Test drive Ford Sierra 5 doors 1990 - 1993 hatchback


For ten years now, it has been among the most popular used Germans. A car of the same class VW Passat is considered better, but there are arguments in favor of Ford Sierra.
It is nice to travel around the city on Sierre, but not without reason her name causes geographical associations. This is a long journey car. Soft reactions to the turn of the steering wheel, rear -wheel drive, calm disposition, quiet and rather spacious interior, good craving at low speeds. And at the same time, the speed of 180 km/h (for the most common 2-liter motor) is not the limit. Unless, of course, the road allows. The responsiveness of the motor on the bottom is not brilliant, but if it became bored or it is necessary to quickly overtake someone, it is enough to promote it to 3.54 thousand. And then go calmly again.
BODY. In the sense of Sierra's body, there is one undoubted plus compared to the universal favorite of the Passat. He has windiness only in the name, and in appearance it is too rectangular. Sierra is more alive in shape. However, all this is a matter of taste. It is more important that the body resists corrosion well. In the eighth year of her life, she is not yet noticeable. When choosing a sierra, the main thing is to inspect the rear wheels. Rusting begins from here, regardless of the presence/absence of shelters. The most unpleasant body phenomenon of convergence of the front wheels. It is expressed in folds on mudguards, an uneven gap between the front door and the wing and in the front wheels. However, such an unpleasant thing is most often on cars over 1986 and very well -bladeed. The lasting recommendation not to take two -door sierra, no matter how spectacular and sporty they looked. Sportice is not for Sierr. And large heavy doors soon begin to sag and close poorly.
ENGINE. Ford motors, there is nothing sin to hide, not as acceptable and economical as Volkswagen. But they rarely break. The 1992 Sierra with a mileage of 100 with something with something for two years of operation of problems with either the motor iron or electronics, despite the tests of Moscow, regional and even Ukrainian gasoline.
Sierre motors are one- and two-wry. The second says DOHC: a locksmith, finding a compromise between the Latinitsa and the Cyrillic alphabet, they call them Donkovsky. These same Donkovo \u200b\u200bengines (2.0 liters, 2.0 l of the tube and 2.8 liters) are more economical and powerful than usual: two camshafts made it possible to increase the diameter of the valves. But spare parts for them are more expensive. Most of all, you need to be afraid of their overheating: if the head of the block cracked, about a thousand dollars will take to replace, if you put used, and $ 1,500 if a new one.
One-time engines (1.6- and 2-liter) are also more tenacious. Unless, of course, change the camshaft belt in time. The doubleshore is better: instead of a belt, a chain that serves almost the entire life of the motor.
When examining the motor when choosing a sierra, you need to pay attention to the rear oil seal (it is where the engine connects to the box). If it flows from there, it is better not to contact, you are tortured with the repair. And the leak in the area of \u200b\u200bthe block head, on the contrary, is not particularly scary. Change the gasket, and that’s it.
INSIDE. In the sense of Sierra's interior, a pleasant car. The front panel is bent in a semicircle, facilitating access to all buttons and levers. The driver's seat is convenient and is adjusted in every way, the rear folds in parts, forming an even plane for baggage. In general, everything is as it should. Powerful stove. By the way, when buying, it would be necessary to check whether it warms up well: it happens that due to a long ride on a bad antifreeze or water, its radiator is clogged with a screech. Please note that the stove fan never turns off, even at zero position, a low blowing speed remains. At first it seems strange, but actually a convenient thing. It is very good that on cars produced after 1987, a duct to the rear seats was laid on the floor.
As for the hydraulic power steering, it is about half of the cars. Without him, frankly, it’s hard.
SUSPENSION. Sierra's front silent blocks wear relatively quickly. However, this is not such an expensive detail. The kit costs from $ 10 to $ 30 depending on the manufacturer, replacing $ 30. By buying machines when buying, be sure to check the steering rack. If she is in the flows, most likely you have to change: the new costs $ 400, used $ 100. But the drive to the rear wheels almost never causes problems. The rear gearbox and the half -shafts of it is almost eternal. Unless at times it is worthwhile to look under the car in order to notice and change the torn anthers on the hinges in time and change ($ 15 apiece).
As for spare parts, this problem is generally absent. This is explained by a large number of showdowns where there is anything. There they usually also sell that it is necessary to be new pads, filters, tips of steering rods and all kinds of elastic bands. Spare parts are relatively cheap, as well, however, like the Sierras themselves.
Results. The owner of Sierra does not drag from his car, like those who travel to the cult BMW, Gelendevagen or the Range Rover. But on the other hand, he does not invest a hundred for a hundred U.E. For repair, bells and whistles and protection from other lovers of similar equipment. Sierra is not a girlfriend of your dreams, not a mistress, or even a roommate. Rather, a good housekeeper. It does not require special attention, always at hand, always ready. The appetite is moderate. At the same time, pretty pretty. And in which case it can show what it is capable of. Only one thing is offended. In the 93rd car with a beautiful name, Sierra changed a car called Mondeo, absolutely contraindicated in the Russian language. Probably remembering the happy Russian fate of the Passat, Ford decided that uro-genital consonations contribute to popularity
Text Alexey Kamensky, photo Alexey Ilyin, drawing Vladimir Belov


Source: "Autopilot"