Test Drive Honda Crosstour since 2009 SUV

Honda Crosstour against fast family man Subaru Outback

Honda Crosstour Pezhonsky Hatchback, and Subaru Forester Family Wagon. What do you think who is cooler? When marketers came up with Honda Crosstour, they wanted to wed up between BMW X6 and Porsche Panamera. And it was the right move. If you enter the market, then in a new, modern niche. Paths for losers.

Honda has always been in the forefront, the courage does not occupy. Although the game in catch-up with BMW and Porsche rather shakes the recklessness. But the matter is in the other. All of these newly conductive all-wheel drive pseudocups do not solve a single task, which would not be under the usual universal or crossover. The only justification of the existence of chimeres from the SUV, the representative sedan and the sports model of fashion. Honda is trying to create it. True, in fact it turns out a solid criminal and bull. BMW did it really happened. Further fate of Honda Crosstour will be observed. In the meantime, compare it with a simple universal, especially since the price is almost the same, and the motors are similar.

Honda reactions on the steering wheel and brakes smooth and clear. On Michelin tires it stands in turns as on rails

Luggage compartment narrow and long

Fall the prostacle
The fight against the monsters of the style may endure the deplorable, but although the Crosstour utilitarian camp will certainly shut up. What can oppose him the dream of Father Family, Subaru Outback? It's funny to say: the opposite motor and a smart six-speed automatic machine, which give acceleration to hundreds of 7.5 seconds, excellent permeability due to a constant full drive, optimal weighing along the axes together with noble handling and a huge luggage compartment. That is, almost everything you need for a good car, except for a pretty appearance. But Honda Crosstour is far from the boy. He has a huge body length of five meters, an uncomfortable narrow trunk, a suspicious four-wheel drive, working according to the automatic connection scheme, and a large total mass that hovers overcaps to hundreds to 9 seconds. Sounds irresistible.

Plagiat and Arab Americanism
In fact, this strange fashionable Crosstour body is absolutely not adapted for parking. It is not enough that the rear window is strongly tilted, so across it still sticks out the ridiculous bar, which limits the review. Again, due to the bevelled shape and repeated inside the bodies of the rear suspension racks, put something more or less wide or high, only low and narrow. And although the transformation of the cabin allows you to sleep with laid out rear seats, you will have to spend one night, it does not pull it into a two-bed bed.

Dashboard: Try to deal with the central joystick. And navigation is good

The presence of electronic imitators of locks and large clearance noticeably increased the permeability of this all-wheel drive hatchback

But the appearance is irresistible. The design is made in the calculation of solid unuse with a ripple, sometimes sticking on school ponts. It clearly present aggression, complaint, plagiarism and arab-americanism in the radiator lattice. It is in front. Rear is mostly jammed by Chrysler Crossfire. Was it worth copying the abis of a poketing dog?

You can sleep together
SUBARU OUTBACK is no better at the Subaru Outback. He looks like Hyundai, that in the Moscow roads means: you will be asleep, wrap and you will not be able to drive away from the house further than fifty meters. Every day you have to make an accident, and in the protocol in the explanations of the opposite side it will be invariably: I have not seen it at all. Nevertheless, Subaru Outback can be loved. Already because of the fact that his salon allows you to sleep together. It is not just comfortable, but also inspires confidence. A person who goes to nature alone, that is, the owner of Honda Crosstour, causes a lot of suspicion about his addictions. Simply he maniac.

Only tires restricted the possibility of Subaru how to wipe the nose on the track to everyone and the whole: Outback instant accurate reactions and neutral rotation

Huge trunk dream housewife

With the mind, without stupid
This time, by road, we swayed quietly and gently. Road clearance of the Japanese is not good more than 200 mm. But the angle of entry due to long soles and bumpers is negligible. The fracture angle is also limited long base. Who won off-Round? It seems to the Subaru constant four-wheel drive and the optimal distribution of weight along the axes are unnecessary arguments. However, Honda did not lose. In winter, on the presentation, we marked her good off-rhoady abilities. The full drive clutch works without complaints. Electronic assistants work with the mind, without nonsense. Therefore, the tricks with the hanging of the wheels are given Crosstour much easier. SUBARU engineers mostly protected traditional values \u200b\u200bwithout bothering a clear debugging of electronic collars, and, as the test showed, in vain.

Front panel leaves no doubt this passenger car

Matten fingers
After off-road, we went on the DRIVE-LAND car. This is a winding, a compact track on which you can drive and measure the time of the circle from the heart. We gave five more circles to each of the rivals. And the time difference was put in the limits of the error. Incredible. Supported and smart Subaru was obliged to deal with a hefty, noisy and ridiculous cow Honda. I could not. On the contrary, it was even gambling to drive on Crosstour.

Now you can talk about the winner. The main drawback of Subaru in his self-confidence. He imagined himself a legend and, hiding behind the title, stopped thinking about trifles, which were actually too important. Honda, on the contrary, well prepared for a duel, proving that it has not only a thorough look. I would give the victory Crosstour. However, leaving Honda, every night could not wash away from the feeling of silent pokes, which are literally divided from Crosstour. It is impossible to just go on it without floating fingers. And, alas, only therefore defeats Subaru.

Michelin was very good on the asphalt. On the ground it remains to press gas to the floor and rely on the Honda electronic helpers ...

Subaru is noticeably easier. In the rises it is felt. But the lack of blockages reduces the advantage

Caution, technical details
Honda Accord Crosstour is so called this car in America, for which he is actually intended for the market. This explains all its features five-meter length, archaic five-speed automatic transmission and voracious gasoline engine. In this case, the combination of independent suspension from ACCORD, a powerful engine and an electronic-controlled full drive from CR-V ensured quite confident patency within a good clearance of 206 mm and soles. The Japanese did not save themselves and on tires, as a result of which Hatchback Honda almost did not give way to the Subaru track, being half-sheer.

A rare case when the machines in the dough are so different

It is worth moving from the place on the Subaru Outback, as its rally roots immediately felt. Being essentially a wagon for housewives living in the suburbs, he provokes to a sharp and aggressive ride. Excellent response to pedals and steering. And no off-Round only by slipping. Electronic blocking simulators did not find the machine helplessly hung over. But on the track she could work wonders if it were not for rubber: she was very early to put a car into slip, although he still remained under control.

The test was held on DRIVE-LAND, www.drive-land.net

Author: Dmitry Leontyev, photos of Alexander Insurance Baranova

A source: 4x4 magazine [October / 2011]

Video Test Drives Honda Crosstour since 2009