Test Drive Honda Legend since 2009 Sedan

Honda Legend against Nissan Fuga, Toyota Crown Athlete, BMW 5-Series

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of probable competitors
Classmates are different from each other by their technical and operational characteristics. But what model can adequately compete with Honda in high-speed data?
Immediately list those models that, from my point of view, can be considered most popular today in Japan with elite sedans. Of course, when mentioning this phrase, an elite sedan - immediately imagine cars like Toyota Crown Athlete, Nissan Fuga or BMW 5- Series. It is them that we will consider the most likely opponents of the Honda Legend of interest to us.
According to its operational indicators, a 300-strong engine, which is equipped with Legend is the most powerful among the models mentioned above. Although, if we speak frankly, when you press the pedal of gas, you are waiting for that now the car rushes forward. But it was not there! Acceleration is so smooth, what do you even start to doubt if you really have 300 horses under the hood? However, the high class of the car speaks for itself. In fact, Legend is rapidly gaining acceleration, but it does it so carefully that the driver sometimes does not feel it. Meanwhile, the speed may incredibly grow literally in seconds. So you can be absolutely calm: the engine has a sufficient power reserve. In this case, the driver will not experience any special excitement. And this is due to the fact that the transmission that transmits traction for all 4 wheels (4 WD) is complemented by the SH-AWD torque redistribution system. So it's not just the engine power - you need to skillfully convey the developing craving on the wheels. In other words, it can be called a power that is aimed at increasing the quality of the ride.
Nissan Fuga engine power - 280 hp, and the driver feels this power constantly
Nissan Fuga really demonstrates a powerful move. If you judge the tactical and technical data of this machine, which are given in the catalog, the maximum developed power of its motor is 280 horsepower. But the big power is not all. The fact is that handling is important here. And since Fuga has a drive to rear wheels, controllability is provided in its pure form. The car stands on wheels with a diameter of 19 inches, the profile ratio of which is 40. This is, on the one hand, it makes a softer, and on the other hand, the pendant acquires the properties that can be called sports. As a result of this combination of the driver's feeling when speeding is distinguished by stability, and the engine operation goes to the fore. FUGA is equipped with a system, due to which the rear wheels are twisted on the turns, which largely explains the high degree of stability of the machine on winding tracks. At the same time, it is impossible not to notice that the suspension is quite actively transmitting shocks to the body arising from the contact of the wheels with the road.
Balance price-quality in the first place is Toyota Crown
The CROWN family has now been an assertion that the current representative (Crown Athlete, if it is accurate) is a machine created, which is called, with a clean sheet. And we must admit that compared with the predecessors, the current Crown has acquired a lot of new advantages. At the same time, if you carry out a comparative analysis, then some negative points can be revealed. For example, the driver's location here turns out to be somewhat raised, and from this position the review differs from how the same road is seen if you sit behind the wheel of Nissan Fuga or BMW 5- Series. Such changes can not be assessed positively.
And, nevertheless, the operation of the engine with the V-shaped position of 6 cylinders along with the operation of the electric power steering is characterized by a large smoothness and perceived very positively. Of course, if you proceed from the fact that Crown Athlete refers to the category of so-called driver (Driver s Car), then this feature does not cause too much complaints. Moreover, it was originally assumed that this model would be produced solely inside Japan and, therefore, would differ significantly from export performance cars. There is no words if you take a combination of price and quality - without a doubt, among all the models listed above, this car is deserved in the first place.
The most important competitor Legend is BMW 525i
Unlike the vehicles of this class, BMW 525 I demonstratively goes against the generally accepted trend and is in no hurry to go to the equipment with the V-shaped cylinder location. Yes, indeed, the car is still equipped with a 6-cylinder engine, cylinders in which are located vertically in a row. Per feeling speed, by how the driver feels the increase in engine speed, 525 I is very similar to Honda Legend. But the most important advantage of BMW models, of course, is acceleration. When the engine turnover increases, all 6 inline cylinders begin to publish a very characteristic sound, which begins to spur a driver to commit high-speed exploits.
The active steering mechanism deserves the same high assessment, thanks to which you can dramatically change the direction of the car's movement with a small movement of the steering wheel. If you get used and get used, such a special operation of the steering will allow you to drive a car in a sports manner. At least, according to this indicator, the car, I think, will arrange all the connoisseurs of sports cars. 525 I is equipped with an automatic transmission, but switching occurs very naturally. At the very least, the speed set goes in accurately according to the driver's plan. Thus, the likelihood is not excluded that from all probable legend competitors this car is the most serious. Of course, someone may argue that call BMW is a strong competitor this is too much. In fact, its power of its motor is only 192 hp But after all, the weight of the car is also significantly lower, isn't it? And, it means that controlled wheels have a different geometry. In essence, the 525 I 2500 cubes of the volume cylinders 525 I 2500 are fully equivalent to 3 or even 3.5 liters of Japanese models. After all, it is impossible not to take into account that any BMW car is initially calculated taking into account the fact that he will have to drive on European autobans. And this upbringing is not going through, I assure you!
Honda Legend overcomes turns like rails
Being behind the wheel Legend and moving along the city streets, you can confident that at the right moment the car pulls the speed sharply, and then it will also reset it as rapidly. Such a variable pace of motion is possible due to a powerful torque (36.0 kg / m). In addition, the change in speed occurs without tangible blows in the transmission, despite the fact that the car is equipped with a full drive system. But I go out to the high-speed freeway and start moving with an average operational speed. In this mode, the movement is mainly due to the front wheels. However, at least 30% of the tractive efforts still goes to the rear axle, so the car retains its former stability.
At the same time, each sharp rotation of the steering wheel and the subsequent change in the direction of movement instantly passes under the close control of the SH-AWD system. The torque transmitted to the front axle is redistributed between the right and left wheels in an equal proportion, but as for the rear axle, then more effort is transmitted to the wheel moving along the external trajectory. If necessary, the gear ratio of the external wheel can reach 100%. Due to this, even on the sharp turns of the mountain range of Hakone, the car retained stability, although the speed of turning was very decent. That's why there was a feeling every time, as if Legend turns, moving along the rails.
It should be noted that this time the weather was raining, so I had to descend from the mountains on raw asphalt. And, therefore, quite large was the likelihood of driving. However, the car felt like a fish in water - only water dust flew out from under the wheels. To admit, I do not remember that at the wheel of some other car I experienced such confidence in the prosperous outcome of such slalom in the rain. How much I already go - and so it was for the first time! Yes, I forgot to say that the above SH - AWD system includes a special device that can accelerate the rotation of the rear wheels. Therefore, on the turn, they rotate about 5% faster than usual. This additional rotation largely causes an accurate trajectory of movement on a winding road.
Compare the price
When analyzing prices, the first place is not at all TOYOTA CROWN, but Nissan Fuga
So, the luxury Honda Legend sedan, equipped with the latest technology, in particular the SH-AWD system, is 5.250.000 yen in Japan (about $ 50,000). Let me remind you that the machine is equipped with a 3.5-liter engine in combination with a 5-speed automatic transmission. You will not say anything, compared to the closest competitors, its price seems too high. On the other hand, the SH-AWD system, due to which the machine has the same stability under any weather conditions, does not allow to request a little more? Although the true value of this innovation in words do not pass - no one will understand until he himself tries!
Now let's take a look at the problem on the other side. The new Crown Athlete modification 3.0 G is equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission and costs 4.900.000 yen (about $ 46.500). The car, remind, is equipped with the engine, the working volume of which is less than 500Ss than Legend. Take this difference, add a mark on the brand here, "and now the highest value of the car is quite explained.
But the most indicative in this regard is FUGA. Look, its motor has the same 3500ss volume, it has the same 6-speed automatic. And what about the price? For the FUGA sports package 350 g you need to lay out 4.410.000 yen (about $ 42.000). If you put a 19-inch wheels on the car, then it will look very sporty, I do not argue. So it is not at all surprising that FUGA is perceived more attractive at a price not only compared to Legend, but even with Crown Athlete.
Now take BMW 525 i. This machine is driven by a 2500ss engine in combination with a 6-speed automatic transmission. And at the same time its price is 6.300.000 yen (about $ 60.000)! Yes, its engine can increase turns without interruptions until the critical mark; Yes, it retains stability on steep turns. All this may well justify such a price. In addition, 525 i is not completely subordinated to the electronic control system, something remains at the discretion of the driver. The controllability of this BMW model is such that it provides the driver with the opportunity to fully take advantage of the advantages that the classic rear-wheel drive car possesses. But, for example, Legend has a pre-programmed lower power threshold (thanks for this SH-AWD system), so such a car charter is available for a larger range of potential drivers.

According to external signs, it seems to be competitors, but in fact all the cars are different
With the outer look of the car Honda Legend and Toyota Crown, I think there is no choice between them and there can be no alternative in the full sense of the word. Why do I dare to say it? Because each of these two cars is intended for a completely defined circle of drivers with their aspirations and habits.
I can not fully guarantee that in practice there can be no situations when a particular buyer will have to choose one car from this pair. After all, even on catalog data, it is noticeable how different they are. I would put a question somewhat differently: if someone comes to mind all other options and from the entire list you can choose these two sedans, and then you can break your head for a long time, which one can be considered atypical with complete confidence.
In the very case, if you choose an alternative for the Legend version, it is unlikely to be Crovn Athlete. For example, because Toyota has not planned the release of this car with a full drive. So it turns out that you do not have to choose a car, but the type of drive. Well, if the buyer decided that he needed a four-wheel drive, then the dilemma will arise: take Legend or Fuga 350 g, which is also equipped with a 4 WD system? So, the Honda brand car competes from the Nissan brand machine, and not at all Toyota! Or imagine that the sports type of the machine is selected. Here you can also argue and choose, but not only on the principle of Honda against Toyota. No, there is no other time, since the Machines of Honda can compete in the sportiness plan and, so it was, Nissan. True, there is one nuance here: the price of Nissan Fuga 350 g is 4.200.000 yen (about $ 40.000), that is, it is somewhat cheaper than Legend. It is impossible to say that this modification of Fuga is fully staffed as a sports model, but against the background of its monoprifer brother (that is, Nissan Fuga 350 GT) it turns out to be much cheaper!
And if you compare Legend with BMW 525 I, but this time on operational performance? Indeed, in this regard, they are very close to each other, but only Legend on 1.050.000 yen ($ 10,000) is cheaper than its German opponent. Add here another difference in the size of the operational expenses. What happens? It turns out that the price of Legend the most complete equipment is hardly equal to the cost of the BMW body alone! However, this difference in price for the owner may not be as a significant factor. Why do I think so? Because those drivers who buying a car think not so much about the car itself, how much about her prestigiousness, of course, will not stop before the need to overpay some amount for the possibility of boasting the new BMW.
So, the confrontation of Honda Legend and BMW 525 I if it can be considered serious, then only for reasons having a very distant attitude to the machines themselves. True, I must make a reservation: it's only about competition in the inner Japanese market! If we, for example, will go to North America and take to evaluate the competitiveness of Legend there (I will remind you that in America it is sold under the ACURA brand), then it will be a completely different conversation.
Truction trick driving Honda Legend
I highly recommend the car painted inside in all black!
Since I am a big fan of the car brand Honda, I did not make much difficulty to immediately understand that Legend's manageability is most well an estimate of difficult roads. Moreover, the harder, the better! Previously need to pay tribute to the SH-AWD system.
So, despite the fact that the car is driven in a full drive mode, nor on the operation of the steering mechanism, nor the inhibitory effect on the winding road does not affect this. As you know, the subjective sense of carbirth of a car with front-wheel drive is not at all what the driver feels behind the wheel of the rear-wheel drive car. I drove on the car about 500 km, and until the very last meter, the path never felt fatigue from being driving - such a car was comfortable. To confess, I did not even expect that someday I can experience such a driver's unity with the car in the elite sedan.
By the way, to some extent I helped to relax the beautiful audio colors of Bose.
It is impossible to say that this is determining the value in terms of driving performance of the machine, but as for the commodity type, it is undoubtedly important: the 6-speed automatic transmission in the LEGEND cabin looks much attractive than in competitors' salons. Special attention should be paid to the fact that it has become possible to control the transmission, without refilling the steering wheel, since the desired buttons are removed directly to the steering wheel. You press the button on the right - the increased speed will turn on, you will click on the left you will go to reduced gear. Everything is simple and clear! True, rotating the steering wheel on the turn, it is difficult to coordinate its actions and switch on time. But this, I suppose, will pass over time.
I suppose, however, that it would be more rational to endure the steering column and the combined rotation and wiper pads switches. It should also be noted that for Legend there are three options for the interior color design. But in terms of strengthening the high-quality perception of the front panel, the beige interior option is questionable. It is not very practical and gray, since the salon will always be perceived somewhat untidy. Or here's another: a plot around the gearbox lever (there is a cigarette lighter and stand for glasses) looks like in cheap machines. But if you choose the black color of the cabin, then all these flaws can be avoided.
Posted by: Kato Yukinaga (Kato Yukinaga)
November 2004

A source: Autogallerynet.