Test Drive Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003 Sedan

Avant-garde conservatism

In the new Ford Mondeo, they combined these opposite qualities
The same diagonal headlights, the same stressed wheeled niches, the same races-strokes on the rounded surfaces of the body. But still it is not he, not focus. This larger, stricter, not so extravagant, but it looks like. As an elder brother on the younger: Instead of jeans and sneakers, a rigorous suit and shoes, windy thoughts were replaced by global concerns and on the face instead of a serene smile, a duty smile was glued. New Mondeo, and it's about it, in the family of European Fords and in fact senior. Let not be in age, so on the position.

Bolts and nuts
The official presentation of the new car journalists begins with the so-called technical presentation, where experts show the loss of novelties, explain their device, answer questions. Let's start with this and we.
So, the new Ford Mondeo changed on the conveyor of the predecessor of the predecessor, which has been done since 1993, and will be produced in Belgium in Genk. This is the first Ford digital project created using the most powerful computer design software package.
Special attention was paid security. Front pillows - with two-stage disclosures, depending on the strength of the blow and the position of the driver and the passenger at the time of the collision. In the lid above the edge of the doorways - inflatable curtains. Safe pedals reduce the risk of an ankle injury, the active head restraints catch their head at the bottom of the rear; There is a standard fastening for a children's chair. The body, naturally, is designed for the right deformation: in the event of an accident, something should be silent, break away, fall apart, burst and crumble, extinguishing the energy of the strike, but the living space around a person in the cabin should be preserved and the poor should not be experienced overloads.
There is a complete set of active security tools: anti-lock brake system with an electronic force regulator (standard configuration) plus emergency braking and stabilization systems (optional equipment).
Almost completely updated a number of power units. From the old people - only a gasoline 24-valve V6 with a capacity of 170 liters. with. Grandfather, though, not yet old and satisfies the euro IV, which will be introduced only in 2005. The exhaust of new gasoline fours (1.8 l, 110 or 125 liters. And 2.0 l, 145 liters.) Also not less clean.
In addition, Ford offers a new two-liter four-cylinder turbodiesel with four valves per cylinder in two versions - with a capacity of 90 or 115 liters. with.
Appearance to describe overly - it is better to look at the photo. But the salon ... the driver's seat and passengers are installed above, which makes a more comfortable landing-disembarkation. The base has become longer, the interior is spacious. More space went to the inhabitants of the rear seat. A five hundred tire trunk is also not bad.
What else? Sixteen-day Wheels as standard (17 or 18 inches for an additional fee), suspension with enlarged moves, disc brakes in front and rear, excellent aerodynamic qualities, reduction of noise and vibrations ... In general, listen to the creators of the machine - do not override. It is time for us to go to the second part of the presentation: take the keys, card and get drove.

The device turned out solid. In this class, cars are fashionable to seem more and more expensive than you really are. Does the novelty have your face? This is no longer a past Mondeo, which suffered, in my opinion, outstanding ability to be abilityless, especially before restyling. Now the corporate identity appeared, which Ford tries to adhere to, but still to the originality of the CA or focus of the novelty far. On the other hand, the similarity with some competitors is noticeable. Not direct, of course, but ... In the automotive world, your foundations are: kids and young people are frolic, but in the middle class there are some rules of decency, who neglected which it is difficult to break into the highest light. Ford's stylists had to combine the avant-garde style with conservatism inherent in the middle class car. Perhaps the new chief designer of the European Ford Chris Berd and his team succeeded. Mondeo, on the one hand, a typical sample of its class and its time, on the other - undoubted carrier of corporate identity. By the way, the appearance of the car can be attributed to her interior. In the cabin, everything is as it should be: massively, nourishing, rich - and not devoid of the family stroke in the form of oval Fords ...
Before finally, go on the road, I will note one of the pleasant features of Mondeo - thoughtful ergonomics of the driver's workplace. Get behind the wheel, quickly customize the car in the figure - and you feel at home. Speaking with all the amenities, you can now go. To begin with - with diesel.
So: one kettle of stalls, the second too - they did not learn, writing ... Alas, I turned out to be a third kettle! Sorry, colleagues, I take my words back. The desire to go from the small revolutions from the diesel about a bit, and the clutch requires a neat job pedal - you need to get used to it. And Diesel is wow - pretty smart and no noisy. Although in some modes, his voice cuts through - but in moderation, however, in moderation. And pulls well while you are going on the plain. Yes, and in the mountains, it seems not bad. After all, the maximum of torque (280 NM) is achieved at 1900 rpm. And what if the motor still suffers? I will not fit the third transfer before this lift, and what happens? Yes, what was expected to be: the turnover was slowly fell, but the diesel was confidently pulled ... And he felt completely unexpectedly - craving as a knife was cut off. Such is the peculiarity of modern turbo diesel engines, environmentally friendly and economical. I am glad, however, that the motor is surrendered quite late when the turnover fell already noticeably below one and a half thousand.
Interested in Diesel, not too delve into other features of the car. Noted only unexpectedly sharp increase in effort when turning the steering wheel to a large corner.
If the Diesel fell a portion of criticism, then his fellow with a two-liter gasoline engine will receive a fraction of praise. Almost all within the expected, and sometimes a little better. In the same mountains, he seemed more enjoyable than diesel. We must go fast - click on the pedal and get pickup, quite adequate power. By the way, Ford said that the increase in capacity was not put to developers of a new motor priority. It was more important to achieve high economy, large interservice runs and disposal of management. A very accurate term - the motor is convenient.
The brakes are fully effective, the ABS acts intelligently, diesel claims to steering control are removed. The most kind words deserve suspension - dense, easily swallowing irregularities (European, truth), quiet. The front and rear suspension are assembled, as it is now accepted, on subframes.
And if a little bit like a little: here to slow down here, and in the bunch of turns to enter the faster? Nothing special - on provocations (moderate, of course), Mondeo does not want to succumb, continue to perform the teams. Eh, it is a pity that this time is not in the test program of the closed route or the site to look for the limit of the permitted. But it is so clear - with a sharp, even an aggressive ride manner, gasoline monndis demonstrates enviable obedience.
All came. Now we wonder what he is, the new Ford Mondeo. Of course, modern, spacious, comfortable, economical, reliable, obedient in management. His creators clearly took into account their own experience and achieve competitors. Nevertheless, some new-fashioned ideas and devices are not used. After all, Ford traditionally produces mass cars, affordable and important parameter, in addition to technical perfection, considers their price. Designers needed to create a competitive model in a tough economic framework defined by marketers. Under such conditions, it is unlikely to expect a revolution, fraught with unpredictable consequences. Competition is too tough to risk and try to break the foundations. The car must comply with some generally accepted parameters today, it is not worse on them, and preferably - at least a little better competitors. Finally, it is not more expensive, but at least a little cheaper than they are. Let the slow, but reliable evolution.
How far is the Mondeo advanced on an evolutionary path? From its same ancestor - on a huge step forward. How it will look on the background of opponents, will show time and sales statistics. The chances of his good.
In our country, sales of the new Mondeo are planning to begin in the coming months. It is clear, the attractive demand is not foreseen: we are not so rich in order to buy new cars of this class in mass order. Although much depends on the price, which is not yet named for Russia.

Instead of the usual belts, the gas distribution mechanism is again centered. Moreover, in a gasoline motor and a diesel engine, the chains are different: in one case, the usual two-row, in the other - the gear.

Rear suspension of the new Mondeo: This will be on sedans and hatchbacks. At the presentation showed another suspension - as it was said, for the station wagon. Her differences: Spatial subframe, other kinematics, sprocked springs and shock absorber. As a result, the wagon trunk will not be aligned, however, the floor level will noticeably rise. Obviously, this suspension is designed not only for cargo-passenger monndis: the design explicitly provides for the placement of the rear wheel drive units, and therefore it is worth expecting a mondeo 4x4. Soon we will find out whether there is a guess.
Text / Igor Soldunov
Photo / author, Ford

A source: Journal "Behind the wheel"

Video crash tests Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Test Drives Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Crash Test Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Crash Test: Details
Driver and passengers

Ford Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003

Ford Mondeo Sedan: Details
Mondeo Sedan 2000 - 2003
Management and suspension system
Brake system
Heated air and air conditioning
Start and Charging System
Electrical components and other
Body stability to corrosion