Test drive Ford mondeo sedan 2000 - 2003 sedan

Soul mates

In our market, powerful versions of these two family sedans look like direct competitors.
Like a cat with a dog
Which of us did not want to have a brother in childhood? Well, or at worst the sister? As I remember now, I was very worried when my parents promised to think about it in the next five -year plan. However, maybe they were right. After all, relations between brothers do not always develop as perfectly as in the family of Chuk and Huck. You don’t have to go far for an example: remember how the relationship between Cain and Abel ended? True to exterminate the fourth part of the earthly population. Of course, it does not reach the assault in the automotive business, but in general, even close relatives often live like a cat with a dog.
Here, say, Ford belongs to 33% of the shares of the Japanese omior. And what do you think, a water truce has been enclosed between the two companies? On the one hand, yes. The blue oval helps the Japanese with engines and the production base. But at the same time, the leaders of the Mazda openly say that they intend to capture 3% of the European market in two years now, even Toyota does not sell so many in the European EU countries. What, you say, from that? So, after all, the main bet in the upcoming offensive is made on the new model of Mazda-6 of the direct opponent of Ford-Mondo. It turns out that a competitor in a blue oval was warmed by the very heart. And in the picture from the family album they looked so cute
So, in the red corner of the ring, the 2.3-liter Mazda-6, an ambitious beginner from Japan, dared to challenge the Ford-Mondo-25-V6, recognized as the favorite of Europe, the laureate of numerous competitions and just a good guy.
At the beginning of the journey
Before commanding sworn relatives: boxing!, Let's make a reservation. Despite the fact that both cars are in no way suitable for a faded definition of the average ford sedan for regalia, a Mazda on ambitions, the attitude towards both on one sixth of the land at best is even.
Ford and in Europe has never been a symbol of prestige. In Russia, with some Peter, except for all -terrain vehicles from the blue oval. Mazda and even more so still should win the name. Of course, we have heard about this brand more than, say, about Daikhaz, but much less than about Toyota or Nissan. But this is so, a warning for every fireman, if suddenly the image is all for you.
Quantum leap
Everything has its time. If the designers of the Mazda continue in this spirit further, very soon the attitude to the cars of this brand will change. Simply put, the appearance of Mazda-6 is a real revelation. At least for me. After so many years of production of gray mice of sedans with an absolutely anonymous design, the breakthrough of the six unexpectedly three times. And who would you think, became the author of the stylistic revolution? A completely unknown Japanese stylist Ivio Caizumi in Europe. Now, no one will turn to blame the Japanese designers of serial machines in the absence of fantasy. A predatory physiognomy, a rapid waist line, spaced at the corners of the wheel of the wheel, giving the appearance of the sedan energy, fantastic optics, such a set attracts attention even to a parked six. And Mazda, who prescribes an arc on a turn, will be stronger than Faust Goethe. In a word, despite the elements of borrowing and in Mazda, if desired, you can find the features of BMW and Lexus put the five as the appearance. Cool work deserves.

Mondeo next to her younger brother looks too usually. Best the enemy of the good. But two years ago, the work of the Kris Burd designer team caused sincere respect. Is Mondeo so become embarrassed? Or Mazda-6 is so brighter than a verified, without a doubt elegant, but without spraying the champagne silhouette of Ford? Little by little. On the other hand, does a family sedan need an overly catchy outfit? Everyone needs to be liked. In this regard, Mondeo is almost impeccable: recognizable, modern, solid. What is more?
Attention to little things
Mazda tendency to external effects manifests itself in the salon. Here in many ways, if not in everything, you feel a burning desire to like, indulging the aesthetic tastes of the greedy customers to chic. A stylish, made under the titanium, the central console, the excellent in texture of the front panel, the perfectly made out of the seats and the steering wheel all looks no worse than in noticeably more expensive models. Can competitors from Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toyota say the same about their sedans? Definitely not.
Truly criticism of the progress engine. The Mondeo salon (from above) will now not be accused of careless assembly, which the Fords of the previous years sinned. And the Salon Mazda-6 cannot refuse to sophistication and the style of these virtues by Japanese sedans have never been famous before

At the same time, the Mazda-6 salon is also functional. The steering wheel, for example, is regulated by departure and angle of inclination, on the rear couch is very comfortable, and you probably already heard about the system with the wise name Karakuri, which allows you to fold the backs of the rear seats from the trunk. Stylish, high quality, convenient five points again? This time, alas.
Sit down and drove perhaps the best assessment of the workplace of both Mondeo and Mazda-6

The Mazda brought such a trifle as the gear lever. There are no complaints about external execution, but there are use. The moves of a pretty joystick are surprisingly great and fuzzy for a family car nothing, for a sports sedan. It's a shame, after all, for example, the Rodster MX5 gearbox will lick your fingers. Therefore, half a bell.
If it were not for the multi -colored illumination of the orange in the Mazda, the green dietary panels of the two sedans could have been confused by Ford

By and large, there are also few complaints to Mondeo. It is impossible for everyone to like it, but in German the black color theme of the interior is at least practical. In general, Ford's inner world is not devoid of elegance. Pay attention to the characteristic pattern of the internal door panels. The hand of the master is felt. True, the sophistication of the quartz watches a la Mazerati can be argued. But to the convenience of the arrangement of governing bodies or the capacity of the Mondeo salon, it is difficult to make a complaint. Very good and the selection of finishing materials.

This button regulates the height of the driver's seat

The upper part of the door handle is actually the central lock button
Not the most successful, in our opinion, imitation of Mazerati watches

The claw of the cup holder reliably fixes, alas, not any container

So only two things cause questions at the workplace of the driver. Firstly, disproportionately small rear-view mirrors. In addition to the will, you look back over your shoulder, because the rear racks of the body are by no means transparent. Another puncture of the antediluvian radio. How this prehistoric mechanism could appear in a modern car is incomprehensible. Ford assures in the convenience of large buttons a weak, in my opinion, excuse. It is enough to say that this fossil does not even have an automatic reverse and this is in the 21st century! So my advice to your advice, buying Ford, indignantly reject proprietary music in the Zaskvoy store itself, you will be selected a much better option.

In the standard, the musical system has only a tuner. For a cassette or CD player will have to pay extra

You can control the music with the help of buttons on the steering wheel conveniently and safely
The ESP shutdown button is acted by the adrenaline generator

Spacious and convenient boxing in the center of the torpedo

The Karakuri system allows you to fold the seat directly from the trunk

Attention to such trifles as the moves of the gearbox lever and the design of the radio, in fact, not a nit -picking, but a real praise. If the eye stops on such nonsense, then there is nothing to criticize by and large.
Gas to capacity
It is worth only six cylinders to wake up under the hood of Mondeo, as you immediately forget about any other music. 2.5-liter V6, which sin to hide, is not one of the latest developments of the blue oval. But this is noticeable only by immodest appetite. The 95th gasoline bursts this engine like a good 3-liter engine for a hundred and a hundred and put it, that is, pour. But, lunch for two, V6 works accordingly.
Still, you can’t replace a large working volume with any turbocharges or variables. The appearance on the stage of 170 horses do not need to wait at your disposal. The accelerator pedal was slightly trampled, and Mondeo with the self -assertiveness of the one -year -old bull, rushes forward. Up to three and a half thousand, a 2.5-liter engine is just lucky, and behind a mark of four thousand it opens a second wind. How many self-confident pilots who consider themselves kings of Moscow streets paid for unwillingness to give way in a good way! How great was, probably, their resentment at some Ford, easily and at ease, conducted a stream! As for gluttony, then not everything is hopeless. If you are not rushing anywhere, it is possible to put fuel consumption in permissible frames, because it is quite possible to ride in the same fifth gear in the city. The motor does not choke, but lucky even at a idle speed!
The character of the 2.3-liter four of the Mazda liked less. Despite the purely symbolic loss in the power of only four horses, the Japanese sedan is unequivocally slower than Ford. From a parallel start, Mazda initially almost does not lag behind Mondeo, but the further, the more significant the advantage of the blue oval becomes. Only six tenths when overclocking to hundreds turn into almost two whole when cars reach 160 km/h.
Mazda loses at maximum speed, but it definitely wins in economy. After all, the fifth gear of the six is \u200b\u200beconomical, and the Japanese sedan develops the maximum speed on the fourth. At the peak of the maximum torque, the Mazda engine, due to the primarily changed phases of gas distribution, comes out a little early Fordovsky, which explains the best indicators of the Japanese when measured elasticity. In general, with intense overtaking along the oncoming six, he often asks to switch down.
But the loss in the accelerated dynamics of Mazda more than pays off the best brakes. There can not be two opinions here: it is more convenient to control the slowdown on a Japanese car, the ABS also works logical, and most importantly, even after a series of sharp braking, the disk claws of the Mazda do not lose tenacious. But for Ford, the braking distance increased after several sharp stops.
The moment of truth
Nevertheless, the sports character of the car even more than the dynamics determines controllability. It’s one thing to tear yourself away from the opponent on a straight line, and it’s completely different not to miss the advantage in corners. Somehow they will behave at the limiting modes of the car, the creators of which are less than leadership in controllability class, do not claim? Who is better than Mondeo with a simple, but effective macson, after all, according to this scheme, pendants of all rally machines, or a mazd, the creators of which preferred the double triangular levers, as in Formula 1. Alas, we could not identify the winner. And how can you determine which racing car is more obedient than a rally or ring? Both are great.
It is not for nothing that Mondeo from the day of its debut is considered the standard of handling of the front -wheel drive sedan. The engineers of the blue oval really have something to be proud of. A characteristic part of the ESP system on Mondeo is offered only by order. And this is not a whim of a marketing department or inappropriately clicked. We will be frank the stabilization system of course stability to this car simply does not need! In steep turns, where others slide out with might and main, Mondeo continues to bend the line indicated by the driver. It seems that a microscopic skid does not react to the provocative discharge of gas. The heart -rending creak of rubber, reminiscent of the sound of a giant knife on a giant plate, as if signaling the loss of clutch with the road, but Mondeo, as a persistent tin soldier, does not give up. We did not succeed in breaking the back of the skid even with the help of a handbrake! Fight for five with a plus. If anything is missing Mondeo’s handling, it is a slightly more sharp steering wheel. Such as Mazda.
Compared to the Ford, the six is \u200b\u200ba much more wayward car. And with the ESP system disconnected, it can equally scare the inexperienced driver and delight a lover of aggressive driving. The Japanese responds to the discharge of gas in a steep turn of the rear axle, which, however, is easily suppressed by the steering wheel and gas. The wayward and remote, under the supervision of the electronic watchman, the six immediately changes. You wonder where that Mazda was gone, that the tail had just turned his tail, unobtrusive, timely work ESP now allows you to lick the coolest turns. Well done!

Softly creeps softly!
You are even more amazed at Mondeo's handling against the background of excellent smoothness. In Moscow and the region there was no pit that would force Mondeo to work on a breakdown. Have a bad look for? And try yourself! Energy -intensive and at the same time so soft. Front passengers still feel how the car crosses the wrinkled veins of the old asphalt or as if a stopist in boots without metal tapping taps a muffled tag on tram tracks. Sitting from behind does not bother. Ford sound insulation also claims the highest assessment. The motor is heard only when it cannot be heard in principle 5,000 6000 rpm in the tachometer, and the whistle of the wind is possible only if one of the glasses are covered not loosely.
On this front, Mazda Fordu is clearly not an opponent. The increased noise of the motor, as well as a noticeable more rigid, and most importantly, alas, not such an energy -intensive suspension here is a business card of the six. However, we take it not to assert this puncture, but another nuance of an aggressive image. Where did you see a quiet and soft sports car?
Crime protection
Passive security for Ford and Mazda at a height. Mondeo can be equipped with six inflatable pillows (four of them are included in the basic trend set for a 2.5-liter model). In addition, all models are equipped with active front head restraints and a pedal knot that develops when hit. On the tests of Euro-NCAP, Ford earned four stars. Mazde-6 will still have to test, but less than four stars, Japanese engineers do not expect. In addition, in the basic configuration of the Mazda six pillows and pretensors of the front belts with a pyropatron and an effort limiter.

Road spoon for dinner
Well, for safety, as well as for sports, as well as for all pleasures in life, you need to pay. That is why almost $ 27,000 for a 2.3-liter smear does not seem unbearable. In the end, the 166-horsepower engine involves the GT set in which you will have to pay extra for a leather salon and a hatch in the roof. Total $ 29,000 with a penny.
But that’s it that not everyone needs full minced meat. And personally, Ford policy is more impressed with me. After all, a 2.5-liter Mondeo can be bought for $ 23,700. Do you feel the difference? Moreover, the trim of the trend is by no means a dummy: air conditioning, a full electric package, fog, four airbags. Of course, if you select Mondeo in the image and likeness of the $ 1200, $ 870, $ 780, and all sedans, the cost of two sedans is trimmed with a $ 1200 test. But most importantly, the buyer Ford has a choice that does not leave Mazda to his potential customers. We will not forget, however, that the Japanese company gives a 3-year guarantee for its cars, while Ford is limited to two years.
We decided:
Having really figured out what is the point and the matter, you understand that it is the last thing to blame Ford of short -sightedness. The struggle is not for life, but to death was more fictitious than real. After all, these cars are not just relatives, they are related souls. Mondeo model is massive, designed for a wide circle of buyers, while comprehensively gifted. Mazda-6, on the contrary, is climbing out of the skin to please amateur athletes, those who like to trample and stand out from the crowd, while not forking away even on a used porshe. It is logical together that these two are collecting more buyers than one by one. Confirmation of the advantages of European and Japanese sedanov was the average score close to the ideal *****. Other things being equal, personal sympathies enter. If the appearance and thrill plays a big role for you, without doubt, take the Mazda. More important is comfort and affordable price? Go to Ford Salon. In any case, you can be sure for your money, you will receive a magnificent car.
Mikhail Medvedev, photo of Maxim Goncharov

Source: Magazine "Limousine" [11/02]

Video crash tests Ford mondeo sedan 2000 - 2003

Test drives Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Crash Test Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Krassh Test: Detailed Information
Driver and passengers
Mondeo sedan 2000 - 2003
Control system and suspension
Brake system
Air heating and air conditioning
Launch and charging system
Electric components and so on
Corrosion body stability