Test drive Ford mondeo sedan since 2010 sedan

Ford Mondeo 2.0 TD Tournier- Workhilia

Something recently, especially in the last two months, cars began to appear in the section of the test, as if it were more humble to put it, not quite corresponding to the season. In summer and autumn, we experienced all -wheel drive SUVs and SUVs, and as soon as the snow veil covered everything around, the dealers suddenly began to act very tempting offers to test powerful rear -wheel drive coupe, all kinds of convertibles. So now - only severe frosts hit, as a diesel station wagon mondeo, and even on summer tires, fell from the Ford dealer. We are lucky, to say ...

Nevertheless, the desire to try out the turbodiesel Ford Mondeo anyway, and we did not refuse - despite slippery roads. In the end, it’s even more interesting: by testing the car in the conditions comfortable for her, you will probably not find any shortcomings in her behavior, since such huge funds are now being spent on developing and finishing models that only mediocrity can be allowed. It is quite clear that a powerful, sports car will be magnificent on a high -speed highway, an SUV - on a crossed area, and a minivan will probably overcome a passenger car in terms of passenger capacity. And it’s a completely different matter when an ordinary car that is not adapted for the operation is harsh in winter, you need to force you to properly do your job.

However, about the non-adaptation of Ford Mondeo to our operating conditions, I threw a little: Ford is just different from competitors, which always before starting sales of the new model conducts its thorough adaptation for each particular market. Of course, separately for the scanty Belarusian market that absorbs a couple of thousands of new cars a year, no one would adapt anything, because the sales of each individual brand represented in our market are calculated, in the best case, several hundred copies. Moreover, for each presented model there are only a few dozen buyers. But we were lucky with our neighbors: the Russian market is much more capacious, and for it, manufacturers are ready to try. Here you have the adaptation of all officially proposed models for climatic conditions, and enhanced suspension, and specially tuned brains that will not demand a visit to the maintenance station after each gas station at our gas station. Naturally, it is precisely such, prepared for difficult operating conditions and properly modernized cars and are sold in our market, because recently all Ford brands are sold through a single dealer network, which is carefully controlled by the Moscow representative office of the company. And it is precisely the active work on the ground that allows the Ford-U to have strong positions not only in the capitals of both countries, but also in the regions.

Well, it's time to meet. We press the button on the massive ignition key, and the bright red Ford, blinking affably, synchronously clicks with locks of all doors. By the way, about the key, he remained, since the time of Ford Sierra, with a round sting. All cars have a key blade flat, but Ford has a round one with small ears. Which, by the way, is not an advantage, such a key, I know from my own experience, wear out very quickly and eventually begins to interpret in the castle. Well, okay - we have a new car, and therefore everything works like a clock. The door opens with a pleasant click, in German, a harsh seat with pronounced side support takes you as home, and the hand immediately reaches for the ignition lock. The turbodiesel, despite the frost, starts literally from one turn, and after a second the salon fills the characteristic trembling, and the tachometer arrow hardens near the mark 1. And while the engine warms up, I try to get comfortable at the site of the driver, the steering column is adjusted in two directions, and the range The adjustments are quite extensive, and the seat has an adjustment in height, and even with an electric drive. At one time, by the way, Mondeo made a real splash with the quality of elaboration of his interior. He was the most spacious in his class, the most convenient and ergonomic. Which, in fact, remains today, since in my opinion, in my opinion, even the latest models as Mazda 6 or Renault Laguna II lose to this car.

But both of the aforementioned competitors easily make Mondeo in terms of energy supply of their diesel engines - both (both Japanese and French) cars have much more powerful and painful turbodiesel engines than the one that is installed on Ford Mondeo. And although 115 horses on paper look quite decent and even profitably shade this model against the background of some competitors, in fact, everything turned out to be far from so good and joyful. To begin with, the 2.0-liter turbodiesel with the strange name Duratorg works very loudly, reminding his singing about the motors of the mid-eighties of release. The same characteristic roar, sometimes turning into roar, is the same vibrations on the controls. Although on one of them this very vibration is just not enough: the accelerator pedal in Mondeo is made completely electronic and does not have a rigid connection with the engine. By clicking on the gas, you simply control the rheostat that gives the command to the engine control unit, and he, in turn, is already a fuel pump.

In itself, such a scheme is already quite common on new cars, only in Mondeo the adjusters of the model did not pay attention to such a seemingly trifle, like an effort on the pedals. And she, this accelerator pedal, turned out to be completely weightless: by pressing it, you have no feedback, and you can only navigate by the position of the right leg and the sound of the motor. At the beginning of the move, the reverse force on the gas pedal is such that you don’t feel the moment of increasing the speed at all, you have to listen to the motor, and only somewhere after the middle of its course there is some step, such as a kik doward in a machine, after which the pedal force is on the pedal force A little increases. But there is absolutely no use from this step. At the time of the gas pedal reaches this position, the motor is already working at high speeds, so the information content of this body management authority is no longer needed.

Another unpleasant feature, although it has nothing to do with either the control organs or the control of the car: the hood in Mondeo can only be opened with the ignition key. Moreover, the castle is hidden under the sliding emblem of Ford, located on the false radiator grill - you take the icon to the side, insert the key, open the hood. And this algorithm for opening the hood, to be honest, does not delight us or, I think, potential buyers. There is no doubt that as soon as the car remains unattended on the street, the emblem will instantly switch from its rightful place to the collection of some young numismatist, and the hood castle will remain completely defenseless before the elements. Dust, dirt, snow, water - all this, depending on the time of the year, will fly directly into the hole of the castle, which, of course, will not improve its performance. But enough about sad, it's time and behind the wheel ...

To be honest, I don’t like all sorts of road shows on the roads with hot guys on daddy cars, especially if you are driving a new foreign car. But this time, if you want, you don’t want to, the show should have turned out, and its main characters were to be on the blood-red Mondeo, in a summer rubber shod. Indeed, after such a trip, you will vote with both hands for the adoption of the law on the mandatory use of winter tires in the autumn-winter period. Because it was impossible to go the way we rode on this day, in no case - even a triple reserve of distance to the in front of the coming car did not give a guarantee that in case of emergency braking we would not catch up with it. And on Borovoy, rolled to the state of the hockey field, we generally made demonstrations called ice ballet in home slippers. Touching? Now, wait a couple of minutes - turn on the program, try to play the gas with a pedal of gas so as not to tear the front wheels into a useless slip, quietly release the clutch and ... no matter how soft you start, the machine still shifting helplessly, and no winter driving techniques Help. The braking distance is even more surprising - the high -class ABS striking, but there can be nothing, because the summer tires have practically no clutch with snow. In general, quickly photographing the car and driving a couple of times along the site, we come to the conclusion that all this is a waste of time - no test will work. Damn it is a shame, because Mondeo is one of the best drivers in its class. Well, we will postpone the running trials until spring ...

Source: Autogazet / N 1 (393) dated 15.01.03

Test drives Ford Mondeo Sedan since 2010