Honda Legend test drive since 2009 sedan

Legend and past

The automotive companies of the Land of the Rising Sun have long and successfully compete in all markets in the world. European and American firms have to mobilize all its engineering power in order to resist the fantastic developments of the Japanese.
Comers to find out who was the first to come up with a wheel, and even more so any electronic blunt or, say, the latest system of injection for a diesel engine, today is quite problematic to find out. But in the case of the new Honda Legend, it can definitely be argued that, for example, the all -wheel drive design of the transmission of this machine has not yet been used on any other machine. For the first time on a serial car, a pyropatron is installed on the hood: the device lifts the hood 15 cm when meeting with a pedestrian, thereby saving the latter from severe injuries.
In addition, it is difficult to name any other brand of a car, the next generation of which suddenly shortened contrary to the current auto-building fashion.
And the new Legend is just shorter than its predecessors, however, wider and higher than it. Further-more: in the homeland, the car is offered with a climate control that independently adjusting its work depending on the position of the machine relative to the sun, which is calculated by the GPS navigation. If some part of the body falls under the heating of the luminaries, in this place the temperature in the cabin immediately drops. And the car is equipped with a proprietary intellectual system of radar cruise control, capable of holding the machine within its strip. In general, wherever you throw it - everywhere something completely unusual, not in vain, is not in vain the symbol of the Honda company has recently been a smart robot, thereby emphasizing that the cars of this company are the technique of the future.
Such an impressive set of modern systems, of course, decorates the new Legend, but in our country they are found by clothing, but it is just not very chic. But Honda Legend refers to a business class, where the exterior and interior are a considerable part of the cost of the car and should meet the requirements of a fining owner, ready to pay for comfort and luxury. The appearance of the novelty is quite modest by the standards of the class - even Toyota Camry, who accidentally found himself in the neighborhood of Stop Linius at one of the capital's traffic lights, looked more representative. Massive food resembles many brands of machines, and the face, of course, is his own, but still some kind of familiar. With the interior, everything is in order - comparable to the quality of European cars of a similar class. To the best of the spacious salon with an abundance of buttons and keys. Under the wheel, large petals of manual selection of gears of a 5-speed machine. By the way, very quick - so that it seems that he does not need a manual regime. Here it is quite real - it is forbidden to jump up. It is a pity that the speed limiter is laid roughly, without warning, after which the machine begins to twitch - a side effect of an active noise reduction system. Yes, and this is on Legend. Special sensors in the cabin capture unnecessary sounds and force the standard Bose audio system to direct their absorbing signals that reduce the noise level by 10 dB.
Everything in the car is solid and thorough. Actually, like the engine, there is a three -hundredth V -shaped six with a volume of 3.5 liters. A great indicator for a motor of this volume. The power of the power unit of the Legend power unit is enough for dynamic acceleration, even despite the fact that it has to promote the design of all -wheel drive. And this is, in addition to additional cardan shafts, also a planetary gearbox that works only on the rear wheels, each of which also has adhesions with an electromagnetic drive. If they are unclenched, the rear wheels rotate freely - Legend rides like an ordinary front -wheel drive car. If one of the clutch is closed, three wheels push the car. For example, in the left turn, the right clutch is pressed and the wheel is connected to the increasing gear, actively steering to the left, thereby ensures neutral rotation - the most reliable scheme for the passage of the turns. Legend confidently slides with all four wheels even in the coolest of them, without straining either the demolition of the front, or with sharp drifts of the stern. An amazing feeling of complete control over the road appears.
The suspension can be considered very successful - a certain balance of comfort and handling. Although on small potholes it seemed somewhat harsh, capable of transmitting a small trembling from irregularities.
Honda Legend abilities are so extraordinary that it is difficult to believe that its owner would prefer to ride in the back seat. Rather, he will choose a sharp steering wheel, however, so sharp that it is impossible to get distracted from him - an attempt to get a mobile phone from his pocket led to sharp throws of the car from side to side.
Well, the buyer will have to come to terms with the fact that Legend is more expensive than many competitors. But, as they say, you have to pay for pleasure.
Text: Andrey Konstantinov

Source: Mkobil magazine [10.10.2006]