Test drive Honda Accord 4 doors 2006 - 2008 sedan

Great Major Dominant Accord

In fact, in the theory and practice of music of the Big Major Dominantacord, there is no. You can take either a large major chord, or dominantseptakcord. But in the practice of the world automotive, it appeared. This is Accord. New Honda Accord.
In many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, the word chord (from Italian. Accordo) means consent, harmony, proportionate attitude of the parts of the whole. And the theory of music gives the following definition of the chord: a combination of three or more tones that sound at the same time and perceived as a whole, that is, as something more than the sum of individual tones. Agree that a car with a name that bears such a obligatory meaning simply cannot and should not deceive the highest expectations.
It must be assumed that precisely because he never deceived them and was always in demand, Accord and lived to the eighth generation. And this life is already more than 30 years long! The very first Accord appeared after Civic in 1976, first as a hatchback, and a year later he acquired a type of sedan. Even in the most early embodiment, equipped with a 1.6 -liter engine with a capacity of only 80 hp, it was a very serious front -wheel drive car. And already in 1980, the company sold a millions of Accord. Since then, its popularity and sales volumes have grown steadily, including in our country, especially in recent years. True, all popularity has its opposite side, and in the case of Honda Accord in Russia, this was manifested in the fact that it became one of the most often stealing cars, if not the most stolen
But not in vain they say that the negative PR is PR still. If the hijackers are so hunting to a specific model of the car, then it is superpowered in the market. And if so, then, therefore, very good. In fact, such logical calculations do not always correspond to reality, but with respect to Honda Accord, perhaps one does not disperse with the other. Yet again, therefore, the consent is obtained. Continuous chord, in a word. Well, why big, why major and why dominant, now we’ll figure it out. No wonder the Premier Test drive of its new sedan company Honda spent in the homeland of Mozart and Strauss.
Let's start with a large one. The car was significantly enlarged by 66 mm in length and 80 mm in width at the previous height and weight gain by about one and a half hundred kilograms, and mainly due to the strengthening of body safety structures. Thus, Accord still did not catch up with the size of the five BMW, Audi A6 and Volvo S80, but he significantly surpassed his classmates three -year -old, A4 and S60. Therefore, in an increase in the dimensions, it is worthwhile not an attempt to shut up on a business class, but, in fact, the intention to challenge direct competitors by installing a new bar in the premium class D, and even further distance from poor relatives of budget classmates.
Well, outwardly the new Accord, although it does not force itself to turn after, looks unambiguously more noticeable, more representative and premium than the previous one. And at the same time, it is accurately identified precisely as Accord, at least thanks to the usual radiator teeth. However, a different configuration of the front block-fard with their narrow squint made the car's face more expressive and, as is now found, more dynamic, sports. All the same tooth (or, if you like, a strongly stretched outbreak of the coat of arms) takes place in the back, already as a stamping under the license plate, and in general, feed continues stylistically continues the architecture of the front, and, perhaps, it can be called one of the most strengths of the external design of the car. And the new sedan in the profile is very good solid and energetic at the same time. Spectacularly emphasized back arch in combination with the rear rack in general is generally just a clot of energy! Let us now return to etymology. The word major has two main meanings dominant and cheerful, peppy. Both of these definitions directly correlate with our subject. And the point is not even that its creators planned and have been subject to him to increase the class ladder and demand in the market no less than his predecessor, but that the new Accord is capable of enjoying even more than the previous one. With all external and internal changes, the main groovy and interactive nature of this sedan remained unchanged.
However, there is quite significant but: what has been said to a greater extent concerns the version with a 2.4 -liter engine and in much smaller to a two -liter version. The difference between them is the same as between the CR-V versions with the engines of similar volumes (motor, March 2008): 5 kopecks strangled according to Euro's norms are clearly not capable of something noticeably more than most not claiming to be special sports-scourns. Pretty boring option. And the genuine Accord in all its dynamic beauty is, of course, a 2.4-liter. I will tell you more about him, especially since it is on him that the Hondians are completely reasonably relying on the Russian market.
It is worth noting, by the way, that the overseas twin Honda Accord Accura TSX is sold in the United States exclusively with a 2.4 -liter engine. After all, a car with a weak -lecharactary two -liter engine, the right Americans will simply raise a laugh. Moreover, this, as they say, is simply a matter of principle, because where are they, with their strict speed restrictions to drive something? But for the much less pious, but much more so focused on the environmental cleanliness of Europe, such a motor just right that incense for the priest. Although, as you know, the proportion of cars in the general pollution of the atmosphere is insignificant and fades in comparison with the harmful emissions of factories and thermal power plants.
The 2.4 IVTEC unit itself is not new, but due to an increase in the degree of compression and decrease in resistance in the exhaust system, I added in comparison with the last embodiment of 10 hp. Power and 10 Nm of torque, which did not affect the maximum speed, but improved overclocking dynamics by 0.1 seconds. As before, this inherent four loves high speeds, and, as before, Accord with this engine causes a feeling of lightness. Perhaps the larger for a well -balanced front -wheel drive sedan (even if with traditional sports ambitions for the Honda brand) is not necessary. And without that, only a few classmates with an atmospheric engine can boast of such a character.
The automatic 5-band gearbox works, I would say moderately thoughtfully, that is, it does not annoy the delay in reactions too much, but it becomes much more adequate in sports and manual mode. In fact, the transmission would work in the standard Drive mode, but in accordance, again, with the trends of time, he is configured to ensure maximum fuel savings, and the numbers confirm this (see table), and in the old days, the machines were in the previous times much more wasteful than mechanics! The automation of the new Accord has been trained and do encouraging when overtaking and in other cases when it is required.
Nevertheless, a 6-speed manual mechanical box provides a more direct connection of the driver with both himself and, accordingly, with the engine, and riding on the car equipped with it. The switching handle is unusually short, but extremely comfortable, with precision accurate moves. For adherents of savings and environmental cleanliness, again, in the lower part of the speedometer, as the engine speed grows, the subscriptions from 1 to 6, calling to switch to the next gear, but if you follow these calls, you will go long and tedious. In other things, in Russia, the demand for mechanical transmission, especially in the case of cars of this class, is steadily falling (and then in the secondary market the price of such a car will be lower), and the main emphasis in sales will be placed on version 2.4 all the same with the automatic transmission. And, by the way, only the Type S version will be delivered to Russia with the corresponding body kit and nameplate on the body. Eh, no matter how the Russian child is amused
The steering wheel, in the first impression, remained as easy as the model of the previous generation, at the same time, it also does not suffer from the void and is not subject to the parasitic influence of the torque. The car is steaming clearly and in a timely manner, allowing you to withstand the straightness of the movement without fuss and accurately pass the turns. Moreover, in addition to the usual dosing of the effort on the steering wheel, depending on the conditions of less during the parking process, more when moving on speed along the highway, automation is taken for more complex tasks.
The new Accord is equipped with an innovative system (Motion Adaptive Electric Power Steering), which combines the VSA exchange rate stability system and the steering electrose. If the car loses stability under adverse conditions, say, with too fast input in a turn or emergency braking, the MAEPS system automatically creates an auxiliary force on the steering wheel, prompting the driver a direction for turning the steering wheel. Very, very successful innovation, it should be noted! The driver does not move away from the control in the plain situation, but is properly warned at an intuitive level.
It is worth mentioning that an optionally new Accord is equipped with another additional system, which by means of a video camera monitors an emergency departure from the occupied strip (for example, if the driver is distracted or fell asleep) and warns about it both by a sound and visual signal, and already mentioned auxiliary effort on steering wheel. We tested this system and were satisfied with its work, but, alas, it will not be supplied to Russia. As well as the standard navigation system instead of it will be proposed (also as an option) a similar external device from a third -party manufacturer.
As for the suspension, she plays unison with the engine and steering, contributing to interactivity and control accuracy. According to subjective sensations, the suspension is perceived if you resort to the musical vocabulary again, like a stretched string, but only to the extent as not to scare away the coveted customers from among lovers of luxury softness, so it is still quite malleable, and, probably, they are explained by this. It is not critical, but annoying rolls during rearrangements at speeds and in the turns of a small radius, even the Hondians assure that the bodies of the body decreased significantly. Well, maybe essentially, but not enough, and as a result, the special luxury of the course was not increased, and the impression of the whole perfectly manifests itself and gives pleasure when driving along the winding road of the chassis is somewhat spoiled.
In general, the new Accord on the go makes the impression of a very balanced car, which even no other auxiliary electronics. Gas to the floor and forward; If the driver knows his job, then the motor, the chassis, the steering, and the brakes will not fail.
And as a pleasant addition to all this, a fantastically comfortable and perfectly controlled driver's seat is controlled by means of electric drives! As for the salon as a whole, he undoubtedly in every possible way emphasizes the openly declared Honda's desire to present the new Accord as a worthy alternative to the bmw, Audi, Mercedes, Volvo and others. Beautiful, convenient, stylish, qualitatively trimmed, saturated with all kinds of modern devices, he makes due impression. The only thing that is embarrassed: the front panel is too overloaded not only by various regulators and buttons, but also with its broken relief with numerous visors, ledges, levels of levels already in the eyes of rush! And the number of control buttons on the steering wheel reached sixteen directly formula 1, however, it is probably necessary to and you can get used to all this, but there are no other complaints about the cabin: it is quite consistent with both the appearance and the content of the new sedan, which is prepared A more beautiful life than his predecessor.
So we got to the last explanation of the term: the Japanese hope that the new Honda Accord will not only remain a dominant in the sales market in class D, but also squeeze more eminent rivals listed above in it. Accordingly, this car will cost, as already stated, a little more expensive than the previous one.
Communicating in Austria with the Hondians, I asked a reasonable question, are they not afraid to sit between two chairs? Indeed, now only the most lazy manufacturer of class D car does not claim to increase the class of their new models, their premium orientation, which entails the appropriate rise in cost. Will we come to the fact that there will simply be no usual (so popular in Russia) sedanov? And their potential owners will switch to a more affordable class C, while among more wealthy people may also not find those who want to buy. Whatever you say, it is very difficult to imagine, say, the owner of the BMW, who wants to transfer to the car not so prestigious (with all the conventionality of this prestige) brand, no matter how sophisticated he was made. And some competitors have already stepped on these rakes. Although, of course, Honda has always occupied a special position in the hierarchy of brands, being closer to the premium segment than to state employees. The answer was reasonable: time will tell and put everything in its place. Buyers will determine by their choice which models really went beyond their class, and which remains in it, so the usual class D will remain. Yes, but what's the use of if all the cars in it will still become more expensive? Not everyone is chasing the notorious premium
If we discard the issue of price and increase in class, then the new Accord not only retained its inherent spirit, but also increased what was always different: an excellent engineering study and an enviable balance between power, comfort and management fascination. That is, as follows from the definition of the word chord, the proportionate attitude of the parts of the whole.
Boris Muradov


Source: Motor magazine [May 2008]