Test drive Honda CR-V 2004-2007 SUV

Asphalt all -terrain vehicle

Let the jipers and street-players say, lose their landmords to their favorites: one on the asphalt, the other on the impassability! But, as the Arab proverb says, the caravan goes on and, if we talk about Honda CR-V, the caravan is not small.
Marketologists fell to the point: most owners do not need a cool all -terrain vehicle with bridge locks and lowered transfers (for travels to the picnic is enough and enlarged clearance), but a good review, comfort in a long trip and a roomy salon are expensive. In Russia, CR-V appeared in the fall of 1997, and the attack on the secondary market began three years later, with the end of the factory guarantee for the first cars sold. Today, the ranks of used cars are already replenishing the CR-V of the second generation (see the history of the model). But the prices for them in Moscow remain high more than 22 thousand dollars, but four-seven-year-old copies cost 1418 thousand. We will talk about them.
Geographical features
The demand for CR-V was so high that their production was established around the world: in addition to Japan in Great Britain, in the USA and Canada, in Thailand and the Philippines. Officially, Japanese assembly cars were delivered mainly to Russia, but at the end of 2000 and in 2001 there were separate parties of the British.
The main stream of used cars from Germany. This is almost a Russian version. There are cars from the USA and Canada: as a rule, they are cheaper than Europeans. Firstly, due to lower prices for new cars (for the North American market, manufacturers fight with all their might), and secondly, because of a relatively poor configuration: many Americans do not have ABS, central castle, air conditioning and even complete drive. Therefore, before seduced by a low price, find ten differences. The right -handed cars are cheaper, but the spare parts for them will have to order many details of their own at their own peril and risk, and even dealers do not have a branded program. Immediately take care of the European winter set will not work: the Japanese have four studs instead of five.
Before buying a car you attracted, it is worth visiting the dealer technical center, and not only for the sake of qualified diagnosis. Sometimes problems arise when registering in the traffic police, the structure of the CR-V VIN code has changed: for example, the year of release according to 1997, inclusive was indicated before the letter C and denoted in numbers 1 or 2, since 1997 it was encrypted with letters and put them after S.
Belts and chains
The issue of choosing an engine before the buyer CR-V is not worth it. Before the 1999 restyling, all cars were equipped with the only 2-liter 128-horsepower V20V engine, then it gave way to the only 147-horsepower B20Z (engineers changed the intake and release settings, phase distribution and control program).
Even the weaker motor of Honda CR-V is more than enough. For its class, it is very dynamic and at the same time is distinguished by moderate appetite: with a manual gearbox, it spends 910 liters per hundred on the highway. But for the machine, it will have to pay extra at each gas station, it additionally eats up to 3 liters of fuel. However, the appetite can be modeled with a calm ride: adaptive automatic transmission adjusts the moments of switching to the driving style.
The series of the series in are traditionally reliable, afraid of only crazy pens, low -quality oils and a radiator clogged with fluff. Oil (every 10 thousand km) is more convenient to carry out on a lift or overpass: access to the filter only from below. Once every 40 thousand km, antifreeze is updated and timing gaps are checked (usually they do not need adjustment, but you should not neglect the examination). The timing belt withstands the set 100 thousand km without problems. When replacing, be sure to inspect the pump and stretch video, and with the second belt it is better to change them in any case up to the fourth hundred thousand, the majority does not live, and the work is expensive.
On the 92nd gasoline, the spark plugs last up to 20 thousand km, but the AI-95 rich in iron-containing additives sometimes finishes them to the next TO. The B20V engine can be fed both, but more forced units digest low -octane fuel (recommended by O.Ch. at least 95) only paired with a machine gun. There is no detonation sensor here, and the initial angle of the ignition is regulated by the rotation of the distributor body, so in case of extreme need it can be moved to get away from detonation. But do not forget to return it to its place and remember that you need to adjust the advance with closed contacts of the service connector. However, during normal operation, this is practically not required.
Honda does not recommend protecting the motor compartment, so as not to violate its ventilation, and the engine and gearbox crankcases are located quite high.
Amateur athlete
Although the 205 mm clearance allows not to be afraid of passenger obstacles, the CR-V Honda was not created for rally and trophi raids, so the rear bridge is connected here if necessary, with the difference in rotation of the front and rear wheels. The redistribution of the moment (up to 50% on the rear axle) is controlled by automation, and only a gearbox and a gas pedal remains the driver. To leave the snowdrift or overcome the slippery rise is enough. With uniform movement without slipping CR-V, the front-wheel drive car, obedient and economical. A magnificently configured independent suspension of all wheels allows you to pass at high speed. But do not bring the matter to the sliding, the connected rear bridge sharply changes the nature of the behavior of the car, and then the high center of gravity to keep the swimming CR-V in a slippery turn, an unprepared driver can hardly be possible, so not to drive the advice.
The mechanical gearbox without problems serves more than 200 thousand km, just do not forget to update the oil (MTF) every 40 thousand. The clutch with hydraulic drive withstands an average of more than 150 thousand km. Many are inconveniently inconvenient for the large pedal, it can be reduced by adjustment. A very well-tuned CR-V machine does not require investments to at least 150 thousand km, provided that the oil change (ATF) is regularly changed. In Russia, it is better to do this more often not after 60, but after 40 thousand km. Regular races for a while finish the clutches, but after replacing them, the box works like a new one: bearings and gears practically do not wear out. By the way, Honda machines are made according to the mechanical boxes with parallel shafts, so it is much easier to repair than planetary ones.
But the cardan transfer is a significant cost item. Crosses begin to tap after 120150 thousand km of run, with the automatic transmission noticeably later (less shock loads in the transmission). With the repair, you can wait for some time, copying money for a new shaft is supposed to be changed only in the collection. The replacement of the crosses in garage conditions is suitable only for young ladies who are in a hurry to sell a problematic car that a prepared cardan does not go for a long time.
You can forget about the existence of CV joints: if you have not broken the case, serve them until the end of the century. The bearings of the hubs are less durable, but 100120 thousand are kept with honor; The further forecast depends on the number of pits and the loading of the trunk.
Тормоза безотказны при регулярном уходе: очистка и смазка направляющих и замена тормозной жидкости каждые три года. Колодки задних барабанных тормозов служат 80100 тыс. км, но изнашиваются неодинаково: передние быстрее, задние медленнее. Временно можно просто поменять их местами (конечно, если не прозевали момент критического износа). Но максимум через 40 тыс. км придется-таки разориться на новые, иначе истончившаяся накладка отскочит и заклинит колесо. Возникающее биение руля на торможении обычно вызвано образованием слоя окалины на поверхности диска (когда автомобиль долго простоял с влажными колодками). Продлить жизнь передним дискам удается проточкой, а такой дефект, как коробление дисков от перегрева, здесь не встречается.
Кузова CR-V не сильно боятся коррозии. Все нижние панели с двойной оцинковкой, а небольшие следы ржавчины возле задней двери продукт коррозии стальных шайб в креплении фирменного шильдика.
1995. Представлена Honda CR-V пятидверный универсал. Двигатель бензиновый, Р4, шестнадцатиклапанный В20В, 2,0 л, 94 кВт/128 л.с. Привод передний или полный (автоматическое подключение заднего моста). Коробка передач М5 или А4.
1996. Начало производства CR-V для японского рынка.
1997 год. Поставки в Европу и в Россию.
1999. Рестайлинг. Появились окрашенные бамперы, широкие молдинги на дверях, чехол на запасном колесе и противотуманные фары. Передние сиденья получили более развитую боковую поддержку, а кнопки подсветку. Двигатель В20В уступил место В20Z того же объема и компоновки, но увеличенной мощности 108 кВт/147 л.с.
2002 год. Второе поколение CR-V. Обновлены экстерьер и интерьер. Помимо фронтальных подушек безопасности, появились боковые подушки и шторки. Новая схема передней и задней подвески. Новые двигатели с системами i-VTEC и VTC и IMRC* бензиновые, Р4, шестнадцатиклапанные: К20 2,0 л, 110 кВт/150 л.с., К24 2,4 л, 118 кВт/160 л.с.
2005 year. Рестайлинг. Улучшилось электронное оснащение, активная и пассивная безопасность. Турбодизельный двигатель 2,2 л, 103 кВт/140 л.с. (в Россию официально не поставляется).
*Система i-VTEC позволяет варьировать продолжительность открытия и высоту подъема впускных и выпускных клапанов в зависимости от режима работы двигателя. Система VTC позволяет смещать фазы газораспределения поворотом распредвала. Система IMRC регулирует длину впускного тракта.

Anatoly Sukhov

Source: The magazine "Driving"

Видео тест-драйвы Honda Cr-v 2004 - 2007

Honda CR-V 2004 test drives-2007