Test drive Honda NSX 2002 - 2005 compartment

Review of Honda NSX, Honda Accord, Honda Integra, Honda Civic

This is a natural process
Since the debut of the Odyssey minivan, Honda has attached to the appearance of the appearance of minivans and compact cars. But the company did not forget at all that it also has a group of perfect sports cars. When I asked them about the reasons, I received an abstract answer: and this is our DNA. A concrete conversation did not work, but apparently, these are their true thoughts. The first four -wheeled passenger car at Honda was double, light and sports. In addition, it was Honda of the first of the Japanese car manufacturers that challenged the Grand Prix of Formula 1. It seems that to ask such manufacturers the question: why are you interested in sports cars?, It will also be absurd how to ask a person: why are you breathing?. For Honda, creating sports cars is instinct. And actions based on instinct are not required.
Such Hondaism symbolizes the Type R series (Typ ER), prepared for NSX, Integra and Civic models. Type R strives for excellent characteristics in ring racing. In return, everyday comfort is boldly discarded. Due to such a special concept, machines of this type are not in mass sale. However, Honda, without regret, directs high -cost technologies into this small series. Probably, almost nothing can be earned on this. But despite this, Honda continues to create Type R. In this she manifests itself, but even she can do nothing. It is possible to produce cars such as the Type R series precisely because minivans and compact cars make a profit. If I were the owner of a car from this series, then at each meeting on the street with Honda Fit or Honda Stream I would mumble words of gratitude to myself, such as: Thanks for the fact that thanks to you I can drive such a cool car.

There are many definitions of a sports car, but the most classic one - this: it begins where the passenger car ends, and ends where the racing car begins. In times when the separation between sports and racing cars was fuzzy, such a definition seemed convincing, but as it is extremely improved by characteristics and specialization, sports cars ceased to appear to fill the intervals between cars and racing cars. The fact is that a racing car is a car that has an absolute goal only in the form of victory in races, and here such an entertainment factor is not required as the pleasure of driving. Of course, riding at maximum speeds can also cause such pleasure, but it is just a by -product, and not a genuine essence. On the other hand, for a sports car, the most important thing is not to pull out 0.1 seconds, but to increase the pleasure of driving. Yes, racing and sports cars seem to be similar, but the goals are completely different.
So what is the concept of Type R? In my records there was an answer received once during an interview from the developer: bringing to perfection running qualities, to provide the sensations inherent in a sports car - driving pleasure and speed. Here, attention is attracted to the fact that the concept includes both the speed and the pleasure of driving. In addition to the pleasure of driving, that is, to the value orientation of a sports car, Type R simultaneously strives for speed, that is, to the value orientation of the racing car. And does he not in this remains sufficient loyalty to the classical definition of a sports car (begins where the passenger car ends, and ends where the racing car is read)?
I think that this is why Type R has become a magnificent sports model, which cannot be called only fast or only pleasant and which is overflowing through the edge with a racing spirit. Engine cheerfully operating to ultra -high revolutions; cheerfully tapping gearbox; The chassis that deliver more and more pleasure as you move all this is the essence of Type R, and you can fully taste the technologies directly related to ring races that cannot be felt in other Japanese cars.
Honda NSX Type R - A real super sports car
NSX debuted in 1989. It was an unprecedented fruitful year for cars for Japan. In any case, one after another, such famous models as the Nissan Skyline R32 GT-R, Toyota Celsior first generation, Mazda Eunos Roadster and Honda NSX. Starting from that year, the image of Japanese cars began to change with cheap, unbroken, with good fuel for additional value. However, time has changed. The first generations of Skyline GT-R, Celsior and Eunos are replaced by the next generation, and only the production of the first generation of the NSX model continues to this day.
Probably, some think: the change of model does not happen, probably because the characteristics remain low. However, I want to clearly disperse such doubts here. For a sports car, the first in importance is an excellent base. The second is perfection. In other words, you can easily get good results if you first build an excellent base, and then grow it thoroughly. A good example is Porsche 911 with an air -cooled engine, which was produced for more than 30 years. The company tirelessly developed the 911st model, as a result of which the famous expression appeared among Porsche fans: the best 911 is the new 911th.
The same can be said about NSX. When he only made his debut, he was not at all such a sports car that can be unconditionally evaluated as excellent, although there were separate brilliant moments. Speaking briefly, then he lacked functionality as a sports car, and some even believed that it was a passenger car in the form of a sports. However, thanks to further modernization, the NSX reliably increased its level as a sports car. In fact, I like this car more and more every time I go on it. As a result of partial modernization in May 2002, NSX Type R appeared (this model can be considered the second generation of NSX). This is the most expensive serial car produced in Japan (worth about 110 thousand dollars), and it is undoubtedly a real super sports car, which Japan should be proud of the whole world ..
A little regretting that I did not take training shoes with me, I tightly bandaged the laces of my tennis shoes and started the engine. The level of adjustment of the 3.2-liter 6-cylinder V-shaped engine with the VTEC gas distribution phase system is similar to other modifications of the NSX with a 3.2-liter engine, but the resulting impression is very different. In Type R, manufacturers boldly reduced the share of soundproofing materials to reduce weight, and even during the idle move from the back there is a lot of engine presence.
When starting from the place, the differences became even more significant. The stiffness of the suspension springs was doubled, compared with normal, trying to make the car the best on the track, and even the small bumps of the road are clearly transmitted. Vertical pitching is especially felt, and in some sections of the road, air from the lungs often approaches the throat. However, this does not need to be scared. If you put the transmission lever at the second speed and at the same time press the gas to the floor, then a worrying growing sound will be heard from the back, and at the same time sharp tremors of a light body will begin. The return and acceleration are magnificent, but the sound is even more impressive. This is almost close to the sound that is transmitted by the on -board camera of the formula 1 car along with the image. The sound of the absorbed air, the sound of combustion, the sound of the exhaust and mechanical noises create amazing harmony, and the sound filled with sensuality is obtained. The sound from the 8-cylinder V-shaped engine Ferrari F360 is also excellent, but the ability to do this on a 6-cylinder V-shaped engine is simply amazing.
Gorgeous is also a feeling of power because the arrow instantly reaches the red line indicating 8000 rpm, reacting at the time of pressing the pedal. Honda and Formula 1 are inextricable, and when you sit in the NSX Type R, you can clearly feel that the Honda-1 engines are strongly connected with the NSX.
The steering wheel that does not have a hydraulic wrap, at the beginning of the turn, transfers strong opposition, generated in accordance with the centraiming force with the front wheels. The feeling that the struggle against the steering controls on the turns in the area of \u200b\u200bthe limit is taking place, when the lateral acceleration approaches 1G. If it were a car for everyday use, then the steering wheel would be evaluated as excessively tight. However, the NSX Type R is a machine in order to drive the track at the end of the week. Rather, it is just worth it to give such qualities to eliminate everyday hypodynamy. In addition, in the form of compensation for a tight rotation, the Type R steering wheel obediently and accurately passes the will of the driver to the road, and also obediently gives the driver information from the road. This is one of the important reasons that allows you to describe the lines with an accuracy of centimeters.
When I got out of the car after the run -in, I felt a slight tension in my hands. It seems that for the successful driving of the NSX Type R model you need training to return the dull muscle strength, not to mention the technique.
Honda Civic Type R - slightly resembles an artillery shell
Honda Civic Type R is a re -portable model that is produced at the Honda factory in the UK. In accordance with the main Honda course (to produce where there is demand), Civic is produced in Japan in the form of a 4-door sedan and a 5-door hatchback, and in the UK in the form of a 3-door hatchback. In this regard, Type R began to be manufactured in the UK, and its main part of the engine is sent from Japan in finished form.
It is shorter than a 5-door hatchback 150 mm, lower by 65 mm, and in shape resembles an artillery shell. Even when he stands, and of course, when he rides, a powerful energy of movement tearing the air is transmitted from him. According to his decoration, we can immediately understand that he was born and raised in a completely different place than the Civic of Japanese production (5-door and 4-door), having a more calm look.
If you open the doors, then an impressive picture will unfold, not inferior to appearance. Like the previous generation, flooring and bucket -type seats made by Recaro are equally made in scarlet. The steering wheel production of MOMO and the white dashboard also correspond to the Type R principles. In addition, the transmission shift handle grows attention from the dashboard. At first glance, it seems that it is difficult to work with her, but if you really try to travel, then it allows you to feel the highest controllability and a feeling of switching. Of course, an increase in the chassis and body has comprehensively carried out, and running qualities worthy of Type R were obtained. In addition, the space of the cabin, where four adults are calm, as well as ensuring a practical luggage volume, are attractive. And even a little surprising that such an amazing car can be obtained for only 2.2 million yen (~ $ 20,000) (air conditioning in the form of an option).

I wanted to erase a pleasant sweat
Turning to the left of the switching handle exiting the dashboard, I lowered it forward and chose the first speed. In contact with the clutch, Civic Type R quickly and smoothly started off. In the previous version of Type R, a sensation of speed loss during rigid treatment with clutch, but compared to it, in the new version, is clearly felt, lightness in driving is clearly felt. It may seem that I am smoothing the corners, but this is not so. It can be argued that a 2-liter in a series of 4-cylinder engine squeezing 215 hp is one of the best 4-cylinder engines in the world in all respects in terms of power, reaction, sound, smoothness, etc. Of course, if you compare with turbine engines, then absolute characteristics will be lower. But as for sensations, such as an acute reaction, excellent work at maximum speeds, etc., no compliments of the highest class will not be enough.
Civic Type R allows you to fully feel the exciting movement worthy of its name. With the other side, the content of such excitation is slightly different from other Type R. NSX Type R models - this is a machine that transfers extreme voltage to the driver, as when walking through a thin rope. Probably, the general situation will be clear, if we say that in Integra Type R the rope turns into a rope staircase, and in the Civic Type R - into an elegant hanging bridge. Namely, the excitement from Civic Type R is not an extreme tension and not excitement from unfriendly. This is a pleasant excitement, supported by a sense of calm.
This is most noticeable in the features of the steering. Even with complete braking with some scan, the distortion of the line reaches a minimum. And at the entrance to the turn at increased speed, greater tenacity is manifested than expected, with additional turns of the steering wheel. The line of movement, which has gone sideways, again returns to its original position. That is, such a setting to some extent makes errors when driving. In addition, an important factor that enhances calmness is good feedback of the steering, carefully transmitting the condition of the road and tires in the form of a change in the reaction, despite the steering wheel power power, as well as brakes that have powerful braking energy.
In any case, the chassis of the Civic Type R has a solid sense of reliability, allowing you to calmly reach the desired limits. Perhaps, in such an interesting moment as a detour of a norceous horse, the championship belongs to NSX and Integra. But if you want to expire not cold, but pleasant later, then the best choice will be Civic Type R.
Honda Integra Type R - I wanted to get carried away with the present
Integra styling theme is sharp and solid. Outlines, filled with a feeling of speed from the cabin sharply directed forward, and a massive stamping look fresh. The bold streamlined elements characteristic of Type R are designed on the basis of thorough tests in the aerodynamic pipe, and the lifting force coefficient decreased by 29% compared to the active model. This provides a significant advantage for stability when moving at high speed, and at the same time, strongly requires high characteristics. It is pleased that, unlike the models of Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and Subaru Impreza WRX, the design of streamlined details is not demonstrative. High characteristics that are understandable to the one who sees them the strings of my soul.
In the interior decoration, attention is felt to ensure that it corresponds to the driver. The rounded design, called the parabolic effect, reduces the distance of access to the switches, and also demonstrates the sensation of the proper environment. The panels with graphite finishes, which were a symbol of the previous model, completely abandoned the fact that, if possible, I did not want to use anything but real materials. However, the wavy surface of the partition in front of the motor compartment has a graphite pattern, creating the impression of the rigidity characteristic of Type R. As for the real materials, the gearbox made of aluminum is impressive.
In addition to this, real aluminum is also used on the manual brake and pedals. The seats are made by Recaro. The steering wheel is made by MOMO, like the Civic Type R model. This is a truly exquisite thing, for the production of which magnesium cores were sent to Italy from Japan. MOMO also has plants outside Italy, but it is believed that the products of the local plant are best suited for a subtle sensation of stitching. This is a detail in which the increased attention of the developers to the movement of the machine is directly transmitted.

Give up the fastest front -wheel drive model!
On the Integra Type R, the same 2-liter, in-line 4-cylinder engine with a phase variable gas distribution system is installed, as well as on the Civic Type R model. The previous models were unequal engines on the Integra and 2-liter on Civic. However, if you look at the characteristics, then the Integra has a power of more than 5 hp, and the maximum torque is 0.4 kgm. The official reason for this difference is the various principles of the exhaust system, but perhaps this is such an important shade as the desire to give the palm of the championship it is Integra Type R, which was proclaimed the fastest front -wheel drive model. In addition, tires (215/45ZR17) are in size than a CIVIC, and if you compare according to modifications equipped with air conditioning, then Integra is 30 kg heavier.
Similarly with Civic, the start is simple. Even if the clutch occurs with a slight rise in revolutions after the idle, the car touches without hindrance. A light flywheel has been installed, which allows to reduce the inertial mass by 30% (they say that this helps to reduce acceleration at speeds from 0-100 km/h by 0.3 seconds). Thanks to this, just incredible flexibility is achieved. In addition, the movement in the sixth gear is possible at 30 km/h. This is significant, since there is no delay even with inconsistent switching (from the 1st speed to the 3rd, then to the 6th). If you press the accelerator strongly, then at 1 speed you can instantly reach a red line of 8500 rpm. Even if you switch to the 2nd speed, the acceleration does not weaken at all, and when switching to the 3rd transmission, the speed already reaches 100 km/h. The 6-speed hand transmission with a cross-drawing ratio is perfectly combined with an engine with a VTEC gas distribution phase system. If you switch the gears until the maximum engine speed is reached, then the fists switch to high speeds and retain them at a level that increases the density of torque. In combination with an amazing sound, a sharp sensation of the revolutions characteristic of the engine without a boost, and a clearly adjusted transmission, this provides speed at the highest level and a state of enthusiasm.
The chassis allows you to evaluate the purpose of the development: steering, which endlessly obediently fulfills the will of the driver. At the same time, the most impressive was a high traction effort. It reaches 220 hp/21 kgm, therefore it is reliably transmitted even to the wet road. However, if you press the gas hard when turning the steering wheel to failure, then there is surprisingly strong steering using torque. It comes to the point that the steering wheel is arbitrary if it is not held. In addition, during the discharge of gas during rotation with high acceleration, a clear skid occurs. A driver with some qualifications can actively use this movement and go at an acute angle, although for an ordinary driver it will be a somewhat complex maneuver. If there are skills, you can easily leave behind a competitor with a 280 hp turbine engine. And all -wheel drive. The solemn phrase is the fastest front -wheel drive car in history is not at all an exaggeration.
Honda Accord Euro R - in order to benefit from the process
Accord Euro R is a machine that delivers a lot of pleasant sensations both sincerely and bodily. It is largely different from the usual Accord, about which they say: of course, it is done well, but when they ask if it is pleasant. It differs from other models of the Type R series, about which you think: a pleasant car, but I don’t want to drive in a tired state. The top of the MORO MODICATION is a high balance between speed, pleasure and comfort. If we assume that the place of registration of Type R is the racing highway, then Euro R is registered completely on a normal road. At the same time, its goal is not just moving from point A to point B, but the ability to carry out the process of movement is comfortable and pleasant.
Indeed, it is not as exciting as Type R. However, the Red Rule R is attached not just for view. The engine is used the same as in Civic and Integra-a 2-liter in a row 4-cylinder system with a phase variable gas distribution variable. The transmission is only 6-speed manual. As for the other equipment, thoroughness at the Type R level is shown here - the steering wheel and the aluminum handle of transfers of production of MOMO production, RECARO bucket seats, aluminum sports pedals, etc.
Next, I want to pay attention to the price. The audio system is installed standardly, and not in the form of the option, as on Integra and Civic, but the machine is cheaper than Integra Type R for 253 thousand yen (~ $ 2300). Now the 4-door Integra model has disappeared from the catalog, and Civic Euro R is now the only 4-door sedan among Honda cars with the Range R. This moment will be a great attractive force, especially for those who have a family.

Allows you to best feel the advantages of movement
Perhaps critics will say: this is an unfinished car is not as sports as Type R, and not as comfortable as a regular Accord. But if you actually sit behind the wheel of Euro R, it will become clear that such an analysis is just speculative reasoning.
In fact, Euro R is the most pleasant for movement from the chords of the new model, both sedan and station wagons. The car suspension is perfectly configured. High -precision shock absorbers begin to move gently from low speeds, so you can feel pleasant stiffness. Even when passing sharp irregularities, a strong body prevents the occurrence of unpleasant vibration and sounds. It is very pleasant to feel the adjustment of the body, which increases the sensation of a flat surface as the speed rises. It is even higher in comfort than a 2-liter model equipped with a solid tread tires to save fuel. I even wanted such an improvement to be used on other modifications of Accord. It is here that the meaning is clearly felt that the car is called not Type R, but Euro R.
The movement of the front and the obedience of the back in accordance with the operation of the steering wheel is noticeably increased. In any case, the sensation of rotation and stability of the steering is heaven and earth, compared to the usual Accord. Therefore, a trip to Euro R along a winding road can be called a very pleasant job. Movements when entering the turn, the line of movement is well preserved. First of all, the main essence of Euro R is not the uncertainty in pursuit of unrealizable goals, but the ability to fully feel how you yourself control the machine.
A 2-liter in-line 4-cylinder engine with a phase variable gas distribution system completely coincides with the Integra Type R engine, including power characteristics, but differs in that a balancing shaft is installed on it. The effect of this is clearly manifested in the form of a smoothness that exceeds the usual 6-cylinder V-shaped engine, and in a lower noise level than that of a conventional Accord, which installs a 2.4-liter in a number 4-cylinder engine. And yet, with active rotation, the engine impeccably shows a characteristic sharpness for it. As for the characteristics, it has an advantage of only 20 hp. Before a 2.4-liter engine installed on a conventional model (and torque, on the contrary, 1.7 kgm below). However, the sensation is strong it differs, and after a trip to Euro R, this 2.4-liter engine, which is quite well made in absolute characteristics, seems to be a simple working engine.
Euro R is undoubtedly a sports sedan, which has such comfort when moving, which is characteristic of higher -class Japanese cars. Some people think: I used to go to Civic or Integra R series, and now that the family has appeared, I have to drive in a regular car. It is for such people that there is no better car that will be the first step to return interest in cars than Accord Europe R.

A source: CarView.co.jp