out with a cable. In general, there are a lot of impressions as always. Matrix Foreva. Somehow my wife took me out of work and tells me, so many accidents around, ice. Indeed, on a plot of 3 km from work to the house we met 2 accidents. Then she screws into the turn, with the removal of the stern and without losing speed continues to move, after which he says, you see how it was brought. To which I answered her that she had optimally quickly passed the turn, without errors. That's just the rest of the road users most likely gone out. Although it was not difficult for her.
In general, I often notice that they somehow do not seriously treat our typewriter and if there is a mood, I am arranging a mini show. Although honestly, it is harder to control our car than the same 10_ Vazovskaya. We have more weight and if an uncontrollable skid has already gone, then everything ... True, everyone has their own-I have 80-100 km/h, my son is still 40-60 km/h. In general, the main guys do not grow old with your heart.
Summer. We went on Saturday for barbecue. Naturally, Max lost to his wife, and he went to the VAZ 2112 comrade. Three years of possession of a similar machine affected - all the skills returned, quickly enough. But what upset me, I hardly caught up with it on the highway and then poured myself in the city, and I always went in reduced gear - to withstand the pace on the dynamics. He brought the engine a couple of times to the cut -off, but people who were traveling with his wife said that they did not notice something special, drove - they said. Excess confirmation that we have chosen the right machine.
The results of winter. Although we did not have a real winter, but the cold was up to -37, however, we were present without snow, and then there was also abundant snow without cold. In total, the winter program was performed in one month. My car is new, I got it in my hands, so to speak on the last day of summer, so I captured the whole season. Mileage is about 7000 km. Oil is still from Korea. All 7 days of Morozov, the car stood in automatic heating mode in temperature and time. The consumption reached 40 liters per 100 km. But I always knew that I would leave immediately and in a warm car. The most pleasant thing is that it is also not necessary to clean from snow by my arrival, it was usually absent as a class. Even on the roof.
For mercantile reasons, I did not want to buy winter tires, but having traveled in good ice I realized, it was necessary! ABS shifts constantly, the car is like a cow on ice, and not only I ride it. And most importantly, it turned out that it is impossible to perform any exercises on the ice. The experts of Engic) Happaleta 2 dimensions recommended by the plant was acquired (may I forgive me. Looking ahead, I will say very worthy rubber, I did not regret the money spent. The car gained integrity again. But here we need a reservation with a mass of 1430 kg and a short base is a certain tendency to demolish the entire car when turning at good speed. Maybe this is an individual feature of rubber, or maybe a machine. Confirm or refute me. In winter sports, Max showed himself with dignity. There is its own specificity in management, but it is again connected with the mass and the base. Decorative caps cracked, in some places whole pieces broke off. Finally I will throw them out. They do not cause joy in me. If there is a buy money, forged discs. If not, why not to deceive? The beauty is controversial. And the disadvantages are like from a cornucopia of abundance and an extra incorrect mass, the unbalancing of the wheels, additional vibration, etc. What surprised me so cross -country ability. It seems that you go and episodically drawn for something, but in deep snow the car goes like an icebreaker to plant it, it is necessary to try. If 12_shka or 8 flew out of the highway on pokatushki, then they jumped in the snow like pancakes, not reaching with tires to ice. Max is going like an icebreaker. It is understandable to the bottom even, the protection is flush, the mass is large. At first I was careful, I didn’t climb, where I would sit down for 10_, then I realized that they weren’t me, but I pull them out mainly. It should also be added about short overhangs also greatly increases patency. Only against scrap there is a reception is the same scrap ... Parents retired moved to the village of their house, plot and all this, which is important in the city. So that no one puts a car opposite our site, large enough cobblestones are laid along the fence. And then 3 days are heavy snowfall. I forgot about them. Dad was sick and did not clean the snow. And I did not warn that I would come. I look at the mountain of snow just above the wheel, I know perfectly well that I’ll drive and from the turn so cheerfully I’m going to the garage gates. When he remembered the boulder, he already firmly propped up Max right in the center of protection, the wheels were in the air made a dig under the pebble on the right side, the machine settled, settled down, now it was already on wheels. So I pulled out the culprit. It’s good that I had to hammer the ice, not frozen ground. So in my case, protection is a necessity. Well, if they started talking about her, I want to remind you of my observation on the same pikes. Everyone who did not have protection sooner or later stood up and stalled with a diagnosis of humidity in the motor compartment, incompatible with the life of electricity. Maybe not all extreme, but I am. Again, according to the experience of extreme driving, I felt the need to install the rear covers. So many things are stuffed and pressed from behind is just horror, and most importantly, you do not pick out a single force. I will put the truth at the end of winter, but it is better late than never. From personal experience, they work as a kind of noise insulation.
Gas shock absorbers, springs are perfectly chosen by the desire to change something.
The trunk door. Here you have to do something decisively and immediately. Firstly, the closure is not entirely ergonomically, until I came up with how to deal with it. Secondly, it is very difficult to achieve the normal operation of the janitor. Thirdly, if, after one circle, 3 cm of snow lies on the fifth door on the fifth door, then neither the heating nor the janitor does not cope with it. Upelier is required. Not a fitle from the manufacturer, but a full -fledged working device !!! For some reason, the snow that always lies on the bumper does not seem to be frustrated by for some reason, but I always clean it with enviable perseverance.
Engine 1.6. It suits me completely. The traction below is pleasant. Powerful. We were still chasing 300 meters with a touched chisel on asphalt. I lagged behind half a meter, although the weight of the car is almost twice as much. So, on 1, 2 and 3, the gear from the place for warming up the tires rode on the scroll and observed black smoke. (I decided to make a small digression here. Thus, the tires are heated, not chasing. And then write out good in the morons.) What can we say about winter, a little stronger the slippers pressed the scroll. In general, I will not delve into the comparison of engines of 1.6 and 1.8 (which I like less also due to the absence of hydraulic compensators to a heap). On pokatushki, I noticed that it is impossible to overheat the engine. Drive in 1 and 2 programs, sometimes in 3. turns close to cutting off and nothing. I like 1.6. There is only a problem with a frantic consumption of gasoline, but on the TO-0 they promised to cure me (I think the battery is turned off and, accordingly, the discharge of dynamic tables).
The head light suits completely, up to the point that I am not going to put PTF, at least I am not going to. Here the Koreans did everything correctly in the 2006 model. There is a slight observation, the outer part of the glass practically does not heat up, this is a positive moment. I noticed by chance after the thaw in a frost grabbed the headlights. Well, I think now I’ll turn on the light, the headlight block will heat up and everything will fall off itself. It was not there. I had to scratch a scraper.
The windshield is large, the wipers are different. I bought the largest, in a lying position practically touch each other. There were problems with snow sticking onto the janitor, cured, raising them a couple of degrees, they fell into the stove blowing area and everything became just wonderful. At the same time, a non -cleaned zone of 4 cm is about near the counter.
The paintwork is surprisingly resistant. But on the windshield and trunk glass, scratches appeared. Where I will not know from.
Salon. About the stove was written many times, the problems are the same. It’s hot in front, cold from behind. The windshield sweats. If with the latter, they say you can fight the change of salon filter, then something must be done with the direction and strength of the flows.
I am extremely satisfied with the car. You can and should be recommended for purchase.

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Hyundai Matrix test drives since 2001